Senior School Prospectus

Learn more about life in Senior School and how we give every girl a bespoke education that ensures she achieves more than she thought possible. Learn more about life in Senior School and how we give every girl a bespoke education that ensures she achieves more than she thought possible.


COLLABORATE CONFIDENTLYMotivatedand confidentEducation is so much more than those thingswhich happen in the classroom. It is aboutdeveloping your daughter as an individual,discovering what really excites her andexploring where her talents lie. Our diverserange of clubs and societies gives the girlsthe opportunities to work together, lead anddevelop their life-skills.From Head Girl and Prefect duties, lunchtimeacademic and creative clubs, to our peer mentoringprogramme and sports leadership opportunities,there is a vast range of positions of responsibilityenabling girls to develop their own style of leadershipand learn the most effective ways to achieve positiveresults. Pupil-led committees let girls take theirfirst steps towards developing teamworking skills,empowering and moulding them as future citizens.“The things she has done have been prettychallenging at times but they have madeher more confident and mature.YEAR 13 PARENT



and confident

Education is so much more than those things

which happen in the classroom. It is about

developing your daughter as an individual,

discovering what really excites her and

exploring where her talents lie. Our diverse

range of clubs and societies gives the girls

the opportunities to work together, lead and

develop their life-skills.

From Head Girl and Prefect duties, lunchtime

academic and creative clubs, to our peer mentoring

programme and sports leadership opportunities,

there is a vast range of positions of responsibility

enabling girls to develop their own style of leadership

and learn the most effective ways to achieve positive

results. Pupil-led committees let girls take their

first steps towards developing teamworking skills,

empowering and moulding them as future citizens.

The things she has done have been pretty

challenging at times but they have made

her more confident and mature.


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