goEast Katalog 2020


4 HELEEN GERRITSEN FESTIVALLEITERIN Am Anfang dieses Jahres habe ich mich sehr auf das runde Jubiläum von goEast gefreut. Doch als sich ab Ende Februar die Ereignisse um die Covid-19-Pandemie zunehmend überschlugen, fiel mir ein, dass auch das zehnjährige Jubiläum von goEast schon unter einem eher unglücklichen Stern stand: Damals hinderte der Ausbruch des Vulkans Eyjafjallajökull in Island viele Filmgäste daran nach Wiesbaden zu reisen. Dank der Improvisationskünste der Gästebetreuung wurden aber Lösungen gefunden und das 10. goEast Filmfestival fand trotz allem in Wiesbaden statt. 2020 haben wir weniger Glück: Während ich dieses Grußwort schreibe sind die Grenzen zu, in vielen Ländern weltweit herrschen Ausgangssperren und das gesamte goEast-Team arbeitet aus dem Home-Office. Öffentliche Veranstaltungen werden im Mai 2020 nicht stattfinden. goEast steht für hochkarätige Filmkunst, aber auch für Zufallsbegegnungen mit Menschen unterschiedlichsten Hintergrunds, unterschiedlichster Altersgruppen und unterschiedlichster politischer Ansichten. Im Kino und in der Bar im Festivalzentrum wird zusammen gelacht, gefeiert und gestritten. Dass dieser Aspekt ausgerechnet zur 20. Ausgabe Covid-19 zum Opfer fällt, ist schwer zu verkraften. Dazu kommen diverse Hiobsbotschaften von Kolleg/innen und Freund/innen aus Mittel- und Osteuropa: Das Kulturbudget in Ukraine und somit auch die Filmförderung wird auf Null reduziert, das Staatsoberhaupt von Turkmenistan behauptet, es gäbe in seinem Land gar keinen Coronavirus und Viktor Orban ändert das ungarische Grundgesetz, um auf unbestimmte Zeit per Dekret zu regieren. Unser goEast-Jubiläumsfilmprogramm heißt „Europa Europa“, da wir auch schon vor der Pandemie das Europäische Haus bekräftigen und feiern wollten. Es ist jetzt unserer Meinung nach aktueller denn je, auch wenn man sich oft mehr gemeinsamen Elan aller Beteiligten erhoffen würde. Die Filme des Programms, die sich kritisch mit diversen Aspekten des europäischen Daseins auseinandersetzen, stehen während der Festivalwoche allesamt als Video-on-Demand zur Verfügung und werden von einem Online-Diskussionspanel “What Would We Do Without Europe?” begleitet. Von Anfang an war uns klar, dass goEast aber kein Online-Festival wird. Filmkunst gehört auf die große Leinwand! Deshalb haben wir uns sehr gefreut, als vom Wiesbadener exground filmfest eine Handreichung kam und uns spontan eine Partnerschaft vorgeschlagen wurde: Die 16 Filme des Wettbewerbs und der Eröffnungsfilm werden im November in Anwesenheit der Filmgäste in der Caligari Filmbühne vorgeführt. Und um unserem Anspruch der Unterstützung der osteuropäischen Filmbranche gerecht zu werden, kam von Programmkoordinator Dominik Streib der Vorschlag, das Preisgeld der beiden Hauptwettbewerbe unter den Filmschaffenden einfach aufzuteilen. Gesagt, getan! Wir danken unseren Förderern, die diese Entscheidung mitgetragen haben. Was steht noch auf dem Programm? Wenn im restlichen Jahr keine Katastrophen mehr passieren, werden circa 80 von den ursprünglich 111 geplanten Filmen unserem Publikum gezeigt. Das Symposium und das Porträt von Radu Jude werden auf Ende Juli verschoben. Das Paneuropäische Picknick findet im August statt. Der Open Frame Award findet zum ersten Mal komplett virtuell statt und wird online übertragen. Das East-West Talent Lab für unsere Nachwuchsfilmemacher/innen wird komplett online stattfinden, inklusive Project Pitch. Mittel- und Osteuropa sind krisenerprobt: Die Umbruchszeit der neunziger Jahre, die auch im Mittelpunkt des diesjährigen Symposiums steht, beweist das eindrücklich. Nur ein Beispiel: Das Filmfestival in Sarajevo wurde während des Bürgerkriegs gegründet und während die Stadt beschossen wurde gingen die Menschen auf Rockkonzerte. Der postsozialistische Raum wird von Überlebenskünstler/innen bewohnt. Das heißt aber nicht, dass wir unsere Kolleg/innen dort jetzt alleine lassen dürfen. goEast bietet, zusätzlich zum regulären Programm aus erstklassiger Filmkunst, in diesem bizarren Jubiläumsjahr den Sorgen und aktuellen Entwicklungen in unserer Schwerpunktregion eine Plattform. Und hoffentlich treffen wir uns bald wieder persönlich in Wiesbaden.

From the private archive: festival director Heleen Gerritsen 20 years ago, on May 6th 2000 in Moscow. HELEEN GERRITSEN FESTIVAL DIRECTOR As the year began, I was really looking forward to goEast’s milestone anniversary. Alas, when events surrounding Covid- 19 began to snowball rapidly from late February, it occurred to me that the tenth anniversary of goEast had also been rather ill-fated: back then the eruption of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano prevented many of our film guests from travelling to Wiesbaden. However, thanks to the improvisational gifts of our guest management staff at the time, solutions were found and the 10th edition of goEast Film Festival took place in Wiesbaden in spite of everything. In 2020, we are less fortunate: while I sit here writing these words of welcome, the borders are closed, there are curfews in effect in many countries around the world and the entire goEast team is working from home. Public events will not take place in May 2020. goEast stands for high-calibre cinematic art, but also for chance encounters with individuals from a vast variety of backgrounds, age groups and political views. In the cinema and at the Festival Center bar, we laugh, celebrate and argue with one another. The fact that this aspect of the week-long event has now fallen victim to Covid-19 in the festival’s 20th anniversary year, is hard to bear. On top of that, there is dramatic news reaching us from colleagues and friends in Central and Eastern Europe: the cultural budget in Ukraine (including film funding) has been reduced to zero, Turkmenistan’s head of state is claiming that coronavirus doesn’t exist at all in his country and Viktor Orban has had the Hungarian constitution amended to allow him to rule indefinitely by decree. Our goEast anniversary programme is entitled “Europa Europa”, since we had also already intended to strengthen and celebrate our shared “house of Europe” before the pandemic erupted. In our opinion, this notion is now timelier than ever, even if one would often love to see greater élan on the part of all involved. The films of the programme that deal critically with diverse aspects of European existence will all be available during the festival week as video-on-demand and will also be accompanied by an online panel discussion with the title “What Would We Do Without Europe?”. However, from the start it was clear to us that goEast would not become a purely online festival. Cinematic art belongs on the big screen! Thus, we were absolutely delighted when our friends at Wiesbaden’s exground filmfest extended a helping hand and spontaneously offered to partner with us this year: the 16 films of the Competition and our planned opening film will be screened in November with film guests in attendance at Caligari Filmbühne. Furthermore, in order to do justice to our aim of supporting the Eastern European film industry, our programme coordinator Dominik Streib came up with the proposal that the prize money in the two main competitions simply be divided up equally among the filmmakers. No sooner said than done! We would like to thank our funders, who generously gave their blessings to this decision as well. What else is on the programme? Provided there aren’t any more catastrophes in store for the rest of the year, around 80 of the originally planned 111 films will be shown to our audience. The Symposium and the Portrait of Radu Jude have been rescheduled for late July. The Pan-European Picnic will take place in August. The Open Frame Award will take place 100% virtually for the first time and will be broadcast online. The East-West Talent Lab for our emerging filmmakers will take place entirely online, including the Project Pitching Session. Central and Eastern Europe have weathered their share of crises: the transitional period of the 1990s, which also stands at the centre of this year’s Symposium, is an impressive testament to this ability. Just one example: the film festival in Sarajevo was founded during the civil war and people went to rock concerts while the besieged city was being bombarded. The post-socialist space is inhabited by survival artists. Still, that doesn’t mean that we can just leave our colleagues there to fend for themselves. In addition to our regular program of first-class cinematic art, in this bizarre anniversary year goEast will provide a platform for the concerns and current developments in our region of focus. And hopefully we will meet again soon in person, in Wiesbaden. 5 INTRODUCTION

From the private archive: festival director<br />

Heleen Gerritsen 20 years ago, on May 6th<br />

2000 in Moscow.<br />

HELEEN<br />



As the year began, I was really<br />

looking forward to <strong>goEast</strong>’s<br />

milestone anniversary. Alas,<br />

when events surrounding Covid-<br />

19 began to snowball rapidly<br />

from late February, it occurred<br />

to me that the tenth anniversary<br />

of <strong>goEast</strong> had also been rather<br />

ill-fated: back then the eruption<br />

of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull<br />

volcano prevented many of our<br />

film guests from travelling to<br />

Wiesbaden. However, thanks to<br />

the improvisational gifts of our<br />

guest management staff at the<br />

time, solutions were found and<br />

the 10th edition of <strong>goEast</strong> Film<br />

Festival took place in Wiesbaden<br />

in spite of everything. In <strong>2020</strong>,<br />

we are less fortunate: while I<br />

sit here writing these words of<br />

welcome, the borders are closed,<br />

there are curfews in effect in<br />

many countries around the<br />

world and the entire <strong>goEast</strong> team<br />

is working from home. Public<br />

events will not take place in May<br />

<strong>2020</strong>.<br />

<strong>goEast</strong> stands for high-calibre<br />

cinematic art, but also for<br />

chance encounters with<br />

individuals from a vast variety<br />

of backgrounds, age groups and<br />

political views. In the cinema<br />

and at the Festival Center bar, we<br />

laugh, celebrate and argue with<br />

one another. The fact that this<br />

aspect of the week-long event has<br />

now fallen victim to Covid-19 in<br />

the festival’s 20th anniversary<br />

year, is hard to bear. On top of<br />

that, there is dramatic news<br />

reaching us from colleagues and<br />

friends in Central and Eastern<br />

Europe: the cultural budget in<br />

Ukraine (including film funding)<br />

has been reduced to zero,<br />

Turkmenistan’s head of state<br />

is claiming that coronavirus<br />

doesn’t exist at all in his country<br />

and Viktor Orban has had the<br />

Hungarian constitution amended<br />

to allow him to rule indefinitely<br />

by decree.<br />

Our <strong>goEast</strong> anniversary<br />

programme is entitled “Europa<br />

Europa”, since we had also<br />

already intended to strengthen<br />

and celebrate our shared “house<br />

of Europe” before the pandemic<br />

erupted. In our opinion, this<br />

notion is now timelier than ever,<br />

even if one would often love to<br />

see greater élan on the part of<br />

all involved. The films of the<br />

programme that deal critically<br />

with diverse aspects of European<br />

existence will all be available<br />

during the festival week as<br />

video-on-demand and will also<br />

be accompanied by an online<br />

panel discussion with the title<br />

“What Would We Do Without<br />

Europe?”.<br />

However, from the start it was<br />

clear to us that <strong>goEast</strong> would<br />

not become a purely online<br />

festival. Cinematic art belongs<br />

on the big screen! Thus, we were<br />

absolutely delighted when our<br />

friends at Wiesbaden’s exground<br />

filmfest extended a helping hand<br />

and spontaneously offered to<br />

partner with us this year: the<br />

16 films of the Competition and<br />

our planned opening film will be<br />

screened in November with film<br />

guests in attendance at Caligari<br />

Filmbühne. Furthermore, in<br />

order to do justice to our aim of<br />

supporting the Eastern European<br />

film industry, our programme<br />

coordinator Dominik Streib<br />

came up with the proposal that<br />

the prize money in the two<br />

main competitions simply be<br />

divided up equally among the<br />

filmmakers. No sooner said than<br />

done! We would like to thank our<br />

funders, who generously gave<br />

their blessings to this decision<br />

as well.<br />

What else is on the programme?<br />

Provided there aren’t any<br />

more catastrophes in store for<br />

the rest of the year, around<br />

80 of the originally planned<br />

111 films will be shown to our<br />

audience. The Symposium and<br />

the Portrait of Radu Jude have<br />

been rescheduled for late July.<br />

The Pan-European Picnic will<br />

take place in August. The Open<br />

Frame Award will take place<br />

100% virtually for the first time<br />

and will be broadcast online.<br />

The East-West Talent Lab for our<br />

emerging filmmakers will take<br />

place entirely online, including<br />

the Project Pitching Session.<br />

Central and Eastern Europe have<br />

weathered their share of crises:<br />

the transitional period of the<br />

1990s, which also stands at the<br />

centre of this year’s Symposium,<br />

is an impressive testament to<br />

this ability. Just one example:<br />

the film festival in Sarajevo<br />

was founded during the civil<br />

war and people went to rock<br />

concerts while the besieged<br />

city was being bombarded. The<br />

post-socialist space is inhabited<br />

by survival artists. Still, that<br />

doesn’t mean that we can just<br />

leave our colleagues there to<br />

fend for themselves. In addition<br />

to our regular program of<br />

first-class cinematic art, in this<br />

bizarre anniversary year <strong>goEast</strong><br />

will provide a platform for the<br />

concerns and current developments<br />

in our region of focus. And<br />

hopefully we will meet again<br />

soon in person, in Wiesbaden.<br />


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