PREVIEW_SAIL LABS_Media Mining System_for Pandemic Outbreaks_Coronavirus Coronavirus full report - v5 - GDPR - 27-04-2020 _compressed (1)

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Media Mining Client for

Media Monitoring of

Pandemic Outbreak

Use case: Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)



Media Mining System for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

Key Report Conclusions .............................................................................................. 3

Some key benefits of SAIL LABS Media Mining System for pandemic outbreaks 7

1 Europe Coronavirus Overview ............................................................................. 8

1.1 Austria – 15,225 Confirmed; 542 Deaths ................................................. 10

1.2 France – 162,220 Confirmed; 22,890 Deaths .......................................... 12

1.3 Germany - 15,225 Confirmed; 542 Deaths ............................................. 13

1.4 Greece - 2,517 Confirmed; 134 Deaths ................................................. 17

1.5 Italy – 197,675 Confirmed; 26,644 Deaths .............................................. 19

1.6 Spain - 226,629 Confirmed; 23,190 Deaths ............................................. 20

1.7 UK - 154,037 Confirmed; 20,795 Deaths .................................................. 22

2 Africa ................................................................................................................... 25

2.1 Nigeria – 1,273 Confirmed; 40 Deaths..................................................... 25

2.2 South Africa – 4,546 Confirmed; 87 Deaths ............................................ 26

3 America ............................................................................................................... 27

3.1 Brazil – 63,100 Confirmed; 4,286 Deaths ................................................. 27

3.2 Chile - 13,331 confirmed 189 deaths ..................................................... 28

3.3 USA – 965,933 Confirmed; 54,877 Deaths ............................................... 30

4 Middle East .......................................................................................................... 32

4.1 Lebanon - 707 Confirmed; 24 Deaths ..................................................... 32

4.2 Iran – 90,481 Confirmed; 5,710 Deaths ................................................... 34

4.3 Turkey - 110,130 Confirmed; 2,805 Deaths ............................................. 38

4.4 UAE - 10,349 Confirmed; 76 Deaths......................................................... 40

5 Asia ...................................................................................................................... 42

5.1 China - 83,912 Confirmed; 4,637 Deaths ................................................ 42

5.2 India - 27,977 Confirmed; 884 Deaths ..................................................... 47

5.3 Pakistan - 13,328 Confirmed; 281 Deaths ............................................... 49

5.4 Singapore - 14,423 Confirmed; 12 Deaths .............................................. 52

SAIL LABS Technology GmbH ................................................................................... 54



Media Mining System for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

Key Report Conclusions

Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause

illness ranging from the common cold to more severe

diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-

CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).

A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has just

recently been identified in humans. The virus has killed at

least 177,521 people and has infected more than 2,567,327

worldwide (27.04.2020) (Source: John Hopkins' Coronavirus

Resource Center).

This report focuses on the demonstration of some of the

capabilities of SAIL LABS Media Mining System illustrating the

media coverage of the coronavirus pandemic outbreak.




The sentiment in traditional and social

media regarding the government, the

People's party and political decision makers

is constantly positive, which indicates an

overall positive media coverage and/or

public opinion regarding the crisis

management and the Austrian government.

Ischgl, a town in the Paznaun valley in Tyrol,

seems to be still one of the most mentioned

cities in Austria with regards to the


Stories in the media connected to Emmanuel

Macron and the corona crisis were mostly

identified with negative sentiment.

The peak of these stories classified with

negative sentiment occurred on the days

following the announcement of the

country´s lockdown.


Germany is considered one of the global

leaders in the coronavirus response and a

model nation for other countries.

Investors are confident that the solid

Germany economy will recover swiftly.

The open letter of the editor-in-chief of

Germany’s biggest newspaper to Xi Jinping

is likely to cause diplomatic interventions.

The cancellation of the famous Oktoberfest

is making international headlines.



• Both traditional and social media in different

languages are starting to inform about the risk

of COVID-19 spreading in migration camps in


• Two of the Greek migrant camps were already

put in lockdown because of some of its

inhabitants being tested as positive with

regards to the novel coronavirus

• The most influential Twitter profiles

informing about the situation include news

outlets, NGOs and personal Twitter profiles.




High number of doctors killed by the virus is

highlighted by the media.

The media coverage on the corona crisis

during last week relates in social media mostly

to casualties and in traditional media to the

economic crisis.

The government is accused of manipulating

public agencies and the total number of


The opposition parties, mostly the right wing,

are suspected of using fake news against the


There is a covert war between different

Spanish political parties using traditional and

social media.

Regional governments are not collaborating

as expected with the government due to the

different autonomic regulations.

Public people are engaging with society in

online events.

Four of the most impactful tweets informing

about the virus and the UK were posted by

BBC, CNN, The New York Times and Reuters.

The most influential Twitter profiles tweeting

about the UK and the novel coronavirus

include Piers Morgan, Daily Mail U.K. and


The new Labour leader working with the

government over the COVID-19 pandemic and

Boris Johnson’s admission to the hospital

produced increased reactions on social media.



Media Mining System for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

Some key benefits of SAIL LABS Media Mining System for pandemic outbreaks

• Allows continuous assessment of media coverage and

public opinion in real time

• Suitable for monitoring punctual and permanent

health promotion campaigns

• Sentiment Analysis of traditional and social media

regarding the perceived impact of a disease and

government action

• Event-based surveillance

• Rapid data collection for fast decisions

• Timely reporting mechanisms

• Social media intelligence

• Enables to extract data from text or audiovisual

sources in languages that the users do not speak

thanks to automatic speech recognition and machine

translation covering 32 languages

• Enables situational awareness and situational



• Users can perform live searches during the monitoring process

• The system collects results automatically and alerts the users as new matches occur

• A number of different types of monitored channels can be selected and arranged according to the users’ needs

• Displayed on industry standard video walls or projectors



MMS for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

1 Europe Coronavirus Overview

Europe’s governments have begun to look ahead at the

post-lockdown phase of their battle against COVID-19 as

curves on the continent flatten.

Source: The Guardian

On Monday, Austria became the first EU country to

publicly announce plans to lift its restrictions from

April 14.

Denmark also announced plans to start reopening

nurseries and primary schools from 15 April if the

number of Covid-19 deaths and new cases remain


Germany: “…was still too early to set a date for

lifting the country’s lockdown” said Angela Merkel.

Possibly 19 April.

Spain: “…we are preparing ourselves for deescalation,

for which it will be very important to

know who is contaminated,” said the foreign

minister, Arancha González Laya.

Italy, “Our task is to create the conditions to live

with the virus,” at least until a vaccine arrives, said

the health minister, Roberto Speranz.

France is facing its deepest recession since the end

of the Second World War, the finance minister,

Bruno Le Maire, said. The country is still under the


The Relations graph generated automatically shows the

name entities (countries, topics, diseases) connected

within all the data.

The Globe widget below displays locations mentioned by

media with regards to the Coronavirus since the 6 th of

January 2020. The red circles represent cities and yellow

represent countries.

The Globe Visualization displays locations mentioned by

media with regards to the Coronavirus. The red circles

represent cities and yellow countries.

The red dot represents Europe.



MMS for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

All the actors related to Europe and COVID-19 now

The Ontologies are built in the system in order to build more complex searches thanks to the analysts.

Here we can see how all the entities (places, countries, people, political parties, diseases, natural disasters, topics, governmental entities…) are

interconnected between them in the context of Europe and Coronavirus.



In the Ontologies view, we can

find some clusters created by

the analysts that are related to

our search.

Pie graph shows us the

percentage of European

countries in relation to the

Coronavirus. How much were

these countries mentioned

with the COVID-19 in the


Top five countries:

Italy 17%

Germany 16%

England 15%

Spain 13%

France 11%

Also, there are interesting

entities popping up, such as:

Vaccination, Face Mask,

Unemployment, Economic

crisis, Ventilator, Patient,


Now , we know to which topics

we can focus our searches.



MMS for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

1.2 France – 162,220 Confirmed; 22,890 Deaths

The first case of coronavirus on the European

continent was identified in France on the 24 th of

January. On April 14 th , the country occupied the fourth

place in number of confirmed cases.

In this example, the MMSys and the Sentiment

Analysis tool were used to provide insights about the

stories in the media related to corona crisis and the

French president Emmanuel Macron.

The system identified stories from traditional and social

media which mentioned the profile Emmanuel Macron and

the coronavirus crisis published from the 20 th of January

until the 13 th of April. The results were then classified

according to Negative, Positive, Mixed and Neutral

Sentiments (Figure 1). The majority of these stories were

identified with Negative Sentiment (39378 results). The

minority of stories presented Positive Sentiment (8786).

Figure 1. Result count. Volume of stories in the media on Emmanuel Macron and corona crisis, classified according to Sentiment Analysis.

Figure 2. Trend graph. The first results relate with

stories classified with negative sentiment. The

second, to stories with positive sentiment.

The highest number of stories

mentioning Emmanuel Macron in the

context of corona crisis classified with

negative sentiment occurred right

after the first measures of horizontal


The story on the left was the one identified

with the highest score on negative

sentiment during the time frame selected.

The title mentions: “Closed schools, reduced

working time, extension of the ‘winter

break’ … what should be remembered of

Macron´s speech”.



MMS for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

1.3 Germany - 15,225 Confirmed; 542 Deaths

Germany is making international headlines for several reasons this week. Germany had swiftly reacted to the Corona virus and shut down most

of daily life as we know it. German discipline combined with the ramping up of testing, as well as the assistance to other countries, made Germany

a shining example of how to deal with a global pandemic. Germany is one of the first European countries to slowly re-open the economy and

investors are confident that economic growth will return in the 3 rd quarter.

Places most often mentioned

in the context of Coronavirus

outbreak in German sources.

All this amount of data can be visualized to get a quick understanding

of the global media as:

What German media are talking about

Who is in the German media



MMS for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus


The hashtag cloud displays hashtags

frequently used together with the search

term on social media. The cancellation of

the Oktoberfest is featured quite

prominently with the Hashtags

“Oktoberfest”, “Volksfest” and “abgsagtis”,

which translates to “it is cancelled”

referencing the famous “ozapft is” which

refers to the opening ceremony. Further

hashtags discuss mandatory mask policy,

politicians and other topics. When clicking

on a specific hashtag, all tweets mentioning

it can be analysed.

3 Top Posts

As a result of the Corona

virus, Germany has been

forced to cancel the yearly

Oktoberfest. The

government of Bavaria

announced that it cannot

guarantee the safety of

attendees and that the

festival would not allow for

proper social distancing

and wearing masks. The

festival generated about

1.2 bn € in revenues for

the economy of Bavaria in


The New York Times is

praising Germany’s response

to the Corona crisis, calling it

a leader among Western

nations in the fight against

the virus and the re-opening

of the economy.

Perhaps an unusual reason for making

international headlines, Julian Reichelt, the

editor-in-chief of the biggest German

newspaper Bild addressed and heavily criticized

Xi Jinping of China in a viral Twitter video. This

video has been viewed over 2 million times and

was shared by the son of President Trump. He

himself has been heavily criticized for this

aggressive video, that many deemed over the

top and filled with cold-war rhetoric.



MMS for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

Direct Locations

Clicking on the map of the

hashtag overview allows to

analyze both the direct locations

of posts containing the hashtag,

as well as the mentioned

locations. For this example, the

results were filtered by direct

locations only. Hovering over the

tweets allows to analyze many

details about the posts and the

users who posted them, as

exemplified below.

The Tweet above mentions the cancellation of the Oktoberfest on 2020, even if masks would be worn. It also makes a reference to Minister

President Markus Söder who stated on the 20 th of April that Bavaria will soon be making masks compulsory in shops, buses and trains (Source:

Tagesschau). The link cited by the user refers to an interview with the sociologist Stephan Lessenich in the Süddeutsche Zeitung: “The longing

for mass intoxication and escalation would be particularly great after isolation.”



MMS for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

Volume Trend

Clicking on the widget Volume Trend allows for the analysis of the

volume of posts and its potential reach on a timeline. Posts about the

cancellation of the Oktoberfest had a potential reach of almost 90

million at its peak. This means that at this point in time 90 million

people could have potentially be exposed to a social media post

containing the hashtag Oktoberfest. The tweets below exemplify the

stories in the media which were taken into account by the system to

generate the trend graph’s results.

“The probability (almost confirmed)

of no Oktoberfest this year is driving

some people crazy, those who

already paid thousands of euros for

table reservations.”

“The media reported that the

Oktoberfest festival was cancelled

due to coronavirus.”

The graph takes results in 32

languages into account. Clicking over

the first peak on the 19 th of April

allows to discover the tweets related

to it. The story in Portuguese

exemplifies this process of detecting

whistle blowers, influential tweets

and key opinion leaders by analysing

a trend in a determined time frame.

“Think about who is responsible for

the x million loss for the city breweries

hotels etc [sic!] #coronadeutschland

#Oktoberfest #Wiesn.”

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has

prompted a wave of event

cancellations around the world.

All events with more than 5,000

people are prohibited by the German

government since the April 21 until

October 24 (Source: The New York




Media Mining System for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

1.4 Greece -

2,517 Confirmed; 134 Deaths

Greece has currently over 2,000 cases of infection of

COVID-19 and more than 100 people died (Source:

John Hopkins’ Coronavirus Resource Center). The

cases of infection were also confirmed in two migrant

camps near the Greek capital, Athens (Source: The


The intersection of Greece, Coronavirus pandemic and

migration is also present in both traditional media and

social media discourse, which is demonstrated

through the visualizations in this chapter.

The story search results widget on the right

shows that there are 1,357 media mentions of

Coronavirus, Greece and migration in the week

from the 1 st of April to the 7 th of April.


Those were obtained in 10 languages shown in

the filter image.

So far, two of the migrant camps were put on

lockdown by Greek authorities, as some of its

residents were tested positive for Coronavirus

(Source: DW).

More than 6 000 European doctors have signed

an online petition urging the authorities to

bring the refugees to safety (Source: The


Key Opinion Leaders

The table Key Opinion

Leaders summarizes

the most influential

profiles on social

media tweeting about

the COVID-19,

migration and Greece

in the week from the

1 st of April to the 7 th of




Media Mining System for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

Pictures of Greek camps on social media

The Search Media widget above displays six tweets about

Greece, COVID-19 and the migration which have reached

the most social media users and were posted between the

1 st of April to the 7 th of April.

Both traditional and social media in different

languages are starting to inform about the risk of

COVID-19 spreading in migration camps in Greece

Two of the Greek migrant camps were already put in

lockdown because of some of its inhabitants being

tested as positive with regards to the novel


The tweets that inform about the situation and could

have been potentially seen by the most social media

users usually include a picture from the area

The most influential Twitter profiles informing about

the situation include news outlets, NGOs and

personal Twitter profiles

The tweet informs about the risk of COVID-19 spreading in

migration camps. The sentiment of the tweet was detected as

negative, the post was retweeted 11 times and could have

potentially reached 131.900 social media users.



Media Mining System for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

1.5 Italy –

197,675 Confirmed; 26,644 Deaths

It is well known that stories in traditional and social

media very often have different focus. In this chapter,

the Media Mining System exemplifies this statement.

Considering the time frame from the 1 st to the 7 th of

April, 72% of stories in social media related to the

corona crisis in Italy focused on casualties (Figure 1).

Concurrently, stories in traditional media focused

more frequently (31%) on the economic aspect of the

corona crisis (Figure 2).

Figure 1. Pie Graph.

The widget for Search Results displays the three

stories with the highest potential reach in social

(Figure 3) and traditional media (Figure 4), which

were published from 1 st -7 th of April.

Figure 2. Pie Graph.

The first result from social media

mentions the 87 doctors that died

due to the coronavirus in Italy

The first result from traditional

media mentions the

reimbursement offered by the

Italian government, directed to 7

million workers to soothe the loss

of income due to the lockdown.

Figure 3. Search Results. Top three

results from Social Media.

The media coverage of the corona crisis

during the last week in Italy relates

more often to casualties in social media

and to economic crisis in traditional


Figure 4. Search Results. Top three

results from Social Media.



Media Mining System for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

1.6 Spain - 226,629 Confirmed; 23,190 Deaths

In the Trend Graph, we can see the

evolution regarding different locations in

Spain during the last month. The highest

value belongs to Madrid followed by

Barcelona, as the primary areas are being

affected. Also, we can find Valencia, Galicia,

Basque Country, Castilla y Leon, and

Andalusia. There are different correlations

in the graph, such as:




Trend outbreak locations



EU commission

WHO declaration

The number of cases and the increment

of the information generation.

The fluctuation of the information

declining over the weekends.

The two high peaks along the month.

On the 12 th and the 13 th , the Spanish

President, Pedro Sanchez, announced

the new restrictions. And on the 24 th ,

the European commission allowed the

public help of 20.000 million Euros for

companies during the crisis.

On the25 th , WHO declared coronavirus

and Europe as the new epicenter (Spain

was the second, after Italy, in number

of cases).


The following graph automatically generated the locations most often mentioned in

different sources, such as:

La Vanguardia, Heraldo de Aragon, Salamanca rtv, La Verdad, El Diario Montanes,

Hoy, Information Spain, Diario Navarra, El País, El Economista, Diario De Cordoba, El

Norte de Castilla, Europa Press, EFE, La Opinión de Málaga, El Periódico, Cadena

COPE, La Razón, Expansión Spain, La voz de Cádiz, El Español, Huffinton Post Spain,

El Correo, La Región, Qué, Cinco Días, Libertad Digital, El Mundo, Diario de Sevilla…

and many other sources.

People in the media

Relations Graph generated automatically

These two famous players

promoted a gather to help

during Corona crisis

Different Presidents from Autonomous

Communities in Spain.

Red lines mean negative

sentiment analysed


Spanish government

Pedro Sanchez, President

The international

environment connected to


Arancha Gonzalez is the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

These two famous singers collaborated

in an online concert to help during

Corona crisis with donations.

Positive sentiment analysis

automatically detected is represented

in green.

Salvador Illa, Ministry of Health

Carmen Calvo, Vice president

Pablo Iglesias, Vice president

Other ministries:

Carolina Darías, Yolanda Díaz,

Maria Jesus Montero,

Fernando Grande Marlaska.

Current government opposition parties:

Santiago Abascal from VOX and Pablo Casado

from PP.



Media Mining System for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

Social media extension visualizations

English Translation:

César Vidal denounces that because

of the wrong tests of the

#Coronavirus, the husband of the

son of an important politician could

have taken a commission.

Some test for Coronavirus were

bought in Ukraine and not in China,

as was declared. The tests were not

useful due to only 30% of accuracy.

Aitor Gomez, the husband of Jose

Bono´s son (PSOE politician) was

accused in different media of getting

commission for the scam.

Nothing was proved and the accused

people started legal actions to

discredit the fake information.

English Translation:

The special suits bought by Rajoy for Evola

saved to the dcotos in Mostoles from


Rajoy is the ex-president of Spain. He is a

member of “Partido Popular” (PP).


Public event area

used during the

Corona crisis as a

field hospital.

English Translation:

The community of

Madrid washes their

hands: "That depends

on the army"...

He bought suits for Ebola that now the

doctors are using in Mostoles, a town near


Accounts in the conversation

In Spain, unlike other countries, such as Portugal, there is

a very large gap between the parties to support the

government's measures during the crisis.

PSOE and Podemos, the current coalition government, are

accused of manipulating the media for their advantage.

Groups related to the Spanish extreme right and

connections with VOX are identified by other medias as

the creators of fake news to attack the government.

There is a covert war between different Spanish political

parties using traditional and social media to spread fake




Media Mining System for Epidemic Outbreak - Coronavirus

SAIL LABS Technology GmbH

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Email: info4speech@sail-labs.com


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©2020 SAIL LABS Technology GmbH

ALL rights reserved.

Date: 27.04.2020

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