FINE Wine & Champagne India - Winter 2018

India's first and still the only officially registered wine magazine.

India's first and still the only officially registered wine magazine.


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Landmark Anniversary

We struck silver! Two thousand eighteen marked twenty-five glorious years of the

incorporation of our very first commercial enterprise in India. We very proudly

raised a very special toast to this notable landmark – Group Ritu @ 25. What made

the toast even more special is that the toast was raised at a Pinot Meunier bearing plot in the Vallée

de la Marne region of Champagne that manifests the story of a unique Indian intervention in the

year of the “legendary” harvest.

FINE Editorial

It has been a trail blazing, trend setting and path breaking journey of pioneering initiatives

throughout which we have underwritten risks to chart the unknown. Our commitment to deliver

excellence in the most challenging and constantly changing landscapes (read India) has stood

testimony to our passion, dedication and diligent hard work. The unstinted and unwavering

support of all our stake-holders has been the basis for this coveted milestone.

Through these years, we have been introduced to a cross-section of people – some academically

inclined, some worldly-wise, some masters of jugaad, some great fun, some flamboyant bon-vivants,

some hedonist sybarites, some grounded and down to earth, some bubbling with ideas, some high

achievers, some avoidable like the plague – and new relationships have been forged. Our very

successful sector-agnostic activities have been concentrated in areas that were hitherto ignored.

Early on, we struck off “impossible” as an option from the basket of choices available to us. The

rewards have been somewhat gratifying – time and again, we have been recognised as being “ahead

of the times”. Our give-back has been the encouragement

to new players to break into the “haloed” circles that we

have nurtured.

Notwithstanding the huge temptation to indulge in

self-congratulation, a landmark anniversary is an

opportunity to reflect. We have to remain motivated to

drive ourselves and to challenge ourselves to continue

to create value. We remain mindful that we cannot

afford to take our foot off the pedal. We may have come

a long way, but there is still a long way to go…

Rajiv Singhal



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