Lynton, Lynmouth and Exmoor Advertiser, May 2020 Special edition

Monthly publication for Lynton, Lynmouth and Exmoor

Monthly publication for Lynton, Lynmouth and Exmoor


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<strong>Lynton</strong>, <strong>Lynmouth</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Exmoor</strong><br />


Issue 251 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

2 MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

Coronavirus was declared an international public health emergency after an outbreak in<br />

China killed thous<strong>and</strong>s of people. The virus has since spread across the globe with the first<br />

cases confirmed in the UK on 31 January. This <strong>May</strong> <strong>Advertiser</strong> is devoted to including some<br />

of the online content relevant to our community between 10 March <strong>and</strong> 20 April <strong>and</strong> we<br />

hope this gives an insight into some of the work which has been done to help keep us all<br />

safe. The efforts made on our behalf have been huge <strong>and</strong> without this input our lives would<br />

doubtless be less assured. For anyone who has helped in any way <strong>and</strong> not been<br />

mentioned, please accept our apologies.<br />

We are unable to provide printed copies for the <strong>May</strong> <strong>edition</strong> due to delivery problems but<br />

the <strong>Advertiser</strong> will be online as usual at www.lyntonadvertiser.com <strong>and</strong><br />

www.Facebook.com/<strong>Lynton</strong><strong>Advertiser</strong> Keep well, <strong>and</strong> stay safe!<br />

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Coronavirus scam warning, Devon, Somerset & Torbay Trading St<strong>and</strong>ards<br />

Do not enter, <strong>Lynton</strong> Health Centre<br />

Impacts to service as a result of Coronavirus, North Devon Council<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> Police Surgery cancelled, <strong>Lynton</strong> Police<br />

COVID-19 – Statement of service changes, <strong>Lynton</strong> & <strong>Lynmouth</strong> Town Council<br />

Support for residents through the Coronavirus outbreak, Devon County Council<br />

Follow Government advice, <strong>Exmoor</strong> National Park<br />

Temporary changes to on-street parking restrictions, Devon County Council<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> update – COVID 19, Councillor Andrea Davis<br />

UK Lock down officially started<br />

Recycling Centres closed, Devon County Council<br />

Stay at home, save lives, Devon County Council<br />

Station Hill, <strong>Lynton</strong> re-opens, Councillor Andrea Davis<br />

Thank you for staying home, <strong>Exmoor</strong> National Park<br />

Transport for key workers, North Devon Council<br />

North Devon Crematorium grounds closed, North Devon Council<br />

A message to <strong>Lynton</strong> & <strong>Lynmouth</strong>, <strong>May</strong>or Chris Sleep<br />

Easter waste <strong>and</strong> recycling collections, North Devon Council<br />

“Thank you for respecting our place of work,” <strong>Exmoor</strong> Farmers<br />

Coronavirus (COVID-19) What you need to do, UK Government<br />

Visitors reminded to stay away for Easter, <strong>Exmoor</strong> National Park<br />

Stay Away, Devon County Council<br />

Thank you, <strong>Lynton</strong> Fire Station<br />

Stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives, UK Government<br />

Working together, <strong>Lynton</strong> Police <strong>and</strong> <strong>Exmoor</strong> Rangers<br />

Please stay home, <strong>Lynton</strong> Police, <strong>Lynton</strong> & <strong>Lynmouth</strong> Coastguard, <strong>Exmoor</strong> Rangers, A & S Police<br />

Thank you for keeping the Lyn Valley safe, <strong>Lynmouth</strong> Coastguard<br />

Anyone can catch it, anyone can spread it, Devon County Council<br />

Doing their bit to support the NHS, <strong>Exmoor</strong> Distillery<br />

Stay home, save lives, Devon & Somerset Fire Service<br />

Support for NHS staff, Northern Devon Healthcare<br />

Over 1300 answer the call to help vulnerable, Devon County Council<br />

Emergency food <strong>and</strong> support for people in crisis, <strong>Lynton</strong> & <strong>Lynmouth</strong> Town Council<br />

Lyn Valley COVID-19 Response, Lyn Valley Community Volunteers<br />

What does your MP do working from home? Selaine Saxby, MP<br />

Seagulls, John Loveday<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> Police Newsletter, PCSO Grace Cleverdon<br />

Public information<br />

advertise@lyntonadvertiser.com 01598 752788

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MAY <strong>2020</strong> 3<br />

Thank you everyone!<br />

A huge thank you to everyone working on the front line<br />

at this difficult time, plus a very special thank you to<br />

all the volunteers who are helping our community.<br />

Your caring is sincerely appreciated!<br />

“The true measure of any society can be found in how it<br />

treats its most vulnerable members.” Mahatma G<strong>and</strong>hi<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

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4 B MAY MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

Coronavirus scam warning<br />

10.03.<strong>2020</strong><br />

Devon, Somerset <strong>and</strong> Torbay Trading St<strong>and</strong>ards is<br />

warning people to be wary of suspicious emails as<br />

fraudsters attempt to exploit the spread of coronavirus.<br />

Since last month the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau<br />

has identified 21 reports across Britain where coronavirus<br />

was mentioned with victims losing over £800,000 in total.<br />

Ten of these reports were made by victims attempting to<br />

purchase protective face masks from fraudulent sellers. In<br />

one instance a victim reported losing more than £15,000. None of the reports have been in the<br />

Devon, Somerset or Torbay area.<br />

Fraudsters are also sending out coronavirus-themed phishing emails to trick people into<br />

opening malicious attachments or revealing sensitive personal <strong>and</strong> financial details. This<br />

includes emails purporting to be from research organisations affiliated with the Centers for<br />

Disease Control <strong>and</strong> Prevention <strong>and</strong> the World Health Organisation. The emails claim to be able<br />

to provide the recipient with a list of coronavirus infected people in their area. In order to<br />

access this information, the victim is asked to click on a link, which leads to a malicious<br />

website, or is asked to make a payment in Bitcoin.<br />

https://www.devonnewscentre.info/coronavirus-scam-warning/<br />

Do not enter<br />

12.03.20<br />

https://www.lyntonhealthcentre.co.uk/<br />

To safeguard the public <strong>and</strong> our staff please DO NOT visit the<br />

Health Centre if you have any cold, flu or respiratory symptoms.<br />

Please contact us by telephone 01598 753226 or via Econsult<br />

(from our website). Thank you.<br />

If you have a new continuous cough or a high temperature (37.8<br />

or above) please self-isolate for 7 days <strong>and</strong> follow the advice on<br />

the 111 website.<br />

The Chief Executive of North Devon Council has issued a<br />

statement outlining possible future impacts to its services<br />

as a result of the Coronavirus p<strong>and</strong>emic<br />

13.03.20<br />

Chief Executive at North Devon Council, Ken Miles, said: "The<br />

latest guidance from the Government as it moves into the<br />

“delay” phase of the Coronavirus p<strong>and</strong>emic response is that if<br />

an individual has a new fever or a continuous cough, they<br />

should self-isolate. As a responsible employer, we have<br />

passed on that advice to all employees of the council. Given<br />

the fact that we are still in the season where colds <strong>and</strong> normal<br />

flu are common place, I am anticipating that a precautionary<br />

approach will be adopted by many people <strong>and</strong> so I am also anticipating that the absence rate<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

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will Increase. Whilst I am sure that there will be some people reading this who will be eager to<br />

make some comment along the lines of “typical council workers”, I would stress that this is a<br />

situation that is unprecedented in recent times <strong>and</strong> that any employer will also be anticipating<br />

something similar <strong>and</strong> making plans to try to deal with this.” . . . . .<br />

http://www.northdevon.gov.uk/news<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> Police Surgery cancelled<br />

17.03.20<br />

Unfortunately, due to the closure of the Town Hall because of the<br />

current COVID-19 Coronavirus crisis, the Police Surgery is unable<br />

to take place. This will obviously continue for the next few weeks<br />

so in place of the LYNTON Police Surgery in the Town Hall or the<br />

Library PCSO 30366 Grace Cleverdon will be available to be<br />

contacted on her work mobile 07710 075486 during the times<br />

advertised in the local media <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Lynton</strong> Police Newsletter.<br />

In the event attendance is required at an emergency, it is possible<br />

the phone cannot be answered, in this case please leave your name <strong>and</strong> contact details so a<br />

call can be made back to you. Thank you for your underst<strong>and</strong>ing. PCSO Grace Cleverdon<br />

https://www.facebook.com/<strong>Lynton</strong>Police<br />

COVID-19 – Statement of Service Changes<br />

19.03.20<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Lynmouth</strong> Town Council have made the decision<br />

to implement a change to its services to prevent the further<br />

spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). The ultimate aim of these<br />

precautions is to protect staff <strong>and</strong> the public from<br />

spreading the virus. The measures are in line with recent<br />

government announcements <strong>and</strong> Town Councils' own local<br />

risk assessments. The Town Hall, will be the main affected<br />

service at this point in time.<br />

Below is a breakdown of how each service will be affected as of Thursday 19 March <strong>2020</strong>:<br />

• Council Services The Town Hall will no longer be accessible to the public but will still<br />

be available to contact via telephone, email, website <strong>and</strong> in writing, Monday,<br />

Wednesday <strong>and</strong> Friday mornings<br />

• Outdoor Workforce Service We are advised our Outdoor Workforce Service is one of<br />

the less risk areas due to outside working <strong>and</strong> separation from the public in most of<br />

the work they do. So, at this stage all operations will continue as normal. Their<br />

supplies of Personal Protective Equipment have been upgraded after a risk<br />

assessment conducted in liaison with the Works Foreman<br />

• Meetings Town Council will constantly be reviewing meetings planned to be held at<br />

the offices. Most meetings will now be cancelled or arranged through electronic<br />

means. Committee <strong>and</strong> Full Council meetings may go ahead if necessary, with<br />

enough members present to be quorate. (Meetings currently cannot legally be<br />

undertaken through digital forms). Attendees are advised to follow government <strong>and</strong><br />

NHS advice to ensure they are well enough to attend.<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

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Town Council would like to assure residents of <strong>Lynton</strong> & <strong>Lynmouth</strong> that business continuity<br />

is a vital concern <strong>and</strong> support <strong>and</strong> co-ordination of a community response is part of why we<br />

are in place. As the government have now advised social distancing by avoiding<br />

gatherings, given the local risks identified <strong>and</strong> public safety, we are taking these proactive<br />

steps now.<br />

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Town Council on 01598<br />

752384 or by mail to: LTC@northdevon.gov.uk<br />

https://www.lynton<strong>and</strong>lynmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk/<br />

Support for residents through the Coronavirus outbreak<br />

19.03.20<br />

Devon County Council leader John Hart today pledged the authority<br />

will do whatever it can to support residents <strong>and</strong> communities<br />

through the Coronavirus outbreak. He said.<br />

“This is an unprecedented situation <strong>and</strong> many residents will be<br />

deeply worried about themselves, their family <strong>and</strong> how they are<br />

going to copy over the coming weeks.”<br />

Other actions include:<br />

• A suspension of non-urgent council meetings (pending a relaxation of government rules<br />

on democratic processes)<br />

• A move to digital invoicing for the council’s suppliers to ensure quick payment <strong>and</strong> help<br />

cash flow for local businesses.<br />

• The physical closure of library buildings to the public <strong>and</strong> suspension of mobile library<br />

services <strong>and</strong> events. Loan periods are being relaxed <strong>and</strong> access to digital books is being<br />

extended.<br />

• A relaxation of rules relating to bus passes to enable older people to access shops before<br />

9.30 <strong>and</strong> enable people to take advantage of dedicated shopping times for older people<br />

being offered by some supermarkets.<br />

Details of other specific actions <strong>and</strong> changes to services will be announced over the coming<br />

days <strong>and</strong> weeks.<br />

https://www.devonnewscentre.info/<br />

Follow Government advice<br />

23..03.20<br />

<strong>Exmoor</strong> National Park calls on people to follow<br />

government advice, as visitor numbers soar. Visitors<br />

have been flocking to the usually quiet <strong>Exmoor</strong> National<br />

Park following last week’s announcement that pubs,<br />

cafes, restaurants, gyms <strong>and</strong> leisure centres were to<br />

close, along with strict public health advice <strong>and</strong><br />

restrictions on all unnecessary travel.<br />

With fair weather in the National Park over the<br />

weekend, reports were of unprecedented numbers of visitors for the time of year, with some<br />

local restaurant <strong>and</strong> café owners forced to stop offering takeaway services over concerns that<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

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social distancing rules were not being followed. Campsites <strong>and</strong> caravan sites are also reported<br />

to be busy with people taking out long-term lets at holiday cottages.<br />

The National Park Authority is continuing to work with government to monitor pressure on local<br />

services during the p<strong>and</strong>emic, <strong>and</strong> slow the spread of the virus.<br />

https://www.exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk/<br />

Temporary changes to on-street parking restrictions<br />

23.03.20<br />

On-street parking enforcement patrols have been temporarily relaxed by<br />

Devon County Council from Monday 23 March. In order to help residents<br />

park outside their homes while working from home or self-isolating during<br />

the coronavirus outbreak, the County Council’s parking enforcement<br />

teams will reduce enforcement on certain roads – although double yellow<br />

lines will still be enforced.<br />

https://www.devon.gov.uk/<br />

Changes to routine patrols will enable officers to concentrate their efforts on<br />

keeping key routes running normally.<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> update – COVID-19<br />

24.03.20<br />

You will see some of our tradespeople out working; essential work<br />

includes medical, food, light, power <strong>and</strong> their supporting infrastructure.<br />

We are very fortunate in <strong>Lynton</strong> to have a Health Centre, a Pharmacist,<br />

Police, Firefighters, Coastguard <strong>and</strong> food stores <strong>and</strong> many skilled<br />

tradespeople: builders, electricians, plumbers all working to keep us safe<br />

<strong>and</strong> to keep our community functioning.<br />

It is with much dismay that I have been asked to put out a message<br />

asking if residents would please refrain from any abusive language or<br />

actions towards these key workers who are so vital to us all. Please think about what you are<br />

about to post on Facebook, why post anything at all? Now more than at any time before, please<br />

be kind.<br />

I have been asked to give some links to advice for businesses <strong>and</strong> the self employed;<br />

https://www.heartofswgrowthhub.co.uk/<br />

https://www.gov.uk/…/guidance-to-employers-<strong>and</strong>-businesses<br />

Following the Prime Ministers announcement (Monday 23rd March) We are now required to:<br />

• Requiring people to stay at home, except for very limited purposes (see below)<br />

• Closing non-essential shops <strong>and</strong> community spaces<br />

• Stopping all gatherings of more than two people in public<br />

Every citizen must comply with these new measures. The relevant authorities, including the<br />

police, will be given the powers to enforce them – including through fines <strong>and</strong> dispersing<br />

gatherings. These measures are effective immediately. The Government will look again at<br />

these measures in three weeks, <strong>and</strong> relax them if the evidence shows this is possible. You<br />

should only leave the house for one of four reasons:<br />

• Shopping for basic necessities, for example food <strong>and</strong> medicine, which must be as<br />

infrequent as possible.<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

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8 B MAY MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

• One form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle - alone or with members of<br />

your household.<br />

• Any medical need, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person.<br />

• Travelling to <strong>and</strong> from work, but only where this absolutely cannot be done from home.<br />

These four reasons are exceptions - even when doing these activities, you should be minimising<br />

time spent outside of the home <strong>and</strong> ensuring you are 2 metres apart from anyone outside of<br />

your household. These are very difficult times for everyone, some people are out there risking<br />

themselves for the rest of us, please be thoughtful. If anyone has anything they are unsure of<br />

or just want to let off steam please do it to me using this email address <strong>and</strong> not on Facebook<br />

(or other social media) where it is causing upset amongst our valued key workers.<br />

Andrea Davis, County Councillor Combe Martin Rural<br />

UK Lock down started<br />

24.03.20<br />

Recycling Centres closed<br />

24.03.20<br />

In line with the Government’s latest guidance, all recycling<br />

centres in Devon are closed from 24 March <strong>2020</strong> until<br />

further notice.<br />

As an alternative, residents are advised to:<br />

• use existing District Council kerbside services<br />

• home compost<br />

• leave areas of grass uncut (the wildlife will love this!)<br />

• leave grass cuttings on the lawn where they will mulch<br />

down to provide nutrients<br />

• avoid projects that generate waste (eg postpone clearing out your garage/shed or doing<br />

your garden make-over)<br />

• store your waste at home until government restrictions are lifted<br />

• hire a skip/Hippo bag or similar<br />

• be responsible, do not fly-tip waste (fly-tippers can be fined up to £50,000 in<br />

Magistrates’ Courts <strong>and</strong> face unlimited fines in higher courts, as well as community<br />

punishment orders or prison sentences of up to five years)<br />

• use legitimate <strong>and</strong> suitable licenced waste management companies if it is essential for<br />

waste to be removed from your property<br />

https://www.devon.gov.uk/<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 99<br />

Stay at home, save lives<br />

25.03.20<br />

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday<br />

evening, we should all be staying at home <strong>and</strong> only going out for<br />

the following reasons:<br />

• To buy food or medicine<br />

• To attend health appointments<br />

• To take exercise<br />

• Or for essential work that cannot be done at home.<br />

If you must go out, make sure you stay two metres (6ft) away from other people <strong>and</strong> wash your<br />

h<strong>and</strong>s as soon as you get home.<br />

https://www.devonnewscentre.info/<br />

Station Hill, <strong>Lynton</strong> re-opens<br />

26.03.20<br />

Due to the current situation where we are all staying at<br />

home to save lives, you will not have seen that Station<br />

Hill is now open.<br />

I have thanked the contractors for their swift <strong>and</strong> diligent<br />

work <strong>and</strong> the clean <strong>and</strong> tidy state of the site. Stay safe,<br />

Andrea Davis, County Councillor, Combe Martin Rural<br />

Thank you for staying at home<br />

31.03.20<br />

<strong>Exmoor</strong> National Park was a much quieter place at the weekend<br />

following updated Government coronavirus guidelines stating<br />

that people should stay local <strong>and</strong> use green spaces near their<br />

home.<br />

Teams from Avon & Somerset <strong>and</strong> Devon & Cornwall Police<br />

backed by National Park Rangers worked together to reinforce<br />

the message that the public should stay at home <strong>and</strong> not travel<br />

to countryside beauty spots for exercise or any other nonessential<br />

reason. The response follows extraordinarily high numbers of visitors across the UK’s<br />

15 national parks last weekend, triggering concern that people travelling to them on mass<br />

could spread the virus.<br />

The Government have been clear that public rights of way should remain open for local people<br />

to exercise. Anyone accessing the countryside from their own home must keep at least 2<br />

metres apart from other people, sanitise h<strong>and</strong>s regularly <strong>and</strong> wash them on return. Dogs<br />

should be kept under close control, on a short lead or at heel. The law in Engl<strong>and</strong> does not<br />

allow the National Park Authority to close any part of the public rights of way network for COVID-<br />

19 reasons. Anyone with concerns about public access can contact the National Park’s Ranger<br />

team for advice at info@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk or 01398 323665.<br />

https://www.exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk/<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

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10 B MAY MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

Transport for key workers<br />

31.03.20<br />

Due to the reduction of bus services across the county, Devon<br />

County Council are trialling an on-dem<strong>and</strong> subsidised taxi service for<br />

Devon residents for key workers accessing employment only.<br />

This service is intended to replace those journeys which were<br />

previously made by bus <strong>and</strong> a subsidised flat fare will be charged.<br />

Requests can only be made by email <strong>and</strong> should be sent to<br />

devonbus@devon.gov.uk<br />

Please include the following information in your email:<br />


REQUIREMENTS (pick up/drop off)<br />

DCC say they will aim to respond to all requests as soon as possible during normal office hours<br />

- journeys should be booked 48 hours in advance of travel.<br />

http://northdevon.gov.uk/<br />

North Devon Crematorium grounds closed to the public<br />

01.04.20<br />

The North Devon Crematorium is now closing its memorial<br />

gardens to the public following further guidance in relation to<br />

Coronavirus. New regulations that came into force on 26<br />

March instructs all crematoriums to be closed for anything<br />

other than funeral services.<br />

The crematorium has already introduced a number of<br />

measures to minimise the risk of infection such as restricting<br />

services to close family members, stopping coffin bearing,<br />

removing hymn books <strong>and</strong> preventing any touching of coffins at the committal.<br />

https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/business/bereavement-services/crematorium/<br />

A message to <strong>Lynton</strong> & <strong>Lynmouth</strong><br />

03.04.20<br />

It is now over one week since the lockdown was implemented by<br />

Government. Your Council <strong>and</strong> other volunteers have been active in<br />

responding to this. It is great to see almost all people are following guidance<br />

on distancing, minimising travel <strong>and</strong> keeping indoors as much as possible.<br />

My thanks go out to all the businesses who are carrying on working where<br />

possible within the rules, allowing us to buy food, medical supplies, fuel, etc.,<br />

getting local post delivered <strong>and</strong> our waste <strong>and</strong> recycling collected.<br />

A Lyn Valley Covid-19 Response has been put in place <strong>and</strong> all households should now have<br />

received a leaflet giving the names of our Zone Captains <strong>and</strong> their contact details for your area.<br />

The system is being co-ordinated by councillors <strong>and</strong> volunteers alike, working remotely but with<br />

the common purpose of identifying those members of the community in need. They are also<br />

ensuring the support you need is maintained throughout this period of “Lock Down” <strong>and</strong> into<br />

the future when some of the restrictions are lifted. Help will be available for as long as it is<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 11<br />

required. The Zone Captains are there for you to contact. Please phone on their published<br />

numbers <strong>and</strong> let them know when or how they can assist.<br />

In parallel with this, a Food Resource Centre has been set up in the old Tourist Information<br />

office of the Town Hall. Again, councillors/volunteers are helping to manage this with the aim<br />

that no-one should go without food in our area. Details of this resource are being distributed to<br />

every household for your information <strong>and</strong> to explain how to get in contact. Food will be<br />

delivered to those in need promptly <strong>and</strong> in the strictest of confidence. Thank you for the<br />

donations we have already received, the resources we have are not limitless <strong>and</strong> any further<br />

contributions will be much appreciated. Monetary donations in lieu of produce, can be made by<br />

phone via the Town Hall if you so wish. The Central Hub combines <strong>and</strong> coordinates all requests<br />

for help to ensure the most vulnerable people in our community are identified <strong>and</strong> whatever<br />

their need is, help can be provided.<br />

The remainder of the Town Hall has been closed to the public in line with Government advice.<br />

Our Council employees will carry on working, in line with risk assessments <strong>and</strong> this may extend<br />

to outside work being carried out by council staff. I would like to add my thanks to the NHS<br />

staff, local <strong>and</strong> NDDH, our Fire Service, who responded so quickly to the <strong>Exmoor</strong> fire near<br />

Barbrook recently, <strong>and</strong> all the emergency services.<br />

I hope you are all managing to stay upbeat <strong>and</strong> in contact with friends <strong>and</strong> family in these trying<br />

times. The internet, social media <strong>and</strong> phones are making this possible, <strong>and</strong> again thanks to the<br />

people who keep this infrastructure going.<br />

Please continue to follow Government Advice; Stay Safe & Stay home; <strong>and</strong> please use our Zone<br />

Captains who all kindly volunteered to assist the community at this difficult time.<br />

Councillor Chris Sleep – <strong>May</strong>or<br />

Easter waste <strong>and</strong> recycling collections<br />

07.04.20<br />

Leader of North Devon Council, Councillor David Worden said: “We are<br />

very lucky to have many dedicated <strong>and</strong> hard-working refuse collectors<br />

who are still going out on their rounds day after day to provide an<br />

important service to our residents during these difficult times.”<br />

“Waste <strong>and</strong> recycling collections are always a day late following a<br />

bank holiday, but if you’re in any doubt about your collection dates<br />

you can check our website any time, particularly during the current<br />

situation where many of us find we are out of our usual routine.<br />

“Please wash your h<strong>and</strong>s before putting your bins <strong>and</strong> recycling containers at the kerbside<br />

before 7am on the day of your collection to avoid them being missed by our crews. Following a<br />

bank holiday, when your collection day changes, your waste may well be collected at a different<br />

time of day than you are used to.”<br />

He continued: “Our crews have been taken aback by all the public support that has been<br />

shown to them <strong>and</strong> they are extremely grateful for all the kind messages they have received<br />

from all over North Devon.”<br />

http://www.northdevon.gov.uk/new<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

`<br />

12 B MAY MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

‘Thank you for respecting our place of work’ - <strong>Exmoor</strong> farmers<br />

08.04.20<br />

Ahead of the Easter weekend, <strong>Exmoor</strong> National Park Authority along with<br />

the <strong>Exmoor</strong> Hill Farming Network is reminding people to stay close to<br />

home during the coronavirus p<strong>and</strong>emic <strong>and</strong> to take extra care when<br />

exercising on public rights of way that pass near farms or homes.<br />

Some farmers <strong>and</strong> residents have voiced concerns about increased use<br />

of public rights of way by local people following the lockdown restrictions.<br />

In response the National Park has produced an easily downloadable<br />

poster on their website that can be displayed to remind people of the<br />

Coronavirus Countryside Code:<br />

• Use open spaces near where you live.<br />

• Stay least 2 metres away from other people.<br />

• Avoid touching shared surfaces <strong>and</strong> clean h<strong>and</strong>s regularly.<br />

• Leave gates as you find them.<br />

• Keep dogs under close control (at heel or on a lead).<br />

Defra advice is that risk of the coronavirus being passed on to others from people using public<br />

rights of way is very low if they follow these simple steps. The law in Engl<strong>and</strong> does not allow the<br />

National Park Authority to close any part of the public rights of way network for COVID-19<br />

reasons. But anyone with concerns about public access can contact the National Park’s Ranger<br />

team for advice at info@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk or 01398 323665.<br />

For further information about safe rights of way use or to download the poster see:<br />

www.exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk/enj…/out-<strong>and</strong>-about-essentials<br />

Coronavirus (COVID-19): what you need to do<br />

09.04.20<br />

• Stay at home<br />

• Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but<br />

only if you cannot work from home)<br />

• If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other<br />

people at all times<br />

• Wash your h<strong>and</strong>s as soon as you get home<br />

• Do not meet others, even friends or family. You can<br />

spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.<br />

https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus<br />

Visitors reminded to stay away for Easter<br />

09.04.20<br />

The Easter weekend traditionally marks the start of the main tourism season<br />

for <strong>Exmoor</strong> National Park. But not so this year, with the National Park Authority<br />

<strong>and</strong> Visit <strong>Exmoor</strong> joining the Government’s call to ‘Stay Home <strong>and</strong> Stay Safe’<br />

<strong>and</strong> asking people to ‘Visit <strong>Exmoor</strong>, later’.<br />

Visitor facilities including accommodation, car parks <strong>and</strong> National Park<br />

Centre’s remain closed <strong>and</strong> instead people are being encouraged to turn to<br />

social media to share their favourite <strong>Exmoor</strong> experiences as part of a<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 13<br />

#Virtual<strong>Exmoor</strong> campaign. This means everyone can benefit from inspiring images, stories,<br />

heartwarming anecdotes <strong>and</strong> engage with <strong>Exmoor</strong> from their homes.<br />

Meanwhile tourism bosses are busy working on plans to help boost the area’s economy <strong>and</strong><br />

appeal once restrictions are lifted. The <strong>Exmoor</strong> tourism ‘Response <strong>and</strong> Recovery Plan’ being<br />

drafted by <strong>Exmoor</strong> National Park Authority <strong>and</strong> Visit <strong>Exmoor</strong> aims to unite organisations across<br />

<strong>Exmoor</strong> to generate a strong recovery.<br />

Tourism is the single largest component <strong>Exmoor</strong>’s deeply rural economy, contributing almost<br />

£130m a year <strong>and</strong> supporting the equivalent of almost 2,300 full time jobs - over half of the<br />

economically active population within the area.<br />

<strong>Exmoor</strong> usually attracts over 2 million visitor days a year, with people coming from far <strong>and</strong> wide<br />

not only for its spectacular l<strong>and</strong>scape -as one of 15 designated National Parks in the UK - but<br />

also to enjoy its exquisite cultural heritage, wildlife, <strong>and</strong> local produce, alongside a host of<br />

exciting recreational opportunities.<br />

Whilst restrictions are in place everyone can experience #Virtual<strong>Exmoor</strong> <strong>and</strong> be inspired by<br />

following @Visit-<strong>Exmoor</strong> <strong>and</strong> @<strong>Exmoor</strong>_National_Park on Instagram <strong>and</strong> @Visit<strong>Exmoor</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

@<strong>Exmoor</strong>NP on Facebook <strong>and</strong> Twitter, whilst adhering to government advice to stay home, stay<br />

safe <strong>and</strong> avoid any non-essential travel.<br />

www.exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk<br />

Stay away<br />

09.04.20<br />

https://www.devonnewscentre.info/<br />

The Leaders of our four political groups have issued a firm but<br />

fair message to holiday makers <strong>and</strong> second home owners:<br />

“Stay away from the South West during the Coronavirus<br />

crisis”.<br />

"We will welcome you with open arms when this is all over but<br />

right now please stay away," said the Council's Leader, Cllr<br />

John Hart. “We're also calling for much tougher penalties to be<br />

imposed on people who flout the rules.”<br />

Thank you<br />

09.04.20<br />

We took a moment to say thanks NHS, along with the<br />

rest of Burvill Street <strong>and</strong> <strong>Lynton</strong>.<br />

www.Facebook.com/<strong>Lynton</strong> Fire Station<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

`<br />

14 B MAY MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

Stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives<br />

09.04.20<br />

The Easter bank holiday weekend might be one of the<br />

most testing times for our resolve, with many of us<br />

having made prior arrangements to meet up with family<br />

<strong>and</strong> friends <strong>and</strong> to enjoy the great Devon countryside, or<br />

to travel to other parts of the country or abroad.<br />

However tempting, it is absolutely vital that we all<br />

continue to do everything we can to keep everyone safe<br />

<strong>and</strong> healthy.<br />

Many of Devon's residents are key workers <strong>and</strong> will of course continue to work over the long<br />

weekend. We thank you for all you are doing to keep our communities safe.<br />

https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus<br />

Working together<br />

10.04.20<br />

Working with <strong>Exmoor</strong> Rangers patrolling the main routes<br />

into Devon from <strong>Exmoor</strong>. So far nothing seen. We will be<br />

around all weekend.<br />

https://www.facebook.com/<strong>Lynton</strong>Police<br />

Please Stay home<br />

11.04.20<br />

From today this will be the team patrolling <strong>Exmoor</strong> <strong>and</strong> the<br />

surrounding areas of North Devon <strong>and</strong> Somerset. <strong>Lynton</strong><br />

Police, <strong>Lynton</strong> & <strong>Lynmouth</strong> Coastguard, <strong>Exmoor</strong> Rangers <strong>and</strong><br />

A&S Police.<br />

Protect the NHS, Save lives<br />

https://www.facebook.com/<strong>Lynton</strong>Police<br />

Thank you for keeping the Lyn Valley safe<br />

13.04.20<br />

<strong>Lynmouth</strong> Coastguard would like to thank everyone that is helping to<br />

keep the Lyn Valley as safe as possible. <strong>Lynmouth</strong> Coastguard will<br />

continue to work <strong>and</strong> support the Police throughout these difficult<br />

times. To date the area has been very quiet apart from one or two that<br />

have been moved in help us to help the Police to keep it that way.<br />

Please feel free to PM me if you see anything out of the ordinary <strong>and</strong><br />

we will do our best to send a patrol to the area <strong>and</strong> report to Police if<br />

required. Station Officer Ashley Clarke<br />

https://www.facebook.com/<strong>Lynmouth</strong>coasguard<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 15<br />

Anyone can catch it. Anyone can spread it<br />

14.04.20<br />

It’s important that everyone follows the latest guidelines from the NHS<br />

on coronavirus <strong>and</strong> staying at home to help stop the spread of<br />

coronavirus - this includes young people, even if they feel fine <strong>and</strong> do not<br />

have any symptoms. It's hard for all of us, but young people in particular<br />

might struggle with changing their habits <strong>and</strong> complying with the social<br />

distancing rules. Please make sure everyone in your household stays at<br />

home to protect the NHS <strong>and</strong> save lives. You should not be meeting up<br />

with friends, or anyone who doesn’t live with you. That includes meeting<br />

up outside, having people over to your house or visiting other people’s houses. This might feel<br />

frustrating <strong>and</strong> a bit boring, but this is the best way to keep everyone safe.<br />

https://www.devon.gov.uk/coronavirus-advice-in-devon<br />

Doing their bit to support the NHS - bravo!<br />

15.04.20<br />

We are proud to announce that we are supplying the NHS with H<strong>and</strong><br />

Sanitiser!<br />

Every week we will be sending the Sanitiser in bulk to help the NHS frontline<br />

responders <strong>and</strong> staff who need it most!<br />

https://www.exmoordistillery.co.uk/<br />

Stay home! Save lives!<br />

15.04.20<br />

It has been well publicised that people are being asked to buy sky<br />

lanterns, light them <strong>and</strong> set them free, in support of our amazing carers.<br />


Lanterns can easily cause a significant fire. A better, safer way to show<br />

your support is to stay at home! We do not recommend their use due to<br />

the fire hazards <strong>and</strong> risks they pose to property, crops, livestock <strong>and</strong> the<br />

community.<br />

Please support our NHS <strong>and</strong> carers by clapping <strong>and</strong> not requiring us to attend emergencies.<br />

https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/<br />

Support for NHS staff<br />

16.04.20<br />

Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust staff are humbled at the<br />

continued public outpouring of support.<br />

As we continue to make our way through these challenging<br />

times, we would like to say thank you too.<br />

https://www.northdevonhealth.nhs.uk/<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

`<br />

16 B MAY MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

Lawyer, tailor, soldier, hairdresser – over 1,300 answer the<br />

call to help vulnerable<br />

17.04.20<br />

Thirteen hundred people including vets, plumbers, soldiers,<br />

hairdressers, builders, students, artists <strong>and</strong> estate agents have<br />

answered the call to help care for the county’s most vulnerable<br />

residents. It follows an urgent countywide appeal to recruit<br />

Healthcare Assistants – a vital new role supporting social care<br />

providers <strong>and</strong> the NHS during the coronavirus p<strong>and</strong>emic.<br />

The registrations have come from people aged 16 to 65, some<br />

former health care professionals, others with little or no<br />

experience at all in health or care. But despite their varying backgrounds they all want to do<br />

their bit to help people <strong>and</strong> the NHS.<br />

Many applicants aren’t working – some have lost their jobs <strong>and</strong> not entitled to government<br />

support or are on zero-hours contracts. They have applied because they see the new role as a<br />

chance not only to help the country but to start on a new career path. Then there are the<br />

second-year student nurses, a retired nurse, <strong>and</strong> a retired care home manager offering her<br />

experience <strong>and</strong> expertise.<br />

Each successful recruit will receive three-day fast-track training before being deployed to a<br />

variety of settings. These include people’s homes, hospitals <strong>and</strong> care homes, where they will be<br />

supporting people with their personal care needs including eating, drinking <strong>and</strong> washing. This<br />

will reduce the pressure on existing health <strong>and</strong> care staff.<br />

We still need people to sign up. If you want to make a difference <strong>and</strong> have a chance to help<br />

others please register your details at https://www.proudtocaredevon.org.uk/<br />

https://www.devonnewscentre.info/<br />

COVID-19 Emergency food <strong>and</strong> support for people in crisis<br />

20.04.20<br />

The <strong>Lynton</strong> & <strong>Lynmouth</strong> Community Resource Hub will be open from 10am<br />

to 2 pm to supply food to local residents in crisis <strong>and</strong> to accept donations.<br />

The Resource Hub is not a community shop or a replacement for<br />

supermarkets or shops. It is purely for use by people in urgent need. This<br />

facility has to be resilient, to endure all scenarios the current p<strong>and</strong>emic<br />

throws at us <strong>and</strong> may have to last many months.<br />

We do not have infinite supplies of food, although we are actively working on that, so we do<br />

need to use what we have wisely to help those most in need either as a short-term fix or for a<br />

longer period of time.<br />

To ensure recipients are provided with a suitable food-parcel you will be asked for some<br />

personal details. For example; your name, address, number of adults, children <strong>and</strong> pets in<br />

household <strong>and</strong> any special dietary requirements etc. (Vegan, Vegetarian, Allergies). We aim to<br />

provide you with enough food for 3 days <strong>and</strong> we will deliver the food to your door.<br />

To contact the Food Bank please call;<br />

Daytime (9am to 5pm) 07398 339476 or 07398 336621<br />

Evening / Out of Hours (5pm to 9am) 07398 336833 or 07398 336634<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 17<br />

We will try to dispatch all deliveries within 24 hours unless an emergency. Please be patient.<br />

The food will be delivered promptly in line with existing dem<strong>and</strong>.<br />

If you are unable to contact the Resource Hub by telephone write your request on a piece of<br />

paper, preferably place in an envelope & pass to your Postman who will then deliver it to us.<br />

Your name, address <strong>and</strong> any other personal details will be treated in the strictest of confidence<br />

<strong>and</strong> will allow us to deal with your request which will be completed as a matter of urgency.<br />

Be assured any personal details you supply will only be used as required for the operation of<br />

the Resource Hub, for the duration of this P<strong>and</strong>emic <strong>and</strong> in accordance with the existing Data<br />

Protection Act.<br />

If you need to visit the Community Resource Hub please respect the staff <strong>and</strong> maintain the<br />

current 2 metre rule. We do have some specialist volunteers who are available by phone <strong>and</strong><br />

can give advice on where to get the best help for any support that you may require. Do ask us<br />

for more information, we can’t promise to solve your problem but we will try <strong>and</strong> point you in<br />

the right direction so that the help you are seeking is obtained <strong>and</strong> right for you. Stay Safe!<br />

https://www.lynton<strong>and</strong>lynmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk/<br />

Lyn Valley Covid-19 response<br />

Quarantining or self-isolating<br />

Lyn Valley community volunteers are here for you<br />

Need supplies, your dog walked, or do you just want someone to talk to?<br />

Call the Zone Captain for your area <strong>and</strong> we will get help to you.<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> Zone Captains<br />

1. Di Mitchell<br />

2. Tom Smith<br />

3. Emma Anderson<br />

4. Lee Allen<br />

Station Hill<br />

1. Michael Bell<br />

2. Ashley Clarke<br />

<strong>Lynmouth</strong>/Countisbury<br />

1. Adrian Hobbs<br />

2. Lucy Howe<br />

Brendon<br />

1. Barnaby Hayes<br />

2. Zoe Sollors<br />

Barbrook<br />

1. Val Pugsley<br />

2. Dan Whitfield<br />

Martinhoe/Hunters Inn<br />

1. John Patrinos<br />

2. Dave Harding<br />

Parracombe<br />

1. Jerry Sampfer<br />

2. Karen Farrington<br />

All Zones<br />

1. Dave Harding<br />

2. Reverend Samantha Stayte<br />

3. Pete Lake<br />

07711 862688<br />

07532 217731<br />

07811 313850<br />

07796 844752<br />

07773 420079<br />

07516 757147<br />

07971 422715<br />

07895 276559<br />

07515 660053<br />

07845 772627<br />

07811 356711<br />

07852 514886<br />

07975 746860<br />

07970 048861<br />

07890 438890<br />

07966 486743<br />

07970 048861<br />

01598 752289<br />

07547 186588<br />


Fighting Coronavirus as a community<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

`<br />

18 B MAY MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

What does your MP do working from home?<br />

Like all of us, I have spent a lot more time in my house than normal, with my Labrador George<br />

working to assist constituents during this unprecedented time. Every morning I join a call with<br />

the Cabinet Office where I can raise questions, <strong>and</strong> also listen to MPs of all parties raise their<br />

most urgent concerns. I have in the last few days raised the issue of emergency dental cover in<br />

North Devon, zoos <strong>and</strong> measures for bereavement that are in place.<br />

Having described myself as the one-woman tourist board for North Devon, it has been very<br />

difficult to be encouraging our tourism businesses to close at the start of the lockdown. I<br />

worked alongside Ministers to ensure our holiday parks closed <strong>and</strong> have worked very closely<br />

with the police in the run up to Easter to ensure everything possible was being done to deter<br />

tourists coming now, <strong>and</strong> hope they will come back later in the year. I was one of MPs lobbying<br />

Air B’n’B to close over Easter <strong>and</strong> am delighted that I received confirmation from their Head<br />

Office that they had on Maundy Thursday.<br />

Personal protection equipment, PPE, has never been in such dem<strong>and</strong> or received so much<br />

attention. Early on in this crisis, a local company, Applegate, advised they could source some<br />

items. I have introduced them locally to North Devon Council, funeral directors <strong>and</strong> social care<br />

providers, as well as link them to colleagues elsewhere in the country with PPE shortages.<br />

Applegate have now launched an online, non-commercial portal for businesses to purchase<br />

PPE, assisting the national effort.<br />

By keeping abreast of government departments at this time, I have also been able to assist our<br />

police with their PPE. On a call the police described how the Health <strong>and</strong> Safety Executive had<br />

given different advice on PPE to Public Health Engl<strong>and</strong>. This did not sound right, so I was able<br />

to contact the Secretary of State for Health, Matt Hancock, the issue was resolved, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

police thanked me for working some ‘parliamentary magic’.<br />

Working in conjunction with the Foreign <strong>and</strong> Commonwealth Office my team <strong>and</strong> I have helped<br />

many local residents get back home from around the world. Whilst locally, I have matched<br />

voluntary groups with elderly <strong>and</strong> vulnerable residents coming directly to me for assistance with<br />

shopping <strong>and</strong> medicines. I am in contact with supermarket head offices as well as pharmacies<br />

such as Boots <strong>and</strong> Lloyds to reduce queues, <strong>and</strong> ensure the most vulnerable locally are getting<br />

the help they need without putting themselves at risk in long queues.<br />

Communicating accurate information at this time is in my mind essential <strong>and</strong> my team have<br />

ensured my website is constantly updated: www.selainesaxby.org.uk. I am also answering<br />

questions live on Facebook twice a week to ensure everyone here in North Devon can directly<br />

access their MP during this difficult time, please like my Facebook page to join in<br />

(fb.com/SelaineSaxbyMP).<br />

My team <strong>and</strong> I are answering an increased volume in correspondence, up to a five-fold<br />

increase, prioritising those with the most urgent needs.<br />

I am in regular contact with our County Council, District Council <strong>and</strong> many parish councils; as<br />

well as our police, social care providers <strong>and</strong> the NHS to ensure that everything is working well<br />

locally – <strong>and</strong> I am delighted to confirm it is.<br />

There will always be blips in a road that has been built as fast as the one to get us through this<br />

p<strong>and</strong>emic, but please rest assured everyone is working flat out <strong>and</strong> doing their best to ensure<br />

we do get through this together. I am here to help everyone in North Devon in any way I can as<br />

this p<strong>and</strong>emic unfolds so please do email me: selaine.saxby.mp@parliament.uk<br />

Parish Release 16th April <strong>2020</strong><br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 19<br />

A topical cartoon to make you smile<br />

from the talented John Loveday<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

20 MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> Neighbourhood Police Newsletter <strong>May</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Coronavirus - COVID19 <strong>Lynton</strong> Police would like to say ‘Thank You’ to all those people who are<br />

clearly abiding by the Government Guidance <strong>and</strong> only going out for essential reasons in order to<br />

prevent the spread of Covid 19 Coronavirus. We know people are taking the matter seriously as recent<br />

patrols, including areas of <strong>Exmoor</strong>, have been very quiet. Thank you for not driving out onto <strong>Exmoor</strong> to<br />

exercise, this has reduced the chance of serious road traffic collisions which would put an extra strain<br />

on the NHS who are already under great pressure. We are undertaking regular foot <strong>and</strong> mobile patrols<br />

in towns, villages <strong>and</strong> beauty spots offering guidance <strong>and</strong> reassurance. We are still here for you. We will<br />

continue to respond to reports of crime <strong>and</strong> will NOT stop arresting people when necessary. Each report<br />

is risk assessed <strong>and</strong> prioritised so please be patient if we take longer to follow up on some incidents.<br />

Please stay home Only go outside if absolutely necessary. Help us protect those in our communities<br />

<strong>and</strong> those working for our NHS. Only leave the house to shop for basic necessities, exercise once a day,<br />

support a vulnerable person, deal with a medical need or travel to <strong>and</strong> from work if you cannot work<br />

from home. Remember to stay 2 meters away from others if you do have to go out. You are only meant<br />

to be in close contact with those you live with. If you go out to exercise go from home <strong>and</strong> do not drive.<br />

Go for a walk, a run or cycle nearby. You can go alone or with people from your household. Please help<br />

us protect others. Going for a drive is not in the spirit of the rules. We live in a beautiful part of the<br />

country but travelling to a second home or for a holiday is not considered essential.<br />

From 30 March <strong>2020</strong> MOT due dates for cars, motorcycles <strong>and</strong> light vans will be extended by six<br />

months to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. You must always make sure your vehicle is safe to<br />

drive. Further information on http://www.gov.uk<br />

Lock up your sheds <strong>and</strong> outbuildings Please be aware of your security. Top tips : Fit strong<br />

deadlocks or padlocks to shed <strong>and</strong> garage doors, lock all garden equipment after use, make sure your<br />

doors are strong <strong>and</strong> solid <strong>and</strong> use strong door hinges secured with coach bolts, install outside lighting<br />

<strong>and</strong> consider using gravel on paths <strong>and</strong> driveways, install suitable fencing <strong>and</strong> gates <strong>and</strong> use prickly<br />

plants <strong>and</strong> hedges as a defence against thieves. Marking your property with your postcode, house<br />

number or name makes the property traceable <strong>and</strong> deters criminals. Make a record of all serial<br />

numbers <strong>and</strong> register your equipment on www.immobilise.com<br />

Number of Crimes reported in March <strong>2020</strong> <strong>Lynton</strong> & <strong>Lynmouth</strong> - Criminal Damage 1, Violence<br />

without injury 1, Sexual Offences 1, Vehicle offences 1, Other Theft - Non Notifiable Offences 3 :<br />

Countisbury & Brendon - Burglary Non-Dwelling 1, Other Theft 1, Parracombe & Martinhoe - Non<br />

Notifiable Offences 1 : Challacombe - None : Kentisbury & Trentishoe - Vehicle offences 1 : Arlington -<br />

None. This is still a low crime area. PoliceUK is a national website which allows you to view what crimes<br />

have been committed in Engl<strong>and</strong>, Wales <strong>and</strong> Northern Irel<strong>and</strong>. https://www.police.uk/<br />

Police Surgeries <strong>May</strong> <strong>2020</strong> Until further notice the <strong>Lynton</strong> Police Surgeries will not take place due<br />

to the Coronavirus crisis. In place of any of the Police Surgeries PCSO 30366 Grace Cleverdon will be<br />

available to be contacted on her work mobile 07710 075486 during the following times Due to last<br />

minute emergencies it is possible the phone cannot be answered, please then leave a message with a<br />

contact number for a return call.<br />

Tuesday 05/05/20 3-4pm<br />

Tuesday 19/05/20 12.30-1.30pm<br />

Wednesday 27/05/20 12-12.30pm<br />

Thursday 28/05/20 5.30-6pm<br />

Tuesday 26/05/20 12.30-1.30pm<br />

*Tuesday 02/06/20 <strong>Lynton</strong> Library 3-4pm *Tuesday 16/06/20 <strong>Lynton</strong> Town Hall 12.30-1.30pm<br />

*The last two dates will only take place if Social Distancing Restrictions have been lifted<br />

Letters for <strong>Lynton</strong> Police can be left in our Post box at the front of the Fire Station, or in the “Have your say” Box within<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> Post office. Police Enquiry Office at Barnstaple Open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, (Closed 1.15-2pm lunch)<br />

Closed bank holiday.<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> Neighbourhood Team<br />

OFFICE EMAIL: lynton2@dc.police.uk<br />

Like us on our Facebook page <strong>Lynton</strong> Police<br />

or follow us on twitter @<strong>Lynton</strong> Police <strong>and</strong><br />

get regular updates as they happen.<br />

www.devon-cornwall.police.uk<br />

Insp 14316<br />

Paul Searle<br />

Sgt 15370<br />

Ian Rowe<br />

PCSO 30366<br />

Grace Cleverdon<br />

PC15303<br />

Mark Langworthy<br />

advertise@lyntonadvertiser.com 01598 752788

.<br />

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 21<br />

Your award-winning LOCAL estate agent<br />

3<br />

LYNMOUTH £380,000 * NEW *<br />

Beautifully presented stone cottage, with 3 double beds &<br />

sunny garden, by the river in <strong>Lynmouth</strong>. Short walk to beach,<br />

harbour, cafes <strong>and</strong> shops. Hols or FT home.<br />

LYNTON £280,000 * SALE AGREED *<br />

2-bed modern house with TRIPLE GARAGE, garden, parking<br />

<strong>and</strong> views, on the edge of the village.<br />

LYNMOUTH £275,000 * NEW *<br />

Comfortable 2-3 bed, 2-bath terraced house with fabulous<br />

views over the river. Ideal perm home or holiday lets.<br />

LYNMOUTH £260,000<br />

3-bed, 2-bath apartment with modern kitchen, paved terrace<br />

<strong>and</strong> lovely sea views. Short stroll to all shops, pubs, cafes in<br />

the harbour area. Great for holidays!<br />

PARRACOMBE £375,000 * NEW *<br />

Modernised dormer bungalow, 3-4 beds, 2 baths (inc e/s),<br />

sunny south-facing patio <strong>and</strong> lawned garden, stone garage,<br />

timber workshop, parking, <strong>and</strong> country views.<br />

Residential AND<br />

commercial property<br />

needed now!<br />

Best advice –<br />

Best Price –<br />

Best team!<br />

It’s official!<br />

<strong>Exmoor</strong> Property is in<br />

the top 3% of 25,000 estate<br />

agents in the UK.*<br />

The best possible service –<br />

from the best possible team!<br />

Talk to your local experts,<br />

<strong>Exmoor</strong> Property.<br />

Because when you’re<br />

selling your property,<br />

you deserve THE BEST.<br />

*(Judged by Rightmove <strong>and</strong> the<br />

<strong>2020</strong> Best Estate Agent Guide<br />

Awards as “Exceptional” <strong>and</strong> ranked<br />

in the top 3% of all estate agent<br />

branches in the UK.)<br />

BARBROOK £285,000 * NEW PRICE *<br />

Period charm, modern comfort. 2-bed, 2-bath character<br />

cottage with parking. Modern kitchen & shower rooms, woodburner.<br />

Slate floors.<br />

LYNMOUTH £275,000 * NEW *<br />

Well-presented 3-bed period house with GARAGE & river<br />

views. Front patio terrace. Hillside rear garden. Near pubs,<br />

cafes, harbour <strong>and</strong> beach.<br />

LYNTON £260,000 * NEW *<br />

Spacious 2-bed, 2-bath GFF in Castle Heights with large<br />

lounge, allocated parking <strong>and</strong> all the benefits of this popular<br />

private development. SoF.<br />

LYNTON £260,000<br />

2-bed detached modern bungalow with garage, parking <strong>and</strong><br />

lovely views to sea & countryside. Edge of village <strong>and</strong> a bus<br />

route nearby make this one perfect for perm home or<br />

BRENDON £250,000<br />

3-bed character cottage with garden, in Brendon. River view,<br />

one minute walk to a great local pub!<br />

LYNTON £245,000 * NEW *<br />

2-bed modern FF flat in Castle Heights – with BALCONY.<br />

Views, lift <strong>and</strong> parking. Recently re-decorated <strong>and</strong> ready to<br />

go. Perm home or lock & leave. SoF.<br />

LYNTON £245,000 * NEW *<br />

2-bed SF flat with lift, parking <strong>and</strong> sea & country views.<br />

Guest parking, communal grounds <strong>and</strong> summer house with<br />

views over the Bay. SoF.<br />

If you want to sell in <strong>2020</strong>, come <strong>and</strong> talk to Greg, Sharon or Bev,<br />

call 752221, email: info@exmoorproperty.com or via Facebook or Twitter<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

`<br />

22 B MAY MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

Marsdens Devon Cottages is one of Devon’s leading independent holiday letting companies<br />

with more than 40 years’ experience. Here are some of the reasons why our home<br />

owners choose – <strong>and</strong> remain – with us.<br />

• High booking levels <strong>and</strong> competitive<br />

commission rates result in the best income<br />

for you<br />

• Bespoke services to suit your needs – we can<br />

manage as much or as little as you’d like us to<br />

• We are a local, Devon-based agency backed<br />

by the national marketing expertise of a much<br />

larger company<br />

• Strong online presence across multiple<br />

websites<br />

• Experienced, knowledgeable <strong>and</strong><br />

trusted local team<br />

• Guaranteed income for cancelled bookings<br />

• No registration fees<br />

• Free, no-obligation visit to discuss your needs<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

`<br />

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 23<br />

Marsdens Devon Cottages is one of Devon’s leading independent holiday letting companies<br />

with more than 40 years’ experience. Here are some of the reasons why our home<br />

owners choose – <strong>and</strong> remain – with us.<br />

• High booking levels <strong>and</strong> competitive<br />

commission rates result in the best income<br />

for you<br />

• Bespoke services to suit your needs – we can<br />

manage as much or as little as you’d like us to<br />

• We are a local, Devon-based agency backed<br />

by the national marketing expertise of a much<br />

larger company<br />

• Strong online presence across multiple<br />

websites<br />

• Experienced, knowledgeable <strong>and</strong><br />

trusted local team<br />

• Guaranteed income for cancelled bookings<br />

• No registration fees<br />

• Free, no-obligation visit to discuss your needs<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

24 MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

Architectural<br />

Drawings<br />

<strong>Special</strong>ists in Planning Drawings,<br />

Planning Applications,<br />

Working Drawings <strong>and</strong><br />

Building Regulations Applications<br />

Choweree House, 21 Boutport Street,<br />

Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 1RP<br />

www.miltonpj.net 01271 344300 info@miltonpj.net<br />


1 Baker’s Court, <strong>Lynton</strong>, Devon, EX35 6EW<br />

07873 957158<br />

www.kgdyer<strong>and</strong>sonsltd.co.uk<br />

kirk@kgdyer<strong>and</strong>sonsltd.co.uk<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

`<br />

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 25<br />

Our diverse team of brilliant people provide the full spectrum of legal services<br />

<strong>and</strong> specialist expertise across private <strong>and</strong> commercial matters. We have nearly<br />

200 of the brightest minds, ready to advise you on everything from agriculture<br />

to acquisitions <strong>and</strong> marine to marriage <strong>and</strong> because we have offices in 5 locations<br />

across Devon, we are highly connected to <strong>and</strong> fully engaged with the<br />

community around us.<br />

Full spectrum law<br />

wollens.co.uk<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

`<br />

26 MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />



NEED HELP?<br />


01598 752724<br />





with<br />



For competitive prices<br />

call GARY ROBERTS on<br />

01598 752724 or 07519 027666<br />


Pass Plus Registered<br />


Driving lesson vouchers available from<br />

2 hours tuition to full intensive course.<br />

heidi.signs@btinternet.com<br />



Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 27<br />

Screen time for kids . . .<br />

Dear Readers<br />

I hope you are all keeping well <strong>and</strong> staying safe.<br />

In Spain we have been in complete lockdown <strong>and</strong> quarantine for 44 days as I write. I<br />

am still working from home, my wife is still teaching remotely, <strong>and</strong> the kids are still<br />

learning remotely, but one thing which has become very apparent is the significant<br />

increase in screen time <strong>and</strong> the knock-on effect this is having on us all. The kids are<br />

grumpier <strong>and</strong> more dem<strong>and</strong>ing than usual, I am suffering more with headaches, my<br />

wife is just embracing it all <strong>and</strong> I have to say is flying with it! Anyway, based on my own<br />

experience I thought some advice about screen time for kids might be useful given the<br />

current quarantine.<br />

How much is too much? There aren’t really any set-in-stone measures for this only a lot<br />

of recommendations. Apple has introduced a “Screen time” function which is a useful<br />

way to keep track of what is being used, <strong>and</strong> when. It also has a nifty “Downtime”<br />

function so you can program allowed use at specific times, <strong>and</strong> also block specific apps<br />

such as Facebook, WhatsApp <strong>and</strong> Youtube.<br />

Android has a number of apps, just take a look at the store <strong>and</strong> search for Screen<br />

Time. There is one called “Screen Time - Restrain yourself, <strong>and</strong> parent control“ which is<br />

highly recommended.<br />

Other things you can do is to apply a screen filter to your device. Easily available on<br />

Amazon, this will reduce the glare <strong>and</strong> “blue light” that devices emit <strong>and</strong> which<br />

convince your brain it is day time, <strong>and</strong> is especially useful if your kids like to use<br />

devices later in the evening. The recommendation is all screens should be off 2 HOURS<br />

before sleep allowing your brain to calm <strong>and</strong> believe it is night time. This in turn makes<br />

it easier to fall asleep <strong>and</strong> also to get better quality sleep. Take a look at<br />

www.shorturl.at/eizES for more info about this.<br />

Finally, on iDevices, you can turn on the “Night Shift” function. This changes the<br />

colours during specific times from white light to more warm light claiming “This may<br />

help you get a better night’s sleep.” I use it <strong>and</strong> have very little problem sleeping!<br />

As always, please do ask your questions. Send an email to me, that’s Andy at<br />

ICT@lyntonadvertiser.com<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

`<br />

28 MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

.<br />


Filling<br />

Station<br />

more than just petrol …..<br />

email:barbrookpetrol@btconnect.com<br />

01598 752248<br />

Opening Hours<br />

From<br />

1 st NovEMBER 2019<br />

Mon – Fri<br />

Sat – Sun<br />

7am to 7pm<br />

8am to 7pm<br />

Hours may vary<br />

please ring<br />



We operate a Ring & Ride service in the<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Lynmouth</strong> area for those who<br />

want to get out <strong>and</strong> about more, in<br />

friendly company, with 2 hours’ stay in<br />

Minehead, on alternate Fridays.<br />

We pick up in Parracombe at 9.45,<br />

Barbrook 9.50, <strong>Lynton</strong> 10.00,<br />

<strong>Lynmouth</strong> 10.10, Brendon 10.25<br />

COST IS £5 RETURN.<br />

If this would be of benefit to you,<br />

relatives or friends,<br />

contact Janice Banks<br />

01271 864258 to book.<br />

Barbrook Filling Station<br />

Barbrook * <strong>Lynton</strong> * EX35 6PD<br />

VAT No. 153 0624 40<br />

Ilfracombe & District Community Minibuses P<br />



We have qualified, registered nurses <strong>and</strong> all<br />

our carers are trained to NVQ2 <strong>and</strong> NVQ3<br />

Resident Proprietor: Betty Boundy<br />

Garson House Care Home<br />

7 Lee Road, <strong>Lynton</strong>, EX35 6HU<br />

01598 753202<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

`<br />

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 29<br />

Naturesave Trust Fund<br />

The Naturesave Trust helps specific environmental <strong>and</strong> conservation projects<br />

throughout the UK.<br />

It obtains 100% of its funds from the premiums generated by Naturesave Insurance.<br />

Naturesave Trust can provide grants to small <strong>and</strong> medium-sized environmental projects<br />

which can include renewable energy, nature conservation, sustainable communities,<br />

recycling, science <strong>and</strong> education.<br />

The Trust also provides start-up ‘seed corn’ grants for community renewable energy<br />

projects: this might be a wind turbine, solar power, biomass boiler or hydro scheme. The<br />

aim is to support communities with the costs of the initial preliminary works required to<br />

start this type of project.<br />

Any organisation, including charities, voluntary organisations <strong>and</strong> businesses based in<br />

the UK, may apply. A small number of grants are made each year, mostly around £1,000<br />

in value.<br />

The Naturesave Trust has funded environmental <strong>and</strong><br />

conservation projects across the UK since 1995.<br />

Applications may be submitted at any time.<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

`<br />

30 MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

The Moorl<strong>and</strong> Pantry<br />

Butcher – Delicatessen<br />

Farm Shop – Café<br />

Organic <strong>Exmoor</strong> Meats, Home-reared Rare Breed Pork<br />

Sustainable West Coast Fish & <strong>Lynmouth</strong> Bay Lobster<br />

Organic Devon/<strong>Exmoor</strong> Vegetables<br />

Organic <strong>Lynton</strong> Breads, Spelt Breads & Home-made Pies<br />

Devon Organic Unhomogenised Milk <strong>and</strong> Local Dairy<br />

Fair-trade Coffees, Himalayan Teas, Home-made Cakes<br />

Supporting over 15 Local Farmers/Producers/Artisans<br />

S<strong>and</strong>wiches, snacks <strong>and</strong> hot food available<br />

at our new Pantry Café<br />

12 Lee Road, <strong>Lynton</strong><br />

Tel: 01598 753536<br />

themoorl<strong>and</strong>pantry@outlook.com<br />






121 High Street, Ilfracombe EX34 9EY<br />


Unit 2, Mullacott Industrial Estate,<br />

Ilfracombe EX34 8PX<br />

(behind Mullacott Caravans - follow Starcloth Way)<br />


01271 862570<br />

01271 865200<br />

www.melianpetsupplies.co.uk<br />

info@melianpetsupplies.com<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 31<br />

K.G. DYER & SONS LTD.<br />


Tel/Fax: 01598 753504 Mob: 07873 957 158<br />

Winners of the Redl<strong>and</strong> Roofing National Craftsmanship Award<br />

Winners of the Redl<strong>and</strong> Construction of Excellence Award<br />







www.kgdyer<strong>and</strong>sonsltd.co.uk<br />

email: kirk@kgdyer<strong>and</strong>sonsltd.co.uk<br />



• Slate tables<br />

• Benches<br />

• Worktops<br />

• Window Cills<br />

• Steps<br />

• Flagstones<br />

• Patio Slabs<br />

• Fire Hearths<br />

Bespoke cutting <strong>and</strong> delivery service<br />

Slate signs, plaques <strong>and</strong> menu boards made to order.<br />


www.ardosiaslate.co.uk<br />

enquiries@ardosiaslate.co.uk<br />

01271 831039/831049<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

32 MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

Showroom & Trade Counter<br />

Rolle Quay, Barnstaple, EX31 1JE<br />





SINCE 1926<br />

Undertaking all aspects of<br />

Carpentry <strong>and</strong> Joinery<br />

01271 321600<br />

sales@exmoorfascias.co.uk<br />

www.exmoorfascias.co.uk<br />

Windows – Doors – Stairs - Interiors<br />

Conservatories - Kitchens<br />

Refurbishments<br />

Pathfields, South Molton<br />

01769 572134<br />

www.gshaydon.co.uk<br />


**************************************************<br />





**************************************************<br />



01643 708688 OR 07896 690040<br />

Fax: 01643 709153<br />

email: cooper.christopher@btconnect.com<br />



**************************************************<br />




Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 33<br />





All works carried out by<br />

Professional & Qualified Tradesmen<br />




TILING<br />




01598 752692<br />


01598 753504<br />

07873 957158<br />

www.kgdyer<strong>and</strong>sonsltd.co.uk<br />

email:<br />

kirk@kgdyer<strong>and</strong>sonsltd.co.uk<br />



City & Guilds Qualified<br />

Fully Insured<br />

01598 753682<br />

07531 118 191<br />



K.G. DYER & SONS LTD.<br />


01598 753504<br />

07873 957158<br />

www.kgdyer<strong>and</strong>sons.co.uk<br />

kirk@kgdyer<strong>and</strong>sonsltd.co.uk<br />

We are a family run<br />

Waste Transfer Station based<br />

in Mart Road, Minehead.<br />

We offer a skip hire <strong>and</strong><br />

weighbridge service for<br />

private <strong>and</strong> business customers.<br />




CALL: 07837 981510<br />

Open Monday to Friday<br />

8am to 4.30pm<br />

www.exmoorskiphire.co.uk<br />

01643 818008<br />


Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

34 MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 35<br />


Fully qualified pest control technician<br />

with over 10 years’ experience in the field.<br />

If you are having any pest problems,<br />

please give me a call or email for<br />

a free quote – one off visits or<br />

contracts available – providing<br />

an affordable, discreet, professional<br />

service to your home <strong>and</strong> business.<br />

Loft clearances also offered.<br />

Tel: 07749 133407 or email:<br />

exmoorpestcontrol@gmail.com<br />

http://www.exmoorpestcontrol.co.uk<br />


<strong>Exmoor</strong> Pest Control is also on Facebook<br />

Competitive rates <strong>and</strong> outst<strong>and</strong>ing customer service<br />

Tree surgery <strong>and</strong><br />

vegetation clearance<br />

• Serving <strong>Lynton</strong>, <strong>Lynmouth</strong> <strong>and</strong> surrounding<br />

areas.<br />

• Tree works including felling, crown lifting,<br />

reducing, technical dismantles over<br />

property.<br />

• Vegetation/site clearance from a garden to<br />

large <strong>and</strong> steep sites.<br />

• Green <strong>and</strong> woody waste chipped <strong>and</strong><br />

removed.<br />

• Fully qualified, insured <strong>and</strong> experienced.<br />

• Free quotes <strong>and</strong> advice.<br />

• 24 hour call out service.<br />

www.mhbrewer.co.uk<br />

info@mhbrewer.co.uk<br />

01643 862757 07969 023 182<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

36 MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

Durcombe Water<br />

Furzehill, Barbrook<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong><br />

EX35 6LN<br />

Telephone: 01598 753527<br />

Email: ljohn679@gmail.com<br />


Oftec Registered Engineer<br />

Oil fired boilers, Agas, Rayburns<br />

Service <strong>and</strong> repair<br />

07866 542535<br />

anthonysmoldon07@btinternet.com<br />

Independent family-run oil<br />

distributor.<br />

Supplying the <strong>Lynton</strong>/<strong>Lynmouth</strong> area<br />

most days of the week.<br />

At Winson Petroleum we strive to<br />

offer prompt reliable deliveries at a<br />

competitive price every time!<br />

7.5t Mini Tanker Available on Request<br />

Top-up Service<br />

Monthly Payment Option<br />

Phone: 01271 858677<br />

Email: office@winsonpetroleum.co.uk<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 37<br />



EST. 1974<br />

For all your TV, Radio,<br />

Video & Satellite needs<br />









01271 882633<br />

The small shop, family owned, with<br />

competitive prices <strong>and</strong> friendly service<br />

Tommy Mirow<br />

TM Electrics<br />

Domestic<br />

Industrial<br />

Commercial<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> & <strong>Lynmouth</strong><br />

TM Electrics<br />

Email: TM-Electrics@hotmail.com<br />

Call on: 07854 823748<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

38 MAY <strong>2020</strong><br />

Council Services <strong>Lynton</strong> Town Hall will no longer be accessible to the public but will still be available<br />

to contact via telephone email, website, <strong>and</strong> in writing Monday, Wednesday <strong>and</strong> Friday mornings.<br />

http://www.lynton<strong>and</strong>lynmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk/<br />

North Devon Council Please visit our webpages with our latest advice <strong>and</strong> information in relation to<br />

the coronavirus outbreak.<br />

https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/<br />

<strong>Exmoor</strong> National Parks Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on 23 March <strong>2020</strong>, our car<br />

parks, toilets <strong>and</strong> National Park Centres are closed.<br />

https://www.exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk/<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Lynmouth</strong> Cliff Railway CORONAVIRUS - WE ARE CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE we<br />

will keep you informed as the situation changes.<br />

https://www.cliffrailwaylynton.co.uk/<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong> & Barnstaple Railway CORONAVIRUS – THE L & B is closed <strong>and</strong> all events cancelled until<br />

further notice.<br />

https://www.lynton-rail.co.uk/<br />

<strong>Exmoor</strong> Pony Centre We have taken the decision to CLOSE TO THE PUBLIC WITH IMMEDIATE<br />

EFFECT.<br />

http://www.exmoorponycentre.org.uk/<br />

Calvert Trust As a result of the COVID-19 p<strong>and</strong>emic, Calvert Trust <strong>Exmoor</strong> continues to be<br />

temporarily closed to guests.<br />

https://calvertexmoor.org.uk/home/<br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times

MAY <strong>2020</strong> 39<br />

INDEX<br />

Please be aware some businesses may not be open.<br />

21, 23, 24, 40<br />

22, 25<br />

24, 26<br />

24<br />

26<br />

26, 28<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

29, 30<br />

30<br />

31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37<br />

Property<br />

Legal<br />

Financial services<br />

Architectural Services<br />

Signage<br />

Motoring, Transport<br />

Funeral Services<br />

“Learn to love your computer”, A Brett<br />

Beauty, Healthcare<br />

“Naturesave Trust Fund”<br />

Provisions<br />

Animal Services<br />

Homes <strong>and</strong> Gardens<br />

We have reached 500 Likes through our Facebook page<br />

Thank you everyone. Please share so we can get to 1000 !<br />


ONE PAGE 18cm high x 12.8cm wide £55.00<br />

£330.00<br />

£660.00<br />

HALF PAGE 9cm high x 12.8cm wide £27.00<br />

£162.00<br />

£324.00<br />

QUARTER PAGE 9cm high x 6cm wide £18.00<br />

£108.00<br />

£216.00<br />

EIGHTH PAGE 4.4cm high x 6cm wide £12.00<br />

£72.00<br />

£144.00<br />

RATES<br />

No discount with 1 issue<br />

Less 10% discount with 6 issues<br />

2 months free with 12 issues<br />

No discount with 1 issue<br />

Less 10% discount with 6 issues<br />

2 months free with 12 issues<br />

No discount with 1 issue<br />

Less 10% discount with 6 issues<br />

2 months free with 12 issues<br />

No discount with 1 issue<br />

Less 10% discount with 6 issues<br />

2 months free with 12 issues<br />


£55. 00<br />

£297.00<br />

£550.00<br />

£27. 00<br />

£145.80<br />

£270.00<br />

£18.00<br />

£97.20<br />

£180.00<br />

£12.00<br />

£64.80<br />

£120.00<br />

Payment is required in advance by BACS, or online at www.lyntonadvertiser.com<br />

The <strong>Lynton</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Lynmouth</strong> <strong>Advertiser</strong>, 13 Lee Road, <strong>Lynton</strong>, North Devon, EX35 6HW<br />

Email: advertise@lyntonadvertiser.com or telephone 01598 752788 (answerphone)<br />

Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that data in this publication is accurate, neither the printer or editorial<br />

contributors can accept any liability for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other<br />

cause. The <strong>Advertiser</strong> does not officially endorse any advertising material <strong>and</strong> the views of contributors are not necessarily those of the<br />

publishers. The <strong>Advertiser</strong> is an independent business <strong>and</strong> is not associated in any way with any other similar local publication. No part of<br />

this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form without prior permission of the publishers.<br />

The <strong>Advertiser</strong> is fully aware of its responsibilities under the Data Protection Act <strong>and</strong> will not pass on or sell any customer details to a third<br />

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Published by The <strong>Lynton</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Lynmouth</strong> <strong>Advertiser</strong>, 13 Lee Road, <strong>Lynton</strong>, Devon EX35 6HW. © <strong>May</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Please note that not all businesses will be open during these difficult times


SOLD<br />


SOLD<br />


SOLD<br />

LYNTON<br />

SOLD<br />


SOLD<br />


SOLD<br />


SOLD<br />

LYNTON<br />

No-one sells more commercial<br />

property in <strong>Lynton</strong> & <strong>Lynmouth</strong><br />

than <strong>Exmoor</strong> Property!<br />

B&Bs, Guest houses, Shops,<br />

Cafés & Pubs.<br />

On average, <strong>Exmoor</strong> Property has<br />

sold a local commercial property<br />

every 10 weeks, for the last five<br />

years.<br />

So, if you are serious about<br />

SELLING your commercial property<br />

or business, come <strong>and</strong> talk to<br />

<strong>Lynton</strong>’s own award-winning estate<br />

agent. And find out why we’re<br />

ranked in the top 3% of estate<br />

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<strong>Exmoor</strong> Property<br />

01598 752221<br />

SOLD<br />

LYNTON<br />

SOLD<br />

LYNTON<br />

SOLD<br />


SOLD<br />


SOLD<br />


SOLD<br />


SOLD<br />


If you want to sell in <strong>2020</strong>, come <strong>and</strong> talk to <strong>Lynton</strong>’s own<br />

award-winning estate agent, <strong>Exmoor</strong> Property 01598 752221<br />

<strong>May</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

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