
Lifestyle magazine focusing on people, places and things in East London

Lifestyle magazine focusing on people, places and things in East London


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Lockdown.01<br />

ISSUE 55<br />

Online for<br />

now...<br />

Yesterday's<br />

tomorrow<br />

is today.<br />

- Gene<br />

Mitchell<br />

Your East London: People | Food | Culture

Thanks for your support, we will be back soon!<br />

Follow us on social media to stay updated.<br />

Facebook: @abbottsinteriors<br />

Instagram: @abbottsinteriors<br />

Twitter: @abbottsinterior<br />


Hello East London! How's everyone doing?<br />

I think we can all agree that lockdown is a challenge, to say the<br />

least. Whether it’s learning how to get along with your family or<br />

housemates 24/7, or flying solo for extended periods of time, this<br />

will have affected each and every one of us in ways we could not<br />

begin to imagine a couple of months ago. It’s the new normal.<br />

But, as someone once said to me, ‘Normal is a setting on my<br />

dryer’. Indeed. There is no normal anymore and we’re navigating<br />

the unknown. Regardless, the LoveEast show must go on, and<br />

fortunately it can, albeit only online for now.<br />

In this edition, we have an interview with Comic Book author<br />

Adam Wheeler, a catch up with singer/songwriter Jennings<br />

Couch, some news about Roman Road’s Common Room and an<br />

update on what Trapped in Zone One has been doing.<br />

We also have a business feature on the clever people at KANKAN,<br />

some eye candy with Harry Harrison’s amazing portraits and a<br />

host of other features. We’re so very grateful to all of our lovely<br />

contributors, including The Gentle Author, Roger Love and Sean<br />

Gubbins of WalkHackney. Thank you!<br />

In place of the What’s on listings, we have an Essential online<br />

shopping guide, and, while not exhaustive, I hope it provides<br />

some helpful information and that you continue to support your<br />

local businesses, both those who are still trading and those who<br />

have had to shut their doors for the time being. They need us<br />

now more than ever.<br />

As you’d expect, for the foreseeable future we’re exclusively<br />

online, and if you’d like a copy of this PDF, just email me and I’ll<br />

pop one over. And, if you’d like to advertise, you can do so free<br />

of charge; it’s the least I can do to help support local businesses,<br />

especially those who have supported LoveEast over the years.<br />

Be sure to upload your virtual events and services for free on<br />

myeastlondon.online - it’s a great way to get the word out,<br />

especially for short-notice events.<br />

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the read, and, to steal Richard<br />

Carlson’s quote, ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff’.<br />

Sending love - socially distanced, of course.<br />

Kaz<br />

Editor & Creative Direction Karen (Kaz) Ay<br />

Copy Editor Yolanda Powell<br />

Contributing Writers<br />

Jenny Wight<br />

Little Green Duckie<br />

Mark Wincott<br />

Michele Scarr<br />

Roger Love<br />

Sean Gubbins<br />

Sophie Downer<br />

The Gentle Author<br />

Cover, contents & page 36 images: Todd Kavonic<br />

Page 42 image: Paul Fuller Photography<br />

| Welcome to your local magazine<br />

What's inside...<br />

East Life<br />

4<br />

10<br />

Community<br />

14<br />

Et Cetera...<br />

20<br />

37<br />

Business<br />

8<br />

Art<br />

22<br />

Q&A with Comic book<br />

author Adam Wheeler<br />

Catching up with<br />

Jennings Couch<br />

Roman Road's<br />

Common Room needs<br />

your help<br />

The latest projects from<br />

Trapped in Zone One<br />

Essential listening with<br />

East London Radio<br />

Discover KANKAN's<br />

eco-friendly product<br />

and packaging concept<br />

'Harry the Pencil'<br />

Harrison's portraits<br />

12 Wellness with Michele Scarr<br />

16 The Gentle Author<br />

24 Jen Wight on Refuse Heroes<br />

26 Sean Gubbins Walks Hackney<br />

27 Roger Love on Fitness<br />

28 Gardening tips from Project Green Thumb<br />

30 Eating in - and ordering in<br />

32 Little Green Duckie<br />

36 Thoughts on a grey day<br />

38 Essential shopping guide<br />

42 Parting Shot<br />

LoveEast are media partners with East London Radio and Trapped in Zone One and is a member of the East End Trades Guild. #SupportLocalTraders<br />

To advertise with us, please call 07590 609 557 or email karen@chomp.me.uk for further information. Due to Lockdown, the magazine is online<br />

until further notice. LoveEast Magazine is produced and published by Chomp Creative Limited. We cannot be held responsible for any errors<br />

or omissions, nor endorse companies, products or services that appear in this magazine. © LoveEast Magazine 2020; all rights reserved. No<br />

reproduction can be made without permission.<br />

E: karen@chomp.me.uk | T: 07590 609 557 | W: loveeast.london | T: @LoveEastMag | I: @loveeastmag<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 3

| East life<br />

Mark Wincott finds out the backstor<br />

The Secret Protectors from author A<br />

Images courtesy of Adam Wheeler<br />

Thank you for doing this, first of all. How are you<br />

doing? And how are you finding this unusual<br />

experience at the moment?<br />

I’m an essential worker so my actual day-to-day<br />

hasn’t shifted massively. I think I’ve been incredibly<br />

fortunate because, unlike so many other people<br />

who are struggling, so far, I have been getting by.<br />

Like many of your readers though, I do have family<br />

who I am concerned about. I don’t know if I’m<br />

necessarily religious but I have definitely prayed<br />

to a higher power to keep them safe more than a<br />

few times. I think knowing that you have to keep<br />

your distance and not visit them, that’s the hardest<br />

part. This whole thing is equal parts terrifying<br />

and humbling but also there’s been glimpses of<br />

beauty that have been truly heart-warming. The<br />

togetherness, whilst social-distancing of course,<br />

that everyone is showing gives me hope for the<br />

future.<br />

Tell our readers a little about yourself.<br />

I’m the writer and creator of the comic book series<br />

The Secret Protectors along with artist and cocreator<br />

Benjamin Nunn. Apart from the comic, I’m<br />

actually pretty uninteresting to be honest. I grew<br />

up in Ilford and I now live just a few miles down<br />

the road in Hornchurch. I got married last year to<br />

my beautiful wife Kate and we have an old rescue<br />

Staffie called Archie.<br />

Let us know how this idea for The Secret<br />

Protectors comic book began and how you found<br />

artist extraordinaire Ben Nunn?<br />

Though the outline for what would become The<br />

Secret Protectors began decades ago, the series<br />

only truly became a thing when I decided to<br />

actually get serious and go about trying to get it<br />

made. I had no idea where to start, all I had was a<br />

bunch of ideas and zero artistic talent. I googled<br />

and researched a fair bit and eventually found Ben<br />

Nunn on a website. I thought his art style would be<br />

great for the series so I contacted him and, I couldn’t<br />

make this up, turns out Ben only lived about five<br />

minutes away from where I now live. It was some<br />

crazy luck and really made me believe that this was<br />

meant to be; like to some extent the universe had<br />

made this happen. Thankfully, Ben agreed and we<br />

got to work. Fast forward a few years and here we<br />

are with our fourth issue about to be released.<br />


| East life<br />

y behind the comic book series<br />

dam Wheeler<br />

What is your creative process and how long did<br />

it take you to invent these characters? Are they<br />

based on anyone?<br />

In 2017, when Ben and I began meeting regularly<br />

to build this comic world, we tried to differentiate<br />

our cast of characters from already established<br />

characters. Obviously, we wanted to be as original<br />

as possible but we certainly have some influences.<br />

I can’t talk for Ben but certainly for me, Chris<br />

Claremont’s legendary run on X-Men is definitely<br />

of significant mention. That team created some<br />

amazing stories.<br />

Explain why The Secret Protectors is different<br />

from what is out there today?<br />

I wanted to tell a narrative that has the reader<br />

questioning the actions of not just the villains but<br />

the heroes as well. Our story is as much a drama<br />

as it is a superhero fantasy-themed story. Our<br />

heroes, despite noble intentions, are only human,<br />

and all humans have flaws. They’re out-financed,<br />

out-gunned and running out of time. They have to<br />

cut corners; sometimes this means that lines get<br />

blurred. I don’t want to give away any spoilers but<br />

secrets are going to be coming out, in fact if you<br />

pay special attention you will pick up on things that<br />

we’ve hidden in plain sight in our issues thus far.<br />

What made you want to dive into the comic book<br />

world - and what comics/writers and characters<br />

influenced you?<br />

I grew up in the 80s, which was an incredible<br />

era for cartoons; He-Man, Transformers, TMNT,<br />

Thundercats, the list goes on. Then, roll round the<br />

90s and we got animated series of Batman, X-Men<br />

and Spider-Man. These shows, especially the X-Men<br />

series, had a real lasting impact on me, which even<br />

to this day more than holds up. These shows really<br />

lit my own imagination and left me with a real love<br />

of comic book characters. Fast forward to 2004 and<br />

the release of City of Heroes. COH was a MMORPG<br />

(like World of Warcraft) but instead of wizards<br />

and elves you could create, design and play with<br />

your very own superheroes and later supervillains<br />

too. Now, I know it probably sounds a bit silly but<br />

I couldn’t play as a character without giving them<br />

a full backstory and a personality. Over time my<br />

interest in the game waned but I had all these ideas<br />

and stories for these characters. That was probably<br />

the true, earliest birth point. Over the years, when<br />

it comes to writing, I’ve drawn on a lot of different<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 5

| East life<br />

influences from comics; Chris Claremont, Alan<br />

Moore, Jack Kirby, Frank Miller to name but a few.<br />

Away from comics, I also love the work of David<br />

Simon (The Wire) and David Chase (The Sopranos)<br />

and of course Christopher Nolan. All these creators<br />

and many more have all, in some way, contributed<br />

to my storytelling style. The Secret Protectors in my<br />

mind is very much a superhero tale. Telling this story<br />

via comics was the only true option.<br />

How have storytelling and the artistry evolved<br />

over the years?<br />

I think one of the biggest changes in comics<br />

themselves is the way that crowdfunding platforms<br />

like Kickstarter and Indiegogo have made it possible<br />

for nobodies like us to create and sell our comic<br />

direct to the market. Years ago, the only option<br />

available would have been to tour the comic con<br />

circuit, which of course we still do but the ability<br />

to reach a larger audience is now massive. The<br />

storytelling in a lot of modern comics I’ve actually<br />

found to be a little too on the nose for me. I think<br />

the same can be said of a lot of the media really,<br />

which is why we’re trying to focus so much on<br />

allowing the reader to make up their own minds. We<br />

don’t want to preach about what you should and<br />

shouldn’t think.<br />

What is the first story you remember writing?<br />

Good question. Funnily enough, I remember quite<br />

vividly writing a story when I was in primary school<br />

about this female sword-wielding warrior on an<br />

adventure. I can’t really recall much more than that<br />

but I remember my teacher being quite impressed<br />

with my story, maybe not so much the violence in<br />

it though! It wasn’t particularly original from what I<br />

can recall, very Red Sonja-ish.<br />

What is the biggest challenge you have come up<br />

against while creating The Secret Protectors and<br />

how did you overcome it?<br />

The biggest challenge is and continues to be<br />

exposure. Gaining traction and a following is easily<br />

the hardest part, especially in the throwaway culture<br />

we now have where people have shorter attention<br />

spans. We can’t pump out an issue every month<br />

because we’re just a two-man team. Each page for<br />

instance probably takes about 8-10hrs of work.<br />

Since starting this venture what advice would you<br />

offer to someone who wishes to create their own<br />

story?<br />

Storywise, build your world from the ground up. Be<br />

sure it makes sense. Understand everything about<br />

it and build outwards from there even down to the<br />

6 LOVEEAST<br />

economy of the world itself. I know that may seem<br />

a bit over the top but you want your audience to be<br />

able to be completely immersed in your universe, no<br />

matter how bizarre it is. It needs to have a structure<br />

to it; even if you aren’t going to show that structure<br />

to begin with, you still need to know it yourself.<br />

A bit away from comic books and as we are<br />

LoveEast magazine, what do you love about East<br />

London?<br />

It’s easy to get complacent and take East London<br />

for granted, having lived here all my life. Even<br />

though the grind can get you down it’s so important<br />

to remember where you came from and how lucky<br />

we are to live in this incredible, diverse and colourful<br />

city, full to the brim of opportunity and amazing<br />

people.<br />

Name three things you would tell a tourist to<br />

check out when they come to this area?<br />

I’d definitely say there’s some amazing, underrated,<br />

parks for those who enjoy nature. Where I live in<br />

Havering, we have an abundance of them. When I<br />

met my wife, she lived in Hackney, and had done for<br />

years. It’s an eclectic area of hustle bustle and life<br />

with some incredible bars and restaurants, which<br />

we still go back to visit. It may be a little clichéd but,<br />

if I was a tourist, I wouldn’t want to miss a wander<br />

through Columbia Road flower market followed by<br />

a bagel on Brick Lane.<br />

With three issues already completed, what is the<br />

future for the Wheeler Nunn partnership?<br />

Well, issue 4 is very much on the horizon. With issue<br />

4 we’re planning to release it as part of an issues 1-4<br />

volume, via a Kickstarter campaign, which I’m really<br />

excited about. In fact, we planned to launch it earlier<br />

this year but now, with Covid-19, we’re in discussions<br />

over when to pull the trigger and just go for it!<br />


W: https://bit.ly/3ePO27H<br />

I: @thesecretprotectors<br />

FB: @thesecretprotectors<br />

Mark Wincott is a born and bred East Londoner. A recovering<br />

grunger, music gives him peace of mind. He's a lover of pie<br />

mash liquor, likes the smell of rain and has written articles<br />

on music, MMA, Pro Wrestling and dealing with anxiety. "I'm<br />

unique and different just like everyone else".<br />

Follow Mark on twitter @Tattooed_Ginge<br />

and Instagram @tattooed.ginge

Big days and<br />

little days, we<br />

will make them<br />

perfect again<br />

when we return.<br />

A.G. Price Florist<br />

217-219 Well Street, E9 6QU<br />

T: 020 8986 0250<br />

W: agpriceflowers.co.uk<br />

I: @agpriceflorist<br />

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Serving the communities of east London for 42 years<br />

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Email info@newhambooks.co.uk or call 020 8552 9993<br />

from 9 to 10.30 am on weekdays.<br />

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customers and supporters.<br />

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Telephone: 020 8552 9993<br />

info@newhambooks.co.uk<br />

www.newhambooks.co.uk<br />

@NewhamBookshop<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 7

| Business<br />

Meet KANKAN: A can-do approach to<br />

personal care...<br />

When two friends were looking for ways to reduce<br />

plastic in their lives, they were dismayed to find<br />

how limited their choices were or the extent to<br />

which they had to compromise. With backgrounds<br />

in fashion and food, they decided to channel their<br />

love of quality products into finding a no-sacrifice<br />

solution for refills in<br />

the home. KANKAN, a<br />

Hackney-based startup,<br />

was born.<br />

Co-founded in 2019<br />

by Eliza Flanagan<br />

and Mary McLeod,<br />

KANKAN aims to<br />

change how we<br />

use personal care<br />

products. It offers<br />

luxurious, natural<br />

washes (liquid<br />

soaps) packaged<br />

in aluminium refill<br />

cans. The brand’s<br />

ambition is to make<br />

refills more desirable<br />

and convenient,<br />

broadening<br />

their appeal and<br />

helping reduce the<br />

consumption of<br />

single-use plastics in the home.<br />

“Our aim is to trigger positive action in the world.<br />

By creating a new brand with a unique packaging<br />

idea, we hope that we can start conversations<br />

about single-use plastic and change behaviours<br />

that are out of date but still entrenched,” says Eliza<br />

Flanagan.<br />

KANKAN encourages<br />

people to re-use<br />

dispensers they<br />

already have at<br />

home, while for those<br />

without they have a<br />

glass ‘forever bottle’.<br />

One tree is planted<br />

for every can sold<br />

and ecommerce<br />

packaging can be<br />

returned (free of<br />

charge) for reuse.<br />

The company’s<br />

ambition is not only<br />

to be good but<br />

also to use its cans<br />

to do good: it is<br />

collaborating with<br />

artists on limited<br />

edition cans to raise<br />

money for grassroots,<br />

charitable initiatives that need exposure.<br />

C<br />

M<br />

Y<br />

CM<br />

MY<br />

CY<br />

CMY<br />

K<br />

The daily washes are packed with nourishing<br />

botanicals and essential oils. They are vegan<br />

friendly and are free from parabens, sulphates and<br />

sodium lauryl sulphates (SLS).<br />

KANKAN has taken on board the basic principles<br />

of the circular economy: one that designs out<br />

waste and pollution, keeps products and materials<br />

in use and aims to regenerate natural systems.<br />

Its packaging is either returnable, reusable or<br />

recyclable – and it uses aluminium, the ultimate<br />

circular resource, as it is 100% recyclable and<br />

retains its properties indefinitely. Aluminium cans<br />

also have the advantage of being lightweight,<br />

durable and using very little material.<br />

8 LOVEEAST<br />

The co-founders hail originally from Australia and<br />

New Zealand, so perhaps it’s not surprising to<br />

learn they have ambitions to broaden the reach<br />

of KANKAN beyond the UK to a global market.<br />

For now, they are developing new products and<br />

packaging to continue with their ambition to make<br />

refills mainstream.<br />

Visit KANKAN's online shop:<br />

https://www.kankan.london/<br />

Photos courtesy of KANKAN

t<br />

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LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 9

| East life<br />

You've been incredibly<br />

productive since we first met<br />

just over a year and a half ago,<br />

with lots of gigs and releasing<br />

new music. Tell us about some<br />

of your highlights.<br />

Yes! It’s been a really crazy year!<br />

The highlights have really been<br />

digital for me. I’m seeing steady<br />

growth in streams and followers<br />

which is amazing! Especially<br />

during Lockdown, more people<br />

are streaming music than ever<br />

which is great for me!<br />

Where Did You Come From<br />

has become really popular<br />

on Spotify with over 100,000<br />

streams - how does that feel?<br />

This was a real milestone<br />

for me! It’s just incredible to<br />

think people like my track<br />

enough to stream it so much.<br />

I’m honoured and humbled!<br />

Now its all about riding that<br />

momentum and carrying it on<br />

with my next releases.<br />

Tell us about the making of<br />

the video for You Taste Like<br />

Water; we understand it got a<br />

bit sticky.<br />

Oh dear… For the music<br />

video I had the idea to have<br />

coloured ice cream thrown<br />

at me and the band while we<br />

were performing. This was to<br />

reference certain lyrics in the<br />

song like “You taste like water,<br />

you’re so vanilla, my favourite<br />

colour”. On paper it was a great<br />

idea! But I couldn’t have imagined the mess. I’ve never been so<br />

sticky in my life! But hey, all in the name of art!<br />

You've been collaborating with other musicians and producers<br />

recently - how is that working with the Lockdown?<br />

Photo: Kyriakos Georgiou<br />


| East life<br />

The Lockdown has actually made us producers<br />

and musicians be more productive while we<br />

sit at home. I must admit, it's difficult to have<br />

sessions over the phone. I’d much rather have<br />

them in person. But at least we are keeping busy<br />

and keeping the creativity flowing! It’s a great<br />

opportunity to finish all the songs I’ve started as<br />

I have a tendency to jump around from one idea<br />

to another.<br />

Tell us about your upcoming EP, On The Edge<br />

Of Change. What made you decide to do it and<br />

when will it be released?<br />

I’m very excited about the upcoming EP! It’s the<br />

first EP I’ve ever released and to be honest I’m a<br />

little nervous. I’m used to releasing singles and<br />

promoting them one by one, but to promote<br />

a whole body of work is daunting. It was my<br />

manager who thought it was a good time to<br />

release an EP. Again, it's all about riding the<br />

momentum of the previous singles to something<br />

bigger and better! The EP will be available on<br />

the 7th of May.<br />

Regarding Lockdown, what do you miss the<br />

most that you can't do at the moment?<br />

Honestly, I miss gigging. That’s such a big part<br />

of being a musician and it's difficult not to be<br />

able to perform. Gigging is how I get exposure,<br />

reach wider audiences and ultimately practise my<br />

performing skills. I look forward to getting back<br />

on the stage, but it seems that might be a while.<br />

What's your best Lockdown tip?<br />

I would say the best Lockdown tip is to keep<br />

busy. Stay productive. These are tough times but,<br />

if we adjust our routines and lifestyles slightly, we<br />

can potentially be more productive than we were.<br />

Also get your once a day exercise. Being outside<br />

really helps clear the headspace!<br />

You're also doing some live streaming at the<br />

moment - where can we watch?<br />

Yes! I’m live streaming on Instagram and<br />

Facebook once a week. Make sure you follow me<br />

on Facebook and Instagram @jenningscouch to<br />

get all the details.<br />

Favourite food<br />

Right now, toasties. I’ve been getting real<br />

creative with toasties during Lockdown.<br />

Favourite tipple<br />

Red wine or whisky.<br />

Favourite holiday destination<br />

Italy. Can’t get enough of the food and wine.<br />

Favourite songwriter<br />

I would say Chris Martin of Coldplay is one of<br />

my favourite songwriters. I love the chords<br />

he uses.<br />

Favourite instrument to play<br />

It's a tie between piano and guitar. Depends<br />

on my mood!<br />

What's the nicest thing anyone's ever said<br />

to you?<br />

Comments about my hair are among the<br />

nicest!<br />

If you could change one thing about London<br />

(aside from Lockdown) what would that be?<br />

Cars. I would make all cars electric to reduce<br />

noise and air pollution.<br />

Who are your heroes?<br />

My mother. She’s taught me so much in life<br />

and I’m forever indebted to her!<br />

WATCH<br />

www.jenningscouch.com<br />

youtube.com/c/JenningsCouch<br />

vevo.com/artist/jennings-couch<br />

LISTEN<br />

open.spotify.com/artist/43RClIsYeah1rNFfJq25b6<br />

itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/jennings-couch/<br />

id705842596<br />

FOLLOW<br />

Facebook, Twitter & Instagram: @jenningscouch<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 11

| Wellness<br />

Nutritional therapist Michele Scarr offers some<br />

information on supporting immunity with antioxidants.<br />

Increase your antioxidants<br />

Vitamins A, E, C, D are often talked about when<br />

it comes to the immune system but if you really<br />

want to bulletproof your immunity, you need<br />

to stockpile natural antioxidants (and not just<br />

the packets and tins of pulses!). When you<br />

supercharge this “antioxidant potential” you<br />

give your immune system a real boost. And, if<br />

you’re wondering ‘where have I heard about<br />

antioxidants before?’ they’re the things skincare<br />

companies tell you their anti-ageing moisturisers<br />

are full of, so double-win.<br />

Why are antioxidants<br />

important?<br />

Viruses and bacteria<br />

produce oxidants, which<br />

are reactive forms of<br />

oxygen that damage<br />

cells and age you faster.<br />

Simply, they are bad news.<br />

We’re also getting our fill<br />

of oxidants from eating<br />

chargrilled/ blackened<br />

foods or breathing polluted<br />

air, and maybe you’ve had<br />

a less than great diet over<br />

the years. Where you can end up is a situation<br />

in which you have too many oxidants and not<br />

enough antioxidants.<br />

Revving up your antioxidant status at times<br />

like these is a really good idea. While vitamin<br />

C seems to get all the praise when it comes<br />

to immunity, there’s another molecule that is<br />

the under-recognised supporting actor who<br />

deserves the starring role – glutathione.<br />

Glutathione – the master antioxidant<br />

Glutathione is one of the most important<br />

molecules in the body – almost like a magic<br />

elixir of health. Too little of it and you’re at risk<br />

of developing one of the most feared health<br />

conditions facing us today, including stroke,<br />

Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease.<br />

If you’ve got good enough levels, that’s where<br />

the gold is…<br />

But when levels are adequate or high, that’s<br />

when the magic happens. You’ll not only have<br />

protection from the conditions above, but you’ll<br />

have amazing energy, glowing skin, healthy<br />

detoxification, strong heart and brain function,<br />

and possibly even a longer life!<br />

Glutathione is made up of three amino acids<br />

called cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid<br />

(or glutamate). It’s often called the “master”<br />

antioxidant because it helps recycle all the other<br />

antioxidants in your body<br />

like vitamins C and E, as<br />

well as alpha lipoic acid and<br />

CoQ10.<br />

Research show glutathione<br />

primes the white blood<br />

cells of the immune system<br />

and helps them produce<br />

more infection-fighting<br />

substances so they can<br />

control both bacterial and<br />

viral infections.<br />

Foods to increase<br />

glutathione<br />

Eating the right foods to naturally increase<br />

glutathione will help keep you fighting fit. There<br />

are a small number of foods that naturally<br />

contain glutathione. These include asparagus,<br />

avocado, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, spinach,<br />

broccoli, garlic, chives, tomatoes, cucumber,<br />

almonds, and walnuts.<br />

Some other foods contain the building blocks<br />

needed to make glutathione (they are the precursors<br />

– the warm-up act); the foods containing<br />

cysteine, and others containing sulphur and<br />

selenium.<br />

Good foods to choose are onions, spring onions,<br />

shallots, leeks, kale, bok choy, rocket, spring<br />

greens, watercress, radishes. Some spices, such<br />

as turmeric, cinnamon and cardamom, have<br />

compounds that can also help to restore healthy<br />

Photo by William Felker on Unsplash<br />


| Wellness<br />

levels of glutathione and its antioxidant enzymes.<br />

Alpha lipoic acid – glutathione’s reloader<br />

Alpha lipoic acid (also called ALA) is a critical coenzyme<br />

that helps to recycle many antioxidants,<br />

including vitamin C, E and also glutathione. It is<br />

well known for its anti-ageing effects on our cell’s<br />

energy factories, the mitochondria.<br />

Good food sources of alpha lipoic acid include:<br />

• Organ meats<br />

• Beef<br />

• Brewer’s yeast<br />

• Broccoli<br />

• Spinach<br />

• Brussels sprouts<br />

• Peas<br />

• Tomatoes<br />

Selenium – building block of antioxidants<br />

Selenium is an important trace mineral that is<br />

key in the production of glutathione (it also<br />

happens to be great for thyroid function so, if<br />

yours is a little off, consider getting more of this<br />

antioxidant: another double win). Good dietary<br />

sources of selenium include:<br />

• Seafood<br />

• Oysters<br />

• Brazil nuts<br />

• Eggs<br />

• Mushrooms<br />

• Whole grains<br />

• Organ meats<br />

• Dairy products<br />

Michele Scarr is a registered<br />

Nutritionist, Health Coach and<br />

Lecturer, and the author of 10<br />

Steps to Superhealth<br />

E: nutritioneast@gmail.com<br />

W: utritioneast.london<br />

FB: @nutrition.east.london<br />

10 STEPS TO<br />

superhealth<br />

Take charge of your health and rev up your immunity with these easy ideas<br />

Thanks to everyone for your support; we<br />

hope to be back soon! In the meantime<br />

follow us on social media to stay updated.<br />

@easthambread<br />

@breadclub@central_park_cafe<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 13

| Community<br />

The race is on to raise funds for The Common<br />

Room in Roman Road<br />

The Roman Road Trust has until 25 May to raise<br />

funds for the transformation of The Common<br />

Room, a temporary community structure built in<br />

2014 in a neglected corner of Roman Road. The<br />

aim is to turn it into a fully functional, multicultural,<br />

learning and cultural facility for local people. The<br />

Mayor of London has pledged £50,000 towards<br />

the project – one of only two such high-value<br />

pledges by the Mayor.<br />

3D Architecture drawing of the proposed renovation<br />

For the past six years, The Common Room<br />

has played a key role in community events on<br />

Roman Road but it is now dilapidated and needs<br />

a complete overhaul to create a functional and<br />

usable space all year round. Once renovated, it will<br />

be used for an evolving programme of educational<br />

and cultural initiatives for local people. Themes of<br />

the first learning programmes will be sustaining<br />

healthy high streets and community organising for<br />

local groups.<br />

The project is part of Crowdfund London, a<br />

programme delivered by the Mayor of London and<br />

Spacehive, to back Londoners’ ideas for improving<br />

their local area. Pledges are collected only if a<br />

project hits its fund-raising target. As of 13 April,<br />

Transform The Common Room had reached 82%<br />

of its £74,337 target.<br />

Encounter Bow Festival, September 2019<br />

“Receiving the maximum pledge of £50,000<br />

from the Mayor of London proves how vital this<br />

project is to help benefit residents, businesses and<br />

community groups in Roman Road,” says Rosie<br />

Vincent, Managing Director of Roman Road Trust.<br />

“The crowdfund campaign is all-or-nothing.<br />

This means we still need more pledges to reach<br />

the total target and actually make the project<br />

happen. So, it is more crucial than ever to pledge<br />

your support to transform The Common Room<br />

into a place for all of us.”<br />

Jumble sale at The Common Room<br />

To find out more about the project and pledge<br />

support:<br />

www.spacehive.com/transformthecommonroom<br />

Photos courtesy of Roman Road Trust<br />


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L o n D o n E X P ERT I S E . L o CA L K nLOVEEAST oW LED Lockdown.01 g E 15

| The Gentle Author<br />

Val Perrin’s<br />


| The Gentle Author<br />

Empty Brick Lane<br />

Something curious has happened<br />

in Spitalfields. As the streets have<br />

emptied of people and shops have<br />

closed, it is as if we have passed<br />

through a time warp and the place<br />

is returning to how it was when I<br />

first knew it in the seventies. In this<br />

selection from Val Perrin’s superb<br />

pictures of Spitalfields taken<br />

between 1970-72, I have focused<br />

on his atmospheric photography<br />

of the deserted streets, evoking<br />

the sense of abandonment which<br />

prevailed at that time.<br />

OPPOSITE: At Shoreditch Station, looking<br />

through to Brick Lane<br />

TOP: Sclater Street<br />

BOTTOM: Brushfield Street<br />


(Clockwise, from top left):<br />

1. Brushfield Street<br />

2. Cheshire Street<br />

3. Brick Lane<br />

4. Cheshire Street<br />

5. Brick Lane<br />

Photographs © Val Perrin<br />

The Gentle Author writes daily<br />

about the culture of East London at<br />

spitalfieldslife.com. You can also follow<br />

@thegentleauthor on twitter.<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 17

| The Gentle Author<br />


| The Gentle Author<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 19

| Community<br />

Putting the art into community partnerships<br />

Anyone who’s ever met Bablu Miah, founder of Trapped in Zone One (TIZ1), knows that grass never<br />

grows under his feet, not even in lockdown. He is one of the most community-minded people I’ve ever<br />

met, and I’m continually amazed at what he and creative director Natalia Suvorova accomplish with<br />

scarce resources. They’re both all about creativity and connecting with people, and here’s just some of<br />

what they’ve been up to recently:<br />

Limited edition print by @boogiesml donated to the<br />

Just Type Covid-19 fundraiser<br />

Lettering and graffiti artist @fourlettercword at work<br />

Just Type Covid-19 Fundraiser<br />

Several lettering artists have donated prints for this<br />

fundraiser in aid of Bow Food Bank and First Love<br />

Foundation. The fundraiser will continue through June<br />

with all of the proceeds split 50/50 between the two<br />

organisations and you can buy prints on the website.<br />

They’ve also got prints available to raise money for Art<br />

Against Knives.<br />

Amplifier Open Call<br />

TIZ1 has recently joined the global open call for art<br />

by Amplifier, a global public-health awareness project in<br />

response to #Covid19, by putting forward the bespoke<br />

stained glass work from Annahita Hessami of Cut Glass<br />

Studio Ltd & Philip Bradbury Glass Ltd.<br />

Shape Newham<br />

Over the past several months TIZ1 has been working<br />

with the youth at Forest Gate Youth Zone as a part of<br />

Shape Newham, a council initiative to engage residents<br />

in finding ways to improve public spaces in various parts<br />

of the borough through art. During the course of the<br />

project, participants from the Youth Zone were invited to<br />

work together with lettering and graffiti artist<br />

@fourlettercword to come up with a mural design for<br />

the outside of the building. Lots of ideas were exchanged<br />

and it was especially good to see these young people so<br />

engaged with the project. The project is on hold for the<br />

time being for obvious reasons, and we look forward to<br />

when it can be brought to fruition.<br />

FYI: Illuminating Awareness of Homelessness<br />

This exhibition was a collaboration with Cut Glass<br />

Studio and featured several artists in aid of YMCA North<br />

London, running initially at Great Art in Kingsland Road<br />

in November and then this past March in Crouch End.<br />

Trapped in Zone One is a BAME led arts collective that engages with community groups and organisations through creative<br />

practices to help and improve the wellbeing of London’s diverse communities. They do this by hosting workshops and exhibitions,<br />

as well as curating public murals in England and across Europe. TIZ1 has worked with a number of graffiti and lettering artists,<br />

using creativity to break down barriers and bring people together.<br />


https://www.trappedinzoneone.com<br />

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/trappedinzoneone/<br />

FB: https://www.facebook.com/TrappedinZoneOne/<br />

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrappedZoneOne<br />

20 LOVEEAST<br />

Photos courtesy of Trapped in Zone One

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 21

| It's Art baby, Art!<br />

'Harry the Pencil' Harrison's portraits:<br />

putting a name to the face<br />

Harry's paintings of disenfranchised people are timely, haunting, and a<br />

reminder that everyone has a name, a personality, and, above all, feelings.<br />

We are all human beings, after all, and it goes without saying that everyone<br />

deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, no matter what their<br />

circumstances. Harry's work encapsulates that and provides yet another<br />

reason to appreciate the power of art.<br />


Harry the Pencil - sharp and to the point<br />

https://bit.ly/2KoRY18<br />

https://issuu.com/jtp_placemaking/docs/harry_the_pencil<br />

The Gentle Author also has a lovely post of Harry's sketches:<br />

https://spitalfieldslife.com/2019/04/19/harry-the-pencils-lunchtime-sketchbook/<br />

Follow Harry on Instagram: @harry_the_pencil<br />

Photos courtesy of and © David 'Harry' Harrison<br />

Tim<br />

Angus<br />


I am a retired architect who has drawn and painted as a hobby all my<br />

life. My drawing and draughting skills, (more or less redundant in today's<br />

digital world), were an asset in my architectural career and earned me<br />

the sobriquet 'Harry the Pencil'. I moved to the East End in 1978 and<br />

have lived here ever since. I believe the East End is undoubtedly the best<br />

place to live in London and have never, ever considered moving. There<br />

have been many changes from a mono-cultural to a much more diverse<br />

neighbourhood in the last forty-two years but despite gentrification the<br />

area has retained its unique sense of place.<br />

The portraits of homeless men Tom, Andrew, Tim and Angus and of<br />

Mick Taylor, a well known East End character, were inspired by a sense of<br />

compassion. I wanted to record the harsh reality of homelessness in our<br />

neighbourhood despite the increased affluence for some; many still 'fall<br />

through the cracks'. The paintings were exhibited in a cafe in Clerkenwell<br />

to raise money for the homeless charity Crisis.<br />

Since retiring three years ago, I have had the opportunity to devote more<br />

time to art and I work in a variety of mediums, pencil, watercolour and<br />

oil across a wide variety of subject matter. I have recently been doing<br />

a series of oil portraits of fellow dancers at a Northern Soul club called<br />

'Walls of Heartache' held at the Luna Lounge in Leytonstone, which we<br />

frequented prior to the current lockdown.<br />

| It's Art baby, Art!<br />

Tom Mick Andrew<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 23

| Community<br />

What a Load of Rubbish - Jen Wight sounds off<br />

Are they rubbish collectors? Nope, they are our unsung heroes.<br />

Last week, someone was sick<br />

outside the door of my building.<br />

It was mainly on the floor<br />

around the nearby lamppost,<br />

but some of it splattered<br />

onto one of the rubbish bags<br />

awaiting collection. I know<br />

this because I’ve not been<br />

sleeping, for reasons you can<br />

imagine, and I saw the rubbish<br />

collectors’ 5.00am pick-up<br />

through my window. I watched<br />

with admiration as a rubbish<br />

collector carefully put an empty<br />

rubbish bag over the sicksprayed<br />

one. He then heaved<br />

both into the waiting truck.<br />

Vomit is potentially hazardous<br />

waste in normal times but, now,<br />

definitely hazardous.<br />

He deserves either a medal or<br />

a pay rise or both<br />

When I checked it out a few<br />

hours later, I considered<br />

cleaning it up myself with a<br />

bucket of hot water and bleach,<br />

for about three seconds, but<br />

then thought what if I spread<br />

any potential virus-infected<br />

cells, or get ill myself?<br />

So, I tweeted Hackney Council<br />

to let them know, and Dianne<br />

Abbott MP to ask that Hackney<br />

refuse collectors be paid extra<br />

hazardous pay during this stressful time.<br />

And yesterday, these fantastic workers, fully<br />

suited and masked, cleaned up the rest of the<br />

sick. It makes my blood boil that so-called lowskilled<br />

workers, such as rubbish collectors or<br />

street sweepers, are risking their lives coming to<br />

work to keep us safe and clean. Because without<br />

them we’d be in serious trouble.<br />

24 LOVEEAST<br />

My parents moved to Hackney<br />

in the 1970s and I remember<br />

their tales of the rubbish<br />

collectors’ strike, when<br />

rotting rubbish piled up and<br />

rats moved in. Now, in 2020,<br />

according to Keep Britain Tidy,<br />

an astonishing 2.25 million<br />

pieces of rubbish are dropped<br />

on UK streets every day.<br />

In her impassioned and<br />

marvellous speech on<br />

Newsnight recently, Emily<br />

Maitlis praised many key<br />

workers, but rubbish<br />

collectors didn’t make the list.<br />

https://www.youtube.com/<br />

watch?v=L6wIcpdJyCI<br />

To show my appreciation, I’ve<br />

put up a sign saying thank<br />

you to my rubbish team, just<br />

as others have done across<br />

the country, from Cardiff to<br />

Swindon to Birmingham and<br />

beyond.<br />

I love the NHS - I mean one<br />

of my best friends is a nurse<br />

- but couldn’t one of the<br />

heartwarming claps sessions<br />

be for the street cleaners and<br />

rubbish collectors who are<br />

also risking their lives doing<br />

essential, but much lower<br />

status, jobs?<br />

Jen Wight is a writer, fundraiser and social activist.<br />

She has raised millions of pounds for social justice<br />

causes and contributed to numerous magazines and<br />

websites. Trigger Press published her first book Rattled<br />

in 2019. She lives in Hackney, where she grew up and<br />

went to school.<br />

Photos (from top) courtesy of: Jay Clark on Unsplash, Alberto Frías on Unsplash,<br />

Karl Bewick on Unsplash

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LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 25

| Walk Hackney with Sean Gubbins<br />

“...one of the most diverting things a man can read in<br />

London.”<br />

So said a French visitor in 1696 of the published<br />

accounts of trials at the Old Bailey. More than three<br />

centuries later, 197,000 court cases from 1674-1913<br />

are available to peruse at www.oldbaileyonline.org;<br />

another intriguing website to distract us as we are<br />

stuck indoors at this strange time.<br />

Do a search on your surname. More felons than<br />

victims? These trial accounts are full of testimonies<br />

by victims, defendants, witnesses, law enforcers<br />

and, in the cases of people condemned to death,<br />

the ‘Ordinary’s Account’ of the prisoners’ last<br />

dying speeches and stories of their lives. As well<br />

as telling us about past crimes and how severely<br />

they were punished, these proceedings are a<br />

fascinating source of information about the history<br />

of the parts of London we live in. They tell us the<br />

names of people who lived in<br />

our neighbourhoods, the types<br />

of work they had and often even<br />

how they dressed. You may well<br />

recognise some of the place<br />

names.<br />

The route taken by coachman<br />

Henry Tomlinson one moonlit<br />

night in September 1769 might<br />

be familiar to you. Passing<br />

Shoreditch Church, he walked<br />

up Hackney Road, turned left<br />

at The Nag’s Head (opposite<br />

today’s Hackney City Farm),<br />

up Goldsmith’s Row to London<br />

Fields. There he was robbed of<br />

his watch and money by two<br />

men, one holding a pistol to<br />

his chest. Tomlinson clearly remembered what his<br />

attacker was wearing: “a brown coat, a hat cocked,<br />

white stockings, yellow buckles, and shoes buckled<br />

pretty high up,” a tall stooping man. William Troy,<br />

claiming himself to be “as innocent as a child<br />

unborn,” was found guilty of highway robbery and<br />

sentenced to death, later changed to transportation<br />

for life.<br />

The same route was taken 55 years later by Sarah<br />

Drew one Sunday in October 1824. Coming out<br />

of Shoreditch Church she noticed the man she<br />

thought had robbed her master’s house the week<br />

26 LOVEEAST<br />

18th century print of St. Leonard’s,<br />

aka Shoreditch Church<br />

before. Advised by a police officer to go after him<br />

should she see him, she followed him up Hackney<br />

Road and then as he turned off the road, crossing<br />

the (recently constructed) canal to London Fields.<br />

There, two of the man’s accomplices seized her,<br />

stuffing straw into her mouth to keep her quiet.<br />

They dragged her across the Fields, threatening to<br />

hang her, before emptying her purse of 17 shillings<br />

and 6 pence and throwing her into a pond. Passersby<br />

rescued Miss Drew, wet and muddy up to her<br />

neck, and took her to the Cat and Shoulder of<br />

Mutton Pub (still there), where the landlord called<br />

her a coach to take her to the police ‘office.’ Edward<br />

Harris, a silk-weaver aged 37, was found guilty of the<br />

assault and sentenced to death. He was hanged the<br />

following February at Newgate.<br />

Further up, the path taken by Mr<br />

Tomlinson and Miss Drew comes<br />

into Hackney just where today’s<br />

Town Hall stands. Thereabouts in<br />

1802, 14-year old Thomas Cox was<br />

caught stealing two loaves of bread<br />

from Church Street baker, Edward<br />

Osman. “I was almost starving,”<br />

pleaded young Tom, “and seeing<br />

this bread I took it.” After being<br />

publicly whipped, the boy was<br />

discharged.<br />

Branding was another form of<br />

punishment until 1789. The thumb<br />

was branded with F for felony or M<br />

for manslaughter. In 1698 Hackney<br />

man Richard Robins was found<br />

guilty of stealing a cow worth 12<br />

shillings (60p). He would have been branded with<br />

a T for theft, carried out in the courtroom after the<br />

trial in front of spectators<br />

Just as we may be engrossed today by media<br />

presentations of True Crime, these accounts were a<br />

popular read from the outset, 346 years ago.<br />

Looking for something to do one weekend?<br />

Intrigued to find out more about Hackney?<br />

Look up walkhackney.co.uk and, once the<br />

lockdown is lifted, pick a walk that takes your fancy.

| Roger Love on Fitness<br />

If you haven't started exercising home during lockdown, don't worry. It is easy to<br />

get going. Just dive in. You could set yourself a time goal, for example to be active<br />

for 30 or 60mins a day. If nothing else, get walking, as many steps as possible.<br />

Here is a deliberately simple bodyweight circuit - if you are stuck where to start, this would be a<br />

good place.<br />

Also, make the most of your one exercise trip a day - get in as many steps as you can... your phone<br />

should record them (Health on iPhone, for example) even if you don't have a tracker.<br />


Warm-up by walking on the spot, with some pressups<br />

in the air and punching up to sky, shallow<br />

squats, shallow lunges and then some gentle<br />

jumping jacks.<br />

10 Press ups (toes or knees)<br />

10 squats (feet hip width apart)<br />

10 sit-ups<br />

20 lunges (10 on each leg)<br />

10 Press ups with hands close together (form a<br />

diamond with hands under your head, on toes or<br />

knees)<br />

20 jumping jacks (or mountain climbers or 5 to 10<br />

burpees)<br />

Plank (between 20secs and 1min)<br />

(Repeat)<br />

As a wise client<br />

said as lockdown<br />

started:<br />

"Let's come out of<br />

this fitter than we<br />

went in."<br />

Photo: Jonathan Borba on unsplash<br />

Roger Love Is a personal trainer based in<br />

Netil House E8. rogerlovept.com<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 27

| Gardening<br />

Five gardening tips from Project Green Thumb<br />

If you are one of the very lucky people to be blessed with a garden during this 'stay at<br />

home' period then I hope you have been able to make the absolute most of the sunshine<br />

and fresh air.<br />

Avid gardeners like me will be<br />

in their element right now with<br />

all the extra gardening time on<br />

their hands but for those of you<br />

who are sitting there, staring<br />

at a broken old fence, a carpet<br />

of weeds on steroids and few<br />

to no 'green thumb' skills, then<br />

don't despair. Anyone can learn<br />

to garden with a little bit of<br />

help and guidance. It's also a<br />

great support to your emotional<br />

wellbeing and a brilliant<br />

immunity booster.<br />

Right now it's almost impossible<br />

to get hold of garden supplies<br />

such as weed spray, plants, soil,<br />

plant food etc., but the good<br />

news is there are many things<br />

you can do to get started that<br />

don't cost a single penny.<br />


| Gardening<br />

Here are my top 5 handy tips to combat the<br />

lack of resources:<br />

1. Weeds - pull up as many as you can and pour<br />

boiling water over the roots to kill them so<br />

they don't come back. Job done!<br />

2. Snail and slug deterrent - mix up a teaspoon<br />

of garlic powder, chilli powder, salt and<br />

pepper and sprinkle this mixture over the<br />

base of your plants. No more nibbles.<br />

3. No plants available? No problem! Take<br />

cuttings from plants like hydrangeas,<br />

buddleia, penstemon, lavender, verbena<br />

(and more) and you will have new flowers in<br />

no time. See our FB or IG account for more<br />

instruction.<br />

4. Make a nettle and comfrey tea as a superstrong<br />

liquid plant food. Stinky but totally free<br />

and plants love it, especially tomatoes!<br />

5. Join an online community group such as<br />

the Nextdoor App so you can start swapping<br />

seeds and plants with your neighbours.<br />

I hope this helps with your garden dilemmas<br />

but there are plenty more tips like this, with a<br />

lot more info, on our Facebook and IG accounts.<br />

Feel free to follow along and ask any questions<br />

you may have. We'll be very happy to help.<br />

Happy gardening folks!<br />

Project Green Thumb<br />

East London Gardening Services<br />

W: projectgreenthumb.co.uk<br />

FB: projectgreenthumb/<br />

I: @projectgreenthumbuk<br />

P: projectgreenthumbuk<br />

Photos courtesy of Project Green Thumb<br />

Circuit Queen<br />

Fighting Fit Studio<br />

1-1 personal training<br />

- studio or video calling<br />

michellept.co.uk<br />

07805 612127<br />

@fightingfitstudio<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 29

| Eating in with Sophie Downer<br />

Sophie Downer's<br />

recipe for Demerara<br />

meringues, rhubarb<br />

and whipped cream<br />

is easy, inexpensive<br />

and uses minimal<br />

ingredients.<br />

Ingredients<br />

For the meringue<br />

4 egg whites<br />

100g caster sugar<br />

125g demerara sugar<br />

Squeeze of lemon<br />

For the rhubarb<br />

4 or 5 sticks of rhubarb<br />

A couple of handfuls of<br />

caster sugar<br />

A splash of white wine,<br />

125ml-ish, (optional, can use<br />

a splash of water instead)<br />

Double cream to serve. A<br />

300ml tub should serve 4<br />

meringues generously.<br />

Method<br />

1. Have your oven ready at 110 °C to 120°C gas mark 1, and a baking<br />

tray lined with parchment (I use reusable parchment, its available<br />

in most supermarkets).<br />

2. Use a machine to whisk your whites, caster, demerara sugar and<br />

squeeze of lemon until stiff peaks are formed, this can be done by<br />

hand but I don’t think I’d recommend it (unless you can’t get to<br />

the gym and are in need of a serious workout!).<br />

3. Once your peaks are there, spoon your blobs (around 8<br />

depending on how big you’d like them) onto your parchment,<br />

bake for 90 minutes, until light and crisp, and a little gooey in the<br />

middle.<br />

4. Meanwhile, cut your rhubarb stems into two inch batons, pop<br />

them in a saucepan with caster sugar (I suggested a couple of<br />

handfuls but it’s up to your taste).<br />

5. Heat 3-4 tbsp of oil in a medium size pan, add the finely sliced<br />

rhubarb. Add the splash of wine or water and gently simmer until<br />

just soft, this takes around 5 to 10 minutes depending on how<br />

thick the rhubarb stems are.<br />

6. Finally, whip your double cream, or leave it for pouring if you<br />

prefer, and assemble your work on a plate. I like to smash the<br />

meringue and splat the cream and rhubarb on top, in a “I want to<br />

gobble it all up” sort of fashion.<br />

Then gobble it up and enjoy!<br />

Sophie is a trained chef and runs the Central Park Cafe in East Ham's Central Park.<br />

Follow Sophie on Instagram: @breadclub1 and on Facebook: @easthambread.<br />

30 LOVEEAST<br />

Photo: Sophie Downer

| Ordering in<br />

We may not be able to go out but there are a lot of local traders offering socially distanced<br />

collection and/or delivery and we list some below. Be sure to check your local pubs, bakeries and<br />

fave restaurants as well, and support them. They need you now more than ever.<br />


How fortunate are we to have so many to choose from!<br />

Bevertown Brewery<br />

https://www.beavertownbrewery.co.uk/home/<br />

Bottle Apostle<br />

https://www.bottleapostle.com/delivery-information.html<br />

Bottle & Blade (also delivers bread)<br />

https://www.instagram.com/bottleandblade_e9/<br />

Burgess & Hall Wines<br />

http://burgessandhall.com<br />

Crate Brewery<br />

https://crate-brewery-ltd.myshopify.com<br />

East London Brewing Co<br />

https://www.eastlondonbrewing.com<br />

Exale Brewing<br />

http://exalebrewing.com/beers/<br />

Five Points Brewery<br />

fivepointsbrewing.co.uk<br />

Hacha Bar<br />

https://www.hachabar.com<br />

Hackney Church Brew<br />

https://hackneychurchbrew.co<br />

Howling Hops<br />

https://www.howlinghops.co.uk<br />

Husk<br />

https://www.huskbrewing.com<br />

London Fields Brewery<br />

https://www.londonfieldsbrewery.co.uk<br />

Meantime Brewing<br />

https://www.meantimebrewing.com<br />

Nirvana Brewery **Alcohol Free**<br />

https://www.nirvanabrewery.com<br />

Pillars Brewery<br />

https://www.pillarsbrewery.com<br />

Pressure Drop<br />

https://pressuredropbrewing.co.uk<br />

Pretty Decent Beer Company<br />

https://www.prettydecentbeer.co<br />

Shoreditch Wine House<br />

https://www.shoreditchwinehouse.co.uk<br />

Signature Brew<br />

https://www.signaturebrew.co.uk<br />

The Real Ale Co<br />

https://www.therealalcompany.co.uk/distro<br />

To Be Consumed<br />

https://linktr.ee/tbcwine<br />

Trumans<br />

https://www.trumansbeer.co.uk<br />

Vinarius<br />

https://vinarius.london<br />

Wildcard Brewery<br />

https://www.wildcardbrewery.co.uk<br />

The Wanstead Tap<br />

https://taptakeaway.co.uk<br />

COFFEE<br />

Now is the perfect time to get a coffee subscription and support<br />

your local roasteries.<br />

Darkside Coffee<br />

https://www.darksidecoffee.co.uk/buy-coffee/<br />

Perky Blenders<br />

https://perkyblenders.com<br />

Union Coffee<br />

https://unionroasted.com<br />

Wood Street Coffee<br />

https://www.woodstcoffee.co.uk/shop<br />

Square Mile Coffee<br />

https://shop.squaremilecoffee.com<br />

Ozone Coffee<br />

https://ozonecoffee.co.uk/?v=79cba1185463<br />


What's open and who delivers in your neighbourhood:<br />

The Dishpatch<br />

https://dishpatch.co.uk<br />

E5 Bakehouse<br />

You can pre-order bread to collect:<br />

https://e5bakehouse.com<br />

Hackney Essentials<br />

www.hackneyessentials.com<br />

My Virtual Neighbourhood<br />

https://www.localbuyersclub.com<br />

Sable Food<br />

Offers a discount for keyworkers and those who have lost their<br />

jobs due to the lockdown:<br />

http://www.sabelfood.co.uk/boxeswithbenefits<br />

Tryd<br />

Essentials delivered - from tinned foods to toilet roll:<br />

https://tryd.co.uk<br />


Get Loose Foods in Hackney City Farm<br />

https://www.getloosefoods.com<br />

Re:Store in Hackney Downs<br />

https://restorerefill.co.uk<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 31

| Little Green Duckie<br />

Little Green Duckie on ways to have a clean and<br />

chemical-free home<br />

Photo: Little Green Duckie<br />

I make a number of my own cleaning products, and you<br />

can too; it’s easier than you might think. Here are some<br />

reasons why I do it and some simple recipes to enable<br />

you to become a chemical-free household.<br />

Chemical issues<br />

I was shocked to discover the US Environmental<br />

Protection Agency found the average US house<br />

contains 2-5 times more air pollution than the air<br />

outside, and in some cases up to 100 times more.<br />

Household cleaning products, air fresheners, personal<br />

care products and pesticides are contributing factors,<br />

and are best avoided where possible. Also, it might<br />

seem obvious, but it’s worth pointing out that fresh<br />

air and good ventilation are important in terms of<br />

maintaining a healthy indoor environment.<br />

Saving money<br />

The average UK household in 2018 spent £140 per year<br />

on cleaning products. Using items that most of us have<br />

to hand anyway will cost a lot less than this.<br />

Animal testing<br />

It is strange that after all the anti-animal<br />

testing cosmetics campaigns of the 90s<br />

most mainstream UK cleaning products<br />

are still tested on animals. To ensure<br />

you are using animal-free tested products look for the<br />

leaping bunny logo on the packaging.<br />

What I use<br />

A cheaper solution to buying commercial products is<br />

to make your own. My cleaning arsenal is very simple;<br />

lemon, white vinegar, bi-carb, natural washing up<br />

liquid and tea tree oil. I have spray bottles from when I<br />

used to buy cleaning products and refill them with the<br />

appropriate combination of items as I need to.<br />

32 LOVEEAST<br />

My cleaning product recipes<br />

• Floor mopping spray – 1/4 cup of white vinegar to 1<br />

cup of water<br />

• Shower spray – 1/4 cup of white vinegar to 1 cup of<br />

water, a few drops of essential oil of your choice<br />

• Window cleaning – mainly water with a bit of white<br />

vinegar and a little washing up liquid<br />

• Anti mould – 1/4 cup white vinegar, few drops of<br />

tea-tree oil, 1 cup water<br />

• Lemon to remove water marks and limescale – keep<br />

lemon halves left over from cooking in the fridge<br />

and use as needed. Or a bottle of lemon juice.<br />

• Bi-carb (baking soda) – a mild abrasive, for<br />

anything a bit stubborn. Make into a paste with<br />

water for cleaning the oven and baking trays.<br />

Where to get ingredients<br />

I am able to get all of the above, apart from tea tree oil,<br />

from my local plastic-free, organic shop, Get Loose in<br />

Hackney City Farm, using containers I already have as<br />

refills.<br />

https://www.getloosefoods.com<br />

If you’re near Hackney Downs, there’s also Re:Store.<br />

https://restorerefill.co.uk<br />

If you don’t live near a bulk shop, 5 litre bottles of white<br />

vinegar can be bought online for around £5.<br />

If you don’t have any essential oils hiding at the back<br />

of the bathroom cupboard, your local health food shop<br />

should have a good range.<br />

For washing up liquid I use Bio-D, as it is plant-based,<br />

made in the UK, does not pollute the water system and<br />

is not tested on animals. Many health food shops stock<br />

a natural washing up liquid so shop around to see what<br />

suits you. Better yet, buy online in 5 litre containers<br />

(you can then refill a smaller one) saving money and<br />

packaging.<br />

Little Green Duckie (Justine) lives in Stratford and is a<br />

Sustainability blogger who envisions a disposable plasticfree<br />

city. Challenges rail companies on water fountains,<br />

book swap guardian and loves a litter pick.<br />

W: littlegreenduckie.com<br />

T: @LttlGreenDuckie<br />

FB: @LittleGreenDuckie

P R O J E C T G R E E N T H U M B<br />



I help people struggling with<br />

energy, hormones, weight &<br />

07453 421 377<br />

and attractive again.<br />

www.nutritioneast.london<br />

nutritioneast@mail.com<br />

(+44) 7984 149089<br />

T H E ' U R B A N G A R D E N '<br />

S P E C I A L I S T S<br />

www.projectgreenthumb.co.uk<br />

@projectgreenthumbuk<br />

Project Green Thumb<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 33





Visual Identity | Graphic Design | Exhibition Solutions<br />

07590 609 557<br />

karen@chomp.me.uk<br />

www.chomp.me.uk<br />


| Culture<br />

Telling the story of<br />

London in lockdown<br />

The Museum of London is seeking to collect both objects and first-hand experiences to reflect Londoners’<br />

lives during this time, in order to keep a record and to ensure future generations will be able to learn about<br />

and understand this extraordinary period.<br />

The museum is keen to focus on three strands of collecting: how the physical spaces in the city have been<br />

transformed – from a bustling metropolis to hushed streets - while the social and working lives of many<br />

have moved digital; the effects on key and home workers and how children and young people are reacting<br />

to and coping with the changes now that many schools are closed.<br />

They are hoping to collect both physical and digital objects, reflecting the voices and experiences<br />

of a broad range of Londoners. From those working on the front line to those quietly working in the<br />

background, from parents turned home-school support to young people online gaming, the museum<br />

wants to collect objects from those that can tell the story of London in lockdown.<br />

Individuals and organisations who would like to donate objects should get in touch via social media<br />

@MuseumofLondon or email enquiry@museumoflondon.org.uk.<br />

"Wherever<br />

you are,<br />

be all<br />

there"<br />

- Jim Elliot<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 35

| Thoughts on a grey day<br />

What are you waiting for?<br />

She's waiting for a delivery.<br />

He's waiting for his shift to end.<br />

They're waiting for the TV show to start.<br />

I'm waiting for the kettle to boil.<br />

We used to hate waiting for the bus.<br />

She's waiting to find out if she's pregnant.<br />

He's waiting for the Zoom meeting to begin.<br />

They're waiting for their PPE.<br />

You're waiting for a letter.<br />

He's waiting to hear from his girlfriend.<br />

I'm waiting for the files to upload.<br />

They're waiting to see if it all works out.<br />

She's waiting to hear from her mum.<br />

He's waiting for the game to download.<br />

They're waiting for an update.<br />

We used to be waiting for our waiter.<br />

You're waiting in a queue.<br />

He's waiting for his eggs to boil.<br />

They're waiting to hear the results.<br />

We actually miss waiting for the train.<br />

She's waiting for the toast to pop out of the toaster.<br />

You're waiting for the damn money to be deposited.<br />

He's waiting for a text message.<br />

We're all waiting for the lockdown to end.<br />

You're trying to wait patiently.<br />

We're all tired of waiting.<br />

We may be waiting quite a long time.<br />

And all we can do is wait...<br />


| Community<br />

Essential listening with East London Radio<br />

East London Radio has been passionate about ‘Getting East London Talking’ since first<br />

going on air in 2013. Run entirely by volunteers, the online community station is a mix of<br />

talk and music, with shows that reflect our diverse community.<br />

Characterised by promoting a positive image of East<br />

London as well as supporting local businesses, charities<br />

and community events, there is something for everyone,<br />

including interviews, a variety of music from reggae to<br />

rock, grassroots football, entertainment and more. It's<br />

also been the starting place for many who've wanted to<br />

get involved in 'making radio'.<br />

Pre-lockdown, ELR's studios provided open access to<br />

East London residents with a desire to learn about and<br />

be trained in radio skills. ELR uses a hands-on approach,<br />

sharing knowledge and expertise on anything from<br />

presenting to production. They've also run workshops in<br />

conjunction with schools and community groups, with<br />

many benefitting from the exposure a radio platform<br />

provides.<br />

In spite of the studios being shut due to lockdown,<br />

ELR is as busy as ever, producing shows, providing<br />

entertainment and continuing to be a voice for East<br />

London. Founder Ian Chambers says, "We're on air 24/7<br />

and we're adding new, live content during lockdown,<br />

which has been really exciting, especially since everything<br />

is being done remotely at the moment."<br />

ELR's shows are also uploaded to MixCloud where people<br />

can listen at their leisure.<br />

The station is funded by advertising as well as donations,<br />

and they've just launched a crowdfunding campaign with<br />

the Mayor of London's Pay it Forward scheme, whereby<br />

people can pledge their support.<br />


payitforward.london.gov.uk/eastlondonradio<br />

TUNE IN<br />

eastlondonradio.org.uk<br />

mixcloud.com/EastLondonRadio/<br />

T: @EastLondonRadio<br />

FB: @ELondonRadio<br />


yes@eastlondonradio.org.uk<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 37

| What's Open?<br />

Your online 'essential shopping' guide<br />

Many of our local businesses are offering collection and/or delivery and while this is by no<br />

means an exahaustive list, it's a place to start, and hopefully will spur you on to checking<br />

out others in your area. Be sure to check websites for dates, times and delivery zones, as<br />

this is a moveable feast. Most importantly, support your local traders.<br />


Hackney Arts delivers art and craft<br />

materials<br />

https://www.hackneyarts.com/shop<br />

Hackney Flea Market's twitter feed<br />

and Facebook page has info for online<br />

sales - fnd the links on their website:<br />

http://www.hackneyfleamarket.com<br />

Hooksmith Press - prints can be ordered<br />

online:<br />

https://www.hooksmith.com<br />

Jealous Gallery - prints can be ordered<br />

online:<br />

https://www.jealousgallery.com<br />

Local Makers Market's instagram feed<br />

is doing 24 hour Lockdown sales:<br />

@localmakersmarket<br />

Snap is taking online orders for stationery<br />

and other bits & pieces:<br />

https://snap-store.com<br />

Trapped In Zone One has prints<br />

available online and proceeds go to<br />

various charities:<br />

https://www.trappedinzoneone.com/shop<br />

Urban Makers has an online shop of<br />

local designers & makers:<br />

https://urbanmakers.co.uk<br />


See page 33<br />


Order books online from any of our<br />

independent bookshops:<br />

Brick Lane Bookshop<br />

https://www.bricklanebookshop.org<br />

Newham Bookshop<br />

http://www.newhambooks.co.uk<br />

Pages of Hackney<br />

https://pagesofhackney.co.uk<br />

Spitalfields Life Books<br />

https://spitalfieldslife.com/bookshop/<br />

38 LOVEEAST<br />


Businesses can now submit their claim<br />

for the Small Business Grant Fund and<br />

Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant<br />

Fund online:<br />

https://bit.ly/2Xwji5x<br />

COFFEE<br />

See page 33<br />


Empire Security in Well St for any<br />

locksmith needs<br />

020 8986 7921<br />

Halo Floors & Carpentry<br />

http://www.halofloors.co.uk<br />

Project Green Thumb is offering virtual<br />

garden planning<br />

https://www.projectgreenthumb.co.uk<br />

Scott Whitehead Trees<br />

https://www.scottwhiteheadtrees.co.uk<br />


available for advice and information:<br />

April Properties<br />

http://www.aprilproperties.co.uk<br />

Butler & Stag<br />

https://www.butlerandstag.uk<br />

Outlook Properties<br />

https://www.outlookproperty.com<br />


London Software Training is offering<br />

online courses for all sorts of computer<br />

skills:<br />

https://www.londonsoftwaretraining.<br />

co.uk<br />

Bobby Seagull has a great YouTube<br />

channel with quizes, study aids,<br />

motivational clips and more.<br />

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClNF95OSxTtfnUfTNJdEzg<br />


See page 33<br />


COMEDY<br />

London Fields Brewery Comedy Nites<br />

https://www.instagram.com/<br />

londonfieldsbrewery/<br />


East London Radio<br />

https://eastlondonradio.org.uk<br />

Hoxton Radio<br />

http://hoxtonradio.com<br />

London Fields Radio<br />

http://www.londonfieldsradio.org<br />

Shoreditch Radio<br />

https://www.shoreditchradio.co.uk/<br />

listen-live/<br />


Baby Broadway<br />

https://www.facebook.com/<br />

babybroadwayuk/<br />

Bring Your Baby<br />

https://bringyourbaby.org<br />

MUSIC<br />

Estelio String Quartet<br />

https://www.facebook.com/pg/estilostring4/<br />

posts/?ref=page_internal<br />

GigsGuide<br />

https://gigs.guide/live<br />

Jam Sandwich<br />

https://en-gb.facebook.com/<br />

JamSandwichLive/<br />

The Nest Collective<br />

https://thenestcollective.co.uk/newssinging-nightingales-live-at-home/<br />

PUB QUIZ<br />

Lots of pubs are doing online quizes,<br />

cocktail master classes and more. Check<br />

out your local to see what's on offer and<br />

to support them.

| What's Open?<br />


Annie Yoga London<br />

https://www.facebook.com/pg/Annie-Yoga-<br />

London-504016622978278/posts/?ref=page_<br />

internal<br />

Cassius Powell is streaming dance<br />

classes on his Instagram feed:<br />

@cassiuspowell<br />

Community Psychotherapy Network<br />

in Bethnal Green is doing online<br />

consultations:<br />

https://communitypsychotherapy.org.uk<br />

Fighting Fit Studio has 1-1 personal<br />

training online:<br />

https://michellept.co.uk<br />

HempSmile has an online shop for CBD<br />

products:<br />

https://www.hempsmile.co.uk<br />

KanKan London has an online shop with<br />

organic soaps in re-fillable cans:<br />

https://www.kankan.london<br />

NutritionEast is offering online<br />

nutritional consultations:<br />

https://nutritioneast.london<br />

Move Studio is offering online yoga<br />

classes:<br />

https://www.movestudiolondon.com<br />

The Refinery streams online yoga and<br />

fitness classes<br />

https://therefinerye9.com<br />

Skin & Sanctuary is sharing skincare<br />

tips on their Facebook and Instagram<br />

feeds - check their website for links:<br />

https://skinandsanctuary.com<br />

SootheMe online shop for organic, hand<br />

made skincare products:<br />

https://soothe-me.com<br />

Roger Love has some working from<br />

home workouts on his website:<br />

https://www.rogerlovept.com/bloghackney-personal-trainer<br />

Upload your<br />

virtual events<br />

for free on<br />

myeastlondon.online<br />


The Leytonstoner<br />

https://www.leytonstoner.london<br />

Roman Road London<br />

https://romanroadlondon.com/<br />

shops-open-for-business/<br />


Below is a list of just some of the many businesses that have supported<br />

the East London community as well as LoveEast itself. You can support<br />

them by purchasing a gift card to be used at a later date, or by making<br />

a donation either directly or to a crowdfunding page if they have one, or<br />

simply getting in touch to see if there is anything they might need. Don't<br />

forget your local restaurants, pubs and coffee houses..<br />

Abbotts - flooring, carpets & blinds<br />

http://www.abbottsflooring.co.uk<br />

Abbi Florists<br />

Plaistow - 020 7476 5576<br />

A.G. Price Florists<br />

http://www.agpriceflowers.co.uk<br />

Applecart Arts<br />

https://applecartarts.com/index.php<br />

Arcola Theatre<br />

https://www.arcolatheatre.com<br />

Bluebird Pictures<br />

http://bluebirdpictures.org<br />

Branch on the Park Jewelers<br />

https://www.branchonthepark.co.uk<br />

Brewclub<br />

https://www.brewclub.uk.com<br />

The Castle Cinema<br />

https://thecastlecinema.com<br />

Central Park Cafe<br />

https://www.facebook.com/<br />

easthambread/<br />

Coffee Afrique<br />

https://www.coffeeafrique.co.uk<br />

Eleven 98<br />

https://www.eleven98hackney.com<br />

Flow Architecture<br />

https://www.flowarchitecture.co.uk<br />

Genesis Cinema<br />

https://genesiscinema.co.uk/<br />

GenesisCinema.dll/Home<br />

Hackney Empire<br />

https://hackneyempire.co.uk<br />

Spitalfields Life has updates every<br />

Wednesday with what's open in the area:<br />

https://spitalfieldslife.com/2020/04/15/<br />

list-of-local-shops-open-for-business-b/<br />

Tower Hamlets Council has all sorts of<br />

stay at home resources:<br />

orlo.uk/zyZkG<br />

Hackney Picturehouse<br />

https://www.picturehouses.com/cinema/<br />

hackney-picturehouse<br />

Husk Coffee & Creative Space<br />

http://www.huskcoffee.com<br />

Launch22<br />

http://www.launch22.co.uk<br />

Lizzie Thorne Flowers<br />

https://www.lizziethorne.com<br />

London Fields Fitness<br />

https://www.londonfieldsfitness.com<br />

Oxford House<br />

https://www.oxfordhouse.org.uk<br />

RichMix<br />

https://richmix.org.uk<br />

Rio Cinema<br />

https://riocinema.org.uk/RioCinema.dll/<br />

Home<br />

Spotlight<br />

https://wearespotlight.com<br />

St Margaret's House<br />

https://www.stmargaretshouse.org.uk<br />

Stratford East Picturehouse<br />

https://www.picturehouses.com/cinema/<br />

stratford-picturehouse<br />

Tessa Crighton Miller Garden Design<br />

https://www.tessacrichtonmiller.com<br />

Walk Hackney<br />

http://walkhackney.co.uk/about/<br />

Wonderland Ceramics<br />

https://wonderlandceramics.com/wp/<br />

The Yard Theatre<br />

https://theyardtheatre.co.uk/<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 39

Punk Faction:<br />

BHP 9 I to 95<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Tim Cundle Compression<br />

I<br />



Tim Cundle<br />

Punk Faction:<br />

BHP 9 I to 95<br />

I<br />

I<br />

‘Much of my knowledge of music<br />

and view of the world is still<br />

inuenced by those words.’<br />

Frank Turner<br />

‘I found myself absorbed after<br />

the rst few pages. It’s a solid<br />

piece of work.’<br />

David Stuart, Fracture Magazine<br />



Your safety is<br />

our concern<br />

Specialising in alarms, CCTV, concertina grilles<br />

and safes, we are the most comprehensive<br />

lock-based service available<br />

Empire Security, 8-20 Well Street, E9 7PX<br />

020 8986 7921<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 41

| Parting shot<br />


Hackney<br />

personal<br />

trainer<br />

Friendly &<br />

experienced<br />

Free trial session<br />

www.rogerlovept.com<br />

LOVEEAST Lockdown.01 43





During these diffi cult times, Halo Floors is<br />

only embarking on work that can be undertaken<br />

observing safe social distancing measures.<br />

Consequently, we are concentrating<br />

more on commercial projects during lockdown.<br />

We can provide a full wood fl oor sanding and installing<br />

service to make your premises look beautiful for<br />

the grand opening, whenever that might be?<br />


07957 580993 (virtual quoting also available)<br />

halo_floors halofloors halofloors.co.uk

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