The Pro Guide to Shorting


The Pro Guide to ShortingThere's more risk than potential gain, so tread carefully.Motley Fool Staff(the_motley_fool)Updated: Apr 5, 2017 at 7:52PMPublished: Dec 31, 2008 at 12:00AMThe following is adapted from an article originally written for our Motley FoolPro investing service. Look at the end of the article for more information about thisnew service.Short-sellers often get a bad rap in the investing world. When the market is up,they're chastised for holding back the rally. When the market is down, they'rereviled for keeping it "artificially low." And when the majority of long-terminvestors are hurting, that's exactly when successful short-sellers profit most.For instance, against-the-grain hedge fund managers such as Manuel Asensio,who shorted tech stocks before the dot-com crash, or John Paulson, who shortedthe ABX subprime index before the housing bubble collapsed, made big profitsfrom shorting. Yet while short-selling can pay off, the strategy is risky -- so it'simperative that you understand how this strategy works before diving in.What is a short?A short sale is a way to profit when stock prices decline. Here's how it works:First, you borrow from your broker shares of a stock that you think is overvalued.Your broker immediately sells those shares on the market, and the money fromthe sale is lent to your account (since you didn't actually own the shares yousold). Later, you replace the borrowed shares (buy them back) at a lower price --ideally! -- and keep the difference as a profit.Say, for example, Stock XYZ is trading at $100, but you believe it's worth no morethan $50. You borrow 100 shares and sell them at $100 each for a total of$10,000. A few months later, huzzah! You were right: Stock XYZ falls to $50, andyou can buy back the 100 shares for just $5,000. You keep the remaining $5,000(minus commissions and interest on the "loan") and do a happy dance.It may sound simple, but this strategy can bite you if you don't get it right. Usingthe same example, let's say those 100 shares of Stock XYZ skyrocket to $300.Ouch! If you want out of your short sale at that point, you'll need to pay $30,000to close the trade -- so you've lost $20,000 plus commissions and interest.So while the maximum gain you can take from a short sale is 100% -- that is, thestock goes to $0 -- the maximum loss is theoretically infinite. Take a look at thereturns you would have earned by shorting these stocks five years ago:Stock Price in Current Short

The Pro Guide to Shorting

There's more risk than potential gain, so tread carefully.

Motley Fool Staff


Updated: Apr 5, 2017 at 7:52PM

Published: Dec 31, 2008 at 12:00AM

The following is adapted from an article originally written for our Motley Fool

Pro investing service. Look at the end of the article for more information about this

new service.

Short-sellers often get a bad rap in the investing world. When the market is up,

they're chastised for holding back the rally. When the market is down, they're

reviled for keeping it "artificially low." And when the majority of long-term

investors are hurting, that's exactly when successful short-sellers profit most.

For instance, against-the-grain hedge fund managers such as Manuel Asensio,

who shorted tech stocks before the dot-com crash, or John Paulson, who shorted

the ABX subprime index before the housing bubble collapsed, made big profits

from shorting. Yet while short-selling can pay off, the strategy is risky -- so it's

imperative that you understand how this strategy works before diving in.

What is a short?

A short sale is a way to profit when stock prices decline. Here's how it works:

First, you borrow from your broker shares of a stock that you think is overvalued.

Your broker immediately sells those shares on the market, and the money from

the sale is lent to your account (since you didn't actually own the shares you

sold). Later, you replace the borrowed shares (buy them back) at a lower price --

ideally! -- and keep the difference as a profit.

Say, for example, Stock XYZ is trading at $100, but you believe it's worth no more

than $50. You borrow 100 shares and sell them at $100 each for a total of

$10,000. A few months later, huzzah! You were right: Stock XYZ falls to $50, and

you can buy back the 100 shares for just $5,000. You keep the remaining $5,000

(minus commissions and interest on the "loan") and do a happy dance.

It may sound simple, but this strategy can bite you if you don't get it right. Using

the same example, let's say those 100 shares of Stock XYZ skyrocket to $300.

Ouch! If you want out of your short sale at that point, you'll need to pay $30,000

to close the trade -- so you've lost $20,000 plus commissions and interest.

So while the maximum gain you can take from a short sale is 100% -- that is, the

stock goes to $0 -- the maximum loss is theoretically infinite. Take a look at the

returns you would have earned by shorting these stocks five years ago:

Stock Price in Current Short

2003 Price Return

General Motors (NYSE:GM) 44.07 3.60 91.8%

AIG (NYSE:AIG) 62.33 1.55 97.5%

Citigroup (NYSE:C) 39.13 6.57 83.2%



40.21 17.70 56.0%

ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP) 28.91 49.00 (69.5%)

PotashCorp (NYSE:POT) 13.90 73.22 (426.8%)

Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) 10.57 86.61 (719.4%)

Source: Yahoo! Finance.

Using a strategy that has more risk than potential gain means you must be very

careful -- and have an iron stomach.

How do I short a stock?

To short a stock -- and this applies only to stocks, not ETFs -- go to your broker

site (make sure you're set up for a margin account, which lets you borrow

shares), enter the ticker, and use the command "sell to open" or "sell short." If

your stock is available for shorting -- not all are -- when you make the trade,

you'll see a lent payment, as a negative number, in your account. If the stock

goes down, you can buy it back any time with the command "buy to close" at the

lower share price. The difference is your profit.

If the stock price increases, you'll eventually need to buy it back at the higher

price and suffer the loss, so make sure you have cash to cover this possibility.

Theoretically, you could wait for years, in hopes that the stock comes back down

-- but your losses could continue to grow, and you could be wiped out. In most

cases, selling short is a short-term strategy measured in months rather than


Strings attached

There are a few sticky issues to keep in mind with shorts: First, you need to

cough up any dividends while you borrow the shares. Second, you'll be paying

interest on the loan you've taken to borrow the shares, so you need to factor

that into your bottom-line projections. Finally, you could be given the short

squeeze: If your stock price goes up, your broker can force you out of your short

position if it needs to deliver the shares back to the owner.

The bottom line

Despite their unpopularity, investors who short stocks see themselves as a

necessary element to keep the market healthy. By researching companies with

extreme due diligence and digging deep for flaws, investors on the short side

improve the quality of information available in the market while exposing

companies as weak.

But finding the right companies to short, buy puts on, or short with ETFs is a

challenge because the market's historical long-term trend is upward. So you'll

want to focus on companies with burdensome debt loads, low profits, few

competitive advantages, questionable management, and, most important,

companies that are overvalued. To win with shorting, you want to find shorts

with limited upside risk and large downside potential -- the exact opposite of

what you want when buying a stock.

Related articles:

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This article is adapted from an article by Jeff Fischer for our Motley Fool

Pro service. It has been updated by Dan Caplinger, who doesn't own shares of the

companies mentioned.

On Jan. 12, 2009, Fool co-founder David Gardner, Jeff Fischer, and their Motley

Fool Pro team will accept new subscribers to their real-money portfolio service.

Motley Fool Pro is investing $1 million of the Fool’s own money in long and short

positions in a range of securities, including common stocks, put and call options,

and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). They also incorporate proprietary CAPS

"community intelligence" data into their research. To learn more about Motley

Fool Pro and to receive a private invitation to join, simply enter your email address

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