Associate Message4.24.20


To our valued Northwestern Dining team, While this is such a hard time for all of us, I do want to share a piece of good news and appreciation. I received this noteearlier in the week from a student, who wanted to share just how much she enjoyed her experience with the Sargent team : Thank you so much for the wonderful work you’ve done this year. Going to Sargent was by far one of my favorite parts of freshman year, and the Sargent staff were the highlight of that experience. Not only did you provide wonderful, quality food to the Northwestern community, but you also connected with us and helped to make our time on campus memorable. If I’m being honest, I would often go to Sargent to sit and chat with Pat or Alicia by the check-in or to say hello to Brandon with his infectious smile and positive attitude. I would set my alarm early to say hello to Q and get an omelette or to chat with Lupe as he unloaded a double shipment on Mondays or Wednesdays. I was lucky enough to talk often with Roxy, and I can honestly say that she is one of the most incredible people I’ve ever met. I admire her immensely and hope to be like her someday. I wish I could’ve gotten the chance to better know more of the staff, but please know that for those of you I did have the pleasure of knowing these past two quarters, you really made Northwestern seem like home. Thank you. – Lila Wells (Northwestern 2023) Track your Stimulus Check: The new Get My Payment tool allows many taxpayers to check when they can expect to receive their payment. In addition, the tool allows taxpayers to add direct deposit information, if it isn't already on file with the IRS. Make sure to have your Social Security number, date of birth and the mailing address used on your tax return to track your payment. Survey of the week: We hope you take a minute to fill out the survey of the week, this week we are asking what your favorite comfort food is? Let's have some fun and stay connected. Link to survey here. Questions? Or Comments? Do you need additional help or grocery relief this week? Text us: Evanston Campus Associates: 806-414-3813 Chicago Campus Associates 919-629-0300 We have updated the attached resource listing with some great things to do with your family during this time. You can host a virtual family dinner, using Zoom (its free!) or play a game or just catch up with the people you miss the most! Stay connected with all your friends, everyone needs a helping hand right now! News from Northwestern University this week confirms that commencement will take place virtually this year and not in Evanston. Summer programs and activities scheduled to begin in-person on or before July 12 will now be offered remotely for the duration of the summer. We will continue to share updates as they become available. Stay safe, healthy and indoors! Jennifer, Jonathan & Kwasi

To our valued Northwestern Dining team,<br />

While this is such a hard time for all of us, I do want to share a piece of good news and appreciation. I received this noteearlier<br />

in the week from a student, who wanted to share just how much she enjoyed her experience with the Sargent team :<br />

Thank you so much for the wonderful work you’ve done this year. Going to Sargent was by far one of my favorite parts of<br />

freshman year, and the Sargent staff were the highlight of that experience. Not only did you provide wonderful, quality food to the<br />

Northwestern community, but you also connected with us and helped to make our time on campus memorable. If I’m being<br />

honest, I would often go to Sargent to sit and chat with Pat or Alicia by the check-in or to say hello to Brandon with his infectious<br />

smile and positive attitude. I would set my alarm early to say hello to Q and get an omelette or to chat with Lupe as he unloaded a<br />

double shipment on Mondays or Wednesdays. I was lucky enough to talk often with Roxy, and I can honestly say that she is one of<br />

the most incredible people I’ve ever met. I admire her immensely and hope to be like her someday. I wish I could’ve gotten the<br />

chance to better know more of the staff, but please know that for those of you I did have the pleasure of knowing these past two<br />

quarters, you really made Northwestern seem like home. Thank you. – Lila Wells (Northwestern 2023)<br />

Track your Stimulus Check:<br />

The new Get My Payment tool allows many taxpayers to check when they can expect to receive their payment. In addition, the<br />

tool allows taxpayers to add direct deposit information, if it isn't already on file with the IRS.<br />

Make sure to have your Social Security number, date of birth and the mailing address used on your tax return to track your<br />

payment.<br />

Survey of the week: We hope you take a minute to fill out the survey of the week, this week we are asking what your favorite<br />

comfort food is? Let's have some fun and stay connected. Link to survey here.<br />

Questions? Or Comments? Do you need additional help or grocery relief this week? Text us:<br />

Evanston Campus <strong>Associate</strong>s: 806-414-3813<br />

Chicago Campus <strong>Associate</strong>s 919-629-0300<br />

We have updated the attached resource listing with some great things to do with your family during this time. You can host a<br />

virtual family dinner, using Zoom (its free!) or play a game or just catch up with the people you miss the most! Stay connected<br />

with all your friends, everyone needs a helping hand right now!<br />

News from Northwestern University this week confirms that commencement will take place virtually this year and not in<br />

Evanston. Summer programs and activities scheduled to begin in-person on or before July 12 will now be offered remotely for<br />

the duration of the summer. We will continue to share updates as they become available. Stay safe, healthy and indoors!<br />

Jennifer, Jonathan & Kwasi

Para nuestro valioso equipo de Northwestern Dining,<br />

Si bien este es un momento tan difícil para todos nosotros, quiero compartir una buena noticia y agradecimiento. Recibí esta nota<br />

a principios de semana de una estudiante que quería compartir cuánto disfrutó su experiencia con el equipo de Sargent:<br />

Muchas gracias por el maravilloso trabajo que has hecho este año. Ir a Sargent fue, con mucho, una de mis partes favoritas del<br />

primer año, y el personal de Sargent fue lo más destacado de esa experiencia. No solo proporcionó alimentos maravillosos y de<br />

calidad a la comunidad del noroeste, sino que también se conectó con nosotros y ayudó a que nuestro tiempo en el campus fuera<br />

memorable. Si soy honesto, a menudo iba a Sargent para sentarme y conversar con Pat o Alicia en el check-in o saludar a Brandon<br />

con su sonrisa contagiosa y su actitud positiva. Ponía mi alarma temprano para saludar a Q y obtener una tortilla o conversar con<br />

Lupe mientras descargaba un envío doble los lunes o miércoles. Tuve la suerte de hablar a menudo con Roxy, y honestamente<br />

puedo decir que es una de las personas más increíbles que he conocido. La admiro inmensamente y espero ser como ella algún<br />

día. Desearía haber tenido la oportunidad de conocer mejor al personal, pero sepa que para aquellos de ustedes tuve el placer de<br />

conocer estos dos últimos trimestres, realmente hicieron que Northwestern pareciera su hogar. Gracias. - Lila Wells (Noroeste de<br />

2023)<br />

Rastree su cheque de estímulo:<br />

La nueva herramienta Obtener mi pago permite a muchos contribuyentes verificar cuándo pueden esperar recibir su pago.<br />

Además, la herramienta permite a los contribuyentes agregar información de depósito directo, si aún no está en el archivo del<br />

IRS.<br />

Asegúrese de tener su número de Seguro Social, fecha de nacimiento y la dirección postal utilizada en su declaración de<br />

impuestos para rastrear su pago.<br />

Encuesta de la semana: Esperamos que se tome un minuto para completar la encuesta de la semana, esta semana le<br />

preguntamos cuál es su comida reconfortante favorita. Divirtámonos y mantengámonos conectados. Enlace a la encuesta aquí.<br />

Preguntas? O comentarios? ¿Necesita ayuda adicional o alivio de comestibles esta semana? Envíenos un mensaje de texto:<br />

Evanston Campus <strong>Associate</strong>s: 806-414-3813<br />

Chicago Campus <strong>Associate</strong>s 919-629-0300<br />

Las noticias de la Universidad Northwestern de esta semana confirman que el comienzo tendrá lugar prácticamente este año y<br />

no en Evanston. Los programas y actividades de verano programados para comenzar en persona el 12 de julio o antes se<br />

ofrecerán de forma remota durante todo el verano. Continuaremos compartiendo actualizaciones a medida que estén<br />

disponibles. ¡Manténgase seguro, saludable y en interiores!<br />

Jennifer, Jonathan y Kwasi

Team,<br />

We are aware that this time might be especially difficult for you and your family. The following resources may be able to hel p.<br />

Additional resources will be added as we get them, and please note that these resources are subject to change due to<br />

COVID-19.<br />


Food<br />

• Greater Chicago Food Depository is prov iding food programs across Chicago for those in need of food<br />

assistance. Working with 700 partner agencies, they hav e set up sites for distribution of these resources as<br />

pre-packaged boxes of groceries. Find a location near you here or call 773-843-5416 between 8:30a and 5p<br />

Monday to Friday.<br />

• Chicago Department of Family and Supportiv e Services (DFSS) is helping senior citizens at size senior centers,<br />

satellite centers and community sites around the city with daily quantities of take-away boxed meals that<br />

will be deliv ered to those in need Monday-Friday. More information can be found here or between 9am<br />

and 5pm at 312-744-4016.<br />

• The Archdiocese of Chicago/Catholic Charities is offering driv e-by meal pickup Monday to Friday. In<br />

addition to this, they are continuing serv ice at their Food Pantries and their Ev ening Meal Programs. Find the<br />

most up to date information on these serv ices here or call 312-655-7700.<br />

• If you or someone you know is in quarantine, The Salv ation Army is here to help. The Salv ation Army is<br />

prepared to help feed people in quarantine and isolation as well as first responders like doctors, firefighters,<br />

nurses and EMTs. All of Salv ation Army’s food pantries will also remain open to prov ide curbside pickup for<br />

families affected by the v irus. For more information click here or call 773-725-1100.<br />

• Northwestern Dining grocery relief program , please text 806-414-3813 to request this program.<br />

Schools with Pick Up/To-Go Food<br />

• Due to CPS school closures, free "Grab and Go" breakfast and lunch meals are av ailable for pickup<br />

Monday – Friday 9am – 1pm from March 17-30 for children throughout Chicago.<br />

Wellness<br />

• More Information on CPS Student Meals<br />

• Visit this site to take v irtual tours of famous museums, zoos and theme parks. Learn how to start an indoor<br />

garden, and steps on how to set up ZOOM or Skype to stay connected with family and friends.<br />

• Headspace meditation is offering its APP for free during COVID-19<br />

• The Sanvello APP is a place to feel better and prov ide a meaningful connection during this difficult time.<br />

Take adv antage of personal coaching, peer support and self- care to break of the day to day.<br />

Resources<br />

• For businesses, municipalities, K-12, and other entities, Microsoft is prov iding six months of Office 365 tools for<br />

free to enable remote collaboration, file sharing, and v ideo conferencing. They’re also offering free<br />

assistance to set up these tools.<br />

• Comcast has increased speeds from 15 Mbps to 25 in "Internet Essentials," a program for low -income families<br />

to get internet access. This Internet Essential Serv ice will be complementary for the next 60 days. For more<br />

information please v isit They are also opening all Xfinity Wifi Hotspots to the<br />

public, requiring no current serv ice subscription.<br />

• Illinois Department of Employee Security prov ides temporary unemployment insurance for low -income and<br />

unemployed residents of Illinois. You can talk to a IDES representativ e Monday - Friday 8:30a to 5:00p or by<br />

calling 800-247-4984.<br />

• The Get My Payment tool allows many taxpayers to check when they can expect to receiv e their stimulus<br />

payment (if eligible). In addition, the tool allows taxpayers to add direct deposit information, if it isn't already<br />

on file with the IRS.<br />

• Peoples Gas of Illinois is offering low-income assistance v ia their LIHEAP program. ComEd is willing to make<br />

payment arraignments directly with their customers.

Equipo,<br />

Somos conscientes de que esta vez puede ser especialmente difícil para usted y su familia. Los siguientes recursos pueden<br />

ayudarlo. Se agregarán recursos adicionales a medida que los obtengamos, y tenga en cuenta que estos recursos están<br />

sujetos a cambios debido a COVID-19.<br />


Food<br />

• Greater Chicago Food Depository está proporcionando programas de alimentos en Chicago para aquellos que<br />

necesitan asistencia alimentaria. Trabajando con 700 agencias asociadas, han establecido sitios para la<br />

distribución de estos recursos como cajas de comestibles preempaquetadas. Encuentre una ubicación cerca de<br />

usted aquí o llame al 773-843-5416 entre las 8:30 y las 5 p de lunes a v iernes.<br />

• El Departamento de Serv icios Familiares y de Apoyo de Chicago (DFSS, por sus siglas en inglés) está ayudando a<br />

los ciudadanos de la tercera edad en centros de personas mayores, centros satélite y sitios comunitarios en la<br />

ciudad con cantidades diarias de comidas para llev ar en cajas que se entregarán a los necesitados de lunes a<br />

v iernes. Puede encontrar más información aquí o entre las 9 a.m. y las 5 p.m. al 312-744-4016.<br />

• La Arquidiócesis de Chicago / Caridades Católicas ofrece recolección de comida en automóv il de lunes a<br />

v iernes. Además de esto, continúan prestando serv icios en sus despensas de alimentos y sus programas de<br />

comidas nocturnas. Encuentre la información más actualizada sobre estos serv icios íaqu o llame al 312-655-7700.<br />

• Si usted o alguien que conoce está en cuarentena, el Ejército de Salv ación está aquí para ayudarlo. El Ejército de<br />

Salv ación está preparado para ayudar a alimentar a las personas en cuarentena y aislamiento, así como a los<br />

socorristas como médicos, bomberos, enfermeras y técnicos de emergencias médicas. Todas las despensas de<br />

alimentos del Ejército de Salv ación también permanecerán abiertas para proporcionar recogida en la acera a<br />

las familias afectadas por el v irus. Para obtener más información, haga clic aquí o llame al 773-725-1100.<br />

• Programa de aliv io de comestibles de Northwestern Dining, env íe un mensaje de texto al 806-414-3813 para<br />

solicitar este programa.<br />

Escuelas con comida para recoger / llevar<br />

• Debido al cierre de las escuelas de CPS, el desayuno y el almuerzo "Grab and Go" están disponibles para que los<br />

recojan de lunes a v iernes de 9 a. M. A 1 p. M. Del 17 al 30 de marzo para los niños de Chicago.<br />

Más información sobre las comidas de los estudiantes de CPS<br />

Bienestar<br />

• Visite este sitio para realizar recorridos v irtuales de museos, zoológicos y parques temáticos famosos. Aprenda<br />

cómo comenzar un jardín interior y los pasos sobre cómo configurar ZOOM o Skype para mantenerse conectado<br />

con familiares y amigos.<br />

• Headspace Meditación está ofreciendo su aplicación gratis durante COVID-19<br />

• La aplicación Sanv ello es un lugar para sentirse mejor y proporcionar una conexión significativ a durante este<br />

momento difícil. Aprov eche el entrenamiento personal, el apoyo de pares y el cuidado personal para romper el<br />

día a día.<br />

Recursos<br />

• Para empresas, municipios, K-12 y otras entidades, Microsoft ofrece seis meses de herramientas de Office 365 de<br />

forma gratuita para permitir la colaboración remota, el intercambio de archiv os y las v ideoconferencias.<br />

También ofrecen asistencia gratuita para configurar estas herramientas.<br />

• Comcast ha aumentado las v elocidades de 15 Mbps a 25 en "Internet Essentials", un programa para que las<br />

familias de bajos ingresos tengan acceso a Internet. Este serv icio esencial de Internet será complementario<br />

durante los próximos 60 días. Para obtener más información, v isite También están<br />

abriendo todos los puntos de acceso Wifi de Xfinity al público, que no requieren una suscripción de serv icio<br />

actual.<br />

• El Departamento de Seguridad del Empleado de Illinois ofrece un seguro de desempleo temporal para los<br />

residentes de Illinois de bajos ingresos y desempleados. Puede hablar con un representante de IDES de lunes a<br />

v iernes de 8:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. o llamando al 800-247-4984.<br />

• La herramienta Obtener mi pago permite a muchos contribuyentes v erificar cuándo pueden esperar recibir su<br />

pago de estímulo (si es elegible). Además, la herramienta permite a los contribuyentes agregar información de<br />

depósito directo, si aún no está en el archiv o del IRS.<br />

• Peoples Gas of Illinois ofrece asistencia para personas de bajos ingresos a trav és de su programa LIHEAP. ComEd<br />

está dispuesto a hacer arreglos de pago directamente con sus clientes.

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