Island Grandparent Spring 2020

Age Is Just a Number. Gone But Not Forgotten Helping kids deal with the death of a beloved grandparent.

Age Is Just a Number.

Gone But Not Forgotten Helping kids deal with the death of a beloved grandparent.


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Age Is Just

a Number

SPRiNG 2020

Gone But

Not Forgotten

Helping kids deal

with the death of a

beloved grandparent

strollers • cribs

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toys • clothing

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diaper bags

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skincare • bedding

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Spring 2020 3





How grandparents are setting the pace.



Grandkids say the darndest things

…so listen hard and have your pen ready.



Who said What?

tools to record memories.


A Grand Adventure

Sailing solo around

the world…at 77!



Gone But Not Forgotten

Helping kids deal with the death

of a beloved grandparent.



Bridging the

Generation Gap

…and smashing stereotypes.



Learning through Play

Setting the foundation for language,

thinking and communication.


simple Pleasures

it’s the simple things that are

often most memorable.



Art With Nature at Heart

Accessible to everyone—

and outdoors.



Make the Most of Mealtimes

eating is about more

than just nutrition.



Age Is Just a Number

How grandchildren keep you young.


Grand’s cover, shot by Katrina Massey, is of her daughter, Aletheia, and her mother, Debbie Esselink, who sadly, passed away on February 3.

The words quoted below accompanied a series of photos Katrina posted on @katrinajmassey in a tribute to her mom.


y mom had a plan. First, my birthday. Then, my sister’s birthday. Then, my brother’s honours ceremony. Then, then it was high tea for my sister and my

birthdays. Celebrated in style with our grandmother and Aletheia as well. All four generations.

Even though my dad was visibly upset and pacing (and sat in the room adjacent the whole time). Even though it took four people to lift her in her

wheelchair up the stairs to the tea room (her head held high, like an Egyptian Queen on her palanquin), even though she barely had sound left in her voice. Even

though the whites of her eyes were alarmingly yellow and she couldn’t stand. She put on her finest warmest clothes, she wore her make up (and praised me for my

choice in lipstick for her at Christmas—‘wasn’t it lovely?’) and donned a pretty headband. She gave the air that everything was fine. She was not gravely ill. She was

just out to tea with her daughters, her mother and her granddaughter. And ‘wasn’t it just perfect?’ And it was. And it wasn’t. We all knew. But we all put it off for just

those hours. We talked about the garden, about how delicious the tea was, how beautiful the tea house was, all the new and funny things Sybil was doing. Aletheia

made some art. My sister smeared flourless chocolate cake all over her teeth and asked my mom ‘Mom, is there something in my teeth?’ We all laughed. The next

day we met for our weekly lunch at my parents house and she smiled and hugged us all and then drifted in and out of consciousness. The ambulance took her to

the hospital where we will love on her until the end.” • @katrinajmassey

Aletheia (5) and

In Memory of

Debbie Esselink

(Dec 5, 1964 –

Feb 3, 2020)





Gone But

Not Forgotten

Helping kids deal

with the death of a

beloved grandparent

Age Is Just

a Number


(of her daughter

and mother) by

Katrina Massey


Jim Schneider Publisher publisher@islandparent.ca

Sue Fast Editor editor@islandparent.ca

Linda Frear Account Manager/Office Manager linda@islandparent.ca

Kristine Wickheim Account Manager kristine@islandparent.ca

Katie Derion Account Manager katie@islandparent.ca

Grand, published by Island Parent Group Enterprises Ltd., is a biannual

publication that honours and supports grandpparents by providing information

on resources and businesses for families and a forum for the exchange of ideas

and opinions. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.

No material herein may be reproduced without the permission of the publisher.

Grand is distributed free in selected areas. ISSN 0838-5505.

Island Parent Magazine

250-388-6905 islandparent.ca

4 Grand IslandParent.ca

Grandparents these Days

Not only are grandparents keeping

up with their grandchildren these

days, they’re often setting the pace.

Hike up Mt. Finlayson, grandkids in


No problem.

Cycle the Galloping Goose?

Love to!

Skydive over the Cowichan Valley?

You betcha!

Er, okay, maybe not skydiving.

But maybe…

Forget rocking chairs and knitting

needles, grandparents these days are more

likely to reach for their hiking boots or a

bike when it comes to spending time with

their grandkids. Sure they’d likely be happy

sitting and knitting, too, but grandparents

now are more active than ever.

Take, for example, Guinness World Record

holder, Jeanne Socrates, the 77-yearold

grandmother who recently completed

a non-stop, solo, unassisted circumnavigation

around the world (profiled on page 8).

According to the Statistics Canada

report, Family Matters, there were 7.5 million

grandparents in Canada in 2017—the

highest number since the data started being

collected. With more of us, being more

involved and active than ever, grandparents

and grandchildren benefit.

Grandparents can act as “stress buffers,

family watchdogs, roots, arbitrators, and

supporters,” according to The Legacy

Project. “Grandparents can be a major

support during family disruptions, such as

divorce, illness or death (see Gone But Not

Forgotten on page 10). They are also historians—teaching

values, instilling ethnic

heritage and passing on family traditions.

They’re very often role models and mentors

for younger generations (see Bridging the

Generation Gap on page 12).”

According to a 2010 Oxford University

study, there is a significant correlation between

a grandparent’s involvement and a

child’s well-being: A grandparent’s interest

in a child’s hobbies was associated with the

grandchild having fewer peer problems;

being involved with their schooling was

associated with fewer behaviour issues;

and grandchildren who discussed future

career plans with their grandparents had

fewer emotional issues.

And the benefits spill over to the grandparents,

too. Studies show that having

grandchildren can help boost your health

in a variety of ways—and keeps you young.

In 2014, Australian researchers found

that spending time with grandchildren

could sharpen cognitive skills. Not only

that, but having grandchildren keeps you

more active, lowers your risk of depression,

keeps you learning, strengthens your

immune system, helps you rediscover a

sense of purpose, and motivates you to

take care of yourself.

And they make us laugh (see Kids Say

the Darndest Things on page 6).

So time together with our grandchildren

is a win-win for all of us.

Just like the time you spend with your

grandchildren, we hope you enjoy every

minute—and every page—of Grand.


Spring 2020 5

Grandkids Say the Darndest Things

Grandma—or “Mimi”—to seven grandchildren, Lorraine Stephens is always ready

with a camera and notepad to record her grandkids’ funniest comments and

observations. Here is a small sampling:

Noah puts on his flip flops and says

“Hey, I sound like mom!”

Three-year-old Micah looks at his mom

and says: “Your hair is wild—did you

have a nap?”

I show Micah his mom’s wedding photo

and say, “Isn’t your mom beautiful!”

He says: “She is there, but not at our

house in the morning!”

5-year-old Micah tells me that if I am

feeling sad to just look at him or to

someone else I love and I will feel better.

When Mae first met her newborn

brother, she looks him over and says

“he got no shoes!”

Hollis and I are on a sidewalk and an

ant crawls along and touches his bare

foot. He puts is hands up and says:

“They are trying to kill me!”

Micah always refers to our house as

“Mimi’s house.” Papa asks why and

Micah very patiently says “Papa, you

don’t have a house—Mimi let’s you live

with her.”

Micah at 7: “I don’t know if I will marry

a boy or a girl, I just know they will be


Noah and I are shooting a Nerf gun at

targets and I am not doing very well.

Noah says: “Watch and learn, sister, I’ll

show you how its done!”

While driving Lucia says: “Mimi I saw

a cop. Good thing I’m buckled in, I

wouldn’t want to go to jail…I’m just a


We are in a restaurant and I ask Micah

what kind of sundae he would like,

chocolate or? And he says: “My favourite

day is Saturday, not Sunday!”

Three-year-olds Micah and Logan are

arguing. Micah to Logan: “I don’t want

to say yes.” Logan to Noah: “Don’t say

no Micah—only mommy says no!”

Papa is stretching, Micah asks why and

Papa says it makes him limber. Micah

says: “It makes you a limper, why

would you want to be a limper?”

4 1 ⁄2-year-old Hollis says “Mimi I’m hungry,

I don’t want something healthy, I

want a chunk of chocolate.”

5-year-old Noah is listing off everything

he does—goes to school, karate,

etc and ends with: “I am such a busy


I am talking with 5-year-old Micah

about my dad who passed way. I put

my hand on my heart and tell him it’s

okay, I hold him in my heart. His eyes

widen in horror and says: “You ate

your dad?”

I say to 5-year-old Noah and 3-year-old

Logan that they are the greatest. Logan

stamps his foot angrily and says: “I

am not the greatest, I am Logan!”

4 1 ⁄2-year-old Logan was cold. He says:

“Mimi…I’m a goosebump!”

It’s a beautiful sunny day in Vancouver.

Hollis gets out of the car, puts his hands

on his hips and says “I’m just going to

stand here a minute and look at the


Lorraine Stephens is a mom of three and “Mimi” to seven grandkids who light up

her world with their many antics and words of wisdom. She feels no day is better spent

than wandering the trails and beaches with her crew—it’s entertainment at its best.

6 Grand IslandParent.ca

Who Said


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One way to keep track of the darndest

things our grandkids say is in the

journal, My Quotable Grandkid. Filled

with roomy pages for grandparents to

record the hilarious and unexpectedly

wise things their grandchildren say, this

keepsake features a photo window for

personalizing the journal, and a ribbon

marker. Each page has a place for the

quote, along with places to enter the

grandkid’s name, age, and other details.

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& More!

Another way to keep track of memories

and wisdom—yours and your grandkids’—is

with 12 prompted letters that

offer a way for grandparents to give the

gift of a lifetime to their grandchild of

any age. Seal your favourite recollections

with the included stickers and postdate

the letters for future opening. This paper

time capsule becomes an heirloom for

future generations. •


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Spring 2020 7




eanne socrates isn’t your typical grandmother.

On September 7, 2019, the 77 year-old retired mathematician

sailed past Ogden Point and into Victoria’s Inner Harbour,

completing a non-stop, solo, unassisted circumnavigation of

the globe. The voyage earned her a second Guinness World

Record. In 2013 she became the first woman to sail solo nonstop

around the world from North America, and the oldest

woman to sail solo nonstop around the world. As of now, she

is the oldest person to sail solo nonstop unassisted, eastabout jaround the world.

8 Grand IslandParent.ca

If the summary of Socrates’ story is impressive, the details

are astounding. A year before her most recent departure,

Socrates fell 15 feet from the deck of her sailboat onto

concrete while she was working in dry dock. She sustained

serious injuries to her neck and ribs, which forced her to

postpone her launch date by a year. The injuries may have delayed

her departure, but they didn’t deter her from her goal.

On October 3, 2018, she sailed out of Victoria.

The voyage was supposed to take seven or eight months,

but the wind gods sent a number of challenges. She’d been

at sea for just over 11 months when she finally returned to

Victoria, and hadn’t set foot on land in all that time. In fact,

she’d only been able to see land for a few days of her journey.

To satisfy the official record requirements, Socrates sailed by

herself, without any assistance or shore-based support team.

Her engine was sealed and inspected upon her return. She

carried all the food she needed for the voyage—no provisioning

along the way—and her fresh water came from a desalinator

which ran off solar and wind-powered batteries.

Socrates did her own weather routing, avoiding storms by

using information she gained via radio and satellite. When

problems arose—and there were many—Socrates had to deal

with them herself, using tools and spare parts that were already

on-board. A fair bit of improvising was required. By

the end of her voyage, she’d seen damage to her mainsail,

backup sail, radar dish and steering system, and her solar

panels had disappeared altogether.

I can’t imagine a more inspiring role model, so I asked

Socrates if she’d be willing to be interviewed for Island

Grandparent. She had already sailed down to Mexico when

I reached her, but graciously agreed to speak with me via



you are a grandmother, and i understand that you

keep in touch with your family via satellite phone

while you’re away at sea. What do they think of

your adventures?

I have three grandchildren in England: my grandson is 14

and my two granddaughters are 16 and 18. They came down

to help me name my boat back in 2009. It’s the SV Nereida,

named after the Nereids, the handmaids of Poseidon

(the Greek god of the sea). My son follows my blog and

my grandson is interested in what I’ve been doing, but they

aren’t sailors so I don’t think they really understand what

I’ve been getting up to.

you must be aware that you’re a role model, both

as a woman and as a 77-year-old. What role does

that play in your decision to take on such big goals?

It doesn’t affect my intentions, but it’s certainly very nice. It

makes me feel that I’ve achieved something, that I haven’t

been completely selfish. I love hearing that I’ve encouraged

other people to try to do something.

Were you born brave, or have you become more

courageous over time?

I don’t feel I’ve been particularly courageous. It’s about experience:

the more you do, the more you find you can do.

My first solo overnight sail was from Colón in Panama north

to Providencia. The conditions were bad and the weather

forecaster was telling me to abort and go back, but I was already

committed. It was an exhilarating experience to arrive

in one piece. My confidence was really boosted by that. Now

I’ve come to know what to expect. I have total confidence

in my boat; it’s pretty difficult in the middle of the ocean for

the boat to sink under you. When conditions are deteriorating,

I stay calm and keep safe by doing what I have to do.

you’ve survived a number of serious setbacks and

losses along the way: the death of your husband

George from cancer in 2003, the loss of your first

boat in 2008, and a nasty fall in 2017. Where does

your resilience come from?

My father died when I was five weeks old, and my mother

struggled to bring me up. I was in an orphanage from age

five to nine as a result. I learned pretty early on that if I

wanted to achieve anything I had to make it happen myself.

And I think there’s some determination in my genes. My

mom’s sister lived in New Zealand and was a very go-for-it

person. And when my mom joined a seniors’ group in her

latter years, she would march right at the front, leading.

Do you feel changed by each adventure?

I certainly changed initially, as I got more confident. Each

little step is actually a big step. You find that you’re coping,

and so you keep taking bigger steps. Now an ocean crossing

is almost nothing. It was a big thing initially, but I don’t really

think much about it now.

What’s next?

I’ve got a literary agent in London waiting for the first pages

of my book. And the Cruising Association of England is flying

me back for their 2020 Flag Officers’ Lunch, so I’ll be

able to visit my kids and grandkids. But my next big trip is

touring Australia for four months in a motorhome.

Where is home now?

Theoretically it’s in Britain, but I’ve been in B.C. so much

and I’ve got so many friends and so much support here that

I call B.C. my home-from-home. I’m happy to be adopted as

a Victorian!

Rachel Dunstan Muller is the mother of five, and a children’s author.

Her previous articles can be found at islandparent.ca.


Spring 2020 9


But Not Forgotten

Grandpa is dead.

Our beloved husband, father, and grandfather was stolen

from us by a sudden and unexpected illness. A twinge in April.

A funeral in August.

Half a year later, we are still struggling to accept the reality of

a world without “Grandpa G.”

This man who delighted in his grandchildren: cuddling the

babies, playing “horsey”and “Big Bear” with the toddlers, taking

the big kids to cool places like the dump and the driving range,

and letting them ride “shotgun” in his classic Corvette. Gone.

How can that be?

Three years ago my husband and I moved to Courtenay to

be closer to our large family—six kids, four spouses, eight

grandkids—who all reside on Vancouver Island and in the

Lower Mainland. Our eldest daughter’s family lives in nearby

Union Bay. When Bill became ill the rest of the family all came

to stay, squeezing into our two houses, sharing meals, stories,

tears, and laughter. Although we had to cancel our annual

summer gathering at a Rathtrevor Beach family camp, those

three weeks together brought us closer than any vacation

could ever do.

The grandkids, who range in age from 2 1 ⁄2 to 13, witnessed

their parents dealing with the caretaking, the grieving, the finality

of death. They visited their grandfather in the hospital, and

later, in hospice. They drew pictures to decorate his room. Our

eight-year old granddaughter Maysa, who has cystic fibrosis

and is all too familiar with hospitals, made a card that read

“Dear sick Grandpa, I love you more than ever now, and I wish

you couldn’t die. I hope you are feeling OK, I know how you

feel in the hospital.”

The day came when, one by one, the children were brought

in to say goodbye to Grandpa G.

In accordance with his wish to be buried in a simple pine box,

two of the uncles built a plain, yet elegant, pine casket. An hour

before the funeral, six-year-old Julia asked if we could tie a red

ribbon around it “so Grandpa will be wrapped in love.” (This

sent her mother on a frantic last-minute search for several yards

of three-inch wide red ribbon; a local florist came to the rescue.)

10 Grand IslandParent.ca

The family graveside service took place on a hot, sunny August

day. Bill’s best friend, a retired pastor, led a short service.

Family members read psalms, played guitar, and sang songs.

Two-year-old Charlotte joined in lustily, undeterred by the fact

that she didn’t know any of the words.

Afterwards, the children chased one another around the huge

grassy field, while Charlotte played a game of her own invention:

running from one grave marker to the next, then yelling

“I win!”

The grandchildren were told that Grandpa was in heaven—

presumably playing golf with God and hanging out with all the

dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and gerbils we had ever owned—and

that someday they would see him again. One of the mothers

read them a story book about a magic thread that connects us

to those we love, wherever they may be.

I wondered just how much Charlotte understood of all this,

and whether she would even remember her grandfather. I need

not have worried.

Two months later we gathered at my house for our traditional

Thanksgiving dinner. It was a gloomy affair without “the

Patriarch” presiding at the head of the table. The eldest son

said grace, referring to our dear, departed Dad. In the poignant

silence that followed, Charlotte pointed to the ceiling and hollered,


She could not understand why everyone burst out laughing.

After all, people are supposed to come to the table when dinner

is ready!

The other day I looked after Charlotte and her brother Max

while their mother took their older brother Oscar skiing at

Mount Washington. Charlotte turned three in December, of

which she is inordinately proud. We were eating cereal together

when she spotted a framed photo of Grandpa on the wall.

“My daddy really misses Gwampa,” she remarked.

“I miss him too,” I said, “but I know I will see him again


“Can Gwampa see US?” she asked, looking up at the ceiling.”

“What do YOU think?” (My standard response to difficult

grandkid questions.)

She thought he could.

Then came the question I dreaded.

“Why did Gwampa die?”

I took a deep breath (and a good-sized slug of coffee) and

plunged in.

“Charlotte, how old were you before your birthday?” She

held up her index and second finger.

“And how old are you now?” The ring finger refused to join

the other two. She surmounted this difficulty by raising her

thumb instead.

“And how old will you be when you have your next birthday?”

“Four!” Up went all the fingers.

“Are you sure? Maybe you’ll be two again.”

“No, silly Gwamma. I be four.”

“You’re right! People grow up, not down. That’s the way

things are. And soon you’ll be going to school, and one day

you’ll be a teenager, and before you know it you’ll be a grownup,

and maybe you’ll get married and have babies.”

Her eyes grew wide. “LOTS of babies!” she crowed.

“And your babies will turn into kids, and go to school, and

grow up and get married and have their own kids, and when

they do…” I paused for dramatic effect. Her eyes grew wider.

“You’ll be a grandma!”

“Like YOU!”

“Exactly! And someday, when you’re a very old lady with

white hair like Grandpa’s, God will say “Well, Charlotte,

you’ve had a good, long life down there, but now I need you up


“AND THEN… I SEE GWAMPA!” She tilted her head back,

aimed a big smile at the ceiling, and waved.


Yup. She gets it.

Jacqui Graham has six grown kids and eight delightful grandkids age

6 months to 11 years. If she had known how much fun grandkids would be,

she would have had them first!


Spring 2020 11

Bridging the

Generation Gap


I suppose that I shouldn’t


have been surprised when I

overheard my 10-year-old granddaughter

and her friends use the phrase recently

as they discussed a rule that an elderly

teacher (actually, one not quite my age)

had imposed at school.

After all, the refrain had spread like

wildfire in our ever-connected world and,

given that my granddaughter and her

friends are no strangers to social media

and are surrounded by older pre-teens

and teenagers, it was bound to happen.

The funny thing is that boomers once

espoused the same sort of views.

We were convinced that our elders

could never understand our positions on

civil rights, wars (the Vietnam War at

the time), women’s and gay rights and,

in general, a counter-culture approach to

addressing those challenges.

As teens (myself included), the boomer

generation pushed social conventions

about dress, sex, drug use, music, and

general decorum to make our point.

We questioned materialism and conspicuous

consumption, never realizing that

Pick up your

copy of the



Guide 2020

Still, even though I’m relatively

certain that they don’t have any deep

understanding of the collective eyeroll

that the phrase represents,

I’m pretty sure that

they have an instinctive

understanding that it’s a

way of delivering a verbal

eye-jab to an older generation.

And as much as I struggle

to contain my innate tendency

to step up to lecture

anyone using the phrase about

their need to respect their elders

and realize that they would be better

served by listening to some of the

experiences of the boomers they dismiss,

I realize that initial reaction to be a mistake.

I have, instead, been thinking, with a

weird sort of fascination, about the fact

that our society keeps getting the same

things wrong.

Today’s youth, at least some of them,

are convinced that the tastes, values and

lived experiences of baby boomers have

little value to their world and that the

ills of society—everything from climate

change to racial injustice to the unfair

distribution of wealth—are the fault of


it was the postwar economic boom that

allowed us the freedom to do just that.

But in doing all of this, we made the

same mistake that today’s teens are now


Climate change, economic disparity,

social and political problems are not the

fault of an entire generation. There are

lots of boomers (again, myself included)

who are just as upset about climate

change, for example, as Greta Thunberg

and are just as passionate about trying

to address that existential challenge to


12 Grand IslandParent.ca

The real divide that separates society

is the same one that separated young

boomers from the establishment that they


“The man” of the 1960s wasn’t really

everyone over 30. That was never the


What we were fighting, and today’s

teens should be standing up against, had

more to do with power than age.

As teens (myself

included), the boomer

generation pushed

social conventions

about dress, sex,

drug use, music, and

general decorum

to make our point.

In fact, by highlighting age we made

the same mistake that teens are making


Make the mistake of pitting one generation

against another and the discussion

about power will get lost on a narrative

about a generational gap.

A better approach for teens, and one

that’s a lot tougher to understand and act

upon, is to realize that the very boomers

they dismiss can be their greatest allies.

At the end of 2019, Greta Thunberg,

did just that when she spent time talking

to, and listening to, David Attenborough,

the 93-year-old icon of journalism and


She realized that it wasn’t an older generation

with whom she had a problem,

but those in power who were sending us

into an unimaginable future if climate

change is not addressed.

She realized that pegging a problem to

a generation alone is misguided and only

serves this in power who are contributing

to whatever problem we want to address.

As boomers, we made that mistake.

Ironically, it was Peter Townsend’s ’60s

anthem that might still offer the best advise

to today’s teens.

He sang “Don’t get fooled again, no,


Just a little advice from a boomer.

Tim Collins is a writer and freelance journalist

living and working in Victoria.








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Spring 2020 13

Learning Through Play

Family members are the first teachers

children encounter. While you

are spending precious time with

your grandchildren, you can incorporate

simple methods to help them become

familiar with words and numbers. These

skills will set them up for success in

school and beyond.

Below, librarians from the Greater

Victoria Public Library share ways you

can help young children practice using

words and numbers. These tried and true

methods—popular at the GVPL’s storytimes

and other free programming at the

library—set the foundation for language,

thinking and communication.


Encourage your grandchild to create

stories with action figures, dolls and

puppets. Grandparents can engage in the

storytelling using the CAR method: Comment,

Ask, Rephrase. Comment on what

the child is doing; ask a question about

the action; and rephrase what the child

said and add something more. “I see you

have a toy giraffe and a bird; what is the

giraffe doing with the bird?” “What are

they going to do next?” “They’re going

to the playground? Are they going to use

the swings or the slide first?”

teach your grandchild to prepare food.

Make something from a recipe passed

down through the generations or borrow

a cookbook from the library.

I Spy

This classic game helps little ones notice

colours, textures and details in the

world around them. When it’s their turn

to say “I spy with my little eye,” don’t

be afraid to ask for hints to keep your

grandchild engaged and talking. Taking

turns creates a conversation and gets kids

chatting, listening, observing and having

fun with you, and all the while, they’re

building communication skills.

Alphabet Game

Take a walk around the block, in the

mall or through the library, and, letter

by letter, go through the alphabet finding

things that start with each letter. Some

letters are trickier than others; if you

can’t think of a word, look for the letter

on a sign or license plate. Not only does

this activity build literacy skills, it makes

kids more aware of their surroundings.

Kitchen Time

Cooking and baking provide myriad

opportunities for developing literacy. Following

a recipe teaches food and kitchen

vocabulary and helps kids practice math

concepts while measuring and learning

about quantities. They’ll also build fine

motor skills by handling utensils and

ingredients. Plus, time in the kitchen is

time spent building memories and learning

about family and nutrition as you


Count the boats on the water; the

driftwood at the beach; the swings at

the park; the roses in grandma’s garden.

Compare the quantities and use them to

bridge into a new topic of conversation.

“Why do you think there is only one

slide but there are four swings?” “Why

did Grandma plant 12 tulips and only

one rose bush?”

14 Grand IslandParent.ca

Family Stories

Pull out photo albums and tell stories

of the people in it. Young children are especially

interested in stories of themselves

as well as stories about how they are like

or unlike their parents, siblings and other

close relatives. Children love learning about

where they come from and where they fit

in the family tree. Ask open-ended questions:

“Why do you think X happened?”

“What do you think happened next?”

Sing Songs You Love

“This was your dad’s favourite song

when he was a baby.” “I remember my

mother singing this lullaby to me.” Sharing

songs that are meaningful to you

will get you singing together and enjoying

each other’s company. Plus, singing

builds vocabulary and teaches the rhythm

of language, which will help your grandchild

read and write.

Write Letters

Become pen pals with your grandchild.

Not only will their parents model reading

when your letter arrives in the mail, but

the kids will also get a chance to interact

with words in your handwriting, and

then write back, choosing which words

and thoughts to communicate. They can

practice writing their name at the end of

the letter and draw a picture.

Active Reading

There is nothing like cuddling up and

enjoying a book. To help your grandchild

engage with the book’s content, take your

time with reading, and teach through observations:

point out features like rhyming

words and alliteration; ask your grandchild

to identify letters and look for that letter on

every page; point out elements of the pictures

and talk about them; identify expressions

on faces; or imagine what a situation

might feel like. Visit a library near you to

find new books to love together.

A library card is your passport to learn

through play with books, movies, games,

music and more. You are welcome to join

us with your grandchildren for free yearround

programming at a branch near

you. Visit gvpl.ca today or find a library

branch near you at change-your-mind.ca.

For Greater Victoria Public Library’s complete

list of 100 exceptional picture books for

babies, toddlers and preschoolers, visit


Culture &

Recreation Passes

In partnership with local organizations, GVPL offers cardholders the

opportunity to enrich mind and body with hands-on experiences at

the cultural institutions and recreational centres.

• Art Gallery of Greater Victoria

• Craigdarroch Castle

• Maritime Museum of British Columbia

• Royal BC Museum

• Bateman Foundation Gallery of Nature

• Saanich Recreation

• Victoria Butterfly Gardens

Passes for Craigdarroch Castle and Victoria Butterfly Gardens are offered

through an e-pass. Learn how you can use an e-pass, and reduce your

wait time to visit these two attractions.

All of the passes are very popular, so be ready to wait. For information,

visit gvpl.ca.



Spring 2020 15

Simple Pleasures


recently baked a birthday cake with my four-year-old grandson,

and after we had iced it, I offered one of the beaters to

him. Because he has always been on a sugar-restricted diet,

he gave me a quizzical look as if to say, “Really?” I had cleared

it with his mother of course, so when I told him that, he readily

accepted my offer and trotted off with his treat as if he couldn’t

quite believe his good fortune.

He sat with that beater for the better part of 15 minutes, his

little tongue manoeuvring in exquisite concentration. When he

returned it, it was spotlessly clean and he beamed at me with

an icing-rimmed mouth. He did not ask for the other beater; he

was satisfied just to have experienced one. The contented expression

on his face as he scooted off made me think that every

little kid should enjoy licking a beater at least once in their

childhood! I have no doubt he will remember the experience for

a long time.

As I have aged, I realize it is the simple pleasures in one’s

childhood that come to mind the easiest and still hold meaning

even after many decades and life experiences have passed by. In

my own childhood, I vividly recall diving and huddling under

my bed covers listening with a mixture of both trepidation and

awe at the frequent thunderstorms that seemed to shake the

entire house. I can still feel the goosebumps that rippled my

young flesh just thinking of the power the heavens released during

those storms.

I can also easily recall riding my bike for the very first time

without training wheels, my dad jogging alongside just in case I

toppled over. It felt like a moment of profound accomplishment

16 Grand IslandParent.ca

to a seven-year-old child, and I can still

savour the sense of pride and accomplishment

I felt that day.

And how could I ever forget our annual

family road trips? Our trusty station

wagon was packed to the brim with

books, games, blankets, and pillows

with which my siblings and I spent hours

amusing ourselves.

Perhaps my fondest memory is that of

cuddling with my mother; I can still recall

the sense of warmth and security I sought

from her and the feeling of belonging her

closeness instilled in me. I would often

interlock our pinky fingers—I remember

that distinctly.

With my own children, I’m sure they

can easily recall our own family camping

trips where they learned the art of

toasting a marshmallow over a campfire

without torching it, or how to fashion a

walking stick. Equally memorable, I’m

sure, were all the camping weekends

when we played board games hunkered

around a picnic table in inclement


No doubt, my sons can easily call to

mind all the afternoons we spent feeding

ducks at Beacon Hill Park—and how to

do so without getting mobbed, no less.

Perhaps one of their most enduring

memories is picking berries in the long,

lazy days of summer vacation. As I’m

sure they can attest—I took berry picking

season very seriously as I stocked our

freezer for the winter months with what

we picked. Equipped with an ice cream

bucket that they were supposed to fill, my

sons spent their time instead eating their

fill of berries, playing tag or hide and

seek amid the rows of bushes, or pelting

each other with the berries they found on

the ground (as boys are wont to do). In

short, they were no help at all, but they

loved those outings in the countryside as

much as I did and they eagerly agreed to

“help” me every year.

The universality of favourite childhood

memories is not surprising. Who could

forget tossing coins in a fountain and

then pestering a parent to empty their

pockets for more change? Or splashing

in puddles—with or without boots on?!

Or jumping on the bed despite parental

admonishment not to? It’s hard not to

think of these memories without the tug

of a smile. They are so simple and yet so


It is the time we invest in these simple

pleasures that make them so precious;

time with our children, grandchildren

and loved ones. A good friend of mine

who ran an in-home daycare for many

years, told me once about a little boy

who upon learning that his grandmother

was going to pick him instead of his father,

asked: “My grandma who buys me

things or my grandma who plays with

me?” When my friend told him which

grandmother was coming, he was happy

it was the grandmother who played with


So when I think of all the things I’d

love my grandson to see and do, I try to

keep in mind that it is often the simplest

of pleasures that will truly hold the most

meaning for him in the years to come. I

have no doubt he will fondly reminisce

about his sleepover weekends with

Nonna (complete with pancake making),

afternoons spent at the beach digging for

buried treasure, and visits to the library

for that next favourite book.

Susan Gnucci is a local author and a proud

“nonna” to an adorable five-year-old grandson.

She enjoys sharing her experiences as a firsttime


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Spring 2020 17

Sing with us!

Prelude Choir

Non-auditioned, fun and engaging.

Registration opens April 1


7 – 9


10 – 12

Recital Choir

Sing great music and build wonderful friendships.

Auditions May 2 & 9

art with


at Heart

Concert Choir

Share your singing passion in rehearsals, camps,

performances & tours. Build lifelong friendships.

Auditions May 2 & 9


Glorious World of

Song: Best of the VCC

Monday, June , 2020 • 7 pm

Alix Goolden Performance Hall


11 – 17

Join us as we celebrate the best of the VCC

from the past 19 seasons under the

leadership of Madeleine Humer.

Registration opens April 1:



When you think of art, you likely

think of paintings in an expensive

gallery or sculptures that

have taken hours to make, but art can be

accessible for everyone when it’s made

outdoors. Art can be about connecting

to your surroundings in a new way and

slowing down to notice things you might

have otherwise overlooked. A fun, easy,

cost-effective and environmentally-friendly

way to incorporate art in you and

your family’s life is to make art in nature,

using materials you find outside. Not

only will you be able to express your creativity,

but you will also get outside and

connect with your natural environment,

which has been shown to have numerous

physical and mental benefits. Making art

in nature also allows you to see familiar

places with a new lens. Here are some

activities that focus on shape, colour and

texture to get you started.

Shape: Nature Mosaic

Explore shape by using natural items

around you to create a mosaic on the

ground. Create images of animals, places,

a favourite cartoon character, or even

a self-portrait. Breaking the items into

pieces allows you to isolate what shapes

go into making an image. If you want to

create something more abstract, arrange

objects in a geometric pattern while

experimenting with repetition of similar

shapes and objects of different sizes. Use

your imagination and the opportunities

are endless!

Colour: Value Bar, Colour

Wheel & Colour Hunt

Make a value bar, a gradient of the

same colour from light to dark, by arranging

natural items in a line. If there

are a lot of different colours around,

make a colour wheel by arranging objects

of every colour of the rainbow in

a circle and transitioning gradually between

shades. If there aren’t many items

on the ground that you can pick up, try

doing a colour hunt. Bring some small

pieces of coloured paper (paint colour

samples from a hardware store work

18 Grand IslandParent.ca

Photo: Emma Jane Vignola.

well, or you can make your own with coloured markers or

construction paper) and try to find items in nature that match

the shade on each piece. Repeat these exercises at different

times of the year to experience the seasonal changes in colour.

Texture: Crayon Rubbing

Document the variety of textures in nature by making a

rubbing. All you need are some pieces of printer paper cut

into whatever sizes or shapes you would like and a few wax

crayons (with the paper removed). Simply place your paper

over the item and lay the crayon flat over the paper. With

firm pressure, rub the crayon over the paper and watch the

textures emerge onto the page as you go. Good items to make

rubbings with include dead leaves, tree bark, western red cedar

branches, fern fronds, or anything relatively flat. Nature

rubbings make great cards or decorations for recycled giftwrap.

With these activities in your arsenal you’re sure to experience

nature in a new way, express your creativity, and connect

with your family at the same time! Please remember that you

can help ensure our natural spaces stay healthy when making

art in nature. Please stay on designated trails to protect habitat.

When looking for materials to use in your nature art, use

loose items you find on the ground and avoid picking living

plants. Instead of removing items from nature, you can take a

picture of your creations to take home. The best approach is

to take only memories and leave only footprints.

Looking for nature programs the whole family will enjoy?

Join CRD Regional Parks naturalists for free guided walks

and drop-in events for all ages. For more information, visit




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Emma Jane Vignola is a CRD Regional Parks naturalist.

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Spring 2020 19

Healthy Families, Happy Families

Child, Youth

& Family

Public Health

South Island Health Units

Esquimalt 250-519-5311

Gulf Islands 250-539-3099

(toll-free number for office in Saanichton)

Peninsula 250-544-2400

Saanich 250-519-5100

Saltspring Island 250-538-4880

Sooke 250-519-3487

Victoria 250-388-2200

West Shore 250-519-3490

Central Island Health Units

Duncan 250-709-3050

Ladysmith 250-755-3342

Lake Cowichan 250-749-6878

Nanaimo 250-755-3342

Nanaimo 250-739-5845

Princess Royal

Parksville/Qualicum 250-947-8242

Port Alberni 250-731-1315

Tofino 250-725-4020

North Island Health Units

Campbell River 250-850-2110

Courtenay 250-331-8520

Kyuquot Health Ctr 250-332-5289

‘Namgis Health Ctr 250-974-5522

Port Hardy 250-902-6071



Make the Most

of Mealtimes

If you have ever watched babies eating

their first foods, it’s clear that eating

is about more than just nutrition. It is

about smelling, feeling, tasting and experiencing

the food for all its sensory glory.

Babies explore the food unhurriedly,

eating what they want and leaving what

they don’t.

Offering first foods is a developmental

milestone that parents and grandparents

anticipate with excitement. If we could

just retain the joy of those early meals

through our lifetime! Too often, as children

get older, meals become an inconvenient

need that takes a back seat to other

priorities in a busy and hurried life.

strong connection with family. Grandparents,

who may have more time than

harried parents to spend preparing and

eating meals with their grandchildren,

can play an important role in maximizing

mealtime opportunities.

Grandparents can help to keep culture

and food traditions alive by sharing them

across generations. Talk about your own

experiences with food and memories

from your own childhood. Have your

grandchildren help you prepare a traditional

dish or family favourite meal. Talk

about where foods come from and where

you can get them. Invite other family

members or friends, set the table and

Changes with BC Medical Services Plan

premiums mean that families eligible for partial

payment of some medical services and access

to some income-based programs now must

apply for Supplementary Benefits through the

Government of BC. Applications can be done

online and take approximately 15 minutes.

Families who previously qualified for MSP

Premium Assistance should not need to re-apply

if taxes are completed yearly. It is advised to

confirm coverage before proceeding with

treatment to avoid paying out of pocket.

For more information, visit gov.bc.ca/gov/



The Canada Food Guide expands the

definition of healthy eating to include

the where, when, why and how to eat.

It urges us to take time to eat, notice

when we’re hungry and when we’re full,

to enjoy our food and to eat meals with

others. Mealtimes should be about more

than just staving off hunger.

Making the most of mealtimes can

have a life-long impact on a child’s wellbeing.

Mealtimes offer children a chance

to develop a healthy relationship with

food, be heathy eaters, learn social skills,

improve language skills, and build a

sit together. Not only does this expose

children to new foods, it helps them learn

about family history and fosters a sense

of belonging.

Meals can be a chance to learn literacy

and social skills. Studies have shown that

children who eat together with their family

have improved language skills in the

preschool years and improved school performance

in the school age and teenage

years. Family meals can include a grandparent

eating with their grandchildren.

Use mealtimes as a time to communicate.

That means turning off the TV, put-

20 Grand IslandParent.ca

ting away the phone and talking to each

other. Grandparents can use the time to

tell stories about their own childhood or

ask questions that can get the grandchildren

talking about their own experiences.

Use fun, open-ended questions and keep

the conversation lively and positive.

Start questions with “Tell me about…”,

“What would you do if…”, “Why do

you think…”

If you are stuck for things to talk

about, there are tools available online to

help stimulate conversation. Check out

the “Let’s Talk….Mealtime Conversation

Cards for Toddlers and Preschoolers”

available at BetterTogetherBC.ca. There

are conversation starters for older children

online as well. You can help bring

back the art of conversation before it is

lost to the world of technology.

Mealtimes offer an opportunity to help

your grandchildren develop and maintain

a healthy relationship with food, a

job that’s easier than it might sound. All

you have to do is offer meals and snacks

at regular times and offer a variety of

foods, including foods they’ve never tried

before. That’s it! Resist the urge to coax,

bribe or force them to eat or try new

foods. Some children will need to be offered

a new food 10 to 15 times before

they will try it. The best thing you can do

is eat it yourself.

Children learn to eat and try new foods

by watching the adults in their lives. They

should have the freedom to choose what

they eat and how much. Children are

very good at self-regulating how much

food they eat. The less we interfere, the

better. And don’t rush. Make meal times

a pleasant and positive experience.

Eating together with family helps children

develop social skills and can lower

the risk of adolescent mental health problems

and addictions. Research shows that

children who eat at least one meal a day

with an adult are less likely to smoke or

use drugs or alcohol. They are less likely

to be bullied, and have lower risk of depression

and suicide in the teen years.

Family meals help children feel more

secure and stable, with a greater sense of

belonging. A strong bond with grandparents

can widen the circle of support and

increase a feeling of family connectedness.

Enjoy the company and conversation,

as well as the food.

Grandkids visiting?

Make their stay easy by renting gear from

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Vancouver | Toronto | Victoria

weetravel.ca 1.800.933.0810

Ballet Victoria……………………………………… IFC

Challenger Sports………………………………… 15

Cinecenta……………………………………………… 21

The Farquhar at UVic…………………………… 19

Island Circus Space……………………………… 12

Island Health………………………………………… 20

Kool & Child…………………………………………… 19

Momease…………………………………………… IFC


Mothering Touch……………………………………… 7

Pacific Christian School………………………OBC

PISE………………………………………………………… 13

Shannon Oaks……………………………………… 17

Swan Lake Nature Centre……………………… 3

TJ’s The Kiddies Store……………………………… 7

Victoria Children’s Choir……………………… 18

Victoria Symphony…………………………………… 5

Wee Travel…………………………………………… 21

Jane Barclay is a Registered Dietitian and

Public Health Nutritionist with Island Health.


Spring 2020 21

age is Just a Number

One of the funniest recollections from my teaching days

goes back to something a little Grade 1 boy named Christopher

said to me. He was the type of student that teachers

adored, studious, well-mannered, biddable. This child bent to

every task asked of him with a single-minded purpose, his little

tongue wedged squarely between his teeth in avid concentration.

So you can imagine my surprise when he came to school one

day with I could only describe as “ants in his pants.” He couldn’t

sit still long enough to focus on anything. By the end of the day

when he couldn’t even stay in the line-up for dismissal, I finally

took him aside and asked him what was up.

He beamed at me and answered in a flurry of excitement, the

words tumbling from his mouth in one long-winded explanation:

“Today is my dad’s birthday and he has the day off work and

he’s picking me up and we’re going out for supper and there will

be cake and I have a present for him!”

I had to suppress the tug of a smile as I nodded. “I see. I see.

Well, that answers things then.” The bell rang and as Christopher

exited the class, he paused and said, “I don’t know how old

my dad is, but I know he’s less than a hundred.”

When I saw his father in the hallway, I wished him a happy

birthday. “And I hear from Christopher that you’re less than a


When I asked my little grandson recently how old he thought

I was, he pursed his lips in contemplation. I gave him a hint by

admitting that I was a lot older than he was. A logical child, he

replied with the largest number he could count to: 20.

The look on his face as I counted past that to my actual age

was priceless. It was a mixture of wariness—was Nonna pulling

his leg?—mixed with fascinated disbelief, as I’m sure he had no

idea numbers went that high.

When I was a young adult, I never feared aging; back then it

felt like I had all the time in the world. That was before children.

After I had my sons, I didn’t have time to worry, let alone think

about aging! Those early years were a blur of diapers, teething,

and sleepless nights. Typical of most new parents, I slogged my

way through, oblivious to the passage of time other than to survive

from one day to the next.

Once over those initial hurdles, the school years were no less

hectic with playdates and a myriad of school functions; my

time was taken up with bake sales, costume making, homework

checking, lunch packing, and innumerable soccer and softball

practices. The years simply flew by, and before I knew it, I was

turning 40. Even then, I wasn’t phased; after all, 40 was the new

30, right?

Over the years, I’ve come to understand that age is really a

relative term—I try to keep in mind that I am older than some

and not as old as others. And besides, age is just a number anyway.

I may not be as nimble as I once was and I forget the occasional

thing now and then, but I still play cars and trucks on my

hands and knees with my grandson, run through the sprinkler

with him on a hot summer’s day, and toboggan with him on the

rare snow days in Victoria—over jumps no less!

When I look in the mirror, the face that stares back at me has

succumbed to the inevitable ravages of time. I note with dismay

the greying hair, the deeply lined furrows, the slackening of muscle

tone, and yet despite all of that, I still feel like the same young

girl inside. The eyes that look out at me have the same mischief

lurking in their depths in spite of the sorrows and burdens they

have witnessed.

Now that I’ve reached middle age—and then some—I can truly

understand and appreciate the old saying that grandchildren

keep you young. Their blessing is that they free the young person

inside each of us. They remind us of the simple joy of just living,

of not dwelling on what has been or worrying about tomorrow,

but of living fully and completely in the moment. When I am

with my little grandson, I feel quite simply—ageless.

Susan Gnucci is a local author and a proud “nonna” to an adorable

five-year-old grandson. She enjoys sharing her experiences as a first-time


22 Grand IslandParent.ca

has been to

the spa and is

back refreshed!



Spring 2020 23

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