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148-151 ROMAN PELOPONNESE I M(arcus) Lollius I Epinicus I aed(ilis) vovit I Ilvir I 5 dec(urionum) decr(eto) I Statae Matr(i) I de sua pecun(ia) I posuit I sacrum. aed(ilis), Ilvir Remarks: He could be a libertus of M. Lollius, a person of the circle of Augustus (probably proconsul of Macedonia in 19 or 17 B.C.), who played an important role in Augustan propaganda in Greece, see E. Groag, RE XIII. 2 (1927) 1377 - 1387, 5. v. M. Lollius [11]; G. Bowersock, "Augustus and the East: the problem of the succession", in: F. Millar-Ε. Segal (eds), Caesar Augustus: seven aspects (Oxford 1984) 169-188; R. Syme, The Augustan aristocracy (Oxford 1986) passim. 148. T(ITUS) LOLLIUS SPINTHARUS CIL III, 6096; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 9 [lst/2nd c. A.D.]. Patrai; a marble altar, now lost, dedicated by the person to Ceres mater: I(n) h(onorem) d(omus) d(ivinae) I Cereri I matri I T(itus) Lollius I 5 Spintharus I d(e) s(uo) p(osuit). 149. [- ca. 8 -]S LUPUS ILGR 64; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 134 [3rd c. A.D.]. Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the Latin funerary inscription of [- ca. 8-]s Lupus and his family. Under the Latin text there is a Greek, probably posterior, funerary inscription: [-ca. 8-]s Lupus I vac. [sibi] et suis vac. I [-ca. 5-Ε]ύοδία έτων 11 vac. [μ]ηνών Η vac. *150. MAEC[---] Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 42 [lst/2nd c. A.D.]. Patrai; a fragment of a marble plinthe of a statue bearing a fragmentary Latin inscription: [- - -]MAEC[- --] ΙΓ-- -]BVNI[- - -]l[- - -]. Remarks: We do not know whether the [tri]bun[o] (pro [tri]buni in Achaie II) in 1. 3 marks the beginning of a senatorial career of a person whose name is partially preserved on the first line, or something else; although the first solution is highly speculative we can imagine in 1. 1 the restoration [M.] Maec[ilio Rufo]; the person was proconsul of Achaia before the reign of Nero and was honoured with a statue at Olympia (7vO 334); for him see also *EL 257. Otherwise, we should have here an unknown Maecius, member of a family well known in the colony of Corinth. 151. P(UBLIUS) (MAEDIUS) f. P(ublius) Maedius P(ubli) [f(ilius) Qui(rina)] (ACH 152) 82

ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ACHAIA 152. P(UBLIUS) MAEDIUS P(UBLI) [F(ILIUS) QUI(RINA)] P.L. Vokotopoulos, AD 18, 1973, Chron. 395; ILGR 255; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 369 [end 1st c. B.C.]. Naupactos (Aetolia); a marble plaque bearing the epitaph of the named person, who was a veteran-colonist of Patrai: P(ublio) Maedio P(ubli) [f(ilio) Qui(rina) vet(erano)] I leg(ionis) XII F[ulm(inatae)] I ex testamento [fieri iussit ve7 alia]. [vet(eranus)] leg(ionis) XII F[ulm(inatae)]. Remarks: The gentilicium of the person is rare (cf. ILS 4072). There is also the form Médius (C7L IX 6253). P. Maedius established in the area of Naupactos, probably in a praefectura of the Roman colony of Patrai (A.D. Rizakis, "La littérature gromatique et la colonisation romaine en Orient", in: Colonie romane nel mondo greco, Universita degli studi di Pisa, Giornate di studio 3-4 novembre 2000 (under press). 153. SEX(TUS) MALLIUS APTUS Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 127 [2nd/3rd e. A.D.]. Patrai; the rectangular grave stele of the named person erected by Hyla: Sex(to) Mallio I Apto vix(it) an(nnos) X I Hyla vac. fec(it). Remarks: Hyla was probably his liberta. 154. MAMILIA TROPHIME Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 99 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. Patrai; a rectangular marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person: Mamilia I Trophime I vix(it) an(nnos) XXX. 155. MAMILIA TYR[A]NNIS ILGR 71 (Cf. L. Moretti, RFIC 108, 1980 fase. 4, 452 η. 3; A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, 92 [corrections of the name]); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 123 [1st c. A.D. ]. Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of Sal(vius) Vettius Sal(vii) l(ibertus) Optatus, erected by his wife, Mamilia Tyr[a]nis: Sal(vio) Vettio Sal(vii) l(iberto) I Optato I Mamilia Tyr[a]nnis I uxor. Remarks: The gentilicium of the woman is very wide spread in Italy (Schulze, 442), but rather rare in Greece (for attestations see Rizakis, 7oc. cit.). w. Sal(vius) Vettius Sal(vii) l(ibertus) Optatus (ACH 244) S3


M(arcus) Lollius I Epinicus I aed(ilis) vovit I Ilvir I 5 dec(urionum) decr(eto) I Statae Matr(i) I de<br />

sua pecun(ia) I posuit I sacrum.<br />

aed(ilis), Ilvir<br />

Remarks: He could be a libertus of M. Lollius, a person of the circle of Augustus (probably<br />

proconsul of Macedonia in 19 or 17 B.C.), who played an important role in Augustan<br />

propaganda in Greece, see E. Groag, RE XIII. 2 (1927) 1377 - 1387, 5. v. M. Lollius<br />

[11]; G. Bowersock, "Augustus and the East: the problem of the succession", in: F.<br />

Millar-Ε. Segal (eds), Caesar Augustus: seven aspects (Oxford 1984) 169-188; R.<br />

Syme, The Augustan aristocracy (Oxford 1986) passim.<br />


CIL III, 6096; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 9 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble altar, now lost, dedicated by the person to Ceres mater:<br />

I(n) h(onorem) d(omus) d(ivinae) I Cereri I matri I T(itus) Lollius I 5 Spintharus I d(e) s(uo)<br />

p(osuit).<br />

149. [- ca. 8 -]S LUPUS<br />

ILGR 64; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 134 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the Latin funerary inscription of [- ca. 8-]s Lupus and his<br />

family. Under the Latin text there is a Greek, probably posterior, funerary inscription:<br />

[-ca. 8-]s Lupus I vac. [sibi] et suis vac. I [-ca. 5-Ε]ύοδία έτων 11 vac. [μ]ηνών Η vac.<br />

*150. MAEC[---]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 42 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble plinthe of a statue bearing a fragmentary Latin inscription:<br />

[- - -]MAEC[- --] ΙΓ-- -]BVNI[- - -]l[- - -].<br />

Remarks: We do not know whether the [tri]bun[o] (pro [tri]buni in Achaie II) in 1. 3 marks the<br />

beginning of a senatorial career of a person whose name is partially preserved on<br />

the first line, or something else; although the first solution is highly speculative we<br />

can imagine in 1. 1 the restoration [M.] Maec[ilio Rufo]; the person was proconsul<br />

of Achaia before the reign of Nero and was honoured with a statue at Olympia (7vO<br />

334); for him see also *EL 257. Otherwise, we should have here an unknown<br />

Maecius, member of a family well known in the colony of Corinth.<br />

151. P(UBLIUS) (MAEDIUS)<br />

f. P(ublius) Maedius P(ubli) [f(ilius) Qui(rina)] (ACH 152)<br />


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