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113-117 ROMAN PELOPONNESE I I Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a dedication of the named person to Venus Augusta preserved in two more identical but unpublished examples: Augustae I Veneri sacru[m] IFulvinia Helene I 4 sacerdos eius I d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia) f(ecit). sacerdos of Venus Augusta 113. M(ARCUS) FUL[VIUS M(ARCI) F(ILIUS) QUIR(INA)- - -] (I) ILGR 58; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 39 [1st c. A.D.]. Patrai; a stele of gray stone mutilated on its upper and lower parts, with an honorary inscription for the person, probably erected by his son, M(arcus) Fulv[ius M(arci) f(ilius) Quir(ina) - - -] (II): M(arco) Ful[vio M. f. Quir(ina) —] I aed(ili) II[vir(o) —] I M(arcus) Fulv[ius M. f. Quir(ina) [—] I d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia). aed(ilis), II[vir] f. of M(arcus) Fulv[ius M(arci) f(ilius) Quir(ina) - - -] (II) (ACH 114) 114. M(ARCUS) FULV[IUS M(ARCI) F(ILIUS) QUIR(INA) - - -] (II) ILGR 58; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 39 [1st c. A.D.]. Patrai; a stele of gray stone mutilated on its upper and lower parts, with an honorary inscription erected by the person for M(arcus) Ful[vius M(arci) f(ilius) Quir(ina) ] (text ACH 113). s. of M(arcus) Ful[vius M(arci) f(ilius) Quir(ina) ] (I) (ACH 113) 115. M(ARCUS) (FULVIUS) f. M(arcus) Ful[vius M(arci) f(ilius) Quir(ina) - - -] (I) (ACH 113) 116. P(UBLIUS) FULVIUS Q(UINTI) F(ILIUS) QUIR(INA) Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 151 [end of the 1st c. B.C./beginning of the 1st c. A.D.]. Patrai; a large rectangular limestone stele bearing the funerary inscription of the person, who was a doctor and a veteran of legio XII: P(ublius) Fulvius Q(uinti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) vet(eranus) I leg(ionis) XII m vac. edicus. vet(eranus) leg(ionis) XII, medicus 117. M(ARCUS) (FULVIUS) Patron of M. Fulvius M. 1. Philotimus (ACH 120) 76

118. Q(UINTUS) (FULVIUS) f. P(ublius) Fulvius Q(uinti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) (ACH 116) ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ACHAIA 118-123 119. M(ARCUS) FULVIUS HEROPHILUS Iph. Dekoulakou, AD 1973/4 (1979) Chron., 396-397, pi. 254 b; ILGR, 37, no. 60; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 133 [1st c. A.D.]. Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the doctor M. Fulvius Herophilus erected by his liberta Arescusa: M(arco) Fulvio I Herophilo medico I oclario I Arescusa lib(erta) I d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia). medicus oclarius 120. M(ARCUS) FULVIUS M(ARCI) L(IBERTUS) PHILOTIMUS J. Bingen, Mélanges helléniques offerts à G. Daux (Paris 1974) 17-19, fig. 3 (AnnÉpigr 191 A, 614; ILGR 44) [second half of the 1st c. B.C.]. Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a limestone statue base in secondary use bearing an epitaph for C. Antonius C. 1. Pamphilus and for M. Fulvius M. 1. Philotimus and his freedmen: C(aius) Antonius C(aii) l(ibertus) Pamphilus I monumentum faciundum I coeravit sibei et sueis et I 4 M(arco) Fulvio M(arci) l(iberto) Philotimo et I leiberteis eius. 121. L(UCIUS) GAVIUS [- - -] ILGR 68 (AnnÉpigr 1979, 576); Cf. A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, fase. 1, 91 (corrections) [second half of Iste. B.C.]. Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a marble stele bearing a list of magistrates for some local games (see also ACH 85 and 102). Ilfvir] 122. M(ARCUS) (GEMINIUS) f. of M(arcus) Geminius M(arci) [f(ilius)] Primus (ACH 123) 123. M(ARCUS) GEMINIUS M(ARCI) [F(ILIUS)] PRIMUS CIL III 513; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 18 [lst/2nd c. A.D.]. Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing an honorary inscription for the person, priest of an unknown cult: M(arco) Geminio I M(arci) [f(ilio)] Primo I sacerdoti. sacerdos 77

118. Q(UINTUS) (FULVIUS)<br />

f. P(ublius) Fulvius Q(uinti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) (ACH 116)<br />


118-123<br />


Iph. Dekoulakou, AD 1973/4 (1979) Chron., 396-397, pi. 254 b; ILGR, 37, no. 60; Rizakis,<br />

Achaïe II, no. 133 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the doctor M. Fulvius Herophilus<br />

erected by his liberta Arescusa:<br />

M(arco) Fulvio I Herophilo medico I oclario I Arescusa lib(erta) I d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia).<br />

medicus oclarius<br />


J. Bingen, Mélanges helléniques offerts à G. Daux (Paris 1974) 17-19, fig. 3 (AnnÉpigr 191 A,<br />

614; ILGR 44) [second half of the 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a limestone statue base in secondary use bearing an epitaph for C.<br />

Antonius C. 1. Pamphilus and for M. Fulvius M. 1. Philotimus and his freedmen:<br />

C(aius) Antonius C(aii) l(ibertus) Pamphilus I monumentum faciundum I coeravit sibei et sueis<br />

et I 4 M(arco) Fulvio M(arci) l(iberto) Philotimo et I leiberteis eius.<br />

121. L(UCIUS) GAVIUS [- - -]<br />

ILGR 68 (AnnÉpigr 1979, 576); Cf. A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, fase. 1, 91 (corrections) [second<br />

half of Iste. B.C.].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a marble stele bearing a list of magistrates for some local games (see<br />

also ACH 85 and 102).<br />

Ilfvir]<br />

122. M(ARCUS) (GEMINIUS)<br />

f. of M(arcus) Geminius M(arci) [f(ilius)] Primus (ACH 123)<br />


CIL III 513; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 18 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing an honorary inscription for the person, priest of an unknown<br />

cult:<br />

M(arco) Geminio I M(arci) [f(ilio)] Primo I sacerdoti.<br />

sacerdos<br />


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