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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I 102. C(AIUS) FABIUS D(ECIMI) [F(ILIUS) - - -] ILGR 68 (AnnÉpigr 1979, 576); cf. A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, fase. 1, p. 91 (corrections) [second half of 1st e. B.C.]. Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a marble stele with a list of magistrates for local games (see also nos. 85 and 121). 103. L(UCIUS) (FABIUS) f. L(ucius) Fabius L(ucii) F(ilius) Quir(ina) (ACH 104) 104. L(UCIUS) FABIUS L(UCII) F(ILIUS) QUIR(INA) Unpublished [lst/2nd c. A.D.]. Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme), Aghiovlassitika, built into the village church; a limestone grave stele with a pediment. Ilvir et Hvir quin(quennalis) of the colony of Patrai 105. ΚΟΙΝΤΟΣ ΦΑΒΙΟΣ KOINTOY ΜΑΞΙΜΟΣ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΣ ΡΩΜΑΙΩΝ E. L. Hicks, A manual of Greek historical inscriptions (Oxford 1882), no. 202 (Syll. 2 316); T. W. Beasley, CR 14, 1900, p. 162-164 (Syll? 684; R. K. Sherk, Roman documents from the Greek East [Baltimore 1969] 246-248 no. 43); *M. Kallet-Marx , "Quintus Fabius Maximus and the Dyme Affair (Syll? 684)", CQ 45, 1995, 129-153 [145/144 B.C.]. Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme), in the ruins of the ancient city; a marble plaque bearing a letter of the proconsul of Macedonia, Q. Fabius Maximus, to the archontes and synedroi of Dyme concerning a local stasis against the constitution established by Rome and against the local authorities. The proconsul announces with this letter the re-establishment of order and the punishment of the guilty citizens: ... Κόιντος Φάβιος Κοϊντου Μάξιμος ανθύπατος 'Ρωμαίων ΔυμαίΙ 4 ων τοις άρχουσι και συνέδροις και τήι πόλει χαίρειν... Remarks: The majority of scholars have identified the person with the proconsul of Macedonia, Q. Fabius Maximus Eburnus (ca. 116-114 B.-C): S. Accame, 77 dominio romano in Grecia dalla guerra acaica ad Augusto (Rome 1946, repr. 1972) 149-50, and Broughton, Magistrates II, 644; but very few (L. Reinhold, Roman civilization I [New York-London 1951] no. 127, 319 and F. F. Abbot-Α. Ch. Johnson, Municipal administration in the Roman Empire [Princeton 1926] 261), have prefered Q. Fabius Maximus Servilianus (146/5 B.C.). Two new unpublished inscriptions from Argos, corroborate the early date; see J.-L. Ferrary, Philhellénisme et impérialisme (Paris 1988) 186-89; M. Kallet-Marx, op. cit. 106. [-ca. 4-] FELI[C]ULA E. Mastrokostas, AE 1964, Chron., 61, no. 10, pi. Zô; ILGR, 3, no. 51; cf. L. Moretti, RFIC 108, 1980, 452, n. 3; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 96 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. Patrai; a marble grave stele: [- ca. 4-] Felil[c]ula vix(i)t I annos XXX. 74

107. FESTUS ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ACHAIA 107-112 ILGR 74 (AnnÉpigr 1979 [1982] 175, no. 583); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 83 [lst/2nd e. A.D.]. Patrai; a pedimental marble grave stele decorated with three acroteria, bearing just the name of the person. 108. Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) ΦΑ(ΑΒΙΟΣ) ΚΑΙΚΙΑΟΣ ΚΡΙΣΠΕΙΝΟΣ Rizakis, Achaïe II, 343 a+b [imperial period]. Patrai; a stamp with his name in the genitive on fragments of tiles. a. Τ(ίχου) Φλ(αβιου) Καικιλ[ου]Ι Κρισπείνου. b. Τ(ίτου) Φλ(αβιου) Καικίλου Ι Κρισπείνου. Remarks: He is perhaps to be identified with Κρισπείνος (ACH 84); he may be the same person named in ACH 84 only with his cognomen. 109. P(UBLIUS) FOLIUS POTITUS A. Rizakis, BCH108,1984,438-540, no. 6, fig. 6; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 171 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. Patrai; a limestone stele bearing the epitaph of the person, who was a gladiator (thraex): P(ublius) Folius Potitus I thraex. Remarks: The name Folius is rare in Achaia (Solin and Salomies, 81), attested only in Patrai. The family of P. Follius in Thessalonike may be related to that of the person attested in Patrai (Salomies, in: Roman onomastics, 124 n. 8 and 125). Potitus is a common cognomen in Italy (Kajanto, Cognomina, 95 and 354). Thraex means here "heavily armed" and indicates the gladiator's category (see Robert, Gladiateurs, 67-68). 110. [- - - FO]RTUNAT(US/A) Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 197 [2nd c. A.D. (?) ]. Patrai; a fragment of a marble (?) stele bearing a funerary inscription with several names: [- - - Fo]rtunat(us vel a) I [- - -] Spediae I [Helpfidis vern(ae) I vixfit ann(os) [- - -]. 111. (FULVIA M. 1.) ARESCUSA Iph. Dekoulakou, AD 1973/4 (1979) Chron., 396-397, pi. 254 b; ILGR 60; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 133 [1st c. A.D.]. Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the doctor M. Fulvius Herophilus erected by his liberta Arescusa (for the text see ACH 119). liberta 112. FULVINIA HELENE J. Martha, BCH2, 100 no. 8; CIL III, 7254 [beginning of imperial time]. 75

107. FESTUS<br />


107-112<br />

ILGR 74 (AnnÉpigr 1979 [1982] 175, no. 583); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 83 [lst/2nd e. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a pedimental marble grave stele decorated with three acroteria, bearing just the name<br />

of the person.<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, 343 a+b [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a stamp with his name in the genitive on fragments of tiles.<br />

a. Τ(ίχου) Φλ(αβιου) Καικιλ[ου]Ι Κρισπείνου. b. Τ(ίτου) Φλ(αβιου) Καικίλου Ι Κρισπείνου.<br />

Remarks: He is perhaps to be identified with Κρισπείνος (ACH 84); he may be the same<br />

person named in ACH 84 only with his cognomen.<br />


A. Rizakis, BCH108,1984,438-540, no. 6, fig. 6; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 171 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone stele bearing the epitaph of the person, who was a gladiator (thraex):<br />

P(ublius) Folius Potitus I thraex.<br />

Remarks: The name Folius is rare in Achaia (Solin and Salomies, 81), attested only in Patrai.<br />

The family of P. Follius in Thessalonike may be related to that of the person attested<br />

in Patrai (Salomies, in: Roman onomastics, 124 n. 8 and 125). Potitus is a common<br />

cognomen in Italy (Kajanto, Cognomina, 95 and 354). Thraex means here "heavily<br />

armed" and indicates the gladiator's category (see Robert, Gladiateurs, 67-68).<br />

110. [- - - FO]RTUNAT(US/A)<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 197 [2nd c. A.D. (?) ].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble (?) stele bearing a funerary inscription with several names:<br />

[- - - Fo]rtunat(us vel a) I [- - -] Spediae I [Helpfidis vern(ae) I vixfit ann(os) [- - -].<br />

111. (FULVIA M. 1.) ARESCUSA<br />

Iph. Dekoulakou, AD 1973/4 (1979) Chron., 396-397, pi. 254 b; ILGR 60; *Rizakis, Achaïe II,<br />

no. 133 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the doctor M. Fulvius Herophilus<br />

erected by his liberta Arescusa (for the text see ACH 119).<br />

liberta<br />


J. Martha, BCH2, 100 no. 8; CIL III, 7254 [beginning of imperial time].<br />


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