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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I identifies him with the father of Isauricus, C. Servilius, who was possibly praetor in Macedonia. About the identification of the person see also Broughton, Magistrates, Appendix II, 465; III, 196 and Sarikakis, Άρχοντες, A', 191-192, who accept Münzer's view. 323. ΑΥΛΟΣ ΣΕΞΤ(Ι)ΟΣ EP ΑΤΩΝ ΙνΟ 648 (facsimile). Olympia; artist signature on a female statue of Pentelic marble. Sculptor Athenian 324. ΣΟΣΣ(ΙΟΣ) ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΣ ΚΛΥΤΙΑΛΗΣ [- - -]OY [1] ΙνΟ 120,1. 10 facsimile [3rd c. A.D. ] Olympia; list of cult personnel: Σ[ό]σσι[ος Στέφανος ]ου. [2] ΙνΟ 121,1. 12 facsimile [A.D. 245-249]. Olympia; list of cult personnel: Σόσσ(ιος) Στέφανος Κλυτιάδης. seer Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Σ 1. *325. Α[ΥΛΟΣ] ΤΕΡΕΝΤΙΟΣ [ΟΥΑΡΡΩΝ] IvO 324 facsimile and col. 800 (col. 443 no. 320-324 [after middle of the 1st c. A.D. (?)]. Olympia; one of the inscriptions of a group of statues erected on large pedestal honouring L. Mummius and the 10 legates who worked with him for the organisation of Greece after the Roman conquest; among them is the person discussed here. Remarks: On the date see EL 284. 326. TEPTIA The completion of the cognomen EIS Varrò by Dittenberger and Purgold must be regarded as certain since A. Terentii of the Republican period bear this name (about Terentii Varrones, see F. Münzer, RE V A 1 [1934] 676, s.v. Terentius [76 ff.]). He could be a son of the homonym quoted by Livy (XXXVII. 49, 8; XXXIX. 32, 14; 38, 3. 8-12; XLV. 17, 3). His father (Münzer, loc. cit. 678, [80]) was also a member of a committee of ten legates in Macedonia in the year 167 B.C. About the younger Varrò, see Münzer, loc. cit., 678, [81]; Broughton, Magistrates I, 467-8. AD 18, 1963, Bl Chron. 103, fig. 136a (G. Daux, BCH 1963, Chron. 791-795, fig. 7; cf. id., BCH 1965, 305, n. 2); G.-J.-M.-J. Te Riele, "L' Epitaphe de Tertia de Messene", Mnemosyne 16, 1963/64, 41-46; id., BCH89, 1965, 586-587 (SEG22, 1967, 355) [2nd c. A.D.]. 518

Miraka, near Olympia; funerary inscription. Messenian ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ELEI A Remarks: About the adjective Φιλόλογος which follows the name of the discussed person see G.-J.-M.-J. Te Riele, BCH 89, 1965, 586-587 (according to whom it was a name); BullÉpigr 1965, 180; 1966, 212 (cf. also L. Robert, Hellenica XIII [1965] 52, according to whom it was an adjective). Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) [ΦΛΑΒΙΟΣ (?)]: see. EL 189 327. Λ(ΟΥΚΙΟΣ) ΤΥΡΡΩΝΙΟΣ ΛΟΝΓΟΣ IvO 237 facsimile [A.D. 137]. Olympia; a base for a statue commemorating the Olympic victory of P. Aelius Artemas: ...καί άλ(λ)ους θεματικούς [άγώ]1νας σν', υπό φωνασκόν Λ(ούκιον) Τυρρώνιον Λόνγον Είκονι[έ]α τον καί Λαο[δι]Ικέα. Citizen of Iconium and Laodicea Remarks: According to L. Robert, Documents de Γ Asie Mineure méridionale (Genève-Paris 328. ΟΥΑ[ΛΕΡΙΟΣ - - -] 1966) 102-103, n. 1, Laodicea here refers to the city in Lycaonia, while Moretti, Olympionikai, 854 accepts that it is Phrygian Laodicea. For the name Turronius see Schulze, 160 and Solin and Salomies, 192. IvO 361 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Ο 17 [1st or 2nd c. A.D.]. Olympia; a plaque of Pentelic marble that bears a fragmentary inscription. 329. ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΟΣ ΕΚΛΕΚΤΟΣ ΙνΟ 243, facsimile (cf. OlB 6, 1958, 223-225); L. Semmlinger, Weih-, Sieger- und Ehreninschriften aus Olympia und seiner Umgebung (Diss. Erlangen-Nürnberg 1974) 351 ff., no. 67 (cf. BullÉpigr 1976, 279) [A.D. 261]. Olympia; a block of a pedestal for a statue commemorating the victor of several games (Olympia, Capitolia and the games of Athena Promachos in Rome and the Τώμης αιώνια): ...βουλευτής καί Σμυρναίος βουλευτής καί ΦιλαΟελφεϋς βουλευτής καί Τεραπολείτης βου­ λευτής καί Τριπολείτης βουλευτής καί Περγαιος βουλευτής, κήρυξ τρισπερίοδος άλειπτος, νεικήσας ιερούς αγώνας τους υπογεγραμμένους... From Sinope Remarks: The person is also attested in Athens (IG II 2 3169-70 [Moretti, IAG, no. 90]) and in Beroea (A. B. Tataki, Ancient Beroea. Prosopography and society, ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 519

Miraka, near Olympia; funerary inscription.<br />

Messenian<br />


Remarks: About the adjective Φιλόλογος which follows the name of the discussed person see<br />

G.-J.-M.-J. Te Riele, BCH 89, 1965, 586-587 (according to whom it was a name);<br />

BullÉpigr 1965, 180; 1966, 212 (cf. also L. Robert, Hellenica XIII [1965] 52,<br />

according to whom it was an adjective).<br />

Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) [ΦΛΑΒΙΟΣ (?)]: see. EL 189<br />


IvO 237 facsimile [A.D. 137].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue commemorating the Olympic victory of P. Aelius Artemas:<br />

...καί άλ(λ)ους θεματικούς [άγώ]1νας σν', υπό φωνασκόν Λ(ούκιον) Τυρρώνιον Λόνγον<br />

Είκονι[έ]α τον καί Λαο[δι]Ικέα.<br />

Citizen of Iconium and Laodicea<br />

Remarks: According to L. Robert, Documents de Γ Asie Mineure méridionale (Genève-Paris<br />

328. ΟΥΑ[ΛΕΡΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

1966) 102-103, n. 1, Laodicea here refers to the city in Lycaonia, while Moretti,<br />

Olympionikai, 854 accepts that it is Phrygian Laodicea. For the name Turronius see<br />

Schulze, 160 and Solin and Salomies, 192.<br />

IvO 361 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Ο 17 [1st or 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a plaque of Pentelic marble that bears a fragmentary inscription.<br />


ΙνΟ 243, facsimile (cf. OlB 6, 1958, 223-225); L. Semmlinger, Weih-, Sieger- und<br />

Ehreninschriften aus Olympia und seiner Umgebung (Diss. Erlangen-Nürnberg 1974) 351 ff.,<br />

no. 67 (cf. BullÉpigr 1976, 279) [A.D. 261].<br />

Olympia; a block of a pedestal for a statue commemorating the victor of several games<br />

(Olympia, Capitolia and the games of Athena Promachos in Rome and the Τώμης αιώνια):<br />

...βουλευτής καί Σμυρναίος βουλευτής καί ΦιλαΟελφεϋς βουλευτής καί Τεραπολείτης βου­<br />

λευτής καί Τριπολείτης βουλευτής καί Περγαιος βουλευτής, κήρυξ τρισπερίοδος άλειπτος,<br />

νεικήσας ιερούς αγώνας τους υπογεγραμμένους...<br />

From Sinope<br />

Remarks: The person is also attested in Athens (IG II 2 3169-70 [Moretti, IAG, no. 90]) and in<br />

Beroea (A. B. Tataki, Ancient Beroea. Prosopography and society, ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ<br />


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