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161-162 ROMAN PELOPONNESE I 118) and Tib. Claudius Aristomenes (EL 142); grandson Antonius Alexion (EL 34); for a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XIII. 161. ΚΑΑΥ(ΔΙΟΣ) ΠΟΑΥΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΙΑΜΙΔΗΣ [1] ΙνΟ 113,1. 1 facsimile [after A.D. 221]. Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κλαύδιος Πολυκράτης] Ταμίδης. [2] ΙνΟ 114,1. 8 facsimile [A.D. 225-229]. Olympia; completed in a list of cult personnel: Κ[λαύ(διος) Πολυκράτης Ίαμ(ίδης)]. [3] IvO 115,11. 7-8 (facsimile)+E. Kunze, Ο/Β 5, 1956, 173-174,11. 7-8, fig. 73 (SEG 15, 1958, 258) [A.D. 229-233]. Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλαύ(διος) Πολυκρά[της] Ταμ(ίδης). [4] IvO 116,1. 11 facsimile [A.D. 233]. Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλαύδ(ιος) Πολυκράτης Ταμ(ίδης). [5] IvO 117,1. 12 facsimile [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D.]. Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κλαύδιος Πολυ]κράτης Ταμίδης. [6] IvO 121,1. 14 facsimile [A.D. 245-249]. Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλ(αύδιος) Πολυκράτης Ταμίδης. seer Remarks: Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 71. 161a. ΚΑΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΠΟΔΥΝΕΙΚΟΣ ΙνΟ 471 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 72 [3rd c. A.D. (?)]. Olympia, a cylindrical statue base of gray marble bearing an honorary inscription for the person: "Αγαθή τύχη. Ι Κλαύδιον Ι Πολύνεικον Ι ή Ηλείων πόΙλις καί ή ΌλυμΙπική βουλή Ι αρετής ένεΐκα καί εύνοίΐας τής εις Ι αυτήν. 162. ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΣ ΚΑΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΡΟΥΦΟΣ [1] ΙνΟ 54 (facsimile); Syll. 3 1073 II (R. Merkelbach, "Der unentschiedene Kampf des Pankratiasten Ti. Claudius Rufus in Olympia", ZPE 15, 1974, 99-104) [A.D. 41-123]. Olympia; a statue base of dark marble bearing an honorary decree of the Eleans concerning the award of the Elean citizenship to Tib. Claudius Rufus: 11. 2-3: ... Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Τούφος, άνήρ πανκρατιαστής.... 11. 40-43: τετειμήσθαι δε Τούφον Ι πολιτεία, καί έπιτραπήναι αύτω άναίθεΐναι ανδριάντα επί τής Όλυμπίας Ι έπι- γραφήν έχοντα τήν προγεγραμμένην. [2] JvO 55 (facsimile)=7. Smyrna II, 1, 657 (R. Merkelbach, "Der unentschiedene Kampf des 470

ROMAN PERSONAL NAS ILS IX El.I-ΊΑ Pankratiasten Ti. Claudius Rufus in Olympia*', ZPE 15, 1974. 99-104) [A.D. 4 1-123]. Olympia: on the same base, on which there is also the decree, an honorary inscription by the demos of Smyrna: Ό νεωκόρος Ζμυρναίων δήμος Ι Τιβέριον Κλαύδιον Τοΰφον, τον Ι εαυτού πολείτην, άνδρα πλειστοΐνείκην καί ίερονείκην από συνόδου, Ι 5 τών καθ" εαυτόν πανκρατιαστών Ι ανδρεία τε καί σοκρροσύνη διενένκαντα Ι καί δια τήν προς τους [Σ]εβαστούς Ι γνώσιν τυχόντα τής διά γένους ξυστ[α]ρχί'/:; πάντων τών αγομένων Ι άγώνίον εν Ζμύρνη, έτείμησεν Ι 10 εκ τών ιδίων, καθώς καί Ηλείοι. [3] J. Ebert, Nikcphoros 7. 1994. 239 (SEG 45. 1995, 412); id., "Zur neuen Bronzeplatte mit Sicgcrinschrillcn aus Olympia (luv. 1148)"'. Nikcphoros 10. 1997. 217-233. col. I. I. 3-5. csp. 223-229, facsimile (p. 219) [A.D. 41-123]. Olympia, arca of ι he so-called "SUdweslbau". in a drainage canal; a bronze plaque bearing the names of some Olympic victors and athletes of different limes: on its upper left corner there is an inscription commemorating the undecided outcome of the athletes' competition in pankration: [Όλ(υμπιάόι) σ'] Τ. Κλαύδιος Τοϋφος Ι [πρώ]τος ανδρών ίεράν Ι [έπ]οίησε πανκράτιον (completions according to Nikcphoros 10, 1997. 223). From Smyrna athlete, xystarches in Smyrna Remarks: For an hypothetical but probable description of what followed the "ιερά νίκη of Rufus until the publication of the decree in Olympia and the erection of both monuments in Olympia and Smyrna, see Merkelbach. op.cil. Dittenberger and Purgold date [1] (see commentary of Λ054, Sp. 113) in the age of Trajan or beginning of that of Hadrian because the neocoria of Smyrna is attested for the first lime on coin legends of Trajan. However it is known by Tac. Ann. IV. 55- 56 that Smyrna acquired the first temple dedicated to the Emperor Tiberius. Livia and the senate, and consequently its first neocoria. in A.D. 26. Moretti. Olympionikai. no. 808 identifies Rufus with a homonymous magistrate, who appears on Smyrnean coins of the age of Trajan, see BMC Ionia. 276. no. 325: στρ(ατηγός) Τού(φος ?). He believes that Claudius Apollonius and Claudius Rufus (Moretti. Olympionikai. 890 and 924) are descendants of the person discussed here. According to W. Ameling, "Der Sophist Rufus". EA 6. 1985, 30. who studied the personality of the sophist known from the text of Philostr.. VS11. 17 born about A.D. 120-150 and died between A.D. 181 and 211 the sophist Rufus cannot be identified with the hieronikes because of chronological difficulties, but he could be either his son or a close relative. G. Pctzl. I.Smyrna, no. 657 dates the inscription between A.D. 41 and 123. i.e. from the accession of the Emperor Claudius until the year of the second neocoria of Smyrna. J. Eben. Nikcphoros 10. 1997.227 dales the ιερά νίκη of Rufus in the 200th Olympiad (A.D. 21). [Όλ(υμπιάδι) σ]. and the honours he received from the Elcans and the Smyrneans in the age of Tiberius, since the introducer of the Elcan decree was r M. Vettulenus Laetus who is, according to Ebert, to be identified with the lather of 471 1 (ì ~


118) and Tib. Claudius Aristomenes (EL 142); grandson Antonius Alexion (EL 34); for a<br />

stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XIII.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 113,1. 1 facsimile [after A.D. 221].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κλαύδιος Πολυκράτης] Ταμίδης.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 114,1. 8 facsimile [A.D. 225-229].<br />

Olympia; completed in a list of cult personnel: Κ[λαύ(διος) Πολυκράτης Ίαμ(ίδης)].<br />

[3] IvO 115,11. 7-8 (facsimile)+E. Kunze, Ο/Β 5, 1956, 173-174,11. 7-8, fig. 73 (SEG 15, 1958,<br />

258) [A.D. 229-233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλαύ(διος) Πολυκρά[της] Ταμ(ίδης).<br />

[4] IvO 116,1. 11 facsimile [A.D. 233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλαύδ(ιος) Πολυκράτης Ταμ(ίδης).<br />

[5] IvO 117,1. 12 facsimile [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κλαύδιος Πολυ]κράτης Ταμίδης.<br />

[6] IvO 121,1. 14 facsimile [A.D. 245-249].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλ(αύδιος) Πολυκράτης Ταμίδης.<br />

seer<br />

Remarks: Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 71.<br />


ΙνΟ 471 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 72 [3rd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia, a cylindrical statue base of gray marble bearing an honorary inscription for the<br />

person:<br />

"Αγαθή τύχη. Ι Κλαύδιον Ι Πολύνεικον Ι ή Ηλείων πόΙλις καί ή ΌλυμΙπική βουλή Ι αρετής<br />

ένεΐκα καί εύνοίΐας τής εις Ι αυτήν.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 54 (facsimile); Syll. 3 1073 II (R. Merkelbach, "Der unentschiedene Kampf des<br />

Pankratiasten Ti. Claudius Rufus in Olympia", ZPE 15, 1974, 99-104) [A.D. 41-123].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of dark marble bearing an honorary decree of the Eleans concerning<br />

the award of the Elean citizenship to Tib. Claudius Rufus:<br />

11. 2-3: ... Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Τούφος, άνήρ πανκρατιαστής.... 11. 40-43: τετειμήσθαι δε<br />

Τούφον Ι πολιτεία, καί έπιτραπήναι αύτω άναίθεΐναι ανδριάντα επί τής Όλυμπίας Ι έπι-<br />

γραφήν έχοντα τήν προγεγραμμένην.<br />

[2] JvO 55 (facsimile)=7. Smyrna II, 1, 657 (R. Merkelbach, "Der unentschiedene Kampf des<br />


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