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Olympia; list of cult personnel; here attested as Μ(αρκος) Άττήδιος Κόγνιτορ.<br />

grammateus<br />

Remarks: In the inscription IvO 86 the form Κόγνιτορ appears instead of Κόγνιτος as a result<br />

of the Elean rotacism. For the name Attedius see Schulze, 427. 457. 558; Solin and<br />

Salomies, 26; it is often attested in Gallia Narbonensis and Moesia Superior (cf.<br />

Mócsy, Nomenciator, 35), but it is uncommon in the Greek mainland. It should be<br />

noted however that â praetor in Achaia before A.D. 25 was named Attedius Geminus<br />

(see Thomasson, 197; Groag, Reichsbeamten, 17). The name is also attested in<br />

Koroni in Messenia (IG V 1, 1398, MES s.v. Attedii). For the person see also<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 160.<br />

59. ΑΥΛΟΣ [- - -]<br />

7v0 56,1. 2 facsimile [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; seven fragments of a plaque of Pentelic marble bearing the rules of the organisation<br />

of the games 'Ιταλικά Σεβαστά Ίσολύμπια at Naples. The named person is one of the πρεσβεύσαντες.<br />

Remarks: Dittenberger and Purgold date the inscription after the year 2 B.C. when the first<br />

Ίταλίς is dated. Its publication in the panhellenic sanctuary at Olympia is to be<br />

explained as an announcement to the athletes who came for the Olympic games; cf.<br />

also P. Siewert, "The Olympic rules", in: W. Coulson-H. Kyrieleis (eds.),<br />

Proceedings of an international symposium on the Olympic games, Athens 5-9<br />

September 1988 (Athens 1992) 113-114.<br />


[1] /v0 91,1. 15 facsimile [A.D. 113-117].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Ώρά[ρι]ος Σαβίνος A. For the abbreviation A. cf. EL 82.<br />

[2] IvO 92,1. 16 facsimile [1st quarter of the 2nd c. A.D., after A.D. 117].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Μ(άρκος) Ώρά[ρ]ιος Σαβειν[ος].<br />

exegetes<br />

Remarks: According to Dittenberger and Purgold another possibility for completing the<br />

gentilicium could be Ώράτιος. Because of the initial letter "Ω", it seems unlikely to<br />

regard the name as the Greek transcription of the name Orarius, since "Ω" is the<br />

usual equivalent of the Latin "Au". For Aurarius see E. Habel, RE II 2 (1896) 2425,<br />

who believes that the name is derived from aurum (gold) and means the goldsmith<br />

(aurarius); Solin and Salomies, 28. For the person see also Zoumbaki, Elis und<br />

Olympia, Ω 1.<br />


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