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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus bearing honorary inscriptions erected by the polis of Elis for his children Athenais and Regullus: Μαρκίαν Κλαυδίαν Άλκίαν Ι Αθηναΐδα Γαβιδίαν Λατιαρίαν Ι Ήρώδου και Τηγίλλης θυγατέρα etc. (for the full text see EL 113). [9] IvO 626 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 134, no. 128); Bol, Herodes- Atticus- Nymphäum, 132-3, no. 17, pi. 11, facsimile, fig. 60 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 89, no. 2) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.]. Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus bearing honorary inscriptions erected by the polis of Elis for his children Athenais and Regullus: Λ(ούκιον) Κλαύδιον Ι Βιβούλλιον Τήγιλλον Ι Ήρώδην, Ήρώδου Ι και Τηγίλλης υίόν, etc. (for the full text see EL 167). [10] L. Schumacher, "Eine neue Inschrift für den Sophisten Herodes Atticus", OIB 1999, 421- 437 (BullÉpigr 2000, 351) [ca. A.D. 175]. Olympia; honorary inscription for Herodes Atticus erected by the polis of Elis. His name is not preserved, but there is no doupt, that the person bearing the functions of [— ]vir, sodalis Augustalis, sodalis Hadrianalis and priest of Dionysos, and is named as husband of Regula and Athenian is to be identified with Herodes. Remarks: The full name of Regula is Appia Annia Regula Atilia Caucidia Tertulla; from the large bibliography on the person see in particular P.v. Rohden, RE I 2 (1894) 2315- 2316, s.v. Annius [125]; PIR 2 A 720; Halfmann, Senatoren, 158; FOS, 83-84, no. 66, stemma XXVII and no. 118 (Atilia Caucia Tertulla), stemma VIII, XXVII; Settipani, 472-476 with stemmata. For the dedications [1] and [2] of Regula, respectively, to Hygeia and Demeter see also Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 322-323. A statue of Hygeia in Heraion is mentioned by Pausanias V. 20, 3; the dedication is, however, connected with the so called nymphaeum; the importance of water is obvious, especially in a place which was crowded during the period of the Olympic festival (cf. Lucian, De mort. Peregr. 19 and I. Weiler, "Olympia-jenseits der Agonistik: Kultur und Spektakel", Nikephoros 10, 1997, 193-195). Regula is also attested in Corinth, to which her husband Herodes was connected as a benefactor. A marble statue base bearing an epigram in honour of Regula was found in front of the middle of the eastern apse of Peirene, connecting in this way the family of the Athenian sophist with a reconstruction of the court of the fountain (COR 528 [1]). A second statue base bearing a flattering epigram in her honour is found near the so-called Temple F (maybe of Tyche, since Regula appears also in the epigram connected with Tyche), see COR 528 [2]. w. Herodes Atticus (EL 144), d. Appius Annius Gallus (EL 18). For the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3. *18. ΑΠΠΙΟΣ ΑΝΝΙΟΣ ΓΑΛΛΟΣ IvO 619 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 131, no. 121); Bol, Herodes- Atticus- Nymphäum, 120-121, no. 10, pi. 7, facsimile (fig. 52) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.]. 420

ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ELEIA 19-21 Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble bearing an honorary inscription for the person, who was Regilla's father. The statue belonged to the exedra of Herodes Atticus: 5 Αππιον 'Αννιον Γάλλον, Ι [τ]α[μ]ί[α]ν, σ[τρ]α[τ]η[γ]όν, [ΰ]πα[τ]ον, Ι ποντίφηκα, Τηγίλλης πατέρα της Ήρώδου Ι [γυ]ναικό[ς], ή [π]όλι[ς] ή [τ]ώ[ν Ή]λ[είων]. quaestor, praetor, consul, pontifex Remarks: About the person, who is a member of a senatorial family, see P.v. Rohden, RE I 2 (1894) 2278, 5. v. Annius [88]; PIR 2 A 654; G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter den Antoninen. Prosopographische Untersuchungen zur senatorischen Führungsschicht (Bonn 1977) 139, 303, 323, 327; cf. FOS, 83-84 (comments on no. 66); Settipani, 472-476 with stemmata. f. Regula (EL 17). For the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3. 19. Λ(ΕΚΜΟΣ) ΑΝΘΕΣΤΙΟΣ ΟΕΟΓΕΝΗΣ Ιν0 9\, 1.5 facsimile [A.D. 113-117]. Olympia; list of cult personnel. The name of the person is followed by the abbreviation Γ. (see EL 82). theocolos Remarks: The Greek forms of the name Antistius/Antestius are Α,ντέστιος, Άντίστιος, Ανθέστιος, Ανθίστιος, that could, in one interpretation, be derived from a false etymology from the words άνθος (flower) or εστία, άντ(ί)-έστία (hearth), see B. Meinersmann, Die lateinischen Wörter und Namen in den griechischen Papyri (Leipzig 1927) 67-68; see also E. Klebs, RE I 2 (1894) 2545, s.v. Antestius; Mócsy, Nomenciator, 22; id., Beiträge zur Namenstatistik, Dissertationes Pannonicae, Seiles III, vol. 3 (Budapest 1985) 69. 80. 86. 87. 89; Solin and Salomies, 17. For the person cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 59. 20. ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑ BAIBIA 7v0456 facsimile [A.D. 157 (έπ[ί] της σλδ' Όλυμπ[ι]άδος)]. Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule in honour of the priestess of Demeter Chamynaia Antonia Baebia: "Αντωνίαν ΒαιΙβίαν, Μ(άρκου) ΑντωνίΙου Σαμίππου Ι θυγατέρα τοϋ από Ι 5 Όξύλου τού κτίσανίτος τήν πόλιν, Ι ίέρειαν γενομέΙνην της ΔήμηΙτρος έπ[ί] της σλδ' Ι Όλυμπ[ι]άδος, Ι ή πόλις ή τών ΉΙλείων και ή ΌλυμΙπική βουλή. Remarks: For the person, who was a member of an important Elean family (see below EL 46), see also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 11 and Σ 2. ά. M. Antonius Samippus (EL 46); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XII. 21. ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑ ΚΑΛΛΩ JvO 428 facsimile [1st c. A.D.]. 421


19-21<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble bearing an honorary inscription for the person, who<br />

was Regilla's father. The statue belonged to the exedra of Herodes Atticus:<br />

5 Αππιον 'Αννιον Γάλλον, Ι [τ]α[μ]ί[α]ν, σ[τρ]α[τ]η[γ]όν, [ΰ]πα[τ]ον, Ι ποντίφηκα, Τηγίλλης<br />

πατέρα της Ήρώδου Ι [γυ]ναικό[ς], ή [π]όλι[ς] ή [τ]ώ[ν Ή]λ[είων].<br />

quaestor, praetor, consul, pontifex<br />

Remarks: About the person, who is a member of a senatorial family, see P.v. Rohden, RE I 2<br />

(1894) 2278, 5. v. Annius [88]; PIR 2 A 654; G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand<br />

unter den Antoninen. Prosopographische Untersuchungen zur senatorischen<br />

Führungsschicht (Bonn 1977) 139, 303, 323, 327; cf. FOS, 83-84 (comments on no.<br />

66); Settipani, 472-476 with stemmata.<br />

f. Regula (EL 17). For the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3.<br />


Ιν0 9\, 1.5 facsimile [A.D. 113-117].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. The name of the person is followed by the abbreviation Γ. (see<br />

EL 82).<br />

theocolos<br />

Remarks: The Greek forms of the name Antistius/Antestius are Α,ντέστιος, Άντίστιος,<br />

Ανθέστιος, Ανθίστιος, that could, in one interpretation, be derived from a false<br />

etymology from the words άνθος (flower) or εστία, άντ(ί)-έστία (hearth), see B.<br />

Meinersmann, Die lateinischen Wörter und Namen in den griechischen Papyri<br />

(Leipzig 1927) 67-68; see also E. Klebs, RE I 2 (1894) 2545, s.v. Antestius; Mócsy,<br />

Nomenciator, 22; id., Beiträge zur Namenstatistik, Dissertationes Pannonicae,<br />

Seiles III, vol. 3 (Budapest 1985) 69. 80. 86. 87. 89; Solin and Salomies, 17. For the<br />

person cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 59.<br />


7v0456 facsimile [A.D. 157 (έπ[ί] της σλδ' Όλυμπ[ι]άδος)].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule in honour of<br />

the priestess of Demeter Chamynaia Antonia Baebia:<br />

"Αντωνίαν ΒαιΙβίαν, Μ(άρκου) ΑντωνίΙου Σαμίππου Ι θυγατέρα τοϋ από Ι 5 Όξύλου τού κτίσανίτος<br />

τήν πόλιν, Ι ίέρειαν γενομέΙνην της ΔήμηΙτρος έπ[ί] της σλδ' Ι Όλυμπ[ι]άδος, Ι ή<br />

πόλις ή τών ΉΙλείων και ή ΌλυμΙπική βουλή.<br />

Remarks: For the person, who was a member of an important Elean family (see below EL 46),<br />

see also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 11 and Σ 2.<br />

ά. M. Antonius Samippus (EL 46); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XII.<br />


JvO 428 facsimile [1st c. A.D.].<br />


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