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16-17 ROMAN PELOPONNESE I of Macedonia in the second quarter of the first c. B.C., who is attested in an inscription from Gytheion (IG V 1, 1146; LAC 25) and took part in the war of M. Antonius Creticus against the Cretan pirates. His identification either with the proconsul of the year 55 or 54 B.C., successor of L. Calpurnius Piso (Cic, Earn. XIII. 40; Pis. 36, 89), or with a son of the man who was killed by the part of Marius are also possible; Dittenberger and Purgold identify him with the ex-praetor who was killed by Marius' supporters. It is possible to identify him with the honorand of an inscription from Delphi erected by the Koinon of Amphiktyons (FD III. 4, 254). For the person see E. Klebs, RE I (1894) 2102, s.v. Ancharius [3]; D. Kanatsoulis, Μακεδόνικη προσωπογραφία από τον 148 π.Χ. μέχρι των χρόνων τον Μ. Κων- σταντίνον (Thessalonike 1955) 154; Broughton, Magistrates Π, 112. 115, η. 5. 158. 189. 208. 218. 224. 474. 480; Sarikakis, Αρχοντες, Α' , 121-122 and 175-176. For the gentilicium see Schulze, 122. 203; Mócsy, Nomenciator, 18; Solin and Salomies, 15. 16. ΑΠΠΙΑ ANNIA Α[Τ]ΕΙΛΙΑ ΡΗΓΙΛΛΑ ΕΛΠΙΝΕΙΚΗ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΕΙΝΑ ΑΤΡΙΑ ΠΟΛΛΑ ΗΡΩΛΟΥ ΚΑΙ [ΡΗ]ΓΙΛΛΗΣ ΘΥΓΑΤ[ΗΡ] ΙνΟ 624 facsimile (Ameling, Hemdes Atticus II, 133, no. 126); Bol, Herodes-Atticus- Nymphäum, 130-131, no. 15, facsimile (fig. 59) and 132-134, pi. 10 (Tobin, Hemdes Atticus, 84, no. 5) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.]. Olympia; several fragments of a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus bearing an honorary inscription for his daughter Elpinice: Αππίαν Αννίαν Α[τ]ειλία[ν] Ι Τήγιλλα[ν] Έλπινείκην ΑγριππεΙναν Ι Ατρίαν Πόλλαν, Ήρώδου και [Τη]γίλλης Ι θυγατ[έρα, ή πόλ]ι[ς ή των Ηλείων]. Remarks: About the person, who was born about A.D. 143 and died about A.D. 167, before her father, see P.v. Rohden, RE I 2 (1894) 2310, s.v. Annius [107]; PIR 2 A 706; Halfmann, Senatoren, 158 and 156, nos [25], [45], [52], [53]; FOS, 71-73, no. 56, stemma XXVII and XXXII; Settipani, 475-476. d. Herodes Atticus (EL 144); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3. 17. [ΑΠΠΙΑ AN]NI[A ΡΗΓΙΛΛΑ ΑΠΠΙΟΥ] Υ[Π]ΑΤΟ[Υ ΠΟ]ΝΤ[ΙΦΙΚΟΣ Θ]ΥΓΑΤΗΡ [ΤΙΒΕΡΙ]ΟΥ [ΚΛΑΥΛΙ]ΟΥ [ΗΡΩΛΟΥ ΓΥ]ΝΗ [1] 7ν0288 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus Π, 127, no. Ill) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.]. Olympia; a marble statue base bearing a votive inscription to Hygeia erected by Regula. The monument may have been built as part of the hydraulic donation of Regula in Olympia: 'Ρήγιλ- λα Ύγείαι. [2] ΙνΟ 610 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 127-128, no. 113); Bol, Herodes-Atticus- Nymphäum, 109-110, no. 1, pi. 2.3 and facsimile, fig. 44 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 77) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.]. Olympia; a bull of Pentelic marble; on the right side of its body it bears a dedication of the wife 418

ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ELEIA of Herodes Atticus, Regula, commemorating her tenure of the office of the priestess of Demeter Chamyne. The statue of the bull must have been erected over the water cistern in the so-called exedra of Herodes Atticus, which, according to this inscription, should be recognised as a donation of Regula: Τήγιλλα ιέρεια Δήμητρος το ύδωρ και τα περί το ύδωρ τω Διί. [3] ΙνΟ 612 facsimile (Oliver, The Athenian expounders, 112, no. 5; Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 129, no. 114) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.]. Olympia; twenty-four fragments of a plaque of Pentelic marble make up one of the inscriptions on the exedra of Herodes Atticus in honour of Regula. The text is to be restored according to Dittenberger and Purgold: [Α.ππία Άν]νί[α Τήγιλλα Άππίου] ύ[π]άτο[υ πο]ντ[ίφικος θ]υγάτηρ, [Τιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου [Ήρώδου γυ]νή. [Τιβέ- ριος Κλαύδι]ος, Τ[ιβερίου Κλαυδίου Αττικού] υιός, Ηρώδης Αθηναίος. Oliver, op. cit., completes: [Αππία Αν]νί[α Τήγιλλα Λτιλία Καυκιδία Τερτύλλα Άππίου] ύ[π]άτο[υ πο]ντ[ίφικος θ]υγάτηρ [Ήρώδ]ου [ύπάτ]ου [έξηγητού γυ]νή. [4] ΙνΟ 619 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II 131, no. 121); Bol, Herodes- Atticus- Nymphäum, 120-121, no. 10, pi. 7, facsimile (fig. 52) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.]. Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble bearing an honorary inscription for Regilla's father. The statue belonged to the exedra of Herodes Atticus: ... Τηγίλλης πατέρα της Ήρώδου I [γυ]ναικό[ς], ή [π]όλι[ς] ή [τ]ώ[ν Ή]λ[είων] (for the full text see EL 18). [5] IvO 620 facsimile (ILS 8824 a; Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 131-132, no. 122) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.]. Olympia; one of the honorary inscriptions of the exedra of Herodes Atticus for Regilla's grandfather: Μ(αρκον) "Αππιον Βραδούαν, ... τον Τη[γίλλης πρ]ός μητρός πάππον... (for the full text see EL 50). [6]IvO 623 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 133, no. 125); Bol, Herodes- Atticus- Nymphäum, 129-130, no. 14, facsimile (fig. 57) and 132-134, pi. 10 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 91, no. 2) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.]. Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble bearing one of the honorary inscriptions on the exedra of Herodes Atticus concerning the son of Herodes and Regula: Μ(αρκον) Ατείλιον Αττι[κον] I Βραδούαν Τήγιλλον, Ι Ήρώδου και Τηγίλλης υίόν etc. (for the full text see EL 57). [7] ΙνΟ 62A facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 133, no. 126); Bol, Herodes-Atticus- Nymphäum, 130-131, no. 15, facsimile (fig. 59) and 132-134, pi. 10 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 84, no. 5) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.]. Olympia; several fragments of a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus bearing an honorary inscription for the daughter of Herodes and Regula, Elpinice: ... Ήρώδου και [Τη]γίλλης Ι θυγατ[έρα etc. (for the full text see EL 16). [8] IvO 625 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 134, no. 127); Bol, Herodes- Atticus- Nymphäum, 132-3, no. 16, pi. 11, facsimile, fig. 60 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 87, no. 4) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.]. 419


of Macedonia in the second quarter of the first c. B.C., who is attested in an<br />

inscription from Gytheion (IG V 1, 1146; LAC 25) and took part in the war of M.<br />

Antonius Creticus against the Cretan pirates. His identification either with the<br />

proconsul of the year 55 or 54 B.C., successor of L. Calpurnius Piso (Cic, Earn.<br />

XIII. 40; Pis. 36, 89), or with a son of the man who was killed by the part of Marius<br />

are also possible; Dittenberger and Purgold identify him with the ex-praetor who<br />

was killed by Marius' supporters. It is possible to identify him with the honorand of<br />

an inscription from Delphi erected by the Koinon of Amphiktyons (FD III. 4, 254).<br />

For the person see E. Klebs, RE I (1894) 2102, s.v. Ancharius [3]; D. Kanatsoulis,<br />

Μακεδόνικη προσωπογραφία από τον 148 π.Χ. μέχρι των χρόνων τον Μ. Κων-<br />

σταντίνον (Thessalonike 1955) 154; Broughton, Magistrates Π, 112. 115, η. 5. 158.<br />

189. 208. 218. 224. 474. 480; Sarikakis, Αρχοντες, Α' , 121-122 and 175-176.<br />

For the gentilicium see Schulze, 122. 203; Mócsy, Nomenciator, 18; Solin and<br />

Salomies, 15.<br />



ΙνΟ 624 facsimile (Ameling, Hemdes Atticus II, 133, no. 126); Bol, Herodes-Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 130-131, no. 15, facsimile (fig. 59) and 132-134, pi. 10 (Tobin, Hemdes Atticus,<br />

84, no. 5) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; several fragments of a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes<br />

Atticus bearing an honorary inscription for his daughter Elpinice:<br />

Αππίαν Αννίαν Α[τ]ειλία[ν] Ι Τήγιλλα[ν] Έλπινείκην ΑγριππεΙναν Ι Ατρίαν Πόλλαν,<br />

Ήρώδου και [Τη]γίλλης Ι θυγατ[έρα, ή πόλ]ι[ς ή των Ηλείων].<br />

Remarks: About the person, who was born about A.D. 143 and died about A.D. 167, before her<br />

father, see P.v. Rohden, RE I 2 (1894) 2310, s.v. Annius [107]; PIR 2 A 706;<br />

Halfmann, Senatoren, 158 and 156, nos [25], [45], [52], [53]; FOS, 71-73, no. 56,<br />

stemma XXVII and XXXII; Settipani, 475-476.<br />

d. Herodes Atticus (EL 144); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3.<br />



[1] 7ν0288 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus Π, 127, no. Ill) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a marble statue base bearing a votive inscription to Hygeia erected by Regula. The<br />

monument may have been built as part of the hydraulic donation of Regula in Olympia: 'Ρήγιλ-<br />

λα Ύγείαι.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 610 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 127-128, no. 113); Bol, Herodes-Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 109-110, no. 1, pi. 2.3 and facsimile, fig. 44 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 77) [middle<br />

of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a bull of Pentelic marble; on the right side of its body it bears a dedication of the wife<br />


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