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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I 656. [- - -]S ZOSIMU[S] Corinth VIII. 3, 364d, pi. 33 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary names in the nominative case (COR 84, COR 95, COR 109, COR 126, COR 329, COR 490, COR 666, COR 668, COR 672). Remarks: For a probable restoration, see L. Arei[ ] (COR 78). Cf. a Corinthian Cn. 657. A[--- ] Pompeius Zosimus, twice herald of the Mouseia games under the Antonines, who was also a citizen of the city of Thespiai (IG VII 1773; SEG3, 1927, 334; Α. Β. West, Corinth Vili. 2, 173). Corinth VIII. 2, 4,1. 3 [under or after Nero]. FRAGMENTARY NAMES Corinth, east of the forum; broken white marble slab; dedication to some divinities, probably to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, to Apollo, to the Genius of the colony and of the colonists, set up by the person: [Iovi O. M. Apoll]inique genio[que] I [coloniae et colono]rum L. I. C. sacrum A. I [— habens or]nament. decurion[alia]. Remarks: Probably A[ulus —] (?). Cf. Antonius C. f. [—] (COR 39), the only known priest 658. [- - -]AE C[- - -] of the Genius of the colony at Corinth. M. D. Dixon, Hesperia 69, 2000, 335-342, fig. 1 [2nd c. A.D.]. Corinth, near forum; fragmentary stele of white marble preserving a Latin and a Greek inscriptions refering to religious buildings at Corinth: [—] AE C[—] I [— sac]erdos I [— P]roserpinae I [—] marmorea I [—] vac. I [— στ]οάν και ναον ΠλούΙτωνος — τα] προσκοσμήματα ΔΗ Ι vacar 659. ΒΑ[ΒΒΙΑ] (?) Corinth VIII. 3, 185, pi. 16 [lst/2nd c. A.D.]. Corinth, forum; four fragments of a block of grayish marble; inscription in honour of M. B[- - -] (?). 400

ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN CORINTHIA 660-664 Remarks: The restoration of both her name as Β [abbia] and the honorand as M. B[abbius —] (COR 660, text) is extremely speculative. 660. M(ARCUS) B[ABBIUS] (?) Corinth VIII. 3, 185, pi. 16 [lst/2nd c. A.D.]. Corinth, forum; four fragments of a block of grayish marble; inscription in his honour erected by Bafbbia] (COR 659): sod. A[ug., aed. et] I Ilvir, et [Ilvir q] I et a[gonothetic] I [ornamentis] I [honorato], I Ba[bbia] — Remarks: The restoration of both his name and that of Ba[bbia] is extremely speculative. For 661. C(AIUS) [- - -] his priestly office as sodalis Augustalis, see J. H. Kent's remark on Corinth, loc. cit. For the augustales see Q. Cispuleius Q. 1. Primus (COR 154). Corinth VIII. 3, 210, pi. 18 [under Vespasian]. Corinth, forum; three fragments of a coarse-grained white marble slab; inscription in his honour set up by a tribe whose name is missing; his municipal career is partly preserved: [agonothete] I [Caesareojn Vespa[sianeon Se]l[basteon] et Isthmj[on et Caesar]l[eon tri]bul[es] I [tri]bu[s] - - - Remarks: His praenomen could also be restored as Ç(naeus). For the post of agonothetes in 662. [- - -]CIUS Roman Corinth, see D. J. Geagan, GRBS9, 1968, 69-76. Corinth VIII. 3, 246 [lst/2nd c. A.D.]. Corinth, forum; two adjoining fragments of a white marble base; mutilated inscription preserving only part of his name in the dative case: [—]cio. 663. [- - -] CLA[- - -] Corinth VIII. 3, 378, pi. 33[lst/2nd c. A.D.]. Corinth; fragment of a slab of coarse-grained white marble. Remarks: Possibly [Ti.] Cla[udius] according to J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., but other 664. [- - -]DIA restorations are not to be excluded, e.g. Cla(udia) tribu. Corinth VIII. 2, 140 [lst/2nd c. A.D.]. Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble block; mutilated inscription preserving part of his name in 1. 2. 401


656. [- - -]S ZOSIMU[S]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 364d, pi. 33 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary<br />

names in the nominative case (COR 84, COR 95, COR 109, COR 126, COR 329, COR 490,<br />

COR 666, COR 668, COR 672).<br />

Remarks: For a probable restoration, see L. Arei[ ] (COR 78). Cf. a Corinthian Cn.<br />

657. A[--- ]<br />

Pompeius Zosimus, twice herald of the Mouseia games under the Antonines, who<br />

was also a citizen of the city of Thespiai (IG VII 1773; SEG3, 1927, 334; Α. Β. West,<br />

Corinth Vili. 2, 173).<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 4,1. 3 [under or after Nero].<br />


Corinth, east of the forum; broken white marble slab; dedication to some divinities, probably<br />

to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, to Apollo, to the Genius of the colony and of the colonists, set<br />

up by the person:<br />

[Iovi O. M. Apoll]inique genio[que] I [coloniae et colono]rum L. I. C. sacrum A. I [— habens<br />

or]nament. decurion[alia].<br />

Remarks: Probably A[ulus —] (?). Cf. Antonius C. f. [—] (COR 39), the only known priest<br />

658. [- - -]AE C[- - -]<br />

of the Genius of the colony at Corinth.<br />

M. D. Dixon, Hesperia 69, 2000, 335-342, fig. 1 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, near forum; fragmentary stele of white marble preserving a Latin and a Greek<br />

inscriptions refering to religious buildings at Corinth:<br />

[—] AE C[—] I [— sac]erdos I [— P]roserpinae I [—] marmorea I [—] vac. I [— στ]οάν<br />

και ναον ΠλούΙτωνος — τα] προσκοσμήματα ΔΗ Ι vacar<br />

659. ΒΑ[ΒΒΙΑ] (?)<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 185, pi. 16 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; four fragments of a block of grayish marble; inscription in honour of M.<br />

B[- - -] (?).<br />


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