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581. ΤΑΤ[ΙΑΝΟΣ] (?) ROMAN PELOPONNESE I IG IV 412 [early Christian period]. Corinth; limestone slab; Christian funerary inscription for his wife: Τατ[ιανοϋ] γυνή Αναστασία. 582. TEPENTIA ΙΟΥΑΙΑ M. Mitsos, Hesperia 18, 1949, 77, no. 10, pi. 2 (SEG 11, 1950, 52e); "Corinth VIII. 3, 294, pi. 25 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.]. Corinth, Hexamilia in a tomb; slab of Pentelic marble; funerary dedication erected by her husband Γ. Τούλιος Μαρκιανός (COR 347, text) for himself, his wife Τερεντία Ιουλία and their daughter Ιουλία Τηκτείνη (COR 324) Remarks: Mitsos, loc. cit., dates the inscription in the 1st c. B.C. or in the 1st c. A.D. 583. TEPENTIA ΘΕΟΔΩΡΑ D. I. Pallas and S. P. Dantis, AE 1977, 76, no. 20, ph. (SEG 29, 1979, 321) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. Corinthia, Kretika; naiskos type stele of white marble; funerary inscription for the person: Τερεντία Ι Θεοδώρα Ι χαίρε· Ι καί συ. 584. P(UBLIUS) TERENTIUS COR[IN]THUS [1] Corinth VIII. 2, 7, ph. [imperial period]. Corinth, forum; two fragments of a cylindrical base of white marble; here: [— rasura] I [— Tere]ntius I [sace]rdos [— Cori η ] thus. [2] Corinth VIII. 2, 8, ph. [imperial period]. Corinth, forum; a marble block with reliefs of female figures and festoons of flowers and grain; here: [rasura ]l Teren[tius ]l sacer[dos] I [d.] s. s. [3]Corinth VIII. 3, 288, pi. 24 [imperial period]. Old Corinth; fragment of white marble; funerary inscription erected by someone whose name is missing, for himself, for the person discussed here and for [—]a Tyche (COR 591): [—]l [- - - s]ibi [et - - -]l [—]P. Terentio Cor[—]l [- - -]ae Tyche Ger[man —]. Remarks: The rasura in the beginning of [1] and [2], probably refers to the name of an emperor. 585. ΤΕΡΤΙ[ΟΣ - - -] A. K. Orlandos, PAAH 1953, 189-190, fig. 9 (SEG 16, 1959, 239) [imperial period]. Corinthia, Sicyon; fragment of a funerary stele with pediment preserving only a part of his name. Remarks: According to SEG, op. cit., the inscription dates from the Hellenistic period; in fact, the stele belongs to this period but is reused in imperial times. 386

*586. THEOPREPES Aug. lib. CIL III. 1, 536,1. 18; ILS 1575 [under Alexander Severus]. ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN CORINTHIA 586-590 Corinth; slab of white marble; inscription in his honour erected by [L]ysander Aug. lib. (COR 385) by decree of the city council: Theoprepen I Aug. lib., proc. I domini I n. M. Aur. I Severi Alexandri I 5 Pii Fel. Aug. I provinciae Achaiae I et Epiri et Thessaliae I rat. purpurarum, I proc. I ab ephemeride, I 10 proc. a mandatis proc. I at praedia Galliana, I proc. saltus Domitiani, I tricliniarcham, praelpositum a fibulis I 15 praeposit[um] a crylstallinis hominem I incomparabilem, I [L]ysander Aug. lib., officilalis Ι 20 ψ. β. Remarks: His nomen could have been Aurelius. For his posts see Groag, Reichsbeamten, 153-154; 587. [- - -] P. 1. THYR[SUS] G. Boulvert, Esclaves et affranchis impériaux sous le Haut-Empire romain: rôle politique et administratif (Napoli 1970) 329-330. Cf. a [ ] Theopre[pes] attested in an uncertain context in Corinth Vili. 3, 275c. Corinth VIII. 3, 240, pi. 20 [1st half of the 1st c. A.D.]. Corinth, forum; fragment of a gray marble block; dedication to a divinity; erected by the person, who was a freedman: [- - -]l Ubero Pat[ri] I sacrum con[- - -]l Philocaesa[r ] I P. 1. Thyr[sus ?]. 588. M. TI[- - -] Corinth VIII. 2, 167 [imperial period]. Corinth, forum; white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving only a part of his name. 589. [T]IB. [nomen - - -]IOY ΥΙΟΣ Corinth VIII.l, 91 corrected by A. M. Woodward, JHS 52, 1932, 143-144 (SEG 11, 1950, 78) [lst/2ndc. A.D.]. Corinth; fragment from the lower right-hand corner of a marble slab; probably a dedication on a monument set up probably by his son whose name is missing at his own expense: [— Τ]ιβ. I [— ι]ου υίός, [—]ιτο περί I [— εκ τώ]ν ιδίων Ι [— άνέθηκε]ν. Remarks: Α [Τ]ιβέρ[ιος] (?) recognized by Β. D. Meritt on a mutilated inscription (Corinth 590. [- - -]A TYCHE Vili. 1, 90), is rejected by Millis (by correspondence); what remains, IBEP (1. 1), is perhaps not a name. Corinth VIII. 3, 288, pi. 24 [imperial period]. Old Corinth; fragment of white marble; funerary inscription erected by someone whose name is missing, for himself, for the person discussed here and for P. Terentius Cor[in]thus (COR 584, text). 387

581. ΤΑΤ[ΙΑΝΟΣ] (?)<br />


IG IV 412 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth; limestone slab; Christian funerary inscription for his wife: Τατ[ιανοϋ] γυνή Αναστασία.<br />


M. Mitsos, Hesperia 18, 1949, 77, no. 10, pi. 2 (SEG 11, 1950, 52e); "Corinth VIII. 3, 294, pi.<br />

25 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, Hexamilia in a tomb; slab of Pentelic marble; funerary dedication erected by her<br />

husband Γ. Τούλιος Μαρκιανός (COR 347, text) for himself, his wife Τερεντία Ιουλία and<br />

their daughter Ιουλία Τηκτείνη (COR 324)<br />

Remarks: Mitsos, loc. cit., dates the inscription in the 1st c. B.C. or in the 1st c. A.D.<br />


D. I. Pallas and S. P. Dantis, AE 1977, 76, no. 20, ph. (SEG 29, 1979, 321) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Kretika; naiskos type stele of white marble; funerary inscription for the person:<br />

Τερεντία Ι Θεοδώρα Ι χαίρε· Ι καί συ.<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 2, 7, ph. [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a cylindrical base of white marble; here: [— rasura] I [—<br />

Tere]ntius I [sace]rdos [— Cori η ] thus.<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 2, 8, ph. [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; a marble block with reliefs of female figures and festoons of flowers and grain;<br />

here: [rasura ]l Teren[tius ]l sacer[dos] I [d.] s. s.<br />

[3]Corinth VIII. 3, 288, pi. 24 [imperial period].<br />

Old Corinth; fragment of white marble; funerary inscription erected by someone whose name<br />

is missing, for himself, for the person discussed here and for [—]a Tyche (COR 591): [—]l [-<br />

- - s]ibi [et - - -]l [—]P. Terentio Cor[—]l [- - -]ae Tyche Ger[man —].<br />

Remarks: The rasura in the beginning of [1] and [2], probably refers to the name of an<br />

emperor.<br />

585. ΤΕΡΤΙ[ΟΣ - - -]<br />

A. K. Orlandos, PAAH 1953, 189-190, fig. 9 (SEG 16, 1959, 239) [imperial period].<br />

Corinthia, Sicyon; fragment of a funerary stele with pediment preserving only a part of his<br />

name.<br />

Remarks: According to SEG, op. cit., the inscription dates from the Hellenistic period; in fact,<br />

the stele belongs to this period but is reused in imperial times.<br />


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