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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I someone whose name is missing: L. Papio L. f. I Aem. Venerio I isagog., I agonoth. Ti. Claudi I Anaxilai, pyrophor. I Isthmioni, conagon[oth.] I L. Vibullii Pii isthmio[n.], nem[eo]nices, sacerdoti] I M[a]rtis Aug. — Remarks: J. H. Kent, Corinth, op. cit., restores the cognomen as Venereus, not recorded by Solin and Salomies, 419; in lapide VENERID. The inscription contains a local "priestly" cursus honorum. He was isagogeus, that is, an assistant to the agonothetes Ti. Claudius Anaxilaus (COR 168), a Corinthian duumvir during the reign of Nero, and conagonothetes with L. Vibulius Pius (COR 642). For the office of the agonothetes and isagogeus see C. Rutilius L. f. Aem. Fuscus (COR 540). The pyrophoroi were children (L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 746-748=M, OMS VI [1989] 564-566; D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 76). He may have been related to L. Papius L. f. Fal(erna) Lupercus (COR 460), even though he belonged to the local tribe Aemilia (cf. Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 501-515). 462. ΠΑΣΚΑΣΙΑ Corinth VIII. 3, 545, pi. 47 [early Christian period]. Corinth, Asclepieion; a white marble gravestone; funerary inscription in her memory: fX Ανεπαύσατο Ι ή την μακαρίαν Ι Πασκασία Ι μη(νί) Φεβρ(ουαρίω) ζιλ Remarks: J. Η. Kent, Corinth, op. cit., notes that the name Pascasia is the Latin equivalent of the Greek Anastasia; cf. Solin and Salomies, 138, who give the gentilicium Paschasius. 463. ΠΑΥΑΑ Corinth VIII. 3, 560, pi. 49 [early Christian period]. Corinth, a grave in the Asclepieion; slab of green schist; funerary inscription in her memory. Remarks: Paula died still a child. The sepulchral momument belonged to his father Ααυρετήω του υίοϋ Καλογενήτω (?) (COR 367). 464. ΠΑΥΑΙΝ[Α] Ε. Stikas, Ergon 1962, 84-85, fig. 96 (G. Daux, BCH 87, 1963, 728, fig. 18) [early Christian period]. Corinth; slab of marble; funerary inscription in her memory: t "Ανεπαύσατ[ο] Ι ή μακάρια Παυλιν[α] Ι περί ετ[η δ]έκα Ι επτά προ τεσάρων Ι καλανόών αύγούστω[ν]. 465. ΠΑΥ[Α(ΟΣ] (?) Bees, 49-50, no. 25 (SEG 11, 1950, 166) [5th c. A.D.]. 362

ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN CORINTHIA Corinth; slab of gray marble; funerary inscription in his memory: 466-470 [Κοιμητήριο]ν Παύ[λου] I [ ]ος πρ(ο) ε' ε[ίδ(ών)] Ι [Μ]αρτίω[ν άπογενά]Ιμενος [ ] Ι [—] άνϋξε [—]. *466. [- - -] ΠΑΥΑΟΣ [- - -] Corinth VIII. 3, 509, pi. 40 [early Christian period]. Old Corinth; fragment of gray marble: [—] I [—] Παύλου [—] I [— λ]αμπρο[τάτου —] I [—]ιεστ[—]. 467. ΠΥ[ΑΟΣ] Corinth VIII. 3, 653, pi. 55 [early Christian period]. Corinth, forum; gravestone of gray marble; funerary dedication in his memory: t [Κο]ιμη[τή]Ιριον δι[αφέ]Ιον Πλ[ευρά]τω ve/ Π[ύλω] Ι τω χευ[ματο]Ι[ποιητη] vel χευ[ματο] Ι [πωλητή]. Remarks: The person was probably a "metal moulder" or a "seller of metal bowls". 468. ΠΑΥΛ(ΟΣ) J. Wiseman, Hesperia4l, 1972, 41-42, no. 33, pi. 11 [early Christian period]. Corinth, gymnasium area; paving slab of dull red marble; funerary inscription mentioning him and his son Sotiris: f Παϋλ(ος) Ι ράπτη(ς) υί(ο)ς Ι υίοϋ Σωτηρίς t μν(ημα) ff 469. ΠΑΥΑΟΣ Corinth Vili. 3, 542, pi. 46; L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 763=/d, OMS VI [1989] 581) [5th c. A.D. ]: Corinth, forum; gravestone of gray marble; funerary dedication in his memory erected by his son: Κοιμητήριον Παύλου σιτευταρίου. Ανίας Παύλου σιτευταρίου υιός έπέγραψεν αυτά. Remarks: For the profession σιτευτάριος or σιτιστάριος, i.e. poultryman, see Robert, loc. cit. 470. ΠΑΥΛΟΣ Corinth VIII. 3, 559, pi. 47; (L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 765=M, OMS VI [1989] 583) [early Christian period]. Corinth, Asclepeion; fragment of a slab of blue marble streaked with white; funerary inscription in his memory: Κοιμητήρια διαφέροντα Παύλου Ι σιτισταρίου Ι έπίκλην M Ι [α]κροχεί[ρου —]. Remarks: For the profession σιτιστάριος or σιτευτάριος, see Paulus (COR 469). The person is also attested by the nickname Μ[α]κρόχει[ρος] (Longhand), which according to J. 363


someone whose name is missing:<br />

L. Papio L. f. I Aem. Venerio I isagog., I agonoth. Ti. Claudi I Anaxilai, pyrophor. I Isthmioni,<br />

conagon[oth.] I L. Vibullii Pii isthmio[n.], nem[eo]nices, sacerdoti] I M[a]rtis Aug. —<br />

Remarks: J. H. Kent, Corinth, op. cit., restores the cognomen as Venereus, not recorded by<br />

Solin and Salomies, 419; in lapide VENERID. The inscription contains a local<br />

"priestly" cursus honorum. He was isagogeus, that is, an assistant to the agonothetes<br />

Ti. Claudius Anaxilaus (COR 168), a Corinthian duumvir during the reign of Nero,<br />

and conagonothetes with L. Vibulius Pius (COR 642). For the office of the<br />

agonothetes and isagogeus see C. Rutilius L. f. Aem. Fuscus (COR 540). The<br />

pyrophoroi were children (L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 746-748=M, OMS VI [1989]<br />

564-566; D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 76). He may have been related to L. Papius<br />

L. f. Fal(erna) Lupercus (COR 460), even though he belonged to the local tribe<br />

Aemilia (cf. Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 501-515).<br />

462. ΠΑΣΚΑΣΙΑ<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 545, pi. 47 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, Asclepieion; a white marble gravestone; funerary inscription in her memory: fX<br />

Ανεπαύσατο Ι ή την μακαρίαν Ι Πασκασία Ι μη(νί) Φεβρ(ουαρίω) ζιλ<br />

Remarks: J. Η. Kent, Corinth, op. cit., notes that the name Pascasia is the Latin equivalent of<br />

the Greek Anastasia; cf. Solin and Salomies, 138, who give the gentilicium<br />

Paschasius.<br />

463. ΠΑΥΑΑ<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 560, pi. 49 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, a grave in the Asclepieion; slab of green schist; funerary inscription in her memory.<br />

Remarks: Paula died still a child. The sepulchral momument belonged to his father<br />

Ααυρετήω του υίοϋ Καλογενήτω (?) (COR 367).<br />

464. ΠΑΥΑΙΝ[Α]<br />

Ε. Stikas, Ergon 1962, 84-85, fig. 96 (G. Daux, BCH 87, 1963, 728, fig. 18) [early Christian<br />

period].<br />

Corinth; slab of marble; funerary inscription in her memory:<br />

t "Ανεπαύσατ[ο] Ι ή μακάρια Παυλιν[α] Ι περί ετ[η δ]έκα Ι επτά προ τεσάρων Ι καλανόών<br />

αύγούστω[ν].<br />

465. ΠΑΥ[Α(ΟΣ] (?)<br />

Bees, 49-50, no. 25 (SEG 11, 1950, 166) [5th c. A.D.].<br />


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