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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I Corinth, forum; three fragments of a white marble slab; inscription in his honour erected by someone whose name is missing: P. Memm[io P. f.] I Regulo [VII vir.] I epul., sodali [aug.], fratri Arvalis, [leg.] I Caesaris Augus[t]i G[er.] I [pro praet. pro[v. Achaiae] I DI — [2] Ο. Broneer, Hesperia 8, 1939, 181-190 (AnnÉpigr 1939, 110); L. Robert, Hellenica I, 1940, 43-53 (SEG 11, 1950, 121); Corinth VIII. 3, 306,1. 4, pi. 26 (cf. L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 754- 755=id., OMSVl [1989] 572-573, commentary on some lines); *D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 58, 1989, 349-360 with the addition of IG IV 203 (SEG 39, 1989, 340; BullÉpigr 1990, 103) [2nd c. A.D.]. Corinth, forum; two large fragments of a gray limestone block; a proconsular rescript recording the benefactions of P. Licinius Priscus Juventianus at the Isthmian sanctuary and particularly the restoration of the galery of Regulus (text COR 378 [4], 11. 15-16 : συ[ναραι] ερείπια στοάς της Τήγλ[ο]υ) which had suffered damage in an earthquake. VHvirepul(onum), sodalis augustalis, augur, frater Arvalis, legatus Caesaris Augusti Germanic pro praetore provinciae Achaiae Remarks: He was of senatorial rank; for his career [1], see ARG 192 and EL 277; M. Cébeillac, Les "quaestores principis et candidati" aux 1er et Heme siècles de l'empire (Milano 1972) 29-30; J. Scheid, Les frères arvales; recrutement et origine sous les empereurs julio-claudiens (Paris 1975) 213-218, no. 34. For the three-man college of augurs in the Roman colony of Corinth, see Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 158-195. 424. C(AIUS) MIN[UCIUS - - -] Corinth VIII. 3, 345, pi. 29 [2nd quarter of the 1st c. B.C.]. Corinth, Lechaion road; fragment of white marble; the inscription preserves part of his name and the fragmentary names of four other men in the accusative case, M. Insteilus Tectus] (COR 320), [- - -] Corint[hu]s (COR 201), M. Cornelius [- - -] (COR 214) and Q. Cornelius [- - -] (COR 218). Remarks: The gentilicium is given as Minutius in Corinth VIII. 3 indices, 5. v. For the date see M. Insteius Tectus (COR 320). *425. ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ ΜΟΜΜΙΟΣ D. W. Bradeen, Hesperia 35, 1966, 326-329,11. 10 and 13, pi. 78 (SEG 23, 1968, 180); cf. S. G. Miller, Hesperia 48, 1979, 75-77 (SEG 29, 1979, 348) [145 B.C.]. Corinthia, Nemea; fragment of hard limestone recording his arbitration in the Nemean games. Remarks: For the person see ARC 124. ARG 194 and EL 124. For the dispute between the cities of Argos and Kleonai in the middle of the 2nd c. B.C. over the organisation of the Nemean games, see the commentary of Bradeen, loc. cit. 354

426. CN(AEUS) [- - -] MOSC[HUS] Corinth VIII. 3, 69, pi. 7 [under Augustus (?)]. ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN CORINTHIA 426-429 Corinth, forum; two fragments of a white marble base; dedication probably to Augustus set up by the person, Cn. [- - -] Pius (COR 476) and Cn. [- - -] Rom[ulus] (COR 530): August[o sacrum(?)] I Cn. Cn. Cn. [gentilicium] I Pius Rom[ulus] I Mosch[us] I 5 [d.] s. p. [f. c.]. Remarks: According to J. H. Kent, Corinth, op. cit., Pompeius is the gentilicium that fills the length requirements, but the restoration is very speculative. For the the three- man college of pontifs in the Roman colony of Corinth, see Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 158-195. *427. [L(UCIUS) MUNATIUS M. F. TER(ETINA)] GAL[LUS] [1] Corinth VIII. 2, 63 [A.D. 98/9]. Corinth, forum; white marble slab; inscription in his honour preserving part of his name and the beginning of his senatorial cursus honorum: L. [- - -]M. f. Ter. Gallo I [X vir st]litib(us) iudic(andis) — [2]Corinth VIII. 3, 122, pl. 11 [A.D. 98/9]. Corinth, forum; two fragments of a pedestal of white marble; inscription in his honour erected by someone whose name is missing: [L. Munatio M. f. Ter] I Gal[lo ] I com[iti] [- - -]imp[e]rato[ris —] I et di[vi - - -] I 5 [p]roq[uaestori (?) —] Remarks: The identification of the person is made by J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, 122. For the 428. MUSSIUS person see E. Groag, REXWl 1, 1933,538-541, no. 21; id., Reichsbeamten, 49; PIR 2 M 725; Thomasson, 192 no. 20 He was proconsul of Achaia in A.D. 98/9. CIL III, 7274; * Corinth III. 1, 53-54, no. 7d (SEG 11, 1950, 138d) [imperial period]. Corinth, Acrocorinth; inscription on the Peirene Fountain: Mussius IXII K(alendas) A(priles) vel A(ugustas). 429. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΜΟΥΣΣΙΟΣ ΚΟΡΙΝΘ[ΟΣ] Corinth VIII.l, 15 + Corinth VIII.l, 18; joined by *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299,1. 11, pl. 8 [A.D. 137]. Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides recording a list of magistrates and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games. Remarks: Spawforth, loc. cit., suggests that he must have belonged to the same family as C. Mussius Priscus (COR 430). For the date, see Spawforth, loc. cit. 355

426. CN(AEUS) [- - -] MOSC[HUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 69, pi. 7 [under Augustus (?)].<br />


426-429<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a white marble base; dedication probably to Augustus set up<br />

by the person, Cn. [- - -] Pius (COR 476) and Cn. [- - -] Rom[ulus] (COR 530):<br />

August[o sacrum(?)] I Cn. Cn. Cn. [gentilicium] I Pius Rom[ulus] I Mosch[us] I 5<br />

[d.] s. p.<br />

[f. c.].<br />

Remarks: According to J. H. Kent, Corinth, op. cit., Pompeius is the gentilicium that fills<br />

the length requirements, but the restoration is very speculative. For the the three-<br />

man college of pontifs in the Roman colony of Corinth, see Stansbury, Corinthian<br />

honor, 158-195.<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 2, 63 [A.D. 98/9].<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble slab; inscription in his honour preserving part of his name and<br />

the beginning of his senatorial cursus honorum: L. [- - -]M. f. Ter. Gallo I [X vir st]litib(us)<br />

iudic(andis) —<br />

[2]Corinth VIII. 3, 122, pl. 11 [A.D. 98/9].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a pedestal of white marble; inscription in his honour<br />

erected by someone whose name is missing: [L. Munatio M. f. Ter] I Gal[lo ] I com[iti]<br />

[- - -]imp[e]rato[ris —] I et di[vi - - -] I 5 [p]roq[uaestori (?) —]<br />

Remarks: The identification of the person is made by J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, 122. For the<br />

428. MUSSIUS<br />

person see E. Groag, REXWl 1, 1933,538-541, no. 21; id., Reichsbeamten, 49; PIR 2<br />

M 725; Thomasson, 192 no. 20 He was proconsul of Achaia in A.D. 98/9.<br />

CIL III, 7274; * Corinth III. 1, 53-54, no. 7d (SEG 11, 1950, 138d) [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, Acrocorinth; inscription on the Peirene Fountain: Mussius IXII K(alendas) A(priles)<br />

vel A(ugustas).<br />


Corinth VIII.l, 15 + Corinth VIII.l, 18; joined by *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299,1.<br />

11, pl. 8 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides recording a list of<br />

magistrates and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: Spawforth, loc. cit., suggests that he must have belonged to the same family as C.<br />

Mussius Priscus (COR 430). For the date, see Spawforth, loc. cit.<br />


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