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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I Remarks: Solin and Salomies, 390, give the cognomen Rectina. Mitsos, loc. cit., dates the 325. ΙΟΥΑΙΑΝΟΣ inscription in the 1st c. B.C. or in the 1st c. A.D. Corinth VIII. 3, 534, pi. 45 [early Christian period]. Corinth, Asclepieion; five adjoining fragments of a gray marble plaque; funerary inscription in his memory: f ΚυμητήΙριον διαΙφέρωντα Ι ΤουλιανΙοϋ βα[λν]Ιικαρί[ο]υ f. Remarks: Βαλνικάριος means bath attendant. 326. ΙΟΥΛΙΑΝΟΣ Corinth VIII. 3, 587, pi. 50 [early Christian period). Corinth, forum; fragment of a gray marble plaque; funerary inscription in his memory. t ΚυμηττιΙρ(ιον) ΤουλιαΙνοϋ έγιίαρίου τ[ο] Ι υίοΰ το[ϋ] Ι [. . ] αιι [. . . ] Ι [—]. Remarks: Έγιάριος, probably instead of αίγιάριος, means goatherd. 327. [- - -] IULI[US - - -] Corinth VIII. 3, 362, pi. 33 [imperial period]. Corinth, forum; fragment of a slab of green schist; mutilated inscription preserving only this name and the cognomen Zosim[us] (COR 655) which belongs to another person. 328. [I]ULIUS Corinth VIII. 2, 49 [imperial period]. Corinth, forum; marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving only part of his name. 329. C(AIUS) IU1LIUS] Corinth VIII. 3, 364c, pi. 33 [early Empire]. Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary names in the nominative case (COR 84, COR 95, COR 109, COR 126, COR 490, COR 656, COR 666, COR 668, COR 672). 330. C(AIUS) IULIUS Amandry, 120-122, em. I, pis I-II; RPCl, 1116. Corinthian bronze coins duumvir with (L.) Aeficius Certus (COR 10) of the year 44 or 43 B.C. Remarks: A freedman of Julius Ceasar (?) (Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 170). For the emission see Amandry, 28-32. 332

331. C(AIUS) IU[LIUS - - -] Corinth VIII. 2, 178 [imperial period]. ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN CORINTHIA 331-336 Corinth, Acrocorinth; broken marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving part of his name. 332. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΙΟΥΑ[ΙΟΣ - - -] Corinth VIII. 1, 65, ph. [imperial period]. Corinth, forum; two fragments of blue limestone; mutilated inscription preserving in 1. 2 part of his name. 333. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ [- - -] Corinth VIII. 3, 518, pi. 41 [late 4th or early 5th c. A.D. (letter forms)]: Corinth; fragment of gray marble; mutilated inscription preserving the beginning of five lines (in 1. 3 parts of his name). 334. Λ(ΟΥΚΙΟΣ) ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ C. B. Kritzas, AD 28, 1973, Chron., 1, 135β (SEG 26, 1976-1977, 418); [impérial period]. Corinthia, Phlious; sandstone slab with cymation preserving parts of his name. 335. M(ARCUS) (IULIUS) f. M(arcus) Iulius M. f. Aem(ilia) Crispus (COR 338) 336. ΣΕΞΤΟΣ ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ D. I. Pallas, S. Charitonidis and J. Venencie, BCH 83, 1959, 498-508, pi. XXVII, with translation and commentary (SEG 18, 1962, 143; cf. L. Robert, REA 62, 1960, 324-342; BullÉpigr 1961, 300; Ch. Picard, RA 1962. Π, 95-97; G. Klaffenbach, Kilo 48,1967, 54; SEG 22, 1967, 232; SEG23, 1968, 176) [A.D. 43]. Corinthia, Solomos; five documents (decrees and letters of various Lycian cities and the Lycian Koinon) adressed to the city of Corinth concerning the honours attributed to Του- νία Λευκίου Θεοδώρα (COR 359). The person appears as the epimelete of the decree's erection (11. 11-12): μεριμνήσει δέ ο φροντιίστής ημών Σέξτος Ιούλιος καί έπιγράψαι την έπιγραφήν τήνδε, and as her heir (11. 53-54): το[ν τε δ]ιάδοχον αυτής Σέκτον (sic.) Τούλιον Τω[μαΙ]ον άνδρα αγαθόν. Remarks: For the person, see the commentary of the editors of the texts, loc. cit. TI(BERIUS) IULIUS ALEXANDER IULIANUS: see COR 54 333

331. C(AIUS) IU[LIUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 178 [imperial period].<br />


Corinth, Acrocorinth; broken marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving part of his name.<br />

332. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΙΟΥΑ[ΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 1, 65, ph. [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of blue limestone; mutilated inscription preserving in 1. 2 part<br />

of his name.<br />

333. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 518, pi. 41 [late 4th or early 5th c. A.D. (letter forms)]: Corinth; fragment of<br />

gray marble; mutilated inscription preserving the beginning of five lines (in 1. 3 parts of his<br />

name).<br />

334. Λ(ΟΥΚΙΟΣ) ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ<br />

C. B. Kritzas, AD 28, 1973, Chron., 1, 135β (SEG 26, 1976-1977, 418); [impérial period].<br />

Corinthia, Phlious; sandstone slab with cymation preserving parts of his name.<br />

335. M(ARCUS) (IULIUS)<br />

f. M(arcus) Iulius M. f. Aem(ilia) Crispus (COR 338)<br />


D. I. Pallas, S. Charitonidis and J. Venencie, BCH 83, 1959, 498-508, pi. XXVII, with<br />

translation and commentary (SEG 18, 1962, 143; cf. L. Robert, REA 62, 1960, 324-342;<br />

BullÉpigr 1961, 300; Ch. Picard, RA 1962. Π, 95-97; G. Klaffenbach, Kilo 48,1967, 54; SEG<br />

22, 1967, 232; SEG23, 1968, 176) [A.D. 43].<br />

Corinthia, Solomos; five documents (decrees and letters of various Lycian cities and the<br />

Lycian Koinon) adressed to the city of Corinth concerning the honours attributed to Του-<br />

νία Λευκίου Θεοδώρα (COR 359). The person appears as the epimelete of the decree's<br />

erection (11. 11-12): μεριμνήσει δέ ο φροντιίστής ημών Σέξτος Ιούλιος καί έπιγράψαι την<br />

έπιγραφήν τήνδε, and as her heir (11. 53-54): το[ν τε δ]ιάδοχον αυτής Σέκτον (sic.) Τούλιον<br />

Τω[μαΙ]ον άνδρα αγαθόν.<br />

Remarks: For the person, see the commentary of the editors of the texts, loc. cit.<br />



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