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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription whose character is unknown. 163. [T]I(BERIUS) CLAU[DIUS - - -] Corinth VIII. 3, 381, pi. 33: [1st c. A.D. (letters form)]. Corinth, forum; three fragments of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription whose character is unknown. 164. [Τ]ΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΚΑΑΥ[(ΔΙΟΣ) - - -] Corinth VIII. 1, 16,1. 9 [A.D. 181]. Corinth; two mutilated blocks of white marble which originally formed part of a monument in the shape of a prism surmounted by a pyramidal cap; list of officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games, of which the person was agonothetes: άγωνο[θέτου] Ι [δε Τ]ιβερίου Κλαυ[δίου —]. Remarks: For the date see L. Antistius Burrus (COR 29). For the post of agonothetes in 165. [TIB. Κ]ΑΑΥΔΙΟΣ [- - -] Roman Corinth, see D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 69-76. IG IV 399. [lst/2ndc. A.D.]. Corinthia, Sicyon; fragmentary honorary inscription for a priestess of the imperial cult ([άρχιέρε]ια Σεβαστή[ς]) whose name is missing; [Τιβ. Κ]λαύδιος [—] is her son [—] (COR 26, text). 166. TI(BERIUS) CLAUDIUS [- - -] Corinth VIII. 2, 54, ph. [under Augustus, 10/9 or 5/4 B.C.]. Corinth, forum; inscription in honour of [L. A]quillius C. f. Pom(ptina) [Fl]orus Turcianus Gallus (COR 83, text) erected by the person and his colleague in duovirship Ti. Claudius Anaxilas (COR 167). Remarks: The restoration of the cognomen as [Dinippus] (1. 7), suggested by A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, 54, is based on the erroneous Claudian dating of the career of L. Aquillius C. f. Pom. Florus Turcianus Gallus; for the discussion, see Amandry, 106-107. 167. TI[BERIUS] CLAUDIUS ANAXILAS Corinth VIII. 2, 54, ph. [under Augustus, probably 10/9 or 5/4 B.C.]. Corinth, forum; marble base; inscription in honour of [Lucius A]quillius C. f. Pom(ptina) [Fl]orus Turcianus Gallus (COR 83, text) erected by the person and by the duovir Ti. Claudius [- - -] (COR 166). 286

ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN CORINTHIA 168-169 Remarks: The person is probably the grandfather of an homonymous duovir (COR 168) under Nero (A.D. 67/8). For the identification of the duovir and the date of the inscription, see Amandry, 106-107. 168. TI(BERIUS) CLAUDIUS ANAXILAUS [1] Amandry, 221-227, em. XXIII, pis XXXIX-XLI; RPCl, 1207-1209. Corinthian bronze coins. duumvir with P. Ventidius Fronto (COR 613) of the year A.D. 67/68 [2]Corinth VIII. 3, 212, pi. 17 [2nd half of the 1st c. A.D.]. Corinth, forum; five fragments of a gray marble block; inscription in honour of the isagogeus of the Istmhian games L. Papius L. f. Aem(ilia) Venerius (COR 461) when Anaxilaus was agonothetes of the same games: agonoth. Ti. Claudi Anaxüai. Remarks: He was the grandson of the homonymous duovir under Augustus (COR 167). For the emission in [1] see Amandry, 19-21. For the post of agonothetes see D. J. Geagan, GRBS9, 1968, 69-76. *169. TI(BERIUS) CLAUDIUS TI. CLAUDI HIPPARCHI F. QUIR(INA) ATTICUS [1A] L. R. Dean, ALA 23, 1919, 173, no. 16, fig. 10 Β (AnnÉpigr 1919, 8); "Corinth VIII. 2, 58 (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 65-66, no. 34) [under Nerva]. Corinth, forum; white marble base; inscription in his honour erected by someone whose name is partly preserved: Ti. Claudio I Ti. Claudi I Hipparchi f. I Quir. Attico, I 5 praetoriis ornament(is) I ornato, ex s(enatus) c(onsulto). [IB] Th. R. Martin, Hesperia46, 1977, 184-186, no. 5, pi. 49 (AnnÉpigr 1977, 774); ILGR 97 (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 66-67, no. 35) [A.D. 96-98]. Corinth; two fragments of an epistyle of white marble; inscription in his honour: Ti. Claudio I Ti. C[laudi] I Hippar[chi f.] I [Quir. A]t[tico] I 5 [praetoriis ornament(is)] I [ornato ex s(enatus) c(onsulto)],l [—]. [2]Corinth VIII. 3, 182, pi. 16+Corinth VIII. 3, 196, pi. 18; joined by *G. R. Bugh, Hesperia 48, 1979, 45-53,1. 7, pi. 17 (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 67-68, no. 36) [1st half of the 2nd c. A.D. (letters form)]. Corinth, forum; five fragments of a pedestal of bluish marble; inscription in honour of the isagogeus C. Çfurtius] C. til Benig[n]us Iuventianus (COR 239) under the agonothesia of the person and [- - -] REITICUS: isag. [agonothetarum (?)] REITICI et Ti. C/7. Attjici [- - -]. praetoriis ornament(is) ornato ex s(enatus) c(onsulto) [IA, B], isagogeus [2] Remarks: Martin, op. cit., thinks that the two identical texts [1A] and [IB] recording the aquisition of the ornamenta praetoria by the decree of the Roman Senate were set up at opposite ends of the forum of Corinth by different groups or individuals (cf. 287


168-169<br />

Remarks: The person is probably the grandfather of an homonymous duovir (COR 168)<br />

under Nero (A.D. 67/8). For the identification of the duovir and the date of the<br />

inscription, see Amandry, 106-107.<br />


[1] Amandry, 221-227, em. XXIII, pis XXXIX-XLI; RPCl, 1207-1209.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with P. Ventidius Fronto (COR 613) of the year A.D. 67/68<br />

[2]Corinth VIII. 3, 212, pi. 17 [2nd half of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; five fragments of a gray marble block; inscription in honour of the isagogeus<br />

of the Istmhian games L. Papius L. f. Aem(ilia) Venerius (COR 461) when Anaxilaus was<br />

agonothetes of the same games: agonoth. Ti. Claudi Anaxüai.<br />

Remarks: He was the grandson of the homonymous duovir under Augustus (COR 167). For<br />

the emission in [1] see Amandry, 19-21. For the post of agonothetes see D. J.<br />

Geagan, GRBS9, 1968, 69-76.<br />


[1A] L. R. Dean, ALA 23, 1919, 173, no. 16, fig. 10 Β (AnnÉpigr 1919, 8); "Corinth VIII. 2, 58<br />

(Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 65-66, no. 34) [under Nerva].<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble base; inscription in his honour erected by someone whose name<br />

is partly preserved:<br />

Ti. Claudio I Ti. Claudi I Hipparchi f. I Quir. Attico, I 5 praetoriis ornament(is) I ornato, ex<br />

s(enatus) c(onsulto).<br />

[IB] Th. R. Martin, Hesperia46, 1977, 184-186, no. 5, pi. 49 (AnnÉpigr 1977, 774); ILGR 97<br />

(Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 66-67, no. 35) [A.D. 96-98].<br />

Corinth; two fragments of an epistyle of white marble; inscription in his honour:<br />

Ti. Claudio I Ti. C[laudi] I Hippar[chi f.] I [Quir. A]t[tico] I 5 [praetoriis ornament(is)] I [ornato<br />

ex s(enatus) c(onsulto)],l [—].<br />

[2]Corinth VIII. 3, 182, pi. 16+Corinth VIII. 3, 196, pi. 18; joined by *G. R. Bugh, Hesperia<br />

48, 1979, 45-53,1. 7, pi. 17 (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 67-68, no. 36) [1st half of the 2nd c.<br />

A.D. (letters form)].<br />

Corinth, forum; five fragments of a pedestal of bluish marble; inscription in honour of the<br />

isagogeus C. Çfurtius] C. til Benig[n]us Iuventianus (COR 239) under the agonothesia of the<br />

person and [- - -] REITICUS: isag. [agonothetarum (?)] REITICI et Ti. C/7. Attjici [- - -].<br />

praetoriis ornament(is) ornato ex s(enatus) c(onsulto) [IA, B], isagogeus [2]<br />

Remarks: Martin, op. cit., thinks that the two identical texts [1A] and [IB] recording the<br />

aquisition of the ornamenta praetoria by the decree of the Roman Senate were set<br />

up at opposite ends of the forum of Corinth by different groups or individuals (cf.<br />


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