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103-106 ROMAN PELOPONNESE I PLRE. The term αποστρά(τηγος) is not clear; Kent, loc. cit., translates it as "ex- praetor" but the term στρατηγός has also other meanings, e.g. duumvir (H. J. Mason, Greek terms for Roman institutions [Toronto 1974] 155-163). According to S. Demougin (orally): από στρα(τηγών). 103. ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) ΜΕΝΕΔΗΜΟΣ IG IV, 449 [3rd c. A.D.]. Corinth; herm; inscription in honour of his friend Κλ(αύδιος) [Κλα]υ[δ]ιανός Εύ[πυ]ρίδης Κλ(αυδίου) Μινουκιανοϋ (COR 171) erected by the person. Λυχνέδιος Remarks: Lychnedius is the ethnic name of Αυχνιδός (?), a city on the Upper Macedonia (F. Papazoglou, Les villes de Macédoine à l'époque romaine, BCH Suppl. XVI [Athènes 1988] 74-76; M. B. Hatzopoulos, Macedonian institutions under the kings [Athens 1996] 100). 104. AURELIUS NESTOR Corinth VIII. 2, 10 (M. B. Hornum, Nemesis, the Roman state, and the games [Leiden 1993] 194, no. 74) [1st half of the 2nd c. A.D.] Corinth, forum; white marble block, probably an altar; dedication to Nemesis Augusta set up by the person: Nemesi Augustae I sacrum, I Aurelius Nestor, optio I leg(ionis) IUI Fl(aviae) Fel(icis) I ex voto. Remarks: The inscription dates from the 2nd c. A.D. when the legion IUI Flavia Felix was stationed in the area of the Danube privinces (E. Ritterling, RE XII [1924], 1275- 1296 s.v. legio). 105. AUTRON[IUS - - -] Corinth VIII. 3, 261, pl. 22 [lst/2nd c. A.D.]. Corinth, forum; fragment of white marble; funerary inscription erected by the decree of the city council: [—] d. d. [ ] I [- - -Javos et Autron[i—7 / [po]st obitum. Remarks: Autronius could be a gentilicium (Solin and Salomies, 29) and a cognomen (Schulze, 106. BABBIA 257, n. 5). Corinth VIII. 3, 176, pl. 17 [2nd c. A.D.]. Corinth, forum; four fragments of a base of grayish marble; inscription in honour of her father- in-law Gn. Publiç[ius] M. f. M. n. M. pr[on.] Aem(ilia) Rusti[cus] (COR 507, text) and his 272

ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN CORINTHIA mother-in-law whose name is missing; erected by the person and her husband M. Pu[blicius Gn. f.] (COR 504). Remarks: For the Babbii in the province of Achaia, see M. Kajava and H. Solin, Epigraphica 59, 1997, 347 and n. 27. BA[BBIA] (?): see COR 659 107. [- - -] BABBIUS [- - -] Corinth VIII. 3, 259, pl. 22 [mid. of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)]. Old Corinth; fragment of a white slab; mutilated inscription preserving part of his name. 108. [- - -] BABBIUS f. of [- -BA]BBIUS [. f. QUI]R(INA) PIU[S] (?) (COR 112) 109. [C]N(AEUS) BABBI[US - - -] Corinth VIII. 3, 364a, pl. 33 [imperial period]. Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary names in the nominative case (COR 84, COR 95, COR 126, COR 329, COR 490, COR 656, COR 666, COR 668, COR 672). 110. [CN(AEUS)] BABBIUS CN. F. AEM(ILIA) [I]TALIC[US] Corinth VIII. 3, 327, pl. 30 [mid. 1st c. A.D.]. Corinth, forum; twenty-two fragments of a thin revetment slab; mutilated inscription: [Cm] Babbius Cn. f. Aem. [I]taUç[us] I ob [- - -] AE [- - -] ENV [- - -] [A]ugus[t - - -] I IIvi[ris —] Ο [—] AN [—] Ο [- - -] pr[aescr]ipta. Remarks: The slabs on which the inscription is written belong to the so called Southeast Building in the forum of the colony. Both Italicus and his father Cn. Babbius Philinus (COR 111) were associated with the construction of the portico of this building whose identification as tabularium proposed by O. Broneer, Hesperia 16, 1947, 237, is not certain. 111. CN(AEUS) BABBIUS PHILINUS Two identical votive inscriptions to Neptune erected by the person [1 A, B] [under Augustus]: [1A] Corinth VIII. 2, 2. Corinth; marble epistyle block from a round building: Cn. Babbius Philinus INeptuno sacr(um). [IB] Corinth VIII. 2, 3: Corinth, forum; bluish marble block. 273


mother-in-law whose name is missing; erected by the person and her husband M. Pu[blicius<br />

Gn. f.] (COR 504).<br />

Remarks: For the Babbii in the province of Achaia, see M. Kajava and H. Solin, Epigraphica<br />

59, 1997, 347 and n. 27.<br />

BA[BBIA] (?): see COR 659<br />

107. [- - -] BABBIUS [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 259, pl. 22 [mid. of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Old Corinth; fragment of a white slab; mutilated inscription preserving part of his name.<br />

108. [- - -] BABBIUS<br />

f. of [- -BA]BBIUS [. f. QUI]R(INA) PIU[S] (?) (COR 112)<br />

109. [C]N(AEUS) BABBI[US - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 364a, pl. 33 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary<br />

names in the nominative case (COR 84, COR 95, COR 126, COR 329, COR 490, COR 656,<br />

COR 666, COR 668, COR 672).<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 327, pl. 30 [mid. 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; twenty-two fragments of a thin revetment slab; mutilated inscription:<br />

[Cm] Babbius Cn. f. Aem. [I]taUç[us] I ob [- - -] AE [- - -] ENV [- - -] [A]ugus[t - - -] I IIvi[ris<br />

—] Ο [—] AN [—] Ο [- - -] pr[aescr]ipta.<br />

Remarks: The slabs on which the inscription is written belong to the so called Southeast<br />

Building in the forum of the colony. Both Italicus and his father Cn. Babbius Philinus<br />

(COR 111) were associated with the construction of the portico of this building<br />

whose identification as tabularium proposed by O. Broneer, Hesperia 16, 1947,<br />

237, is not certain.<br />


Two identical votive inscriptions to Neptune erected by the person [1 A, B] [under Augustus]:<br />

[1A] Corinth VIII. 2, 2.<br />

Corinth; marble epistyle block from a round building: Cn. Babbius Philinus INeptuno sacr(um).<br />

[IB] Corinth VIII. 2, 3: Corinth, forum; bluish marble block.<br />


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