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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I 74. [. A]NTONIUS TAURUS Corinth Vili. 3, 224,1. 6, pl. 20 [under Trajan]. Corinth, forum; five fragments of a white marble base; inscription in honour of the agonothetes of the Caesarea Isthmia games, M[arcus] Antonius M. f. [A]em[ilia] [A]chaicus (COR 53), under the agonothesia of whom the person seems to be isagogeus (cf. Corinth VIII. 3, 214). Remarks: For the offices of agonothetes and isagogeus in Roman Corinth, see C. Rutilius L. f. Aem. Fuscus (COR 540). 75. [Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) Α]ΝΤΩΝΙΟΣ ΤΕΡΤΙΟΣ W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,11. 12-13, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969- 1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127]. Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmian games; he was [έλ]ληνοδίκης of the games. Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94). 76. M(ARCUS) ANTONIUS THEOPHILUS Amandry, 138-140, em. VII, pi. Vili; TOC I, 1129-1131. Corinthian bronze coins. duumvir quinquennalis with P. Aebutius (COR 6) of the year 30 B.C. Remarks: His Greek cognomen and the omission of the filiation indicate that he was a freedman of Marc Antony under whom he served as procurator in Corinth before Actium (Strab., XVII, 840; Plut., Ant. 67, 7 and 73; cf. Grant, FITA, 267; Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 167). For the emission see Amandry, 41-43. f. of M. Antonius Hipparchus (COR 59). 77. [ANT]ONIUS TIMOTHEUS f. of [A]ntonius Alexandrus [Ant]oni Timothei fil. (COR 55) 78. [M(ARCUS)] (APPALENUS) f. of [M(arcus) App]alenus [M. f.] Μ. η. Aem(ilia) [P]ulcher (COR 81) 79. M(ARCUS) (APPALENUS) grf. of [M(arcus) App]alenus [M. f.] Μ. η. Aem(ilia) [P]ulcher (COR 81) 80. ΤΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΑΠΠΑΛΗΝΟΣ ΑΝΑΞΙΛΑΟΣ [1] Corinth VIII. 1, 15 +Corinth VIII.l, 18; joined by *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974,297-299, 266

1. 7, pl. 8 [A.D. 137]. ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN CORINTHIA Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble, inscribed on all three sides; list of magistrates and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games. [2] Corinth VIII. 3, 223,11. 9-10; better in A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 295-297 [A.D. 131 or 135]. Corinth; part of a prism-shaped three-sided shaft of white marble recording a list of officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games. έλληνοδίκης [1], [2] Remarks: For the date in [1] see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299 and for that in [2] see [- - - Pon]tian[us] (COR 488). *81. [M(ARCUS) APP]ALENUS [M. F.] M. n. AEM(ILIA) [P]ULCHER Corinth VIII. 3, 187, pl. 17; *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 299-301 [mid. 2nd c. A.D. (lettering)]. Corinth, forum; twenty-two fragments of a gray marble base; inscription in his honour erected by someone whose name is not preserved: [M(arco) App]aleno I M(arci) f(ilio)] M(arci) n(epoti) Aem(ilia) I [Pjulchro I [pr]aef(ecto) i(ure) d(icundo), Ilvir(i), I [d]e[cu]rioni (?) Remarks: The name of the person, not recognised in the prior edition (Corinth VIII. 3, 187: [M. Jalenus [M. f.] M. n. Aem. [P]ulcher), is restored by Spawforth, loc. cit. Appalenus is the only known gentilicium at Corinth ending in - alenus . His double affiliation was rather rare in the inscriptions of the colony (cf. other examples: COR 283, COR 353, COR 507, COR 610). (ΑΠΠΙΑ ANNIA) ΡΗΓΙΛΛΑ (ΑΤΙΛΙΑ ΚΑΟΥΔΙΚΙΑ ΤΕΡΤΟΥΛΛΑ): see ΡΗΓΙΛΛΑ 82. [. Α]ΠΠΟΥΑΗΙΟ[Σ] Corinth VIII. 3, 228c, 1. 4, pl. 20; (cf. L. Robert, REG 79 [1966] 749-150=id., OMSVl [1989] 567-568, general commentary on the text) [3rd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)]. Corinth, Lerna fountain; fragment of a three-sided prism-shaped post of white marble with a list of victors and officials of the Caesarea Isthmia games; face c, in which his name is attested, contains what are probably the names of the hellanodikai. *83. [L(UCIUS) AJQUILLIUS C. F. POM(PTINA) [FL]ORUS TURCIANUS GALLUS Corinth VIII. 2, 54, ph. [under Augustus, ca. 10/9-5/4 B.C.]. Corinth, forum; marble base; inscription in his honour erected by the duoviri Ti. Claudius Anaxilas (COR 167) and Ti. Claudius [Dinippus] (COR 170) at their own expense. 267

1. 7, pl. 8 [A.D. 137].<br />


Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble, inscribed on all three sides; list of magistrates and<br />

victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games.<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 3, 223,11. 9-10; better in A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 295-297 [A.D. 131<br />

or 135].<br />

Corinth; part of a prism-shaped three-sided shaft of white marble recording a list of officials<br />

and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games.<br />

έλληνοδίκης [1], [2]<br />

Remarks: For the date in [1] see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299 and for that in [2] see<br />

[- - - Pon]tian[us] (COR 488).<br />

*81. [M(ARCUS) APP]ALENUS [M. F.] M. n. AEM(ILIA) [P]ULCHER<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 187, pl. 17; *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 299-301 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.<br />

(lettering)].<br />

Corinth, forum; twenty-two fragments of a gray marble base; inscription in his honour erected<br />

by someone whose name is not preserved:<br />

[M(arco) App]aleno I M(arci) f(ilio)] M(arci) n(epoti) Aem(ilia) I [Pjulchro I [pr]aef(ecto)<br />

i(ure) d(icundo), Ilvir(i), I [d]e[cu]rioni (?)<br />

Remarks: The name of the person, not recognised in the prior edition (Corinth VIII. 3, 187:<br />

[M. Jalenus [M. f.] M. n. Aem. [P]ulcher), is restored by Spawforth, loc. cit.<br />

Appalenus is the only known gentilicium at Corinth ending in - alenus . His double<br />

affiliation was rather rare in the inscriptions of the colony (cf. other examples: COR<br />

283, COR 353, COR 507, COR 610).<br />


82. [. Α]ΠΠΟΥΑΗΙΟ[Σ]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 228c, 1. 4, pl. 20; (cf. L. Robert, REG 79 [1966] 749-150=id., OMSVl [1989]<br />

567-568, general commentary on the text) [3rd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, Lerna fountain; fragment of a three-sided prism-shaped post of white marble with a<br />

list of victors and officials of the Caesarea Isthmia games; face c, in which his name is attested,<br />

contains what are probably the names of the hellanodikai.<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 54, ph. [under Augustus, ca. 10/9-5/4 B.C.].<br />

Corinth, forum; marble base; inscription in his honour erected by the duoviri Ti. Claudius<br />

Anaxilas (COR 167) and Ti. Claudius [Dinippus] (COR 170) at their own expense.<br />


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