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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I 67. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΣ 0[- - -] W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 66, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127]. Corinth, Roman bath; stele of small grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in ίππ[ικον] πολε[μιστή- ριον]. Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 67). 68. M(ARCUS) ANTONIUS ORESTES Amandry, 128-130, em. IV, pis IV-V; RPC I, 1122-1123. Corinthian bronze coins. duumvir quinquennalis with Cn. Publilius (COR 509) of the year 40 B.C. Remarks: His gentilicium and his Greek cognomen indicate that he was one of Marc Antony's freedmen (Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 176). For the emission see Amandry, 39-41. 69. [L(UCIUS) A]NTO[NIUS L. F.] ME[N.] PR[ISCUS] Corinth VIII. 3, 177,11. 1-2, pi. 17 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.]. Corinth, forum; fourteen fragments of a block of white marble streaked with green; inscription in his honour erected by his children L. Antonius ] (I) (COR 43), L. Antonius ] (II) (COR 44), An[tonia - - -] (COR 32), Sau[feia] P[risca] (COR 549), all [L. Antonii li]beri, and his wife [- - - Gialla (COR 288): [L. A]nto[nio] I L. f.] Me[n(inia)] Pr[isco], I [aed]ili [et cu]r. a[nnonae], I [pr]aef. [i. d. et I]I v[iralib. et] I 5 [II]vir. q. [ornamentis] I honorato, [d. d.] I ex testa[mento]. Remarks: B. Millis (by correspondence) notes that both J. H. Kent's restoration (Corinth, loc. cit.) of the tribe as Me[n(inia)] and that of the cognomen as Priscus are speculative; other names such as Primus, Probus or Proculus would fit the space as well. 70. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ)ΑΝΤ[ΩΝΙΟΣ] ΠΡΟΜΑ[Χ]ΟΣ Corinth VIII. 3, 265, pi. 23 [mid. 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)]. Corinth, forum; thirteen fragments of a white marble base; inscription set up by the person in honour of his friend and patron. The letters [ ] ME [ ]in the first lines of the text represent, perhaps, part of this patron's name: τον φίλο[ν] και Ι π[ρο]στάτην Ι ά[ρετ]ής ενεκ[α] Ι κ[αί] πίστεως. 71. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ)Α[Ν]ΤΩΝΙΟΣ ΚΥΪΗΤΟΣ Corinth VIII. 1, 15 1. 6 + Corinth VIII.l, 18; joined by *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297- 264

299,1. 6, pl. 8 [A.D. 137]. ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN CORINTHIA 72-73 Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble, inscribed on all three sides; list of magistrates and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games. Remarks: For the date see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299. *72. [. A]NT[ONIUS - - -] S[OS]P[IS] ΑΝ[ΤΩ]ΝΙΟΣ ΣΩΣΠΙΣ [1] Corinth VIII. 3, 170,1. 1-2, pl. 16 [A.D. 117-125]. Corinth, fifteen fragments from a slab of white marble; Latin inscription on the Peirene fountain probably recording the names of the donors of the marble revetments; Antonius Sospis, whose cursus honorum (11. 2-7) is explicitly given, seems to be the most important: [. A]nt[onius . f. (tribu)] I S[os]p[is] I s[odalis], [qua]es(tor), [trib(unus) mil(itum) legion(is) I[II I 5 Aug(ustae)], [curat](or) an[nonae], [legat(us) legi]on(is) II [Adiutricis], I [a]go[noth]etes pro I A[—], [ag]ono[thetes], [FJIvir et —m[ater eiu]s [A]nto[nia] Sedata I LO [ ] I [P.] A[eli]i [Apollodoti] u[xor] I 10 inc]rustavelr[unt ]. An[tonia Sosipatra] I Sospitis f. Piren[em marboribus [2] Corinth VIII. 3, 226,1.4 pl. 21; E. Kapetanopoulos, Mnemosyne 22, 1969, 80-82, stemma [under Antoninus Pius]. Corinth, forum; twenty-two fragments of a pedestal of white marble with dark gray veins; Greek inscription in honour of his grandson Π. Αϊλιος Σώσπις (COR 18, text) erected by decree of the city council; here Antonius Sospis was evoked agonothetes three times: Άν[τω]νίου Σώσπιδος Ι το[υ] τρις αγωνοθέτου. Remarks: He was of Corinthian origin and his gentilicium shows that his Roman civitas was given by the triumvir Marc Antony. For a probable connection with the Athenian family of Leonidas of Melite, into which the name Sospis also occurs, see Kapetanopoulos, loc. cit.. The person is not included in Halfmann, Senatoren. For the post of agonothetes in Roman Corinth, see D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 69-76. s. of Antonia Sedata (COR 34); f. of Antonia Sosipatra (COR 35); f.-in-law of P. Aelius Apollodotus (COR 13); grandi, of P. Aelius Sospis (COR 18) 73. [(?) ΑΝΤ]ΩΝΙΟΣ ΣΤΑΚΤΗ[- - -] Corinth Vili. 3, 273, pis 23, 63 [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D. (letter forms)]. Corinth, forum; four fragments of a white marble slab; probably an honorary inscription erected by decree of the city council preserving parts of the names of two individuals elected by lot for a religious (?) function: [—]λϊννον I [—]μων διθυραμ[β — Κ]ορινθ[— κ]ληρούντων I [(?) Α.ντ]ωνίου Στακτ[η — Σε]ρβιλίου Ομ[... ]υ Ι [ψ.] vac. β. Remarks: The last letters could be a ligatura of TH. Cf. COR 567. 265

299,1. 6, pl. 8 [A.D. 137].<br />


72-73<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble, inscribed on all three sides; list of magistrates and<br />

victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: For the date see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299.<br />

*72. [. A]NT[ONIUS - - -] S[OS]P[IS] ΑΝ[ΤΩ]ΝΙΟΣ ΣΩΣΠΙΣ<br />

[1] Corinth VIII. 3, 170,1. 1-2, pl. 16 [A.D. 117-125].<br />

Corinth, fifteen fragments from a slab of white marble; Latin inscription on the Peirene<br />

fountain probably recording the names of the donors of the marble revetments; Antonius<br />

Sospis, whose cursus honorum (11. 2-7) is explicitly given, seems to be the most important:<br />

[. A]nt[onius . f. (tribu)] I S[os]p[is] I s[odalis], [qua]es(tor), [trib(unus) mil(itum) legion(is)<br />

I[II I 5<br />

Aug(ustae)], [curat](or) an[nonae], [legat(us) legi]on(is) II [Adiutricis], I [a]go[noth]etes<br />

pro I A[—], [ag]ono[thetes], [FJIvir et —m[ater eiu]s [A]nto[nia] Sedata I LO [ ] I [P.]<br />

A[eli]i [Apollodoti] u[xor] I 10<br />

inc]rustavelr[unt ].<br />

An[tonia Sosipatra] I Sospitis f. Piren[em marboribus<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 3, 226,1.4 pl. 21; E. Kapetanopoulos, Mnemosyne 22, 1969, 80-82, stemma<br />

[under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth, forum; twenty-two fragments of a pedestal of white marble with dark gray veins;<br />

Greek inscription in honour of his grandson Π. Αϊλιος Σώσπις (COR 18, text) erected by<br />

decree of the city council; here Antonius Sospis was evoked agonothetes three times:<br />

Άν[τω]νίου Σώσπιδος Ι το[υ] τρις αγωνοθέτου.<br />

Remarks: He was of Corinthian origin and his gentilicium shows that his Roman civitas was<br />

given by the triumvir Marc Antony. For a probable connection with the Athenian<br />

family of Leonidas of Melite, into which the name Sospis also occurs, see<br />

Kapetanopoulos, loc. cit.. The person is not included in Halfmann, Senatoren.<br />

For the post of agonothetes in Roman Corinth, see D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968,<br />

69-76.<br />

s. of Antonia Sedata (COR 34); f. of Antonia Sosipatra (COR 35); f.-in-law of P. Aelius<br />

Apollodotus (COR 13); grandi, of P. Aelius Sospis (COR 18)<br />

73. [(?) ΑΝΤ]ΩΝΙΟΣ ΣΤΑΚΤΗ[- - -]<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 273, pis 23, 63 [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; four fragments of a white marble slab; probably an honorary inscription<br />

erected by decree of the city council preserving parts of the names of two individuals elected<br />

by lot for a religious (?) function:<br />

[—]λϊννον I [—]μων διθυραμ[β — Κ]ορινθ[— κ]ληρούντων I [(?) Α.ντ]ωνίου Στακτ[η<br />

— Σε]ρβιλίου Ομ[... ]υ Ι [ψ.] vac. β.<br />

Remarks: The last letters could be a ligatura of TH. Cf. COR 567.<br />


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