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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I 232. ΤΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΚΟΪΝΤΟΣ ΑΡΧΙΛΟΧΟΣ [1] Peek, 1972, 45, no. 83 [imperial]. Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected by the polis of Epidauros honouring its citizen Archilochus: [Α. πόλις τώ]ν Έπιδαυρ[ίων] Ι [Τιβ. Κοιντ]ον Αρχίλοχ[ον] Ι [Έπιδα]ύριον άρε[τ]ά[ς ε]νεκεν Ι [και ε]ύνοίας τά[ς εις] αύτά[ν]. According to Peek he is to be identified with the priest of IG IV 2 1,554. [2] IG IV 1070; IG IV 2 1, 554; Peek 1969, 109, no. 230, facsimile, pi. XLIV, 73. 74 [imperial]. Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication made probably during his priesthood. The text in IG is: T[i. Σ]ε[ου]ήρος (?) Τιβ. Κοΐντου Αρχίλοχος. Remarks: Peek, 1. 4-5:... επί είερέος Τιβ. Κοΐντου Αρχιλόχου, i.e. the name Τ[ι. Σ]ε[ου]ήρος of IG IV 2 1, 554 is according to Peek to be completed as επί είερέως. For the gentilicium see Solin and Salomies, 153; it could be understood as Κοΐ'ντος. 233. [- - -]OOY ΥΙΟΣ ΡΗΓΑΟΣ IG IV 586 (cf. U. Kahrstedt, Das wirtschaftliche Gesicht Griechenlands in der Kaiserzeit (Bern 1954) 164, n. 6 [cf. SEG 15, 1958, 202]; for a photo see P. Charneux, BCH80, 1956, 607, fig. 6 [cf. SEG 16, 1959, 260]) [1st c. A.D.]. Argos, it was built into the church of Hagios Dimitrios (cf. Charneux, op. cit., 608, η. 7); a fragmentary honorary inscription, from the text of which it is known that the named agonothetes was granted the honours of Heracles and Perseus (?), χρυσοφορία μετά πορφύ­ ρας διά βίου and honoured with the erection of statues: [ ]όου υίόν Τήγλον, [α]Ι[ ]ειαν, άγωνοθετήσαντα Ι [Σεβάστεια δικαί]ως και μεγαλο- ψύχως ού Ι [μόνον άλλα και δ]όντα Ήρ[α] έκ των ιδίων Ι 5 [δραχμάς χιλίας (?)], ω και έδώ- καμεν τάς Ι [Περσέος και Ήρακλέος] τειμάς και χρυσοφορίαν Ι [μετά πορφύρας διά βί]ου και μόνω και πρώ[τ]ωι Ι [και άνεστήσαμεν άν]δριάντας. Remarks: Kahrstedt, op. cit., suggests completing δηνάρια instead of δραχμάς in 1. 5. For a 234. ΡΟΥΦΟΣ similar text from Argos see W. Vollgraff, BCH 27, 1903, 260-261, no. 2. For the person see Mitsos, 158. About χρυσοφορία cf. ARG 88. [1] IG IV 672 (Mitsos, 158) [1st half of 3rd e. A.D.]. Argolis, Nauplion, near the public bath; honorary inscription after a decree of the boule for the son of the person, M. Aurelius Rufus (text ARG 53 [3]). [2] IG IV 720 [1st half of 3rd c. A.D.]. Hermione; an honorary inscription erected for the person by his wife Aurelia Eleutheris (text 53 [2]). f. M. Aurelius Rufus (ARG 53) 226

235. ΡΟΥΦΟΣ IG IV 613 (Mitsos, 159) [1st c. A.D.]. ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ARGOLIS Argos; statue base decorated with a cymatium, erected by Rufus for his wife: Φιλούσαν ΕύκράΙτους Τοΰφος Ι άνήρ άνέστησε. 236. [- - - Ρ]ΟΥΦΟΣ [- - -ΙΤΙΝΟΥ ΥΙΟΣ IG IV 1011; IG IV 2 letters]. 1,456; Peek 1969, 99, no. 178, facsimile [2nd c. A.D.: from the style of the Epidauros, sanctuary; a fragmentary marble plaque bearing an inscription concerning the building of a library dedicated to Apollo: [ Τ]οϋφος Γ. Ξ[ ] Ιτίνου υιός Άπόλλω]1νι Μαλεάτα κα[ί Ασκληπιω Σωτήρι την] Ι βιβλιοθήκην [και πάντα τά εν αυτή βιβλί]1α άνέθηκεν εί[εραπολήσας το ... έτος] Ι και άγω[νοθετήσας]. Remarks: In IG. [Ρ]ΟΥΦΟΣ Γ' Ξ ΤΙΝΟΥ (1. 1). According to Peek the inscription is to 237. ΣΕΚΟΥΝΔΟΣ be read as [Γ. Τ]οΰφος Γ. Ξ[εν]αίου [το]ύ Σα[λεν] Ιτίνου υιός. In his restoration of the text the person is a Ν[εαπολίτης], εί[εραπολήσας δίς] και άγω[νοθετήσας]. In lapide Τ]ούφος Γ. Ξ[—] Ιτίνου υιός. IG IV 2 1, 82-84,1. 7 and 21 (Α. Wilhelm, Πραγματεΐαι 'Ακαδημίας Αθηνών, 1936, 32; SEG 11, 1950, 408 a) [1st half of 1st c. A.D.]. Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary decree of Athens for T. Statilius Lamprias (III). Secundus is the name of the archon: έπί Σεκούνδου άρχοντος και ιερέως Δρούσου υπάτου. Athenian Remarks: The date of the text is according to IG A.D. 40-42 and according to A.J.S. Spawforth, 238. ΣΕΡΙΟΣ ABS A 80, 1985, 254, A.D. 38-48. G.A. Stamires, Hesperia29, 1960, 116 (SEG 17, 1960, 171). Hermione; a plaque bearing a Christian funerary inscription. 239. ΜΑΡΚΟΣ ΣΕΞΤΙΟΣ ΑΠΕΡ IG IV 2 1, 101, 49; Peek, 1969, 40-41, no. 45 (publishes 1. 41-48) [έτους τρίτου και έξηκο- στοΰ=Α.ϋ. 32/33 (actian era)]. Epidauros, sanctuary; a list of victors of the games Apolloneia, Asclapeia and Caesareia. Victor in [άρματι(?)] τελέω 227



[1] Peek, 1972, 45, no. 83 [imperial].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected by the polis of Epidauros honouring its citizen<br />

Archilochus:<br />

[Α. πόλις τώ]ν Έπιδαυρ[ίων] Ι [Τιβ. Κοιντ]ον Αρχίλοχ[ον] Ι [Έπιδα]ύριον άρε[τ]ά[ς<br />

ε]νεκεν Ι [και ε]ύνοίας τά[ς εις] αύτά[ν]. According to Peek he is to be identified with the<br />

priest of IG IV 2<br />

1,554.<br />

[2] IG IV 1070; IG IV 2<br />

1, 554; Peek 1969, 109, no. 230, facsimile, pi. XLIV, 73. 74 [imperial].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication made probably during his priesthood. The text in IG is: T[i.<br />

Σ]ε[ου]ήρος (?) Τιβ. Κοΐντου Αρχίλοχος.<br />

Remarks: Peek, 1. 4-5:... επί είερέος Τιβ. Κοΐντου Αρχιλόχου, i.e. the name Τ[ι. Σ]ε[ου]ήρος<br />

of IG IV 2 1, 554 is according to Peek to be completed as επί είερέως.<br />

For the gentilicium see Solin and Salomies, 153; it could be understood as Κοΐ'ντος.<br />

233. [- - -]OOY ΥΙΟΣ ΡΗΓΑΟΣ<br />

IG IV 586 (cf. U. Kahrstedt, Das wirtschaftliche Gesicht Griechenlands in der Kaiserzeit (Bern<br />

1954) 164, n. 6 [cf. SEG 15, 1958, 202]; for a photo see P. Charneux, BCH80, 1956, 607, fig.<br />

6 [cf. SEG 16, 1959, 260]) [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, it was built into the church of Hagios Dimitrios (cf. Charneux, op. cit., 608, η. 7); a<br />

fragmentary honorary inscription, from the text of which it is known that the named<br />

agonothetes was granted the honours of Heracles and Perseus (?), χρυσοφορία μετά πορφύ­<br />

ρας διά βίου and honoured with the erection of statues:<br />

[ ]όου υίόν Τήγλον, [α]Ι[ ]ειαν, άγωνοθετήσαντα Ι [Σεβάστεια δικαί]ως και μεγαλο-<br />

ψύχως ού Ι [μόνον άλλα και δ]όντα Ήρ[α] έκ των ιδίων Ι 5 [δραχμάς χιλίας (?)], ω και έδώ-<br />

καμεν τάς Ι [Περσέος και Ήρακλέος] τειμάς και χρυσοφορίαν Ι [μετά πορφύρας διά βί]ου<br />

και μόνω και πρώ[τ]ωι Ι [και άνεστήσαμεν άν]δριάντας.<br />

Remarks: Kahrstedt, op. cit., suggests completing δηνάρια instead of δραχμάς in 1. 5. For a<br />

234. ΡΟΥΦΟΣ<br />

similar text from Argos see W. Vollgraff, BCH 27, 1903, 260-261, no. 2. For the<br />

person see Mitsos, 158. About χρυσοφορία cf. ARG 88.<br />

[1] IG IV 672 (Mitsos, 158) [1st half of 3rd e. A.D.].<br />

Argolis, Nauplion, near the public bath; honorary inscription after a decree of the boule for the<br />

son of the person, M. Aurelius Rufus (text ARG 53 [3]).<br />

[2] IG IV 720 [1st half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; an honorary inscription erected for the person by his wife Aurelia Eleutheris<br />

(text 53 [2]).<br />

f. M. Aurelius Rufus (ARG 53)<br />


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