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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I Argos, agora; fragment of a list, maybe of dionysiakoi technitai. Roman Remarks: For the person see P. Chiron-Bistagne, Recherches sur les acteurs dans la Grèce antique (Paris 1976) 367; Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνίται, no. 1739. *194. ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ ΜΟΜΜΙΟΣ ΛΕΥΚΙΟΥ [1] Μ. Pierart-JT. Thalmann, BCH Suppl. 6, 1980, 275-8, no. 6, fig. 11 (SEG 30, 1980, 365) [146 B.C.]. Argos, reused as a drain cover NE of the classical stoa; a statue base erected in honour of L. Mummius by the demos of Argos: [Ό όή]μος [τών 'Αργεί]Ιων Λ[ε]ύκι[ον Μόμμιον] Ι Λευκίου σ[τρατηγόν] Ι ΰπατον Τ[ωμαίων]. [2] IG IV 1180-1183; IG IV 2 1, 306 D; Peek, 1972, 30-31, no. 47 (BullÉpigr 1973, 190) [146/5 B.C.]. Epidauros, sanctuary; the upper part of a base bearing older inscriptions (see Peek 1969, 72- 73, no. 129). On the same stone there is a dedication of L. Mummius to Apollo, Asclepius and Hygeia: Λεύκιος Μόμμιος Λευκίου Ι στρατηγός ύπατος Τωμαίων Ι "Απόλλωνι, Άσκληπιώι, Ύγείαι. Remarks: L. Pietilä-Castren, Arcfo5 25, 1991, 102-103 (SEG 41, 1991, 286) suggests that the equestrian statue on the base [1] in honour of L. Mummius was erected before the arbitration about the Nemean games recorded in an inscription from Nemea, see D.W. Bradeen, Hesperia 35, 1966, 326-329, pi. 78 (SEG 23, 1968, 180), in an attempt to influence the opinion of this official in favor of Argos. On [1] see the mention of the text by D. Knoepfler, "L. Mummius Achaicus et les cités du golfe euboïque: à propos d'une nouvelle inscription d'Erétrie", MHAS, 1991,262. There is also an unpublished letter of L. Mummius to the technitai of Dionysos, which is to be published by Ch. Kritzas, cited by J.-L. Ferrary, Philhellénisme et impérialisme: aspects idéologiques de la conquête romaine du monde hellénistique, de la seconde guerre de Macédoine à la guerre contre Mithridate (Rome 1988) 521, n. 58 and Knoepfler, op. cit., 262, n. 52. For Mummius in other Peloponnesian cities see also EL 284, ARC 124. 195. L(UCIUS) NAEVIUS CALLISTUS [1] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 15 (ILGR 87) [2nd c. A.D.]. Argos, in a field outside the city, behind the church of Hagios Nikolaos; a limestone grave stele for his wife Fuficulena Veneria decorated with a cymatium: Dis manibus I Fuficulenae I veneriae I Naevius Callistus I coniugi. [2] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 16 (ILGR 88) [2nd c. A.D.]. Argos, in a field south of the city; a limestone grave stele for his friend L. Aelius Camus 214

decorated with a cymatium: 1 9 8 ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ARGOLIS ^6- [Dis] manibus I [L. Ae]lio Camo l[Nae]vius Callistus I [a]mico optimo. [3] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 17 (ILGR 85) [2nd c. A.D.]. Argos, in a vineyard on the road from Argos to Myloi; a limestone grave stele erected by Naevius Callistus for himself, his wife and his friend L. Aelius Camus decorated with a cymatium: in parte antica: [L. Naevius Cal]listus sibi et Veneriae coniug(i) I [et L. Aeli]o Camo amico optimo I [in fronte c]um taberna ped(es) (numerus) in agro ped(es) (numerus) in parte postica: L. Naevius Callistus sibi et Ven[eraiae coniug(i)] I et L. Aelio Camo amico [optimo] I in fronte cum taberna ped(es) (numerus) in agro pe[d(es) (numerus)]. [4] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 18 (ILGR 86) [2nd c. A.D.]. Argos, in a vineyard on the road from Argos to Myloi; a funerary inscription for Naevius Callistus: [Dis] manibfus] IL. Naevi I Callisti. Remarks: For the person see Mitsos, 20. The date of the inscriptions is based on the phrase "Dis manibus"; cf. Rizakis, Achaïe II, 76 n. 2 (bibliography). 196. [Ν]ΑΙΒΙΟΣ ΡΟΥΦΟΣ 7GIV835 Β, 1.7 [Iste. A.D.]. Troizen; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing inscriptions related to loans. Remarks: Cf. S. Zoumbaki, "Η Τροιζήν κατά τη ρωμαϊκή εποχή: εσωτερική οργάνωση-οικονομική ζωή-κοινωνία", Acts of the 1st international conference on the history and archaeology of the Argo-Saronic gulf, Poros 26-29 June 1998 (in press). 197. ΓΝΑΙΟΣ ΟΚΤΑΙΟΣ ΓΝΑΙΟΥ ΡΩΜΑΙΟΣ P. Charneux, BCH81, 1957, 181-202,1. 9 (SEG 16, 1959, 255) [170/169 B.C.]. Argos; an honorary decree for Cn. Octavius, who was a member of an embassy to the Achaean League: επειδή ΓναΧος Όκτάιος Γναίου Τωμαΐος...προνοουμένος υπέρ τών συμφερόντων [τάι τε πό]λει καί τοις 'Αχαιοΐς αποσταλείς...πρεσβευτάς [μετά] Γαϊου υπό Αΰλου του υπάτου στραταγοϋ τών Τωμαίων etc. legate Remarks: For the date at the end of the decree see remarks on ARG 25. About Cn. Octavius see EL 291. 198. ΟΡΚΙΟΣ W. Vollgraff, BCH 33, 1909, 461-6, no. 26 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. Argos; a stele of gray limestone; the text is a record in the Roman calendar; according to Vollgraff it is "le compte rendu des séances de la boule d'Argos". 215


Argos, agora; fragment of a list, maybe of dionysiakoi technitai.<br />

Roman<br />

Remarks: For the person see P. Chiron-Bistagne, Recherches sur les acteurs dans la Grèce<br />

antique (Paris 1976) 367; Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνίται, no. 1739.<br />


[1] Μ. Pierart-JT. Thalmann, BCH Suppl. 6, 1980, 275-8, no. 6, fig. 11 (SEG 30, 1980, 365)<br />

[146 B.C.].<br />

Argos, reused as a drain cover NE of the classical stoa; a statue base erected in honour of L.<br />

Mummius by the demos of Argos:<br />

[Ό όή]μος [τών 'Αργεί]Ιων Λ[ε]ύκι[ον Μόμμιον] Ι Λευκίου σ[τρατηγόν] Ι ΰπατον Τ[ωμαίων].<br />

[2] IG IV 1180-1183; IG IV 2<br />

1, 306 D; Peek, 1972, 30-31, no. 47 (BullÉpigr 1973, 190) [146/5<br />

B.C.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; the upper part of a base bearing older inscriptions (see Peek 1969, 72-<br />

73, no. 129). On the same stone there is a dedication of L. Mummius to Apollo, Asclepius and<br />

Hygeia:<br />

Λεύκιος Μόμμιος Λευκίου Ι στρατηγός ύπατος Τωμαίων Ι "Απόλλωνι, Άσκληπιώι, Ύγείαι.<br />

Remarks: L. Pietilä-Castren, Arcfo5 25, 1991, 102-103 (SEG 41, 1991, 286) suggests that the<br />

equestrian statue on the base [1] in honour of L. Mummius was erected before the<br />

arbitration about the Nemean games recorded in an inscription from Nemea, see<br />

D.W. Bradeen, Hesperia 35, 1966, 326-329, pi. 78 (SEG 23, 1968, 180), in an<br />

attempt to influence the opinion of this official in favor of Argos. On [1] see the<br />

mention of the text by D. Knoepfler, "L. Mummius Achaicus et les cités du golfe<br />

euboïque: à propos d'une nouvelle inscription d'Erétrie", MHAS, 1991,262. There<br />

is also an unpublished letter of L. Mummius to the technitai of Dionysos, which is to<br />

be published by Ch. Kritzas, cited by J.-L. Ferrary, Philhellénisme et impérialisme:<br />

aspects idéologiques de la conquête romaine du monde hellénistique, de la seconde<br />

guerre de Macédoine à la guerre contre Mithridate (Rome 1988) 521, n. 58 and<br />

Knoepfler, op. cit., 262, n. 52.<br />

For Mummius in other Peloponnesian cities see also EL 284, ARC 124.<br />


[1] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 15 (ILGR 87) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in a field outside the city, behind the church of Hagios Nikolaos; a limestone grave stele<br />

for his wife Fuficulena Veneria decorated with a cymatium:<br />

Dis manibus I Fuficulenae I veneriae I Naevius Callistus I coniugi.<br />

[2] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 16 (ILGR 88) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in a field south of the city; a limestone grave stele for his friend L. Aelius Camus<br />


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