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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I Ά πόλις ά των Έπιδαυρίων Ι Γάιον Τούλιον Λάκωνος Ι υίον Σπαρτιατικον Ι άρετάς ένεκεν. Lacedaemonian Remarks: For this individual and his family see LAC 509. 155. ΙΟΥΛΙΤΤΑ W. Vollgraff, BCH33, 1909, 461-6, no. 26 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. Argos; a stele of gray limestone; the text is a record dated by the Roman calendar; according to Vollgraff it is "le compte rendu des séances de la boule d'Argos". Remarks: Vollgraff interprets the name as an ethnie of Ioulis of Keos; P. Charneux, BCH 115, 1991, 322 (SEGAI, 1991, 285) correctly suggests the interpretation as the genitive of the proper name Iulitta. 156. ΜΑΡ(ΚΟΣ) ΙΟΥ(ΝΙΟΣ) Ν(ΕΩΤΕΡΟΣ) [1] IG IV 2 1, 428 [το ρπα' =A.D. 305]. Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication to Hygeia by the named person: Αθηνά Ύγείαι ο ιερεύς του Σωτήρος Ασκληπιού Μάρ. Τού(νιος) ν(εώτερος) δαόοΰχος το ρπα'. [2] IG IV 2 1, 429 [το ρπα" =A.D. 305]. Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar decorated with cymatia bearing a dedication to Apollo Pythios Patroos by the named person, who was a priest of Asclepius Soter: Αγαθή Τύχη. Ι Άπόλλωνι ΠυΙθίωι ΠατρώΙω ο ιερεύς τοΰ Ι 5 Σωτήρος 'ΑσκληΙπιοΰ το ρπα' Μάρ(κος) Ι Τού(νιος) ν(εώτερος) δαδοΰχος των Έλευσεΐνι μυστηρίων. [3]/G IV 2 1, 431; Peek, 1969, 97, no. 169, facsimile. Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing a dedication by the named person, who was a priest of Asclepius Soter and dadouchos of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The text of IG: ο ιερεύς τ[ο]ϋ Σωτήρος Άσκ[ληπι]ού, δαδοϋ[χος] τοΐν θεοΐν, Μ. [Ίου ]νου Άθη[ναΐο]ς το άγαλμα ίδρύσατο. Athenian Remarks: The name of [2] is read in IG as Μάρ(κος) Ίου. Ν(εώτερος). According to P. Kavaddias, Fouilles d'Epidaure, I (Athènes 1891) 48 the name is ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ. In lapide MAP ΙΙΟΥΝΔΑΔΟΥΧΟΣ. Perhaps he is to be identified with the dedicator of IGW 2 1,430. Peek believes that the person of [3] is the same of [1] and [2]. In [3] he reads MAPIOYN. The ending ΝΟΥ is to be understood as Ν(εωτέρ)ου, according to Peek. It seems that after [ΙΟΥΝ...] there is no space on the stone for more letters. The name is in the nominative and the genitive Ν(εωτέρ)ου, prefered by Peek, seems improbable. 202

*157. [ΑΥΛΟΣ ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ] ΠΑΣΤΩΡ ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ARGOLIS IG IV 1534; IG IV 2 1, 88,1. 20-21 (cf. BullÉpigr 1956, 114; Peek, 1969, 31-32, no. 37) [A.D. 163 or 164, see remarks]. Epidauros, sanctuary; a fragment of a letter of a noble Roman adressed to the polis Epidauros; Pastor was one of the consuls. Consul Remarks: According to A. J. Cossage, "The date of IG\ (2) 516 (SJG 3 800)", ABSA 49, 1954, 53, n. 18 the restoration of the text must be έτους τριακοστού ογδόου or τριακο­ στού ενάτου and not τεσσαρακοστού of Hadianic era. About the consul see PIR 2 I 796; E. Groag, REX 1 (1918), 1074-1075, s.v. Iunius [118]; Degrassi, Fasti consolari, 46, no. 916. G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter der Antoninen (Bonn 1977) 177 and 253. 158. Λ. ΛΑΙΛΙΟΣ ΦΙΛΟΣ IG IV 2 1, 101, 1. 48; Peek, 1969, 40, no. 45 (publishes 1. 41-48) [έτους τρίτου καί έξηκοστοϋ=Α.ϋ. 32/33 (Actian era)]. Epidauros, sanctuary; a fragmentary list of victors of the games Apolloneia, Asclapeia and Caesareia. Victor in άρματι ποολικω 159. [- - -] ΛΑΤΙΝΟΣ IG IV 2 1, 101, 1. 7; Peek, 1969, 40, no. 45 (publishes 1. 41-48) [έτους τρίτου και έξηκο- στού=Α.ϋ. 32/33 (Actian era)]. Epidauros, sanctuary; a list of victors of the games Apolloneia, Asclapeia and Caesareia. Remarks: Latinus must be a cognomen and not an ethnikon. ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ: see Δέρκιος (ARG 121) 160. ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ IG IV 2 1, 101, 1. 6; Peek, 1969, 40, no. 45 (publishes 1. 41-48); M. Sève, "Les concours d' Épidaure", REG 106, 1993, 314 n. 50 [έτους τρίτου καί έξηκοστού=Α.ϋ. 32/33 (Actian era)]. Epidauros, sanctuary; a list of victors of the games Apolloneia, Asclapeia and Caesareia. The Athenian Epigenes, son of Λεύκιος, was a [σα]λπιστής. 161. ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ R. Weil, "Das Münzwesen des Achäischen Bundes", ZN IX, 1882, 253; W. Wroth, "Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1887", NC 1888, 10; R. Münsterberg, Die 203


Ά πόλις ά των Έπιδαυρίων Ι Γάιον Τούλιον Λάκωνος Ι υίον Σπαρτιατικον Ι άρετάς ένεκεν.<br />

Lacedaemonian<br />

Remarks: For this individual and his family see LAC 509.<br />

155. ΙΟΥΛΙΤΤΑ<br />

W. Vollgraff, BCH33, 1909, 461-6, no. 26 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a stele of gray limestone; the text is a record dated by the Roman calendar; according<br />

to Vollgraff it is "le compte rendu des séances de la boule d'Argos".<br />

Remarks: Vollgraff interprets the name as an ethnie of Ioulis of Keos; P. Charneux, BCH 115,<br />

1991, 322 (SEGAI, 1991, 285) correctly suggests the interpretation as the genitive<br />

of the proper name Iulitta.<br />


[1] IG IV 2 1, 428 [το ρπα' =A.D. 305].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication to Hygeia by the named person:<br />

Αθηνά Ύγείαι ο ιερεύς του Σωτήρος Ασκληπιού Μάρ. Τού(νιος) ν(εώτερος) δαόοΰχος<br />

το ρπα'.<br />

[2] IG IV 2 1, 429 [το ρπα" =A.D. 305].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar decorated with cymatia bearing a dedication to Apollo Pythios<br />

Patroos by the named person, who was a priest of Asclepius Soter:<br />

Αγαθή Τύχη. Ι Άπόλλωνι ΠυΙθίωι ΠατρώΙω ο ιερεύς τοΰ Ι 5 Σωτήρος 'ΑσκληΙπιοΰ το ρπα'<br />

Μάρ(κος) Ι Τού(νιος) ν(εώτερος) δαδοΰχος των Έλευσεΐνι μυστηρίων.<br />

[3]/G IV 2 1, 431; Peek, 1969, 97, no. 169, facsimile.<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing a dedication by the named person, who was a priest of<br />

Asclepius Soter and dadouchos of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The text of IG: ο ιερεύς τ[ο]ϋ<br />

Σωτήρος Άσκ[ληπι]ού, δαδοϋ[χος] τοΐν θεοΐν, Μ. [Ίου ]νου Άθη[ναΐο]ς το άγαλμα<br />

ίδρύσατο.<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: The name of [2] is read in IG as Μάρ(κος) Ίου. Ν(εώτερος). According to P.<br />

Kavaddias, Fouilles d'Epidaure, I (Athènes 1891) 48 the name is ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ. In<br />

lapide MAP ΙΙΟΥΝΔΑΔΟΥΧΟΣ. Perhaps he is to be identified with the dedicator<br />

of IGW 2 1,430.<br />

Peek believes that the person of [3] is the same of [1] and [2]. In [3] he reads<br />

MAPIOYN. The ending ΝΟΥ is to be understood as Ν(εωτέρ)ου, according to Peek.<br />

It seems that after [ΙΟΥΝ...] there is no space on the stone for more letters. The<br />

name is in the nominative and the genitive Ν(εωτέρ)ου, prefered by Peek, seems<br />

improbable.<br />


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