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127-131 ROMAN PELOPONNESE I 127. ΦΛΑ[ΒΙ- - -] IG IV 835 [Iste. A.D.]. Troizen; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing inscriptions about loans. 128. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΦΛΑΒΙΟΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ P. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 604-610, no. 6,1. 9, fig. 3 (SEG 16, 1959, 253) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. Argos, theatre; a fragmentary list of magistrates ludis praesidentium. He was one of the hellanodikai. Remarks: On hellanodikai in Argos see Charneux, op. cit., 608-610. 129. ΦΛΑΒΙΟΣ ΤΕΡΤΙΟΣ IG IV 602 (Mitsos, 172) [A.D 116-117]. Argos, earlier in the ruins of the church of Hagios Petros; statue base erected by the phyle of Hymathii for its protector Tib. Claudius Tertius Flavianus, son of Flavius Tertius (text ARG 89). father of Tib. Claudius Tertius Flavianus (ARG 89), who was adopted by a Tib. Claudius 130. FUFICULENA VENERIA [1] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 15 (ILGR 87) [2nd c. A.D.]. Argos; a limestone grave stele: Dis manibus I Fuficulenae I Veneriae I Naevius Callistus I coniugi. [2] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 17 (ILGR 85) [2nd c. A.D.]. Argos; a limestone grave stele: [L. Naevius Cal]listus sibi et Veneriae coniug(i) I [et L. Aeli]o Camo amico optimo I [in fronte c]um taberna ped(es) (numerus) in agro ped(es) (numerus) and L. Naenius Callistus sibi et Ven[eriae coniug(i)] I et L. Aelio Camo amico [optimo] I 5 in fronte cum taberna ped(es) (numerus) in agro pe[d(es) (numerus)]. Remarks: For the person see Mitsos, 53. w. L. Naevius Callistus (ARG 195) 131. ΓΕΛΛΙΟΣ ΑΦΡΟΔΕΙΣΙΟΥ IG IV 793 [age of Caracalla]. Troizen, earlier in the church of Hagios Ioannis, later in the place of the "mensa sacra" of the church of Hagios Georgios; a marble statue base erected by the town for the Emperor Caracalla during Gellius's tenure as strategos; Αυτοκράτορα Καίσαρα Μ(αρκον) ΑύΙρήλιον Άντωνείνον ΣεΙβαστόν, αύτοκράτορος Ι Καί- 192

ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ARGOLIS 132-134 σαρος Λ(ουκίου) Σεπτιμίου Ι 5 Σεβήρου Περτίνακος Ι Σεβαστού υίόν, ή πόλις Ι τον άνείκη- τον έπί στρατηγού τής πόλεος (sic) Γελλίου τού Αφροδεισίου. 132. ΜΑΝΙΟΣ ΓΕΛΛΙΟΣ ΒΑΣΣΟΣ /GIV 2 1, 694 (IGW 1417); Peek 1969, 131, no. 303, facsimile [Severan]. Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary inscription on an exedra erected for Cn. Claudius Leonticus (ARG 92, text) by Manius Gellius Bassus. Remarks: For a possible identification of the person see EL 221. In IG IV 1417 the name appears as [Μαρκ]ος and is identified with certainty with Gellius Bassus, who introduced a proposal of a decree by the Achaean Koinon in Lykosoura. ΓΝΑΙΟΣ: see ARG 225 133. ΗΙΟΣ W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne47,1919,167, no. 17; id, Mnemosyne 58, 1930,40, n. 13 (SEG 11, 1950, 346); id., "Fouilles et sondages sur le flanc oriental de la Larissa à Argos", BCH 82, 1958,562. Argos, east slope of Larissa; a fragment of a limestone stele decorated with a relief of a young man; it bears a funerary epigram for the person, who died in the age of 18 years. Remarks: Vollgraff had read the name of the deceased first as ΠΙΟΣ and later as ΤΙΤΟΣ; the latter is to be found in the publications in Mnemosyne 47 and 58 (see above). Later, after the suggestions of G. Daux, he found the reading ΗΙΟΣ more probable. Mitsos, 176, no. Ill refers to the person as ΤΙΤΟΣ. *134. Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) ΕΛΟΓΥΙΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΑΣ] M. Mitsos, "Greek inscriptions", Hesperia 16, 1947, 84, no. 2, pi. XIV, no. 2 (AnnÉpigr 1949, 90; SEG 11, 1950, 441) [first half of 1st c. A.D.]. Argos, Hagios Ioannis, in a pile of rocks which came from the excavations; a square altar of dark stone bearing a dedication to Asclepius by the person, who was a proconsul, possibly of Achaia: Τ(ίτος) Έλο[ύιος Βασιλάς(?)] Ι άνθύπα[τος Αχαΐας] Ι Ασκληπ[ιώι— ]. proconsul Achaiae Remarks: Cf. REG 61, 1943, 153, n. 67 (SEG 11, 1950, 441). For the person see PIR 2 H 67; Κ. Kadlec, RE Vili 1 (1912), 225, s.v. Helvius [9]; A. Licordari, "Ascesa al senato e rapporti con i territori d'origine Italia: Regio I (Latium)", EOS II, 23; Thomasson, 199, no. 74; Rémy, Carrières sénatoriales, 140-141, no. 104. Mitsos, op. cit., identifies him with a person whose complete name appears in an inscription of Atina in Latium CIL X 5056. 5057=ILS 977. Mitsos believes that the same person is also 193


127. ΦΛΑ[ΒΙ- - -]<br />

IG IV 835 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Troizen; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing inscriptions about loans.<br />


P. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 604-610, no. 6,1. 9, fig. 3 (SEG 16, 1959, 253) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, theatre; a fragmentary list of magistrates ludis praesidentium. He was one of the<br />

hellanodikai.<br />

Remarks: On hellanodikai in Argos see Charneux, op. cit., 608-610.<br />


IG IV 602 (Mitsos, 172) [A.D 116-117].<br />

Argos, earlier in the ruins of the church of Hagios Petros; statue base erected by the phyle of<br />

Hymathii for its protector Tib. Claudius Tertius Flavianus, son of Flavius Tertius (text ARG 89).<br />

father of Tib. Claudius Tertius Flavianus (ARG 89), who was adopted by a Tib. Claudius<br />


[1] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 15 (ILGR 87) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a limestone grave stele:<br />

Dis manibus I Fuficulenae I Veneriae I Naevius Callistus I coniugi.<br />

[2] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 17 (ILGR 85) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a limestone grave stele:<br />

[L. Naevius Cal]listus sibi et Veneriae coniug(i) I [et L. Aeli]o Camo amico optimo I [in fronte<br />

c]um taberna ped(es) (numerus) in agro ped(es) (numerus) and L. Naenius Callistus sibi et<br />

Ven[eriae coniug(i)] I et L. Aelio Camo amico [optimo] I 5 in fronte cum taberna ped(es)<br />

(numerus) in agro pe[d(es) (numerus)].<br />

Remarks: For the person see Mitsos, 53.<br />

w. L. Naevius Callistus (ARG 195)<br />


IG IV 793 [age of Caracalla].<br />

Troizen, earlier in the church of Hagios Ioannis, later in the place of the "mensa sacra" of the<br />

church of Hagios Georgios; a marble statue base erected by the town for the Emperor<br />

Caracalla during Gellius's tenure as strategos;<br />

Αυτοκράτορα Καίσαρα Μ(αρκον) ΑύΙρήλιον Άντωνείνον ΣεΙβαστόν, αύτοκράτορος Ι Καί-<br />


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