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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I *90. ΓΠΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΦΡΟΝΤΕΙΝΟΣ] IG IV 588 (SEG 11, 1950, 324) [ca. A.D. 175]. Argos, "in lapide prope forum"; honorary inscription, probably erected by the polis of Argos, for Tib. Claudius Quirina Frontinus Niceratus, son of the named person (text ARG 91). Messenian Remarks: For the person see PIR 1 C 872; Halfmann, Senatoren, 174, no. 93. For the date of the inscription see ARG 91. *91. [ΤΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ TIBEPIOY ΦΡΟΝΤΕΙΝΟΥ ΥΙΟΣ ΚΥΡΕΙΝΑ ΦΡΟΝΤΕΙΝΟΣ] ΝΕΙΚΗ[ΡΛΤ]0[Σ] IG IV 588 (SEG 11, 1950, 324) [ca. A.D. 175]. Argos, "in lapide prope forum"; honorary inscription, probably erected by the polis of Argos with the consent of the boule, for Tib. Claudius Quirina Frontinus Niceratus: [Ή πόλις ή τών Αργείων Τιβέριον] Ι [Κλαύδιον Τιβερίου Φροντείνου υίόν, Κυρείνα Φρο- ντεινον] Ι Νεική[ρατ]ο[ν, σ]ό[δαλ]ιν Άδ[ρι]Ι[ά]να[λ]ιν, τών [δέ]κα ανδρών Ι τών τά φονι[κ]ά δικασάνΙτων, χειλίαρχ[ο]ν πλατύΙ 5 σημον λε[γι]ώνος δ' ΦλαΙ[ου]ίας, ταμίαν καί άντιστράΙτηγον έπαρχείας Αχαΐας, Ι επί τών υπομνημάτων της συγκλήτου, κανδίδαΙ 10 τον αύτοκράτορος Μ(άρκου) ΑύρηΙλίου Αντωνείνου Αυγούστου Ι Γερμανικού, άγορανόμον Ι κουρούλλιον, στρατηγόν Ι 'Ρωμαίων, δικαιοσύνης ένεΙ 15 κεν καί άγνότητος τον Ι εαυτής εύεργέτην Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) Β(ουλής). Messenian sodalis Hadrianalis, Xvir stlitibus iudicandis, tribunus laticlavius legionis IVFlaviae, quaestor pro praetore provinciae Achaiae, ab actis senatus, candidatus imperatoris, aedilis curulis, praetor. Remarks: The person is known also from inscriptions from Sparta, Messene and Abellinum. He was a Messenian from a rich, aristocratic and senatorial family (see also MES s.v.). His father Ti. Claudius Frontinus, son of the high priest of the imperial cult and helladarch Ti. Claudius Saethida Caelianus, was the first Messenian senator; his career includes also the consulship and is to be dated under Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius (PIR 1 C 872; Halfmann, Senatoren, 174, no. 93; J.H. Oliver, EOS II, 595 and 601). It is unknown whether the person discussed here was also consul. His offices, as presented in the Argive inscription, were Xvir stlitibus iudicandis, tribunus militum legionis IV Flaviae, quaestor pro praetore provinciae Achaiae, ab actis senatus, aedilis curulis, candidatus of the Emperor M. Aurelius Antoninus, praetor. For him see PIR 2 C 873; Groag, Reichsbeamten, 120; Halfmann, Senatoren, 196, no. 126. Mitsos, 105 dates the inscription about A.D. 178, but the date ca. A.D. 175 is preferable, since we know that he may have been praetor in A.D. 174/5 (Halfmann); for the family see M. Cébeillac, Les quaestores principis et candidati aux 1er et Ilième siècles de l'empire (Milano 1972) 209-210; G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter der Antoninen (Bonn 1977) 85 n. 49, 193. 178

ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ARGOLIS *92. ΓΝ(ΑΙΟΣ) ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΛΕΟΝΤΙΚΟΣ IG IV 1417; Syll. 3 877 E; IG IV 2 1, 694; Peek 1969, 131, no. 303, facsimile [Severan]. Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary inscription on an exedra erected for Gn. Claudius Leonticus by Manius Gellius Bassus. The text is engraved on an older one: Τον λαμπρότατον ύπατικόν καί έπανορθωτήν της Αχαΐας Γν(αίον) Κλαύδιον Λεοντικόν, Μάγιος Γέλλιος Βάσσος τον εύεργέτην. consulans, legatus ad corrigendum statum civitatium liberarum Achaiae Remarks: For the person see E. Groag, RE III 2 (1899) 2728-2729, s.v. Claudius [203]; PIR 2 C 909; Barbieri, no. 159; Thomasson, 197-198, no. 64; J.H. Oliver, GRBS 14 (1973) 404sq.; id., EOS II, 587-588. Leunissen, Konsuln und Konsulare, 190, 295, 356, 374. The person as well as his son Claudius Teres and grandson Claudius Illyrius are connected with Athens and Megara, but Oliver, EOS II, loc. cit., underlines the unexpected names Illyrius and Teres, which is Thracian. 93. ΤΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΚΛΑΥΔΙ[ΟΣ] ΜΕϊνΓΕΚΛΗΣ M. Pierart-J.P. Thalmann, BCH 102, 1978, 782-4 fig. 19 (SEG 28, 1978, 396); Α. Pariente, M. Piérart, J.-P. Thalmann, "Les recherches sur l'agora d'Argos: résultats et perspectives", in: A. Pariente et G. Touchais (eds.), Argos et FArgolide. Topographie et urbanisme, Actes de la Table Ronde internationale, Athènes-Argos 28/4-1/5/1990 (Nauplion-Athènes 1998) 219 [lst/2ndc. A.D.]. Argos; the dedication is carved on a block of limestone reused and built into the western stylobate of the late palaistra in the agora. The persons mentioned in the inscription have offered several donations to the polis, among them statues of Sebastoi and heroes and three baths, where they "brought the waters down from above" (translation by A.J.S. Spawforth-S. Walker, "The world of the Panhellenion II. Three Dorian cities", JRS 76, 1986, 102): [άγ]οράν καί τους εν αύτ[η] Ι [σε]βαστούς καί ήρωας Ι [καί (?)] βαλανεια τρία μετά Ι [τών τ]έκνων Τιβ. ΚλαυδίΙ[ου] Μενεκλέους καί Τι[β.] Ι [Κλ]αυδίου Αντιγόνου, τό Ι[άνωθ]ε ύδωρ καταγαγόντα. The block also bears a dedication of the 3rd c. A.D. Remarks: The person is a brother of Tib. Claudius Antigonus (ARG 84) of the same inscription. Another possibility of completing his cognomen could be Xenocles. 94. [ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟ]Σ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ EYNOMOY ΥΙΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΤΕΛΗΣ [1] IG IV 1403; IG IV 2 1, 602; (cf. BullÉpigr 1976, 259) [A.D. 49-54]. Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing an honorary inscription erected by the named person for the Emperors Claudius and Agrippina: Τι(βέριον) Κλαύδιον Καίσαρα Σεβαστό[ν] Ι Γερμανικόν αυτοκράτορα καί Ι Άγριππίναν Καίσαρος Ι Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος Εύνόμου υιός Νικοτέ[λης]. [2] Peek, 1972, 42, no. 76, facsimile, pi. XVIII, fig. 44 (cf. BullÉpigr 1973, 191; AnnÉpigr 179



IG IV 588 (SEG 11, 1950, 324) [ca. A.D. 175].<br />

Argos, "in lapide prope forum"; honorary inscription, probably erected by the polis of Argos,<br />

for Tib. Claudius Quirina Frontinus Niceratus, son of the named person (text ARG 91).<br />

Messenian<br />

Remarks: For the person see PIR 1 C 872; Halfmann, Senatoren, 174, no. 93. For the date of<br />

the inscription see ARG 91.<br />


ΝΕΙΚΗ[ΡΛΤ]0[Σ]<br />

IG IV 588 (SEG 11, 1950, 324) [ca. A.D. 175].<br />

Argos, "in lapide prope forum"; honorary inscription, probably erected by the polis of Argos<br />

with the consent of the boule, for Tib. Claudius Quirina Frontinus Niceratus:<br />

[Ή πόλις ή τών Αργείων Τιβέριον] Ι [Κλαύδιον Τιβερίου Φροντείνου υίόν, Κυρείνα Φρο-<br />

ντεινον] Ι Νεική[ρατ]ο[ν, σ]ό[δαλ]ιν Άδ[ρι]Ι[ά]να[λ]ιν, τών [δέ]κα ανδρών Ι τών τά φονι[κ]ά<br />

δικασάνΙτων, χειλίαρχ[ο]ν πλατύΙ 5 σημον λε[γι]ώνος δ' ΦλαΙ[ου]ίας, ταμίαν καί<br />

άντιστράΙτηγον έπαρχείας Αχαΐας, Ι επί τών υπομνημάτων της συγκλήτου, κανδίδαΙ 10 τον<br />

αύτοκράτορος Μ(άρκου) ΑύρηΙλίου Αντωνείνου Αυγούστου Ι Γερμανικού, άγορανόμον Ι<br />

κουρούλλιον, στρατηγόν Ι 'Ρωμαίων, δικαιοσύνης ένεΙ 15 κεν καί άγνότητος τον Ι εαυτής<br />

εύεργέτην Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) Β(ουλής).<br />

Messenian<br />

sodalis Hadrianalis, Xvir stlitibus iudicandis, tribunus laticlavius legionis IVFlaviae, quaestor pro<br />

praetore provinciae Achaiae, ab actis senatus, candidatus imperatoris, aedilis curulis, praetor.<br />

Remarks: The person is known also from inscriptions from Sparta, Messene and Abellinum.<br />

He was a Messenian from a rich, aristocratic and senatorial family (see also MES<br />

s.v.). His father Ti. Claudius Frontinus, son of the high priest of the imperial cult and<br />

helladarch Ti. Claudius Saethida Caelianus, was the first Messenian senator; his<br />

career includes also the consulship and is to be dated under Antoninus Pius and<br />

Marcus Aurelius (PIR 1 C 872; Halfmann, Senatoren, 174, no. 93; J.H. Oliver, EOS<br />

II, 595 and 601). It is unknown whether the person discussed here was also consul.<br />

His offices, as presented in the Argive inscription, were Xvir stlitibus iudicandis,<br />

tribunus militum legionis IV Flaviae, quaestor pro praetore provinciae Achaiae, ab<br />

actis senatus, aedilis curulis, candidatus of the Emperor M. Aurelius Antoninus,<br />

praetor. For him see PIR 2 C 873; Groag, Reichsbeamten, 120; Halfmann, Senatoren,<br />

196, no. 126.<br />

Mitsos, 105 dates the inscription about A.D. 178, but the date ca. A.D. 175 is<br />

preferable, since we know that he may have been praetor in A.D. 174/5 (Halfmann);<br />

for the family see M. Cébeillac, Les quaestores principis et candidati aux 1er et<br />

Ilième siècles de l'empire (Milano 1972) 209-210; G. Alföldy, Konsulat und<br />

Senatorenstand unter der Antoninen (Bonn 1977) 85 n. 49, 193.<br />


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