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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I Epidauros, sanctuary; a cylindrical base bearing a dedication to Hygeia: Τη Υγεία Ι Γάιος I ϊατρα. ΓΑ[Ι]ΟΣ: see Γά[ι]ος (=C. Popillius Laenas, ARG 218) 69. ΓΑΙΟΣ P. Charneux, BCH80, 1956, 604-610, fig. 3, no. 6,1. 10 (SEG 16, 1959, 253) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. Argos, theatre; a fragmentary limestone list of magistrates ludis praesidentium. Gaius is the father of an hellanodikes, whose name appears in the list as Λριστοδάμου τοϋ Γαΐου. 70. ΓΑΙΟΣ ΑΑΜΟΣΘΕ[ΝΟΥΣ] IG IV 587 (P. Charneux, BCH80, 1956, 608 and adn. 1; Mitsos, 64) [Mitsos: 2nd c. A.D.]. Argos, it was built into the southern wall of the church of Hagios Dimitrios; a statue base decorated with cymatia, erected by the hellanodikai for Cleogenes, son of Cleogenes (?), one of whom is the person discussed here (for the text see ARG 268). Remarks: IG: Γάιος Δαμοσθέ[νης]. *71. ΓΑΛΛΟΣ ΚΑΝΙ[ΝΙΟΣ- - -] IG IV 1410; IG IV 2 1, 631; Peek 1969, 120, no. 270, facsimile [1st c. B.C.]. Epidauros, sanctuary; a stone of an exedra erected by the town of Epidauros in honour of Γάλ- λον Κανί[νιον —]. The text is very mutilated. Remarks: The person is perhaps to be identified with L. Caninius Gallus, who was with Cicero in Athens in 51 B.C., see Cic, Tarn. II. 8, 3. According to F. Münzer, RE III 2 (1899) 1477, s.v. Caninius [3], he cannot be regarded as a praetor of Achaia, but in RE Suppl. I (1903) 273 he takes the opposite position, quoting also the Epidaurian inscription. He is to be identified with the person mentioned in an inscription from Thespiai (A. Plassart, BCH50, 1926, 438, no. 74); see also PIR 2 C 389; Broughton, Magistrates II, 209; K.-L. Elvers, Der neue Pauly2, 963 [1] s.v. Caninius. 72. [ΚΑΝΟ(?)]ΥΛΛΗΙΟΣ ΑΤΤΙΚΟΣ IGIV 835 C, 1.6 [Iste. A.D.]. Troizen; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing inscriptions related to loans. a resident Roman (?) Remarks: Another possible completion of the name could be [ΑΠΟ]ΥΛΛΗΙΟΣ. For the person see also S. Zoumbaki, "Η Τροιζήν κατά τη ρωμαϊκή εποχή: εσωτερική οργά- νωση-οικονομική ζωή-κοινωνία", Acts of the 1st international conference on the history and archaeology of the Argo-Saronic gulf, Poros 26-29 June 1998 (in press). 172

73. ΚΑΣΙΑ 7GIV821 Β [3rd c. A.D.]. ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ARGOLIS Troizen, earlier in a ruined church "sita fauces γεφυραίου ρεύματος, nunc in area paredri"; a grave stele bearing the funerary inscriptions of Dionysius and Cassia, probably members of the same family: Διονύσιε Ι χρηστέ· Ι χαίρε. Ι Κασία χρηστίή· χαίρε. 74. ΚΛΑΥΔΙΑ Α. Archontidou, AD 32, 1977, Β' Chron. 48 (SEG 34, 1984, 301) [imperial]. Epidauros, town; dedication to Artemis: ΑΡΤΕΜΙΔΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΑ. 75. [Κ]ΛΑΥΑΙΑ TIB(EPIOY) ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΠΟΛΥΚΡΑΤΟΥΣ ΘΥΓΑΤΗΡ ΔΑΜΑΡΩ IG IV 1154; IG IV 2 1, 686 [end of 2nd c. A.D.]. Epidauros, sanctuary; an inscription on a limestone plaque in honour of the woman erected by her children, Claudii Phaedrias and Paulus, after a decision of the boule and demos: [Κ]λαυδίαν Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ι Πολυκράτους θυγατέΙρα Δαμαρώ Τιβ(έριοι) Κλαύδι- οι Ι Φαιδρίας καί Παύλος οι Ι υιοί, αρετής ένεκεν καί Ι 5 σωφροσύνης, εξ έντοΙλής τοϋ πατρός Τιβ(ερίου) ΚλαυΙδίου Ξενοκλέους άνέθηΐκαν κατά τήν τής βουλής Ι καί τού δήμου γνώμην. w. Claudius Xenocles (ARG 106); for the stemma see Appendix, Stemma III. 76. ΚΛΑΥΔΙ[Α] ΔΑΜΕΑ ΘΥΓΑΤΗΡ ΛΑΦΑΝΤΑ IG IV 1438; IG IV 2 1, 659; Peek 1969, 124-125, no. 287 [1st c. A.D.]. Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary inscription on an exedra; erected by the polis of Epidauros for the person and two more members of her family: [Ά πόλις τών Έπιδαυρίων] Ι Κλαυδί[α]ν Δαμέα θυγατέρα Ι Λαφάνταν, γυναίκα Τιβερίου Ι Ιουλίου Σιάνθου, άρετάς ένεκεν Ι 5 καί εύνοιας τάς εις αύτάν. Remarks: Cf. remarks of H. Box, JHS 53, 1933, 112-114 (SEG 11, 1950, 445) on the differences between the stemma of that noble Epidaurian family suggested by Fraenkel in IG IV and the version IG IV 2 1, XXV given by Hiller von Gaertringen; cf. Appendix, Stemma IV. For the name Laphanta see LGPN III. A, 269 (attestations only in Epidauros). w. Tib. Iulius Sianthes (ARG 153) 77. ΚΛΑΥΔΙΑ ΟΛΥ[ΜΠ]ΙΑ IG IV 593 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. 173

73. ΚΑΣΙΑ<br />

7GIV821 Β [3rd c. A.D.].<br />


Troizen, earlier in a ruined church "sita fauces γεφυραίου ρεύματος, nunc in area paredri"; a<br />

grave stele bearing the funerary inscriptions of Dionysius and Cassia, probably members of the<br />

same family:<br />

Διονύσιε Ι χρηστέ· Ι χαίρε. Ι Κασία χρηστίή· χαίρε.<br />

74. ΚΛΑΥΔΙΑ<br />

Α. Archontidou, AD 32, 1977, Β' Chron. 48 (SEG 34, 1984, 301) [imperial].<br />

Epidauros, town; dedication to Artemis: ΑΡΤΕΜΙΔΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΑ.<br />


IG IV 1154; IG IV 2 1, 686 [end of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an inscription on a limestone plaque in honour of the woman erected by<br />

her children, Claudii Phaedrias and Paulus, after a decision of the boule and demos:<br />

[Κ]λαυδίαν Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ι Πολυκράτους θυγατέΙρα Δαμαρώ Τιβ(έριοι) Κλαύδι-<br />

οι Ι Φαιδρίας καί Παύλος οι Ι υιοί, αρετής ένεκεν καί Ι 5 σωφροσύνης, εξ έντοΙλής τοϋ<br />

πατρός Τιβ(ερίου) ΚλαυΙδίου Ξενοκλέους άνέθηΐκαν κατά τήν τής βουλής Ι καί τού δήμου<br />

γνώμην.<br />

w. Claudius Xenocles (ARG 106); for the stemma see Appendix, Stemma III.<br />


IG IV 1438; IG IV 2 1, 659; Peek 1969, 124-125, no. 287 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary inscription on an exedra; erected by the polis of Epidauros<br />

for the person and two more members of her family:<br />

[Ά πόλις τών Έπιδαυρίων] Ι Κλαυδί[α]ν Δαμέα θυγατέρα Ι Λαφάνταν, γυναίκα Τιβερίου Ι<br />

Ιουλίου Σιάνθου, άρετάς ένεκεν Ι 5 καί εύνοιας τάς εις αύτάν.<br />

Remarks: Cf. remarks of H. Box, JHS 53, 1933, 112-114 (SEG 11, 1950, 445) on the<br />

differences between the stemma of that noble Epidaurian family suggested by<br />

Fraenkel in IG IV and the version IG IV 2 1, XXV given by Hiller von Gaertringen;<br />

cf. Appendix, Stemma IV. For the name Laphanta see LGPN III. A, 269 (attestations<br />

only in Epidauros).<br />

w. Tib. Iulius Sianthes (ARG 153)<br />


IG IV 593 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />


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