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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I *49. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΑΥΡ(ΗΛΙΟΣ) ΟΛΥΜΠΙΟΔΩΡΟΣ IG IV 796 [end 2nd/begin. 3rd c. A.D.; before Alexander Severus]. Troizen, "ohm in aedicula ruinosa Hagii Nicolai, cuius possessor Dimitri Paschos"; a large statue base erected by the city of Troizen for M. Aurelius Olympiodorus with the consent of the boule and the demos: Αγαθήι [τύχηι·] Ι Μ(άρκον) Αύρ(ήλιον) Όλυμπιόδωρον τον φιλόσοφον, Ι ή λαμπρότατη Τροιζηνίων πόλις, τειμηΐθέντα λογιστέα ύπό τής βασιλείας Ι 5 εις δεκαετίαν. Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής), δ(ήμου). philosopher, logistes Remarks: Λογιστής is the Greek equivalent of the Latin curator rei publicae, which later is to be found as curator civitatis, see Mason, 66 and for the office see W. Liebenam, Philologus 56, 1897, 290-325; E. Kornemann, RE IV 2 (1901) 1807-1811, s.v. curatores; Fr. Preisigke, REXUl 1 (1926) 1020-1021, s.v. λογιστής; Th. Mommsen, Römisches Staatsrecht 2 (Graz 1969, repr. of the third edition) 1081 [1033] ff.; C. Lucas, "The Curatores Rei Publicae of Roman Africa", JRS 30, 1940, 56-74; G.P. Burton, "The curator rei publicae", Chiron 9, 1979, 465-88; M. Sartori, "Osservazioni sul ruolo del curator rei publicae", Athenaeum 11, 1989, 5-21. About curatores in Western provinces see particularily F. Jacques, Les curateurs des cités dans l'Occident Romain de Trajan à Gallien (Paris 1983) and id., Le privilège de liberté. Politique impériale et autonomie municipale dans les cités de l'Occident romain (161-244), (Paris 1984). The curatores were not citizens of the city where they held their office; this changed around the reign of Alexander Severus (A.D. 222-235). So M. Aurelius Olympiodorus, who does not seem to be a Troizenian, is to be dated before this time. E. Guerber-M. Sartre, "Un logistès à Canatha (Syrie)", ZPE 120, 1998, 95 refer to Olympiodorus as a citizen of Larissa and cite by mistake V. Bérard, "Tégée et la Tégéatide", BCH 17 (erroneously 18 in the paper of E. Guerber-M. Sartre), 1893, 11, where there is no comment on Olympiodorus but on the curator of Tegea M. Appalenus (see ARC 8). H. Müller, "Marcus Aurelius Olympiodorus, έκγονος Ιπποδρόμου", ZPE 3, 1968, 197-220 discusses and rejects the identification of the logistes of Troizen with the homonymous son of the sophist Hippodromus of Larissa. 50. ΑΥΡ(ΗΛΙΟΣ) ΦΙΑΟ[ΥΜ]ΕΝΟΣ W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 268, no. 21 [3rd c. A.D.]. Argos, in a cistern "sur le versant S.O. de l'Aspis, au N.E. de l'église byzantine"; a fragmentary limestone stele, which also bears an inscription of the 3rd c. B.C. 51. ΑΥΡ(ΗΛΙΟΣ) ΠΛΗΣΜΩΝ [1]/GIV 1157;/GIV 2 1,610; Peek 1969, 118, no. 262, facsimile [A.D. 197-198: from the titles of the emperors]. 166

ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ARGOLIS 52-53 Epidauros, sanctuary; a pedestal bearing three inscriptions for M. Aurelius Antoninus, L. Septimius Severus Pertinax and Iulia Domna. It is a monument erected by the city during the period in which the person had the function of hieromnemon. The name was here completed by analogy with the next inscription [2]: Ή πόλις εκ τών ίερομνημονικών πόρων έπί ίερομνημόνων [Αύρ(ηλίου) Πλήσμονος καί] Τ(ίτου) Στατειλίου [Λουκίου]. [2] IGYV 1156; IG W 2 1,611; Peek 1969, 118-9, no. 263, facsimile, pi. XLIX, fig 83-84 [A.D. 211/212]. Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing an inscription for Caracalla. It is a momunent erected by the town during the period in which the person had the function of hieromnemon: Τον όσιώτατον αυτοκράτορα Μα[ρ]Ι[κον Αύρήλ]ιον Αντωνεινον Σεβαστόν Ευσεβή Ευτυχή Ι [Μ]έγιστον ή ιερά Έπιδαυρίων πόλις άνέθηκε τόν Σωτήρα τής Ι οικουμένης έπί ίερομνημό­ νων Αύρ(ηλίου) Πλήσμονος καί Ι Στατειλίου Λουκίου. 52. ΜΑΡ(ΚΟΣ) ΑΥΡ(ΗΛΙΟΣ) ΠΥ[ΘΟΔΩΡ]ΟΣ IG IV 2 1, 127; Peek, 1969, 54, no. 57 (J. & L. Edelstein, Asclepius I [1945] 238, no. 424 [SEG 11, 1950, 427]; V. Longo, Aretalogie nel mondo greco I, Pubblicazioni dell'Instituto di Filologia classica dell'Università di Genova, 29 [1969] 98-99, no. 61 [SEG 25, 1971, 413]) [έτους εκατοστού πρώτου=Α.ϋ. 225]. Epidauros, sanctuary; a stele decorated with a cymatium bearing a dedication of Tib. Claudius Severus to Asclepius and Apollo Maleatas after his faith-healing, during the priesthood of M. Aurelius Pythodorus (text ARG 102 [2]). Priest (of Asclepius) 53. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΑΥΡ(ΗΛΙΟΣ) ΡΟΥΦΟΣ ΡΟΥΦΟΥ [1] ZG IV 680 [3rd c. A.D.]. Hermione, found in front of a private house; a fragmentary inscription on a marble plaque, perhaps an imperial letter: [— τω κατά πάν]τα άρίστω Αύρ(ηλίω) Τούφω. Maybe the same person is attested in [2]. [2] IG IV 720 [3rd c. A.D.]. Hermione; an honorary inscription erected for the named person by his wife Aurelia Eleutheris with the consent of the boule: Μ(άρκον) Αύρ(ήλιον) [Το]ύφον [Τ]ούφου Ι π[ασ]αν πολιτείαν [οΐΙκοθ]εν πολειτευ[σάΙμενον ] Ι 5 [....μ]ενον, Αύρηλί[α] Ι [Έλευ]θερίς τόν άνδρα. Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής). [3] IG IV 672 (Mitsos, 159) [3rd c. A.D.]. Argolis, Nauplion; honorary inscription after a decree of the boule for the person, who was agonothetes, perhaps for the third time: 167


52-53<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a pedestal bearing three inscriptions for M. Aurelius Antoninus, L.<br />

Septimius Severus Pertinax and Iulia Domna. It is a monument erected by the city during the<br />

period in which the person had the function of hieromnemon. The name was here completed<br />

by analogy with the next inscription [2]:<br />

Ή πόλις εκ τών ίερομνημονικών πόρων έπί ίερομνημόνων [Αύρ(ηλίου) Πλήσμονος καί]<br />

Τ(ίτου) Στατειλίου [Λουκίου].<br />

[2] IGYV 1156; IG W 2 1,611; Peek 1969, 118-9, no. 263, facsimile, pi. XLIX, fig 83-84 [A.D.<br />

211/212].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing an inscription for Caracalla. It is a momunent erected by<br />

the town during the period in which the person had the function of hieromnemon:<br />

Τον όσιώτατον αυτοκράτορα Μα[ρ]Ι[κον Αύρήλ]ιον Αντωνεινον Σεβαστόν Ευσεβή Ευτυχή Ι<br />

[Μ]έγιστον ή ιερά Έπιδαυρίων πόλις άνέθηκε τόν Σωτήρα τής Ι οικουμένης έπί ίερομνημό­<br />

νων Αύρ(ηλίου) Πλήσμονος καί Ι Στατειλίου Λουκίου.<br />


IG IV 2 1, 127; Peek, 1969, 54, no. 57 (J. & L. Edelstein, Asclepius I [1945] 238, no. 424 [SEG<br />

11, 1950, 427]; V. Longo, Aretalogie nel mondo greco I, Pubblicazioni dell'Instituto di<br />

Filologia classica dell'Università di Genova, 29 [1969] 98-99, no. 61 [SEG 25, 1971, 413])<br />

[έτους εκατοστού πρώτου=Α.ϋ. 225].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a stele decorated with a cymatium bearing a dedication of Tib. Claudius<br />

Severus to Asclepius and Apollo Maleatas after his faith-healing, during the priesthood of M.<br />

Aurelius Pythodorus (text ARG 102 [2]).<br />

Priest (of Asclepius)<br />


[1] ZG IV 680 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione, found in front of a private house; a fragmentary inscription on a marble plaque,<br />

perhaps an imperial letter: [— τω κατά πάν]τα άρίστω Αύρ(ηλίω) Τούφω. Maybe the same<br />

person is attested in [2].<br />

[2] IG IV 720 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; an honorary inscription erected for the named person by his wife Aurelia Eleutheris<br />

with the consent of the boule:<br />

Μ(άρκον) Αύρ(ήλιον) [Το]ύφον [Τ]ούφου Ι π[ασ]αν πολιτείαν [οΐΙκοθ]εν<br />

πολειτευ[σάΙμενον ] Ι 5 [....μ]ενον, Αύρηλί[α] Ι [Έλευ]θερίς τόν άνδρα. Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι)<br />

β(ουλής).<br />

[3] IG IV 672 (Mitsos, 159) [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argolis, Nauplion; honorary inscription after a decree of the boule for the person, who was<br />

agonothetes, perhaps for the third time:<br />


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