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ROMAN PELOPONNESE I 155. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΤΑΑΙΟΣ ΣΠΕΑΙΑΝΟΣ Μ(ΑΡΚΟΥ) ΤΑΑΙΟΥ ΤΕΙΜΟΚΡΑΤΟΥΣ ΥΟΣ (sic) IG V 2, 463 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. Megalopolis; a base erected for him by Megalopolis and financed by his wife and children: Ή πόλις ή ΜεγαλοΙπολειτών Μ(άρκον) Τάδιον Ι Σπεδιανόν Μ(άρκου) Ταδίου Ι Τειμοκρά- τους ύόν Ι 5 τά τε άλλα πολειτευσάμενον Ι φιλοτείμως καί άγωνοθετήσανίτα τών Λυκαίων καί Καισαρήων λαμΙπρώς καί έναρέτως, προσδεξαΙμένης τό άνάλωμα Κλαυδίας ΊουΙ 10 λίτης τής γυναικός αύτοϋ καί τών Ι παιδιών Ταδίων Τειμοκράτους Ι καί Σωτηρίχου. Ψ(ηφί- σματι) Β(ουλής). Remarks: For the person's cognomen, Spedianus, see Solin and Salomies, 406. s. M. Tadius Teimocrates I (ARC 156), h. Claudia Iulite (ARC 58), f. Tadius Teimocrates II (ARC 157) and Tadius Soterichus (ARC 154); cf. Appendix, Stemma I. 156. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΤΑΑΙΟΣ ΤΕΙΜΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ (I) IG Y 2, 463 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. Megalopolis; a base erected for his son, Tadius Teimocrates, by the polis of Megalopolis (for the text see ARC 155). Remarks: A M. Tadius Teimocrates is attested in an unpubblished inscription from Olympia (BCH 108, 1984, Chron. 769-770, fig. 56: the text is not given, the name is legible in the photo). He is the father of M. Tadius Lycortas, who was honoured by Messene; the idividuals are apparenlty Messenians (not included in the catalogue of Elis, since the text is unpublished). f. M. Tadius Spedianus (ARC 155); cf. Appendix, Stemma I. 157. ΤΑΑΙΟΣ ΤΕΙΜΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ (II) IG Y 2, 463 [2nd c. A.D.]. Megalopolis; a base erected for his father, Tadius Spedianus, by the polis of Megalopolis and financed by the discussed person, his mother and his brother (text ARC 58). s. M. Tadius Spedianus (ARC 155) and Claudia Iulite (ARC 58), b. Tadius Soterichus (ARC 154); cf. Appendix, Stemma I. 158. ΤΕΡΤΙΟΣ ΑΦΡΟΑΑ 7GV2,50,1. 44 [A.D. 166]. Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes. 159. ΤΙΤΙΑΝΟΣ IG V 2, 55,1. 39 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]). The person is the 146

father of the ephebe Ζώσιμος. Remarks: For the date see ARC 5. 160. ΤΙΤΟΣ [1] IG Y 2, 268+cor.; SylV 783 [Augustan]. ROMAN PERSONAL NAMES IN ARCADIA Mantinea "inventa Mantinea apud "οίκον πλακόστρωτον" (IG); honorary inscription for Epigone, daughter of Artemo, and honorary decree of the town for Euphrosynus, son of Titus (Ευφρόσυνος Τίτου), who was her husband. [2] IG Y 2, 307 [Augustan]. Mantinea; a statue base (according to Baumeister) or architrave (according to Bursian) preserving an honorary inscription erected by the town of Mantinea and the Roman negotiatores for Euphrosynus, son of Titus: Ά πόλις τών ΆντιγονέΙων καί Τωμαϊοι οι πραγμαΐτευόμενοι εν αυτά Ι Εύφρόσυνον Τίτου. [3] IG Υ 2, 274,1. 4-5 [έτους εβδόμου καί τεσσαρακοστού: A.D. 15/16 (Actian era)]. Mantinea; manumissions: Έπί ίερέος τώι Ποσιδάνος 'Απολλώνιου, δεκτήρος δέ Μάρκου τοϋ Τίτου, έτους εβδόμου καί τεσσαρακοστού... Remarks: It is not sure whether the two persons can be identified. Cf. also U. Kahrstedt, Das wirtschaftliche Gesicht Griechenlands in der Kaiserzeit [Bern 1954] 133 (SEG 15, 1958, 230). For identification of the buildings of the agora named in the inscription see F. E. Winter, "Arcadian notes I: Identification of the agora buildings at Orchomenos and Mantinea", Echos du Monde Classique/Classical Views 31, n.s. 6, f. Marcus (ARC 120) 161. ΤΙΤΟΣ 1987, 235-246 (BullÉpigr 1989, 92). A. Stavridis, Πρακτικά L' Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Πελοποννησιακών Σπουδών, Καλαμάτα 8-15 Σεπτεμβρίου 1985 (Athens 1987/8) 474, fig. ΞΣΓ, 2 [Tetrarchie: according to the style of the relief]. Tripolis; a marble grave stele with a flat top and a relief panel between pilasters in which a standing couple, a woman at left and a man at the right, is represented. 162. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΤΟΥΡΠΙΛΙΟΣ ΦΙΛΩΤΑΣ R. Martin-Η. Metzger, BCH1942/3, 334-339, fig. 13 (SEG 11, 1950, 1165; BullÉpigr 1943,26) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]. Gortys; architectural inscription; Philotas, who was a priest of Asclepius, erected a stoa and a tricleinon, financed from the income of the god: 147

father of the ephebe Ζώσιμος.<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />

160. ΤΙΤΟΣ<br />

[1] IG Y 2, 268+cor.; SylV 783 [Augustan].<br />


Mantinea "inventa Mantinea apud "οίκον πλακόστρωτον" (IG); honorary inscription for<br />

Epigone, daughter of Artemo, and honorary decree of the town for Euphrosynus, son of Titus<br />

(Ευφρόσυνος Τίτου), who was her husband.<br />

[2] IG Y 2, 307 [Augustan].<br />

Mantinea; a statue base (according to Baumeister) or architrave (according to Bursian)<br />

preserving an honorary inscription erected by the town of Mantinea and the Roman<br />

negotiatores for Euphrosynus, son of Titus:<br />

Ά πόλις τών ΆντιγονέΙων καί Τωμαϊοι οι πραγμαΐτευόμενοι εν αυτά Ι Εύφρόσυνον Τίτου.<br />

[3] IG Υ 2, 274,1. 4-5 [έτους εβδόμου καί τεσσαρακοστού: A.D. 15/16 (Actian era)].<br />

Mantinea; manumissions:<br />

Έπί ίερέος τώι Ποσιδάνος 'Απολλώνιου, δεκτήρος δέ Μάρκου τοϋ Τίτου, έτους εβδόμου<br />

καί τεσσαρακοστού...<br />

Remarks: It is not sure whether the two persons can be identified. Cf. also U. Kahrstedt, Das<br />

wirtschaftliche Gesicht Griechenlands in der Kaiserzeit [Bern 1954] 133 (SEG 15,<br />

1958, 230). For identification of the buildings of the agora named in the inscription<br />

see F. E. Winter, "Arcadian notes I: Identification of the agora buildings at<br />

Orchomenos and Mantinea", Echos du Monde Classique/Classical Views 31, n.s. 6,<br />

f. Marcus (ARC 120)<br />

161. ΤΙΤΟΣ<br />

1987, 235-246 (BullÉpigr 1989, 92).<br />

A. Stavridis, Πρακτικά L' Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Πελοποννησιακών Σπουδών, Καλαμάτα<br />

8-15 Σεπτεμβρίου 1985 (Athens 1987/8) 474, fig. ΞΣΓ, 2 [Tetrarchie: according to the style<br />

of the relief].<br />

Tripolis; a marble grave stele with a flat top and a relief panel between pilasters in which a<br />

standing couple, a woman at left and a man at the right, is represented.<br />


R. Martin-Η. Metzger, BCH1942/3, 334-339, fig. 13 (SEG 11, 1950, 1165; BullÉpigr 1943,26)<br />

[2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Gortys; architectural inscription; Philotas, who was a priest of Asclepius, erected a stoa and a<br />

tricleinon, financed from the income of the god:<br />


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