Readly RF Feb 20

Retro Ford magazine Jam-packed with the best well-known show, street and track cars, in-depth technical features and product testing, company profiles and amazing show reports that really capture the atmosphere, as well as focusing on owners’ club meets and much, much more. If you like your old skool Fords then this is the publication for you! Order today: Retro Ford magazine Jam-packed with the best well-known show, street and track cars, in-depth technical features and product testing, company profiles and amazing show reports that really capture the atmosphere, as well as focusing on owners’ club meets and much, much more. If you like your old skool Fords then this is the publication for you! Order

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l MAINS-POWERED SOLDERING IRONSTRIED & TESTEDSEALEY PROFESSIONAL SOLDERING KITPART NUMBER: SD250K PRICE: £24.35 SEALEY WWW.SEALEY.CO.UK 01284 757500Pistol grip soldering guns provide morecontrol over traditional soldering irons, but aregenerally more bulky. However, this mainsoperated230-volt soldering gun is not as bulkyas it may seem, because it’s easier to handleand control than a soldering iron and has lessinterference from the power lead. The powerlead is only 1.5 metres long, so an extensionwill probably be needed, but it’s not too muchto prevent it being ravelled up and squeezedinto the compact carry case. Supplied witha short coil of solder wire, a small stand forholding wires or objects, a smaller standfor keeping the hot end of the soldering ironaway from work surfaces and a useful soldersucker, which removes excess solder. There’sone 75mm-long, 4mm-diameter soldering tipincluded, but any tips that are 4mm in diametercan be fitted. It all just fits inside the carry caseand is a lot easier to store if the thin plasticlining inside is removed.When plugged in and switched on, thesoldering iron automatically operates at 30 wattsand the solder tip should warm up to 120°C.Pressing the boost trigger means the gun willconsume 100 watts to raise the temperature to250°C, but this should only be operated for amaximum of 12 seconds per minute.From cold and without using the boosttrigger, the soldering gun took 3.5 minutes towarm up and melt fresh solder. Once warm, theboost trigger certainly helped to quickly meltfresh or existing solder and manipulate it.l MAINS-POWERED SOLDERING IRONSSEALEY 40/80-WATT PROFESSIONAL SOLDERING IRONPART NUMBER: SD4080 PRICE: £22.95 SEALEY WWW.SEALEY.CO.UK 01284 757500This mains-operated 230-volt soldering ironhas two settings for differing levels of heat (40and 80 watts), and apart from Draper’s solderingstation, it is the only mains-powered solderingiron with a means of switching off the power, butleaving the soldering iron plugged in. There’s aswitch on the body to switch between the varioussettings (off, 40 and 80 watts) and an LED light toshow when it’s switched on.Supplied with a small stand to help keepthe end of the soldering iron’s tip away fromwork surfaces, there’s only one 90mm-long,7mm-diameter tip, but replacement tips can bepurchased. The power lead is a mere 1.3m long,so an extension lead may be required in somecases.The 40-watt setting was adequate when wetried to solder two wires together, but it took overthree minutes on this setting for the soldering ironto warm up from cold and melt the solder. Duringthis time, the blue paint that was on the end ofthe tip, which is for anti-oxidisation purposes toprevent discolouration of the tip and to help withtinning on first use, burnt off.Once warm, it was sufficiently hot to not onlymelt and manipulate fresh solder, but reheat andmelt solder that had already been applied. And thepointed tip was very easy to use, despite beingone of the largest on test.This is one of the few soldering irons we testedthat’s supplied with instructions to initially ‘tin’ thetip by melting a thin layer of solder.The variable heat settings are a popular feature,and most soldering jobs of 5-17-amp wires on avehicle require the lower 40-watt setting. The 80-watt setting is suited to bigger jobs.090 Support us and subscribe online at:

l MAINS-POWERED SOLDERING IRONSl MAINS-POWERED SOLDERING IRONSMAINTAINING YOUR OLD FORDROTHENBERGER 40-WATT 230-VOLT SOLDERING IRONPART NUMBER: 40326 PRICE: £8.99 SCREWFIX WWW.SCREWFIX.COM 03330 112 112The cheapest soldering iron on test and if allyou need is a no-frills means of soldering wiresand connections, then this is a good startingpoint. This one is supplied with a 70mm-long,3mm-diameter tip, so universal replacementsare readily available from lots of stockists.There’s a basic metal stand to secure the endof the soldering iron and prevent it burningwork surfaces when hot. The power cable is1.2 metres long, so an extension lead may benecessary, but what can you expect for £8.99?And the instructions even advise to tin the tipwhen using the soldering iron for the first time.There’s no means of knowing whether thesoldering iron is switched on when it’s pluggedinto the mains electricity, and it took a littleover one-and-a-quarter minutes for it to get hotenough to melt the solder, which is less than halfthe time of some of the products we’ve tested.The pointed tip that’s supplied is easy to usewhen soldering two wires together, and there’ssufficient heat to be able to melt existing solderand manipulate it.As an introduction to soldering, this nononsensesoldering iron is the cheapest on testand seems to be perfectly capable of tackling thejobs we’ve completed.LASER 240-VOLT 25-WATT SOLDERING IRONPART NUMBER: 5639 PRICE: £12.74-£16.37 LASER TOOLS WWW.LASERTOOLS.CO.UKA basic, no-frills mains-powered soldering ironat a cheap price (shop around for deals) that looksalmost identical to the Rothenberger solderingiron from Screwfix. It’s supplied with a simplemetal stand to prevent burning work surfaces anda 4mm-diameter tip, which can be removed byundoing a crosshead screw. This is a universal sizetip, so spares are easy to source from a number ofsuppliers and stockists. It’s ideal for joining wirestogether and made short work of soldering our testconnection. The power cable is only 1.2 metreslong, so an extension lead may be required.There’s nothing to indicate when the solderingiron is switched on and the heat build-up is verysteady. It took roughly three minutes for it to warmup sufficiently to be able to melt our solder. So for aquick soldering job, it may take longer to warm upthe soldering iron than the time taken to finish thejob. For time-consuming jobs, this soldering iron isreliable, keeps hot enough to melt fresh solder andmelt and reshape existing solder.See our behind the scenes footage on Instagram: @retrofordmagazine091





Pistol grip soldering guns provide more

control over traditional soldering irons, but are

generally more bulky. However, this mainsoperated

230-volt soldering gun is not as bulky

as it may seem, because it’s easier to handle

and control than a soldering iron and has less

interference from the power lead. The power

lead is only 1.5 metres long, so an extension

will probably be needed, but it’s not too much

to prevent it being ravelled up and squeezed

into the compact carry case. Supplied with

a short coil of solder wire, a small stand for

holding wires or objects, a smaller stand

for keeping the hot end of the soldering iron

away from work surfaces and a useful solder

sucker, which removes excess solder. There’s

one 75mm-long, 4mm-diameter soldering tip

included, but any tips that are 4mm in diameter

can be fitted. It all just fits inside the carry case

and is a lot easier to store if the thin plastic

lining inside is removed.

When plugged in and switched on, the

soldering iron automatically operates at 30 watts

and the solder tip should warm up to 120°C.

Pressing the boost trigger means the gun will

consume 100 watts to raise the temperature to

250°C, but this should only be operated for a

maximum of 12 seconds per minute.

From cold and without using the boost

trigger, the soldering gun took 3.5 minutes to

warm up and melt fresh solder. Once warm, the

boost trigger certainly helped to quickly melt

fresh or existing solder and manipulate it.




This mains-operated 230-volt soldering iron

has two settings for differing levels of heat (40

and 80 watts), and apart from Draper’s soldering

station, it is the only mains-powered soldering

iron with a means of switching off the power, but

leaving the soldering iron plugged in. There’s a

switch on the body to switch between the various

settings (off, 40 and 80 watts) and an LED light to

show when it’s switched on.

Supplied with a small stand to help keep

the end of the soldering iron’s tip away from

work surfaces, there’s only one 90mm-long,

7mm-diameter tip, but replacement tips can be

purchased. The power lead is a mere 1.3m long,

so an extension lead may be required in some


The 40-watt setting was adequate when we

tried to solder two wires together, but it took over

three minutes on this setting for the soldering iron

to warm up from cold and melt the solder. During

this time, the blue paint that was on the end of

the tip, which is for anti-oxidisation purposes to

prevent discolouration of the tip and to help with

tinning on first use, burnt off.

Once warm, it was sufficiently hot to not only

melt and manipulate fresh solder, but reheat and

melt solder that had already been applied. And the

pointed tip was very easy to use, despite being

one of the largest on test.

This is one of the few soldering irons we tested

that’s supplied with instructions to initially ‘tin’ the

tip by melting a thin layer of solder.

The variable heat settings are a popular feature,

and most soldering jobs of 5-17-amp wires on a

vehicle require the lower 40-watt setting. The 80-

watt setting is suited to bigger jobs.

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