Akani April 2020

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The NHBRC Stakeholder Magazine

#04, April 2020

To build

corona virus

and the NHBRC

Continues service to our customers through the crisis

Freedom Month

The year of 2020 : 26 years of freedom

and democracy

Property Practitioners

Regulating and transforming the





Volume 4 Issue 1

This month we observe :

Freedom Month

World Autism Awareness Day

Child Labour Day

World Health Day

World Haemophilia Day


International Mother Earth Day

World Book and Copyright Day


Global / African Vaccination Week

World Malaria Day

World Intellectual Property Day

World 1. Veterinary NHBRC COVID-19 Day

Freedom Day

World 2. Day 2020 for Budget Safety and Speech Health at Work

3. Property Practitioners


4. Competent persons


5. Corona Virus, WHO

6. Freedom Month

7. Buza uBrenda

NHBRC’s COVID-19 Response

Mr Otsile Maseng, Acting CEO

There’s no other way to say it – the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has

caused concern for all of us. It has impacted nearly every aspect of our lives

and is changing every day. At the NHBRC, we have several measures in place

for everyone’s well-being, including encouraging good hygiene and cleaning

practices, providing of protective gear for our employees and implementing

social distancing.

Since the country is on national lockdown for the foreseeable future, I

therefore recommend that all Registrations, Renewals, Enrolments, and

Complaints, be done via our new emailing dropbox as per the list below:

1. Gauteng: GP-online@nhbrc.org.za

2. Western Cape: WC-online@nhbrc.org.za

3. Eastern Cape: EC-online@nhbrc.org.za

4. Free State: FS-online@nhbrc.org.za

5. North West NW-online@nhbrc.org.za

6. Limpopo: LP-online@nhbrc.org.za

7. Mpumalanga: MP-online@nhbrc.org.za

8. KwaZulu-Natal: KZN-online@nhbrc.org.za

9. Northern Cape NC-online@nhbrc.org.za

Acting CEO : Mr Otsile Maseng

However, you may still need to come and undergo testing and collect all

Certificates once the lockdown restrictions are relaxed. Please be mindful

that no construction of homes may take place during the lockdown period.

Today and always, we are focused on delivering on our mandate and

adhering to the lockdown regulations. The safety of our employees and

customers is paramount to us. We urge you to save lives by staying home.

Together we can beat Covid19!

Budget Speech


Page 2

Budget Speech Highlights

The Finance Minister Tito Mboweni delivered his budget speech during the week, during his speech The Finance

Minister stressed the need to reaffirm the government’s commitment to close the gap between spending and

revenue, implementing a plan for stronger economic growth and cooperation between government and the business

sector.Budget outline:

· Projected revenue: R1.58 trillion

· Projected expenditure: R1.95 trillion

· Budget deficit: R370.5 billion

· Gross national debt: R3.56 trillion (65.6% of GDP)

Below are highlights from the Budget speech: (Infographics by Alec Hogg)

Property Practitioner Regulations


President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the Property Practitioners Act into law in

September 2019. The Act seeks to regulate and transform the industry.

However, the Department of Human Settlements has to come up with

regulations which are necessary to give effect to the commencement of the

Act. It is in this context that the Department is calling on Property

Practitioners (Bond Originators, Auctioneers, Trusts, Property Evaluators,

Assessors) and the public at large to comment on the draft regulations to be

published by the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation.The Act

has repealed the Estate Agency Affairs Act 112 of 1976 (EAA Act) in its

entirety. It did so to achieve three primary objects:

To address the slow transformation in the property sector;

To integrate and consolidate all role-players within the property sector

under one umbrella statute; and

To address the deficiencies in what has been a largely ineffective

system of monitoring estate agency matters and protecting consumers

and their trust funds.

The Act is significantly stricter and more far-reaching than its predecessor, the

EAA Act. In light of the serious consequences of non-compliance with the Act,

any person who may fall under the broad definition of “property practitioner”

would be well-advised to seek guidance from a legal practitioner and ensure

strict compliance with the provisions of the Act.

For more information please visit www.eaab.org.za

Competent Persons Breakfast Session in East London

By Samkelo Gqeba

In an effort to forge a closer tie with key stakeholders in the province, the NHBRC Eastern Cape Office

hosted a Home Builder and Developers Business Breakfast Session at Hemingway’s Hotel in East London.

The session was attended by home builders, competent persons and developer’s operating in the Buffalo

City Metropolitan Area. The aim of the engagement was to strengthen the relationships and bridge

communications gaps between the NHBRC and the home builders who are key stakeholder.

The NHBRC was represented by Provincial Manager Mr Ernest Sonnenberg, Administration Department,

Provincial Engineer, Inspectorate and Training Officer. The Provincial Manager opened the session with a

high level presentation on the NHBRC’s mandate and valuable final products (VFP’s).Topics presented at

the session were, engineering and Training opportunities for emerging contractors, women, youth, military

veterans and people living with disabilities. The home builders and engineers used the platform to voice

their input and concern in connection with enrolment fees and engineering related matters.


Page 4

Corona Virus

By The World Health Organisation (WHO)

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and

recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical

problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely

to develop serious illness.

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the

disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands

or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face.

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an

infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for

example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).

At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many

ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. WHO will continue to provide updated

information as soon as clinical findings become available. In the meantime – stay home, stay safe, stay


Freedom Month

Page 5

The NHBRC clamps down

Kossein and Daughters Trading (perpetrator/offender –

Piet Sebetse) appeared at the Wesselsbron Magistrate

Court on Monday 16 March 2020. Some of the charges

against the builder include Victimisation/Harassment and

Life Threatening Intimidation against an NHBRC Home

Inspector, Transgression of Section 10 and Section 14 (1)

of the HCPMA.

The builder was found guilty, and was given a R6000 fine

and has been suspended for five (5) years.”

Freedom Month 2020

This year marks 26 years of freedom and democracy. The Freedom

Month celebrations offer us an opportunity to reflect on progress

made thus far in transforming our society, while also examining our


The month celebrates freedom and commemorates the first

democratic post-apartheid non-racial elections that were held on

April 27th 1994, which saw Nelson Mandela elected as President.

Since 1994, we have moved from an oppressive society to one which

values human rights for all through advancing human development

and restoring human dignity.

Our vibrant democracy is anchored by the constitution which

guarantees equal rights for all.


April is World Book and Copyright Day

“Celebrating the

scope of books - a

link between the past

and the future, a

bridge between

generations and

across cultures”

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NHBRC Movements

The NHBRC is pleased to announce the following changes in their leadership


Ms Ongezwa Mgwebi: SCM Manager


Ms Craig Makapela: Acting Executive: Business

Ms. Ongezwa Mgwebi Mr. Mzikayise Mayongo Mr. Vonani Lucky Mabasa

Supply Chain Manager Prosecutor Prosecutor

Gauteng Gauteng Gauteng

2020 Human Settlements Indaba

The Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation,

Lindiwe Sisulu, MP hosted the 2020 Human Settlements

Indaba and Exhibition. The main objective of the Indaba

was to strengthen partnerships with different stakeholders

for sustainable human settlements through innovation,

intergovernmental relations, infrastructure development

and maintenance and inclusive special planning.

The Indaba took place on 6 March 2020 at the Birchwood

Hotel and Conference Center in Ekurhuleni.

The Minister of Human Settlements,

Water and Sanitation, Lindiwe

Sisulu, MP

Buza UBrenda

Sanibonani! My name

is Brenda the Builder.

As citizens, we have

rights, but with those

come obligations. I

am here to assist you

in realising your

rights as a housing

consumer and

understanding the

NHBRCs mandate.

Second Hand


Dear Brenda

I recently signed an offer on a preowned

house and I would like an

inspection. Please can you asssit?

Tony Hunter, Port Alfred

Dear Tony

The second hand home inspection

industry in South Africa is small ad

unregulated at present. Home

inspections are sometimes undertaken

by undertrained or inexperienced

inspectors and there is no

standardized operating procedure to

ensure quality of service. I

recommend approaching your local

municipality for assistance.

NHBRC Inspections

Dear Brenda

Is the NHBRC compulsory or I can decide if I want to registered?

Kabaka Kivunu, Kempton Park

Dear Kabaka

Thanks for the question. Yes, the registration with NHBRC is compulsory and is mandated by the

National Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act of 1998, section 10. This applies to anyone or

any organization that constructs homes for human habitation. This would include home builders,

property developers, owner builder, property owners/sellers, rental landlords, and converting

nonresidential property into residential homes.

Ask Brenda by emailing thenhbrc@nhbrc.org.za with the subject line : BUZA UBRENDA

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