Sentinella Malaga April May 2020

The Sentinella Malaga, The FREE little mag that fits in your bag for the info on the go! The Sentinella Malaga, The FREE little mag that fits in your bag for the info on the go!

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No 152 April / May 2020

Feel the


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The FREE Little mag that fits in your bag!

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So What’s on the Ed’s mind these

months? I think that’s highly obvious at

this point that we are ALL experiencing

something that we have never experienced

before in our lifetime...

Many of us have trouble with the metaphor

of a devastating “natural “disaster as we hear

various opinions from different professionals

from around the globe. No doubt there will be

a conclusion at some point as to where this

strain of corona came from how it manifested,

how it was contained so quickly in Wuhan

and how it has managed to escalate into a

worldwide pandemic. However, I fear the

political conclusion fed to the masses will be

as clear as mud.

No matter how difficult it is for us to endure

the subsequent lockdown, we must be learning

so much about ourselves, our lives and

about our families. When we come back to

normality, normality will have changed. “We”

will have changed and how we look at things

will have changed. Of course it will be difficult

to start the business engine rolling again.

We hear about the stock exchange crashing,

airlines crushed and so on... however, airline

shares have increased by 14% (why?) possibly

because those in the corridors of power

have already agreed to bail them out!


The Sentinella Team

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Deadline date : 18th of each month

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The Sentinella Malaga

Facebook : The Sentinella Malaga

The Sentinella is eternally dedicated to

Colin Checkley, the founder and editor of The

Sentinel Magazine. May he rest in peace.

(Born; 1960 Died; 2004.)


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The bigger they are, the harder they fall,

then they get bailed out! But what about

local business? I believe when we are clear

to re-open there will be a renewed optimism

amongst the public and our wonderful readers.

There will be a high spirited energy from

people who are determined to succeed and

that will be key to the local business bail-out

plan. Life does go on, businesses will survive

and with strength, positivity and determination

we will get back on track! (Trumpet Fanfare!!)

From all at Sentinella Malaga HQ, we

would like to extend our sympathy to those

effected by the virus and hope that everyone

remains safe and well. We will see you very

soon. JJ The Ed xx

Strange News

A woman was on a high-speed train that was

racing down the tracks, her fiancé by her

side, when some “robber” appeard.There

was only one way to protect her 2.4 carat

diamond engagement ring — swallow it. So

that’s what Evans did.“I popped the ring off,

put it in my mouth and swallowed it with a

glass of water,”. Then she woke up! It was

relieved on Wednesday morning that the

whole episode had just been a vivid, bizarre

dream. It was “very James Bond.”


Page 6 - Bats Day?

Page 10 - Horseriding Krimalina

Page 12 Cabin Fever!

Page 24 - Processionary

Catapillars OMG!

Page 27- Save Money on Resourses

Page 32 - Movie Review

Page 34 - Doggystyle!

Page 48 - Food Around Asia

Page 74 & 75 - Puzzle Pages

Page 78 to 81- Sentiyella Pages

That is, until she realised her engagement

ring was no longer on her finger!

She had a history of sleepwalking and soon

realised that while the “bad guys” and the

high-speed train had all been her snoozing

subconscious, the consumption of her

engagement ring was not.

When she woke up in the morning, there

was no ring on her finger, “I couldn’t help but

laugh at it, and then I had to wake my fiance

up and tell him that I had swallowed my

engagement ring.”

She said that she had to google - if adults

often swallow rings. It turns out children

more commonly do it.

She went to an urgent care clinic where

doctors decided against letting the ring pass

naturally through the 29-year-old’s system,

and instead referred her to a



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Date When Celebrated : Always April 17

Let’s celebrate bats today!! No, we are not

going batty. We just think that bats deserve

a little respect. There are many varieties of

bats, some as small as your thumb. Counter

to what horror movies lead us to believe,

these night flyers won’t bother you, if you

don’t bother them.

Bats can actually be your friend. Bats are

nocturnal flyers, emerging after dark, from

caves, steeples, and the attics of old buildings.

They use a form of radar to seek their

favorite food source of mosquitos and other

night time insects. Gardeners certainly appreciate

bats. Bat guano is among the best

manures you can use, in your home garden.

When we think about bats, we often think

of them as Halloween Bats, a symbol of the

Halloween holiday.

Going Batty!

So, let’s use today to better understand, and

appreciate our fine feathered friend, the Bat.

Bats are flying mammals. While others can

glide, bats are the only mammals capable of

continued flight. There are over 1000 different

bat species, and Bats are nocturnal.

To advertise in The Sentinella Malaga call 696 116 552 7

Lemon...Queen of Tarts!

It’s Zesty Lemon Season!

The Undisputed Queen of Tarts!

Serves 10–12

140g unsalted butter, at room temperature

250g plain flour, plus extra for dusting

100g icing sugar

30g ground almonds

A pinch of salt

1 egg, lightly beaten

For the filling

5 eggs

4 egg yolks

375g caster sugar

300ml double cream

250ml lemon juice (about 6 large lemons)

1 Cut the butter into small pieces and put it

into a large mixing bowl. Add the flour, then

crumble the mix

2 Add the icing sugar, ground almonds and

salt, then mix until you have a fine crumble.

Add the egg and bring the dough together dust

with a little flour, then wrap in clingfilm and

leave to rest in the fridge for 30min to rest.

3 Preheat the oven to 210C/ gas mark 7.

Line a deep 30cm tart tin with the pastry and

blind bake for about 15 minutes or until firm,

then cool.

4 Meanwhile, put the filling ingredients into a

large bowl and whisk together with a balloon

whisk. Set it aside to settle, preferably overnight

in the fridge.

5 Preheat the oven again to 140C gas mark

1. Pour the mixture into the pastry case, then

put the tart tin on a baking sheet and bake in

the preheated oven for 1 hour...enjoy.


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Currencies Direct

Brexit drives volatility in the pound, EUR

exchange rates weakened by Eurozone

slowdown fears.. Staying up to date with

the latest currency news can help you time

your transfers effectively, so find out what

you should be looking out for over the next

couple of weeks…

Latest currency news

The pound has traded in a wide range

over the past month as Brexit and political

uncertainty infuses volatility into thecurrency.

GBP/EUR has trended between a high of

€1.20 and a low of €1.17. Meanwhile, the

volatility in GBP/USD has been even more

pronounced, with the pairing fluctuating

between lows of US$1.28 and a high of


Over the same period, EUR/GBP fluctuated

between £0.82 and £0.85, while EUR/USD

slumped from US$1.11 to US$1.07.

What do you need to look out for?

In the coming weeks we expect Brexit to

remain a key catalyst of movement in the

pound, likely driving further volatility as

trade negotiations between the UK and EU

get underway. Also set to influence Sterling

sentiment will be the publication of the

UK government’s long-awaited Budget.

Will some ambitious spending plans spur

GBP exchange rates higher on 11 March?

Meanwhile, EUR investors will be keeping

a close eye on Eurozone economic data in

the coming month as they look to ascertain

whether the recent slowdown is likely to

stretch through the first quarter.

At Currencies Direct we’re here to talk

currency whenever you need us, so get in

touch if you want to know more about the

latest news or how it could impact your

currecy transfers.

Since 1996 we’ve helped more than

325,000 customers withtheir currency transfers,

just pop into your local Currencies Direct

branch or give us a call to find out more.

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So, why ride? Get the kids out in fresh air,

no phones computers here total nature,

learn respect, hard work, team spirit, meet

new friends, gain confidence, a great form of

exercise teach your kids the barn comes first

even when they are tired, disapointed the

animals comes first! Finca Krimalina is based

in Milas Costa not far past St. Anthony’s

Colledge and is the perfect setting to experience

all equestrian activities. Get back in to

riding for any age with our much loved safe

riding school horses enjoy taking up a new

hobbie or get back into it, we have many over

70 year olds joining us.. we encourage everyone

to enjoy what riding has to offer. Perhaps

improve your riding with our school masters

whether it be jumping or dressage, we have

horses for all levels and abilaties. The most

beautiful nature tours available from. 1,2,3

hrs the andalucian mountains with a typical

Andalucian Lunch, Not to be missed!!

Horse Riding - Finca krimalina


What is cabin fever?

Please mention the Sentinella when replying to ads!

In popular expressions, cabin fever is used

to explain feeling bored or listless because

you’ve been stuck inside for a few hours or

days. But that’s not the reality of the symptoms.I

nstead, cabin fever is a series of

negative emotions and distressing sensations

people may face if they’re isolated or feeling

cut off from the world.

These feelings of isolation and loneliness

are more likely in times of social distancing,

self-quarantining during a pandemic, or sheltering

in place because of severe weather.

Indeed, cabin fever can lead to a series of

symptoms that can be difficult to manage

without proper coping techniques. Cabin fever

isn’t a recognized psychological disorder,

but that doesn’t mean the feelings aren’t real.

The distress is very real. It can make fulfilling

the requirements of everyday life difficult.

What can help you cope with cabin fever?-

Because cabin fever isn’t a recognized

psychological condition, there’s no standard

Cabin Fever and how to overcome it

“treatment.” However, mental health professionals

do recognize that the symptoms are

very real.

The coping mechanism that works best for

you will have a lot to do with your personal

situation and the reason you’re secluded in

the first place. Finding meaningful ways to

engage your brain and occupy your time can

help alleviate the distress and irritability that

cabin fever brings. Try giving yourself a purposeful

routine that would help replace your

normal daily routine. Continued P.14

Please mention the Sentinella when replying to ads!

De Cotta Law

De Cotta Law

Now is the time for people from the UK to settle

in Spain. With more than 50.000 people already

registered on the Costa del Sol advise from

the authorities both in the UK and in Spain is

to register now while the rules are clear. If you

intend to remain in Spain more than 90 days or

it is going to be your principle residence you can

apply for residencia – a residency card – under

the current rules until the end of the year. From

January 2021 it is not yet certain whether that

will be more than 90 days in each 180 days or

not. There are still negotiations taking place

and everybody hopes that there will be further

agreements based on reciprocity between the

UK and Spain.

What is clear is the current requirement which

will remain in place during this

transition period. At present to apply for residence

as a Pensioner with state pension you

need a letter from the DHS stating the amount you

receive with a translation. You need to obtain your

form S1 from your medical centre in the UK and

register this with the Spanish medical system.

If you own a property you need a recent Land

Registry entry. You will need copies of your

documents and to have your original passport

with you. If you do not have a State Pension you

will need letters of proof of Private Pensions and

or income with proof from a bank showing your

monthly income, again with translations. The

amount of income must be 95€ per day or 855€

per month. You will also need private Spanish

medical cover confirming that it is fully paid up for

1 year. Evidence of property ownership should be

provided. Finally, if you are self employed in Spain

(autonomo) you need the Model 037, evidence

of registration at your Town Hall and evidence of

Spanish health care. All UK citizens living in Spain

should also apply to be on the padron – registered

with the Town Hall. The appointments systems

vary and some local knowledge can be very helpful

in ensuring your application is dealt with.

If you want to make your application now

contact us on or call on

952 931781

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Please mention the Sentinella when replying to ads!

To keep a sense of structure, try to create a

daily routine that consists of work or house

projects, mealtimes, workout time, and even


Having an outline for your day helps you keep

track of the trajectory of your hours and gives

you mini “goals” to hit throughout the day.

Maintain a social life. So you can’t go to the

movies or meet your friends for dinner. But

you can still “meet up” with them — just in a

different way.

Use real-time video streaming services, like

FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype, to chat with your

friends, colleagues, and loved ones. Faceto-face

chat time can keep you in contact

with the “outside world” and make even your

small home feel a whole lot bigger. Connecting

with others who are in a similar situation

can also help you feel that you’re not alone.

Sharing your thoughts, emotions, and challenges

with others can help you realise that

what you’re feeling is normal.

Cabin Fever continued...

Connecting with others may even help you

find creative solutions to an issue you’re

grappling with.

Express your creative side...

Did you play a band instrument in high

school? Were you once interested in painting?

Do you have stacks of holiday photos

you once promised yourself you’d put in a

scrapbook? Is there a recipe you’ve always

wanted to try but never had the time?

Use your time in isolation to reconnect with

creative activities that you’ve had to put on

hold because life got too busy. Spending time

on creative activities keeps your brain busy.

Keeping your mind occupied and engaged

may help ward off feelings of boredom or

restlessness and make the time pass more

quickly. At the same time, exercise causes

your brain to release endorphins. These neurochemicals

can boost your mood and overall

feeling of well-being..break a sweat!



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18 Please mention the Sentinella when replying to ads!

Why have our favourite chocolate bars shrunk?

Are chocolate bars smaller, or are you

just getting bigger? Research shows Mars

Bars have shrunk 28% since 1990s and

Yorkies 20% since 1970s launch!

It’s a common grumble in supermarket aisles

and corner shops nationwide: chocolate bars

were far larger when we were younger. And

new research backs up the complaint: many

of our favourite chocolate bars have shrunk

since the 1990s, even if they are now similar

to the smaller sizes that were common in the


According to the study by kitchen specialists

Appliance City, nearly eight in 10 Britons

believe chocolate bars are getting smaller -

and Mars bars are indeed a whopping 28 per

cent lighter now than they were in the 1990s,

albeit not much changed from their size in

the 1980s. In the 1980s, a standard Mars bar

weighed 49g, increased to 65g in the 1990s

and dropped to 51g today. Another culprit

for shrinkage, according to the study, is the

Yorkie bar, which carries the macho ‘it’s not

for girls’ slogan!

Records show the original Yorkie, launched

by Nestle in the late 1970s, weighed 58g.

This shrank to 52g, before hitting 70g in the

2000s. However, today, it weights 46g – a

drop of a fifth since launch. Also, originally,

a Yorkie bar had six chunks but had one

lopped off, which explains the weight loss.

Elsewhere, the love-it-or-hate-it Wagon

Wheel, made by Burton’s biscuit company,

has seen a 12 per cent shrinkage. In the

1980s they went from a 79mm width to a

74mm width. Sometime in the mid-2000s, the

weight dropped from 41g to 36g.

Different manufacturers will have their own

reasons or may be making these changes as

a result of a variety of factors but there are

three key reasons for bars to shrink. Firstly,

is the global demand for cocoa. Since 2008,

demand is reported to have increased 80 per

cent while cocoa yields are reducing.

Secondly is concerns over health. Over

recent years obesity has become more of a

concern. It is impacting on public health and

medical costs.

Measures have been put in place to try to improve

public health, and pressure has been

put on businesses to help – and this could

mean ‘healthier’ chocolate bar sizes.

Lastly is company profits. Perhaps the reason

most often stated as the cause, but also

the most cynical, it’s simply down to company


If the manufacturer can sell less of a product

for the same price they will make more money

on it. In the majority of cases the chocolate

producers don’t seem to have reduced

prices in line with chocolate shrinkages, so

this may be a factor.

From the bubbly honeycomb of a Crunchie to

the caramel peanut fusion of delight that is a

Snickers, everyone’s got a favourite chocolate

bar. But what happens when your best

loved treat gets discontinued? What chocky

bar would you bring back...?


To advertise in The Sentinella Malaga call 696 116 552

FEEL BLOATED? How to reduce that bloated feeling..

Do you feel bloated after eating?

Do not eat too much fiber! Fiber is a carbohydrate

found in plant-based foods that the

body cannot digest. It has some important

functions within the body, such as helping

to regulate blood sugar levels and sugar

consumption. However, high-fiber foods can

cause some people to produce excessive

amounts of gas. One study found that a

reduced-fiber diet helped relieve bloating in

people with idiopathic constipation.

Be aware of food intolerance and allergies-

Bloating is a typical symptom of a food intolerance

or allergy. Intolerances and allergies

can cause excessive gas production or gas

to become trapped in the gastrointestinal

tract. The foods most likely to cause this are

wheat or gluten.

Avoid high-fat foods - Fat is an essential

part of any healthful diet and is an important

source of energy. The body digests fats

slowly because they take longer than most

other foods to pass through the digestive

tract, and can delay emptying of the stomach.

In some people, this can cause bloating

to occur.

Drinking or eating too quickly increases the

amount of air a person swallows, which can

lead to more gas building up in the gastrointestinal

tract. For people who eat or drink

quickly, this may be a cause of bloating;

slowing down the rate at which they eat

might help to reduce the problem.

Please mention the Sentinella when replying to ads!

Lesser known facts about Donald Trump..

The lesser known Señor Trump!

At the age of 13, Trump was sent to the New

York Military Academy (NYMA) due to

behavioural problems in his previous school.

He launched his own board game Trump

launched a board game in 1989 called

Trump: The Game which was all about – you

can guess – making money in real estate.

Players could flash the all-powerful Trump

card (“You’re fired!”) at each other to end all


He restored the Central Park skating rink

The famous Wollman skating rink in Central

Park, New York, was undergoing renovations

in 1986 but had reached a standstill due to a

financial drain. Trump, who could see the unfinished

construction from his office window,

decided to gain control of the project. He

finished the construction two months ahead

of schedule and well within the budget. He

wanted to handle renovation costs himself

(he planned on covering the costs by

running a restaurant adjacent to the rink)

but the city finally covered the costs and

the profits were donated to charity.

He put his hair on the line for a bet It

is criminal to talk about Trump and not

mention The Hair. In a feud with WWE

Chairman Vince McMahon,

Trump agreed to shave his head if the

pro-wrestler he picked at the Wrestlemania

23 didn’t come out victorious, but

he did!


22 To advertise in The Sentinella Malaga call 696 116 552

Historic and not so historic quotations!

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool

than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

-Abraham Lincoln

“Light travels faster than sound. This is why

some people appear bright until you hear

them speak.”

-Alan Dundes

“Men marry women with the hope they will

never change. Women marry men with the

hope they will change. Invariably they are

both disappointed.”

– Albert Einstein

“At every party there are two kinds of people

– those who want to go home and those who

don’t. The trouble is, they are usually married

to each other.”

– Ann Landers

Best ever quotes!

“Be who you are and say what you feel,

because those who mind don’t matter and

those who matter don’t mind.”

– Bernard Baruch

“Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his

shoes. After that who cares?… He’s a mile

away and you’ve got his shoes!”

– Billy Connolly

24 To advertise in The Sentinella Malaga call 696 116 552

Processionary caterpillars.. ARRRRRRR-


Generally, processionary caterpillars come

down from pine trees when the weather

starts to get warmer and spring approaches,

i.e. between February and April. That’s

when we see them parading one after another

as if they were in a procession, which

precisely where they get their name from.

The little hairs - called trichomes - that cover

the pine processionary result in stinging

hives, not only by directly touching them but

also when the wind blows these little hairs

onto you. Similarly, they are especially dangerous

for children and animals who tend to

be curious and are more likely to touch the

caterpillars that have come down from the


Therefore, it is important to take steps to

exterminate processionary caterpillars and

their nests, which they build in pine trees,

and take action to prevent them multiplying.

It is important to be extremely careful when

Processionary caterpillars..OMG!

trying to eliminate these pests to prevent

their stinging effects.

One of the traditional methods to get rid of

caterpillars of the pines is doing it mechanically,

i.e, cut down their nests and burn them

to prevent these insects from spreading. It is

best to remove their nests in the afternoon

so that the caterpillars can’t rebuild them

during the day and then at night they will die

because they have no protection against the

cold. It is also possible to shoot their nests

with special ammunition that will burn their


Another way to kill off processionary caterpillars

is by using pheromone traps that will

attract these animals and stop them from

reaching the ground. This way, they will be

trapped in this pest control system and then

we can eliminate them more easily.

Also, as a home remedy, it is also possible

to put up some kind of physical barrier such

as putting plastic cones or rings around

the base of the pine trees to stop the pine

processionary from spreading. It is essential

to use pesticides that won’t harm the trees

and above all, that won’t endanger any other

people, animals or the environment.

Please mention the Sentinella when replying to ads! 25

Random Riddles...

I caused my mother’s death and didn’t get

convicted. I married 100 women and never

got divorced. I got born before my father, but

I am considered perfectly normal?

Who am I?

Ans. A priest, whose mother dies from labor,

who marries 100 women to 100 men, and

whose father attends his birth.


A man shot two arrows at its center and

missed both times, but using a sword swung

once at its center and hit it twice. What is it?



-Lose me once, I’ll come back stronger. Lose

me twice, I’ll leave forever. What am I?

Ans. A Tooth!

What do the letter T and an island have in


Ans.Both of them are in the middle of water.


When I’m first said, I’m quite mysterious,

But when I’m explained, I’m nothing serious.

What am I? Ans. A Riddle!


Which type of cheese is made backwards?



The person who makes it, sells it. The person

who buys it, doesn’t use it.The person who

uses it, doesn’t know he is using it. What is


Ans. A Coffin

To advertise in The Sentinella Malaga call 696 116 552

Save money, energy & resourses today!




BACK Like so many places around the

world, Spain is getting warmer and drier

because of the climate crisis. The Mediterranean

region of Spain has already

warmed about 1.5 degrees (c) more than

the global average of 1.1 degrees (c) since

the Industrial Revolution. And according to a

recent report from Mediterranean Experts on

Climate and Environmental Change (MedECC),

without urgent climate action, Spain

and other Mediterranean countries are likely

to see dramatic temperature increases in the

decades to come. So how can we maximise

resources in Spain around our home, like

water collection for irrigation, or retaining

your swimming pool water up to 80%. The

average 8mx4m swimming pool can hold

50,000 litres of water and rising temperatures

and longer summers will increase intense

water evaporation. New and affordable solutions

like a solar powered PVC pool cover will

add a fantastic asthetic improvement to your

pool and save money, energy and resourses.

You will be astonished at the rate of pool

evaporation. We have also learned that a

covered pool does not only save on thousands

of litres of water, but you don’t need to

use as many chamicals and it will add a presious

safety aspect your pool. Pool Services

Group now stock many affordable packages

on all models of pool covers, energy efficiant

heating and salt water systems. Book a FREE

pool survey today and start saving money,

energy and resources. Tel: 696 116 552 or


see main ad on page 16 & 17


To advertise in The Sentinella Malaga call 696 116 552

Amazing bread with only 4 ingrediants!

AMAZING BREAD Only 4 Ingredients!

The crustier and chewier the bread, the

less fat in the dough, also known as a “lean


Without fat, we’re left with the basics.

Bread Flour: While you can use all-purpose

flour in this recipe, but use bread flour. Bread

flour produces a stronger, chewier bread and

that makes a big difference in recipe with

only 3 other ingredients.

Instant Yeast: Instant yeast is key in this recipe.

While you can use active dry if that’s all

you have, any quick rise or instant yeast will

produce flavorful results in less time. I use

more yeast in this recipe

Salt: You can’t make good bread without salt

and for best flavor, I recommend a coarse

salt, such as coarse sea salt. I find the

bread’s flavor lacking with regular table salt.

Water: I normally encourage you to use warm

liquid with yeast because warm liquid helps

the yeast work faster.

However, use cool or room temperature water

here. Not freezing cold, not super warm–

cool to touch.The cooler the water, the longer

the dough takes to rise and, usually, the

better the bread’s flavour.

Baker’s Tip: Avoid adding too much flour to

the dough as you work with it. The stickier

it is– and the longer it sits in the refrigerator–

the more likely you’ll have those big airy

pockets of air in the crumb. cont. P30

30 Please mention the Sentinella when replying to ads!


3 and 1/4 cups (420g) bread flour (spoon &

leveled), plus more for hands and pan.

2 teaspoons instant yeast

2 teaspoons coarse salt (see note)

1 and 1/2 cups (360ml) cool water

In a large un-greased mixing bowl, whisk the flour,

yeast, and salt together. Pour in the cool water and

gently mix together with a rubber spatula or wooden

spoon. The dough will seem dry and saggy, but

keep working it until all the flour is moistened. If

needed, use your hands to work the dough ingredients

together. The dough will be sticky. Shape

into a ball in the bowl as best you can.

Cover the dough tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum

foil and set on the counter at room temperature.

Allow to rise for 2-3 hours. The dough will just

about double in size, stick to the sides of the bowl,

and have a lot of air bubbles. You can continue

to the next step, but for absolute best flavor and

texture, it’s strongly recommend letting this risen

Amazing bread cont....

dough rest in the frige for at least 12 hours and up

to 3 days.

Prepare a baking sheet, cut dough to size, loosely

cover and allow to rest for 45 minutes. You will

bake the dough on this prepared baking sheet.

Score the bread loaves with 3 slashes, about 1/2

inch deep before baking. preheat oven to 246

degrees c and bake for 25min until golden brown.

To make the bread extra crusty, place a baking

dish of water at the bottom of the oven.


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Directed by Craig Zobel

Writers: Nick Cuse, Damon Lindelof

Twelve strangers wake up in a clearing. They

don’t know where they are -- or how they

got there. In the shadow of a dark internet

conspiracy theory, ruthless elitists gather at

a remote location to hunt humans for sport.

It’s not really a left or right movie but it shows

how bad both of those sides are and the hero

actually seems to be like most of us, somewhere

in the middle. I hope people will give it

a watch before passing judgment on it. “The

Hunt” is a timely and provocative new satirical

thriller that has already ignited a national

conversation. Now, it’s time to decide for

yourself. Released March 15TH

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Doggy Style.. Tips for training your pooch!

At first, dog training can seem pretty

overwhelming, especially if this is your

first dog.

The truth is that training your dog is a very

big project. If you take it step by step, you

will find the task to be far less daunting.

Here is some information to help get you

started:Start a Dog Obedience Program:

Learn how to set a basic foundation before

you begin to train your dog.

Train Your Dog Using Games: Training your

dog should be fun! Everyone knows it’s

easier to learn when you are having a good

time, so try implementing some games into

your dog training regimen.

Six Weeks to a Well-Trained Dog: Using this

schedule as a guide, you can teach your

dog the basics in about six weeks.

Positive Reinforcement: There are many

different ways to train a dog, but most dog

professionals agree that the positive way is

the best for both the dog and trainer. Leash

Leash Training Dogs and Puppies

Every dog needs to learn to walk on a

leash. Besides the fact that most areas

have leash laws, there will be times when

keeping your dog on a leash is for his own

safety. Learn how to introduce your dog or

puppy to the leash, then teach him how to

walk properly on the leash, even beside you

on a bike. A loose leash walk teaches your

dog not to pull or lunge when on ​the leash,

making the experience more enjoyable for

both you and your dog. Socialisation means

training your dog to accept new people and

animals by exposing him to these things.

Socialised dogs are less likely to develop

behavior problems. cont. P36


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Clicker Training for Dogs

Clicker training, a common form of positive

reinforcement, is a simple and effective dog

training method. Although it is still fine to

train your dog without clicker training, many

people find it helpful. With clicker training,

you can easily and effectively teach your dog

all kinds of basic and advanced commands

and tricks. It’s fast and easy to learn how to

clicker train your dog.

Basic Commands and Fun Tricks

There are some basic dog training commands

and dog tricks that every dog should

know like come, speak, drop it, stay, back up,


Basic commands give your dog structure.

In addition, they can help you overcome

common dog behavior problems and will help

keep your dog safe. What’s more fun than

showing off your dog’s cool tricks?! Dog tricks

are a great way to take your dog training to

the next level and give your dog some mental


Doggy Style cont...

Advanced Dog Training

Once your dog has mastered all the basics,

you can consider moving on to more advanced

tricks. These activities will help keep

your dog active, fit and mentally stimulated.

Plus, they will help strengthen the bond you

share with your canine companion.

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In Laos, as in all equatorial countries, there

is a tropical climate. Unlike in Europe or the

USA, there is almost no difference between

the seasons. The daylight hours vary little,

and the temperature differences between

summer and winter are also lesser. Depending

on the season, the average daytime temperatures

range between 29 and 35 degrees.

In some parts of the country the temperature

raises up to 37 °C. In the colder months and

depending in the region, the temperature lowers

down to 16°C in a month’s average. Laos

is a landlocked country on the Indo-Chinese

peninsula between Thailand and Vietnam.

The land has a total area of 236,800 km².


A population of 7,062,000


49.9% : 50.1%

This area is approximately 59% of the area

of California. There is no access to the open

sea. There are direct national borders with

the 5 neighbouring countries Burma, Cambodia,

China, Thailand and Vietnam. The times

of sunrise and sunset in Laos are influenced

by the country’s moderate northern position

in the hemisphere. On the other hand the

longest dark nights happen in winter (in the

southern hemisphere it is the other way

around). In DeCember a night in Vientiane

last almost 13 hours.

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Farrah Fawcett

Full Name : Farrah Fawcett

BORN: February 2, 1947

DIED : June 25, 2009 (aged 62)

Farrah Fawcett was an American actress

born on February 2, 1947, in Corpus Christi,

Texas. Best known for her role as Jill Monroe

on the TV series Charlie’s Angels (1976),

Fawcett rocketed to pin-up status when a

poster of the red bathing suit-clad actress

sold 12 million copies. Her popularity also

extended to females as evidenced in salons

throughout America that emulated her iconic

feathered hairstyle. After Charlie’s Angels,

Fawcett starred in multiple film and TV movies,

garnering three Emmy nominations. Fawcett

died on June 25, 2009, from anal cancer.


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¿How’s Your Spanish?

No matter how bad you think your efforts

are to speak Spanish, the Andalucians

are always willing to listen, give it a go!


Hello — ¡Hola!

Good morning / Good day — Buenos días

Good afternoon — Buenas tardes

Good evening / Good night — Buenas


Welcome! — ¡Bienvenida(o)!

Nice to meet you — Encantada(o) de conocerte,

Mucho gusto

A pleasure — Un gusto

What is your name? — ¿Cómo te llamas?

My name is … — Me llamo…


Asking someone how they are...

How are you? — ¿Cómo estás? / ¿Qué tal?

How have you been? — ¿Cómo has estado?

How’s it going? — ¿Cómo te va?

What’s up? — ¿Qué pasa?

Responding to someone asking how you are

Good, thanks — Bien, gracias

Very well — Muy bien

All good — Todo bien

Good, and you? — Bien ¿y tú?


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Around Asia in 29 Days!

Meet today’s team at YA’s Thai Cookery

School, Ao Nang, Krabi, Thailand!

Not only were we blown away by the amazing

simplicity of the ingredients and the instruction

but also the complexity of the tasty results! We

became professional Thai chefs in 1 day!

Food - not only does it satisfy our hunger,

boosts our creativity and imagination but it’s

also the perfect motive to bring people together.

However in these strange times, the lockdown

has taken the central stage in our lives.

Our days revolve around the subject, it is the

common need and enjoyment for food which

unites us and right now it is the only breech of

freedom we have to leave our homes!

We were very lucky to escape to Asia before

the pandemic hit and travel came to a halt. We

has the immense pleaseure of visiting Cambodia

and Thailand where we experienced two

very different culinary orientated activities.

The big kitchen of Madame Ya was open on

all sides, surrounded by fields. Tables were set

out ready for the small group of participants.

Boards for the “chop chop”, mortar and pestle

for the “bang bang”, the class was about to

start. Madame Ya, gave us a brief introduction

on how she first came to learn how to cook

before her team took over. Her mother said:

“if you’re not beautiful you need know how to

cook to get a husband”, so she learnt at the

age of 17. Thai food is definitely one of my

favourite foods and really it is not as difficult as

what I thought it might be. The main obstacle

is getting hold of the right ingredients; the galangal,

the kafir lime leaf and the right chilies.

We prepped, cooked and ate, chatted and

laughed; and did this repeatedly through the

afternoon. At then end of the day we got the

secret recipies, it was soooo much fun, YUM!

Find out more:


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Around Asia in 29 Days cont...


Sala Bai is not a normal cookery school,

The ethos and goal od Sala Bai is to fight

poverty through vocational training for young

cambodian people.

The Sala bai school is located in the natural

beautiful settings by the river on the outskirts

of town. It’s goal is to fight poverty

and human trafficking in Cambodia through

social and professional training of young

underprivileged Cambodians. Each year, 150

adolescents get chosen to learn the skills of

the hospitality sector. Free of charge, they

are trained, prepared and finally incorporated

in to established restaurants and hotels. We

met up with the director “Renaud Fichet”,

who guided us around the complex and the

class rooms. The kitchens were buzzing as

some older students from France on a short

term exchange were tutoring the younger

Cambodian pupils. The school has a magical

vibe and peacefulness that reigns throughout.


The students our eager to learn and grateful

for the unique opportunity presented to

them. The menu is international with an

asian fusion and the topic of sustainability

is developed through their presentation. It is

possible to book rooms to stay at the Sala

Bai school and meals at the restaurant.

By doing so you will be contributing to the

development of the school and it’s initiatives

and helping the pupils practice their skills

and education. Every effort counts and

indirectly you will be having an impact on

reducing the disastrous consequences of

poverty in Cambodia.

The training and the diploma are real assets

when it comes to finding a job. Today, 100%

of students find a job within a month after

their graduation and have an entry level

salary that is 3 times higher than the average

income of their families. Consequently,

students can support them and enable their

brothers and sisters to continue their

education. Founded in 2014, The Sala Baï

Family is a network of former students. It

allows the school to follow the former students

in their careers and to establish lifelong

relationships and solidarity between them

and the school.

For further info

on The Sala Bai

Program - Ankor

Wat, Cambodia



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Iridescent Shark

This particular speciesis called Iridescent

as the young ones of this species are seen

glowing bright, and it is called a shark because

of its shark-like appearance. Iridescent

Shark is a type of freshwater Catfish. It is

also referred to by many other names like the

Siamese shark and Siamese Shark. This fish

initially hails from the country Thailand and

other parts of South-east Asia. The Iridescent

Shark is cultivated mainly in the Chao Phraya

River and the Mekong basin for functional

and commercial purposes. Iridescent Sharks

are always found to be animated while they

are present in the pond. Their robust and

zestful nature make them everybody’s favourite.

Though they are catfishes, they do not

have an outer shell body for which they came

to be called as ‘naked catfish’, and they are

active during the day, unlike other catfishes

which are nocturnal beings. They also don’t

loaf around in the lower layers of water like

other catfishes. Instead, they are mostly

found in the middle layer of water. They also

come to the uppermost layer at times wanting

to be petted. Iridescent Sharks can live

up to 20 years at a maximum and can grow

up to a maximum length of four ft. Some

people get attracted to the lustful appearance

of baby iridescents, but they get BIG!

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Repatriation Travel Caution Measures


Measures to be adopted before embarkation

Advanced bilateral communication, coordination,

and planning with the responsible

authorities before departure.

The aircraft should be properly staffed with

sufficient medical personnel to accommodate

the number of nationals anticipated, and that

they are outfitted with appropriate PPE and

equipment/supplies to respond to illness en

route. The non-medical crew of the aircraft

should be properly briefed and outfitted, as

well as aware of the signs and symptoms to

detect symptomatic passengers for nCoV.

Exit screening, for example temperature

measurement and a questionnaire, should

be conducted before departure for the early

detection of symptoms. Screening results

should be shared with the receiving country.

It is advised to delay the travel of the suspected

ill travellers detected through exit

screening to be referred for further evaluation

and treatment.Onboard the Aircraft The

seating location of passengers inside the

aircraft should be duly noted/mapped in case

a passenger begins to display symptoms, so

they can be isolated, and to furthermore take

note of those in the immediate vicinity (ex:

those within same row, and two rows in front

and two rows behind) for the needed follow

up upon arrival.

In case suspected cases are detected on the

aircraft, the cabin crew should inform and

seek advice from a ground-based medical

service provider at the point of entry of arrival

through the control tower. In cases of severe

illness, the pilot in command may consider

diversion for the unwell passenger to the

nearest point of entry receive the required


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1) Don’t smoke.

2) Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.

3) Exercise regularly.

4) Maintain a healthy weight.

5) If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.

6) Get adequate sleep.

7) Take steps to avoid infection, such as

washing your hands frequently and cooking

meats thoroughly.

8) Try to minimize stress.

Strengthen your immune system!




Attempting to boost the cells of your immune

system is especially complicated because

there are so many different kinds of cells in

the immune system that respond to so many

different microbes in so many ways. Like

any fighting force, the immune system army

marches on its stomach. Healthy immune

system warriors need good, regular nourishment.

So, what can you do? If you suspect

your diet is not providing you with all your

micronutrient needs maybe, for instance, you

don’t like vegetables, Taking a daily multivitamin

and mineral supplement may bring

other health benefits, beyond any possibly

beneficial effects on the immune system.

Taking megadoses of a single vitamin however,

does not, it’s best to eat highly nutricious


Cold? Almost every mother has said it: “Wear

a jacket or you’ll catch a cold!” Is she right?

Probably not, exposure to moderate cold

temperatures doesn’t increase your susceptibility

to infection. But spend more time

indoors, in closer contact with other people

who can pass on their germs.


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The Tech Room!

Security Experts Call App “Dangerous”

and “Creepy”

Fbook has officially released a new and

somewhat controversial feature that allows

users to track the location of their friends.

But if used maliciously, the app raises major

privacy concerns. The application is called

“Nearby Friends” and it uses location information

collected by smartphones. Fbook

says its goal is to make it simple for people

to find their friends and meet up in real life.

When it’s enabled, Nearby Friends shows

users a list of Fbook friends who have

agreed to share their location.

The app can also alert a user if a friend

comes within range (such as entering the

same city or county). Fbook members

can also use the map to see the distance

between themselves and their friends,

giving them the option of plotting a route for

a meet-up. As far as stalking is concerned,

the Nearby Friends app is worrisome. For

example, the app could be secretly installed

on a phone without the owner’s consent,

and then used to report back tracking information

to a stalker. Fbook could aggregate

the Nearby Friends tracking information for

the purpose of serving up relevant advertisements.

For its part, Fbook says that it

does not use GPS to target ads “right now”,

but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the

near future.

The good news is that Nearby Friends isn’t

automatically enabled, meaning anyone

interested in using the app will need to

manually enable it. This means friends will

not be able to see your location unless you

go into Fbook’s privacy settings and turn the

Nearby Friends feature on.


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Innovative protection!

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Things you MAY not know about MAY!



Stanley Mockford proposed the expression

“mayday” from the French m’aider

(‘help me’) in the belief that it would be

easily understood in any given state of


May 1 – Mary “Mother” Jones was born.

Get back to work!

May 5 – Thank your lucky stars. In 1962,

Alan Shepard became the first American

in space.

May 10 – Golden Spike Day: The first

transcontinental railroad was completed.

May 11 – Irving Berlin’s birthday is today.

Sing anything but “White Christmas.”

How about “Puttin’ on the Ritz” instead?

May 18 – Napoleon literally crowned

himself emperor of France in 1804, when

he snatched the crown from the Pope

and put it on his own head. Nice work,


May 20 – Amelia Earhart became the first

woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. Do

something for yourself today!

May 25 – Start your engines! The Indianapolis

500 is always on the Friday

before National Memorial Day.

May 31 – Walt Whitman was born. Pick

up a new copy of Leaves of Grass.

Some May holidays worth celebrating?

May 2nd International Tuba Day

Sound like a completely fake holiday? We

thought so, too. It’s a real holiday, though. So

celebrate accordingly by finding some uplifting

tuba music for your morning commute.

May 5th Cinco de Mayo

Hola, amigas! After a tragically cold winter,

grab your girlfriends, your sombrero and

some tequila, and celebrate Mexican heritage

how it was meant to be celebrated… by


May 15th National Hug Your Cat Day

Fake? Maybe. Useless? Certainly not. Nothing

is more fun than hugging a cat… who

most assuredly does not want to be snuggled.

(Except by his mama.)

May 27 – 200,000 people walked across

the Golden Gate Bridge to celebrate its


May 29 – Crosby, Stills and Nash released

their very first album in 1969.

What’s your favorite jam?


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How to duck the power of online tracking!

Everything you search is tracked...?

You share your most intimate secrets with

your search engine without even thinking:

medical, financial and personal issues, along

with all the day to day things that make you,

well, you. All of that personal information

should be private, but on Google it’s not. On

Google, your searches are tracked, mined,

and packaged up into a data profile for

advertisers to follow you around the Internet

through those intrusive and annoying

ever-present banner ads, using Google’s

massive ad networks, embedded across millions

of sites and apps. Are you comfortable

with the fact that your virtual profile is sitting

on some random server in silicone vally

ready to spring into action when you touch

your keyboard?

So what’s the alternative? have you ever

heard of DuckDuckGo? Well this is another

serch engine that stops your seaches and

interests from being tracked and packed!

What you may not realise, though, is Google

trackers are actually lurking behind the

scenes on 75% of the top million websites.

It’s a good bet that any random site you

land on the Internet will have a Google

tracker hiding on it. A key component of how

they have managed to do that is through

all these hidden trackers. FB / Twit / Amaz

/ Adob / Yehoo / Aol etc.. there are quite a

few. So if you are sick of being bombarded

with user profile advertising and tracking, try

an alternative search engine!

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Top Tens

Aeroplane top 10 things you didn’t know...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

1. Your oxygen mask will only last between 12 and 20


2. In a fire, you may only have 90 seconds to exit and clear

the grounded aircraft.

3. Your food may have been cooked three days before

4. The water is not so crystal clean

5. Turbulence is getting worse due to climate change

6. You may be flying with only one engine if there is

a mal function.

7. Pilots sometimes fall asleep at the controls

8. That plastic-wrapped blanket might not be new

9. The Toilet is not the dirtiest place

10. There is no safest seat


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Paper or gadget? What’s more enguaging

and enjoyable to read? A magazine or a

mobile phone or tablet? let’s sit with a

coffee and see... Flexible: Paper is more

flexible. With an e-paper on gadget, you

have to be careful for the fear of falling off

your lap or hands. Focus: With physical

magazine, there are less diversions. Reading

on gadgets means you have to mind the

popups/notifications. Integrity: Once printed

on paper, the integrity of content cannot be

changed. There is a chance that epaper can

be amended/updated. Sharing: epapers are

personal which means only one can read. A

printed newspaper can be shared and read

by everyone any anyone. Engage: Your

coffee table is incomplete without a physical

newspaper. Your guests will have something

to do while they wait for you. Craft: You can

use the used paper across your house for

various purposes.

Nothing like a coffee and a magazine..


Salvage: Physical magazines can be sold

for a price every month end. e-papers don’t

have any such salvage value. Fatigue: the

physical strain on the eyes from reading from

screens after many hours, this is not as relaxing

as leafing through a physical magazine..


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Useless Facts

They are useless but amusing ! !

The pig has the longest orgasm

observed in mammals lasting around

30mins and can peak at 90mins

Most American car horns honk in the

musical key of F.

The average secretary’s left-hand does

56% of the typing.

Babies are born without kneecaps.

Your stomach has to produce a new

layer of mucus every 2 weeks.

Bears don’t poo during months of


Mary Shelley allegedly lost her virginity

on her mother’s grave.

Slinkies are 82 feet long.

Americans eat enough burgers to circle

the earth over 32 times.

A blob of toothpaste is called a nurdle.

You spray 2.5 drops of saliva per word.

Around 120,000 people injure themselves

while trying out weird sexual

positions per year.

”I am.” is the shortest complete sentence

in the English language.

27yr old Edgar Allan Poe married his

thirteen-year-old cousin.

Bees have 5 eyes.

The thumb nail grows the slowest, the

middle nail the fastest, nearly 4 times

faster than toenails.

The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles has a

hidden meaning. Heinzs’ lucky number.

Play-Doh was invented as wallpaper


4 out of 5 children recognise the Mcdonald’s

logo at 3 years old.

Chicken meat is not a main ingredient of

chicken nuggets.


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by Juanita Banana of


by Juanita Banana of Banana Moon

ARIES: March 21- April 20

Trouble drains away on the 13 th April, leaving you

relieved and inspired. The 18 th and 19 th

demonstrate the power you have over your environment,

leaving you until the 24th to

meet goals and satisfy your desires. Old mistakes

may surge back into your life on the 25th you have

two days to kick them into touch.

TAURUS: April 21- May 21

You’ve been pressured to act before you’re ready

but can reconnect with your potential

between the 5 th and 10 th April. Try to get some

time alone to absorb what’s happening. By the 11

th /12 th you’ll feel strong and complete, standing

up for those less able. Certain parties would like to

see you fail – ignore them Between the 15 th and

27 th you’ll reap rewards

GEMINI: May 22- June 21

From the 6th, you spend the remainder of April

operating without the guidance you

normally take for granted. The effects become

clear between the 7th and 12th when plans may

backfire at awkward moments. Your imagination

leads to genuine wish fulfillment on the13º/14th

CANCER: June 22- July 22

Expanding boundaries may leave you beyond your

recent comfort zone and lessons may

need to be repeated. An act of creativity breaks

you out of your trap. Try not to irritate

others who are important to your success with a

fragile thread you choose to follow.

LEO: July 23- August 23

You begin April pleasing yourself at every oppotunity,

but by the 12th you’re thinking about responsibility

and maturity. Knowingly or unknowingly,

someone starts to give you a hard time – your

ideals meet heavy scrutiny, alongside assessing

whether some things are necessities or luxuries.

VIRGO: August 24- September 22

The first eight days of April are superb, with art and

community central to your happiness.

However, someone will want to undermine your

progress. On the 11th and12th you find a different

approach which, from the 13th to the 19th, you

deploy with varying

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degrees of comprehension and failure. Get accustomed

to these culture clashes and maintain a

sense of humour!

LIBRA: September 23- October 22

You’re popular, reasonable and committed without

being trapped. The 5th and 6th April

bring your best possible past and future into the

ideal now. Karmic or monetary debts come due on

the 11th/12th - you should have seen this coming.

Get ready for a strenuous transition between the

15th and 22nd.

SCORPIO: October 23- November 21

Skip any April Fool pranks and don’t look for trouble

on the 1st and 2nd when none of

the right people will be amused. Starting on the 3rd

though you redeem yourself with

anyone you previously upset. Maybe you’re out for

advantage or revenge, but by the 6th you justwant

everyone to get along.

SAGITTARIUS: November 22- December 21

Opportunity is there for the taking, just reach out

for it. From the 5th to the 14th April, you

are free and empowered, with friendships and

teamships carrying you through rough

patches you might not even notice. .

CAPRICORN: December 22- January 20

At the beginning of April you’re on the wrong side

of an injustice. Show intelligence and

commitment on the 3rd and 4th and don’t give up,

despite powerful events on the 5th and

6th. From the 7th your luck changes and your good

luck becomes contagious, starting an epidemic.

AQUARIUS: January 21- February 19

Cast off the chains of place and possession on the

5th and 6th and let the 9th provide a

welcome shortcut and a winning streak that lasts

the next ten days. The 23rd and 24th

are your last days in April for truly getting away

with magic - once that window of clarity passes,

you’re looking for answers with everyone else.

PISCES: February 20- March 20

Disappointment outweighs anticipation as you

attempt to do too much in too little time. Brightness

and subversive hunger make life fun again

on the 7thand 8th. Invite your friends to play.

This attitude makes trouble on the 9th, but by

the 11th you spin back into your axis.



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Jokes ha ha :)

A priest, doctor and an engineer were golfing.

They were stuck behind a really

slow group of golfers. The engineer fumed,

“What’s with those guys? We must

have been waiting for fifteen minutes!”

The doctor chimed in, “I don’t know, but I’ve

never seen such inept golf!”

The priest said, “Here comes the

greens-keeper. Let’s have a word with him.”

He said, “Hello George, What’s wrong with

that group ahead of us? They’re

rather slow, aren’t they?”

The greens-keeper replied, “Oh, yes. That’s

a group of blind firemen. They lost

their sight saving our clubhouse from a fire

last year, so we always let them

play for free anytime!.”

The group fell silent for a moment. The priest

said, “That’s so sad. I think I will

say a special prayer for them tonight.”

The doctor said, “Good idea. I’m going to

contact my ophthalmologist

colleague and see if there’s anything she can

do for them.”

The engineer said, “Why can’t they play at



One day I changed a light bulb, crossed the

road, and walked into a bar.

That is the day I realised my whole life is a



My wife and I were partners in a shoe business

before we decided to split up.

Now I am the sole proprietor.

My dad lost his job at the cemetery yesterday

because he buried someone in

the wrong hole.

It was a grave mistake. What’s blue and

What colour doesn’t weigh very much?

Light blue.

What’s the toughest thing about being a


Apparently, keeping it to yourself.

I just found out my wife cheated on me with

her deaf best friend.

Honestly, I should have seen the signs.

What do you call a knight who is afraid to


Sir Render


When I was at college had a lecture about

wheat. It was getting interesting and

then the tutor stopped and put his stuff away.

A bloke in the audience called

out.. what are you doing?

The lecturer replied, you have to come back

next week, it’s a cereal!


I was busy in my garden and the neighbour

looked over the fence and said,

“What are you doing?” I said, I’m putting all

my plants in alphabetical order. She replied,

“Really? I don’t t know how you find the


That’s easy I said. it’s s right next to the



I scared the postman half to death yesterday

by going to the door naked.

Im not sure what scared him most, me with

no clothes on or the fact that I

know where he lives?

To advertise in The Sentinella Malaga call 696 116 552


Jokes ha ha :)

The large pane of glass fell out of my front

window and smashed, I called a

glazier he replaced it. Two days later the

glass fell out again so I called the

glazier back. While he was replacing the

glass again I asked him why my glass

keeps falling out he said “its quite common

around here it’s down to an animal

going round eating the linseed oil in the

bonding that holds the glass in place”,

I said “an animal what kind of animal?” he

said “its a cat, a putty cat”!


My book - How To Say No Emphatically In

German is now available - for £9.99!

What bird comes home to roost and foretells

the future?

An omen pigeon.

If your having trouble getting to sleep tonight

Lie on the edge of the bed

You’ll soon drop off!


A curious mouse who lived in a museum

went exploring one night he found a

suit of armour and decided to have a look

inside, once inside he got hopelessly

lost so he shouted to his friend “Help!!! help

me make it through the knight”


My passport application has been refused

because I sent a picture of my

shampoo bottle, I dont see what the problem

is because on the application form it clearly


Send a picture of Head and Shoulders only!


A dairy farmers most important cow was

referred to as his Significant Udder!

Mexico doesn’t win Olympic medals because

all the best runners, jumpers, and swimmers

are in America.

In the beginning, God created the heaven

and the earth... After that, everything else

was made in China.

Q: What’s the difference between England

and a teabag?

A: A teabag could stay in the cup for longer.

Q: Why do the French eat snails?

A: They don’t like fast food.


Chinese, Russians, and the Irish venture to

space. China says they’ll go to Pluto because

it’s the farthest. Russia says they’ll go

to Jupiter because it’s the biggest. the Irish

said - we’ll go to the Sun! Russia and China

warn that they’ll melt. They replied, “We’ll go

at night.”!


We all know that accents can be quite confusing

from language to language, but mix in

a nrevous chat up scenario and things can

get pretty confusing...

I asked a Chinese girl for her number. She

said, “Sex! Sex! Sex! Free-sex-to-night!”

I said, “Wow!” Then her friend said, “She

means 666-3629.!


Get Quizical

1. Luzon is the largest and most populous

island in which Southeast Asian nation?

2. Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn

Treader and The Silver Chair are three

novels set predominantly in which fictional


3. Who is the only man to serve two non-consecutive

terms as US President, from 1885-

1889 and 1893-1897?

4. In which language does ‘spasà bo’ (usually

written in its native alphabet) mean ‘thank


5. The four ‘fashion capitals’ are usually considered

to be New York, London, Paris, and

which other city in southern Europe?

6. Which English band’s music featured

heavily in the best-selling soundtrack of the

1977 film Saturday Night Fever?

To advertise in The Sentinella Malaga call 696 116 552

Puzzle Pages

7. Megatherium is an extinct, 4-tonne,

ground-based relative of which modern

South-American mammal, infamous for its

slow movement through the rainforest canopies?


Food Quizicals

Ok Foodies, lets see how you fare...

If you had Lafite-Rothschild on your dinner

table, what would it be? Wine.

What is sushi traditionally wrapped in?

May Queen, Wisley Crab, Foxwhelps and

Lane’s Prince Albert are all species of what?

What is allspice alternatively known as?

What colour is Absynthe?

What flavour is Cointreau?

If you were to cut a hare into pieces, marinate

it in wine and juniper berries then stew

this slowly in a sealed container, what would

this recipe be called?

Fried tarantulas, eggs boiled just before

they’re due to hatch, live octopus, and puffin

hearts eaten raw when still-warm are all

traditional foods—true or false?

How many crocus flowers does it take to

make a pound of saffron?

Costing around €2,600 per pound and made

only to order by Knipschildt, what is the name

of this chocolate truffle?

Answers on page 80

Please mention the Sentinella when replying to ads!


Puzzle Pages



1. Instill (7)

5. Poetic rhythm (7)

9. Highly offensive (9)

10. Supply sparingly (5)

11. Dead (7)

12. Consultant (7)

13. Writing table (9)

15. Rubs (5)

17. Accumulated (5)

19. Instruction (9)

22. Sidelong (7)

25. Gleam (7)

26. Temptress (5)

27. Elaborate (9)

28. Duke’s wife (7)

29. Royal house (7)


1. Sickness (7)

2. Pragmatic (9)

3. Better (7)

4. Very short biscuit dough (9)

5. Pincer (5)

6. Deny (7)

7. Wood fasteners (5)

8. Loses validity (7)

14. Child (9)

16. A capsule filled with water-soluble

dye (9)

17. Dear (7)

18. Perturb (7)

20. Skill (7)

21. Convent (7)

23. Poisonous (5)

24. Groin (5)

What’s on in your area this month?

Every Wednesday - The Malaga Picasso

Museum is offering free guided tours

in English which is included in the price of

admission. Starts 11.30am.

Every Friday - Boot sale at Los Arcos on the

road to Cartama - Coin. Come and sell your

unwanted things + bric a brac.

Market Days - Monday - Marbella, Torrox,

Alora & Riviera del Sol. Tuesday - Fuengirola,

Marbella, Benihavis, Algeciras & Tarifa.

Wednesday - Arroyo (flea market in paloma

park) La Cala & Alhaurin de la Torre. Thursday

- Torremolinos, Alhaurin del Grande &

San Pedro. Friday - Arroyo, Tivoli & Paloma

Park, Mijas Costa & Marbella. Saturday -

Puerta Banus, Mijas Costa, Coin, Istan, Estepona,

Ojen Pueblo & Fuengirola Flee Market.

Sunday - Fuengirola (nr Mosque), Torremolinos

Flea Market, La Trocha Boot Fair, Coin,

Estepona, San Roque & Sotogrande, Mijas

Hipodromo Boot Fair, Calypso Calahonda.

Shelagh “J” Line Dancing - Every Monday

morning 10.30am till 12.30pm at Los Arcos

on the Coin to Cartama road. Step by step

for beginners / intermediate, also every

Friday morning 10.30am till 12.30pm at La

Masia Villafranco. Step by step for beginners

/intermediate. Good exercise with a warm

and friendly atmosphere. Call : 952 963 122

or mobile : 685 649 944 or email :

RAF Association - 1st Monday in each

month: Venue: Ollie’s Bar, Avenida Bonanza,

Arroyo de la Miel, Benalmádena. 13:00

Social with a quiz and a raffle 3rd Monday

in each month: Venue: Hotel Molino, Saydo

Park, Mollina 12:00 Social with a quiz and a


Age Concern Fuengirola y Mijas - now

have three locations where you can pop in

to catch up with old friends and make new

ones. We meet every Thursday at the pensioners

building in Los Boliches around the

corner from Los Boliches station from 11am

- 1pm.

We also meet every Thursday at bar JULIOS Mijas Pueblo. Pop in and see

us from 11am - 1pm.

La Cala every Friday at PEÑA FLAMENCA

DEL SUR, Just follow the sound of laughter

and join us from 11.30am -1pm.

Every Monday and Wednesday - there is

Sequence Dancing at the Agata Apartments

in Benalmadena, starts at 7.30pm till 10pm.

Every Thursday Afternoon - there is

Ballroom, Latin & Sequence Dancing at the

Riviera Hotel in Benalmadena, (opposite

reception) Starts at 3pm till 5pm.

Every Saturday Night - there is Ballroom,

Latin & Sequence Dancing at the Fuengirola

Park Hotel. (in cendrillon room) Starts at 8pm

till 10.15pm Please call Janet & Jim on 627

658 925. Happy Dancing!

Fabulso singing group - welcomes all nationalities

from age 10. No audition, no need

to read music and no fees up front. The English

speaking groups : Thurs 6.30 - 8.30pm

in Restaurant Verona, El Coto (Mijas), Avda

de Mijas 70. Sat 12-2pm in Restaurante

Dominique’s, Los Boliches, Paseo Maritimo

83. The Finnish group on Tuesdays at 6.30

- 8.30pm in Restaurante Verona, El Coto,

(Mijas), Avda de Mijas 70. For more information

call 622 514 781 or visit fb : Fabuloso

Vocal Group.


Lower ground floor of Ibensa Square (near

Bonanza Square) Arroyo de la Miel, Benalmadena.

The group offers free performances at charity

events and in many public places in support

of local communities.

To find out more visit our website: www., join them on facebook, or


Only Fools & Food Live Show



contact for further

details on any changes to dates and venues.


•For Air Conditioning call Mark at Esola 616

119 007 Torre del Mar.

•Air Conditioning repairs new installations.

Coin meters to help with consumption costs.

Solar repairs. Swimming pool heating. Nerja

to Sotogrande and inland. Airflow 952 443 222

•Connect Air Conditioning Supplying the latest

in heat pump technology at the best prices.

Contact Sean : 639 738 624

Email: connect.aircon@


•European Coolers Ltd - Keep cool and comfortable

this summer. We are a British based air

treatment online retailer offering only the best products

and service to our customers. All our prices

are inclusive of VAT and full warranty. NO hidden

extras, buy from us with total confidence. Visit us

at email

Tel : 01606 44888


•The Bed Warehouse - New larger showroom,

top quality British Beds and mattresses at unbeatable

prices. Call : 600 633 986 / 634 187 700 www. bedwarehousespain@


•Los Zarcillos Hos & Grapes - A shop with

Spanish Wines and international Craft Beers.

Gift Baskets etc. Are you a bar owner? Ask

for our price list ! Located opposite Fuengirola

Town Hall. 626 771 735.


•Care and Home Help Services - Full Or Part

Time - Elderly or Infirm, Available Inland and on

the Coast, Security Checked - Excellent References

Trinny - 952595411 or 657447599


•Low Cost Car Hire - Car hire at competitive prices,

free delivery & collection, airport collection & return.

Weekly & monthly rates. Long term from just 50€ per

week. No credit card req. Call : 622 605 000 www.




topup, IPTV services, Internet access, mobile

phone sales and repairs. Call Costasys Calahonda

Tel: 952 939 592



•Alhaurin Dental Care World class dental

care, licensed, insured and provides high quality

world class dental care for the whole family

since 2001. Call: 654 996 026.


•Webb & Sons Plant Hire -Suppliers of river

stone, sand, gravel, turf & top soil. Call : 649

526 922 / 647 880 816 based near Alhaurin el



•Blokbuster - High pressure drain cleaning.

24 hours a day. Drain maintenance & repairs,

high pressure pool cleaning, driveways &

patios. NO CALL OUT CHARGES. Call : 666

299 021 Fb : blokbusters drain cleaning. Email :


•English Driving School - over 25 years

experience. Officially recognised driving school.

Call : 651 771 879.


•Domoelect Domestic & Commercial - for

all your electrical installation, complete rewires,

bulletins, projects. All works carried out by a

Please mention the Sentinella when replying to ads! 79

A - Z Directory

qualified time served craftsman. Fully insured

and all work guaranteed. Call David : 952 567

765 / 608 864 683.


•Axarquia Properties S.L - Call : 952 436

781 /609 436 537 www.axarquiaproperties.


•Playamar Properties - Call : 952 384 046

Email :

•Sunsoka Property Spain - Call :

951247179, 649520396 from the UK 0203

9365519. We are your “One Stop Property

Shop” For Property Searches in Spain. No

need to register with lots of agencies as we

have access to the largest property database

in Spain. 100’s of agencies and many thousands

of properties. Simply Tell Us, “What

you want!”, “Where you want it!”, “What you

want to spend!”


•Furniture Land / Rosanna’s - Quality Secondhand

Furniture with bargain low prices

plus soft furnishings. Alhaurin el Grande Tel :

657 369 343


•Tree Care Spain - Tree and palmtree cleaning,

tree topping, pruning, dead wooding and

hedge cutting. Treatments and protection for

processionary caterpillars and palm beetles. Tel

: 637 407 543 Email :


•Neo Glass - Glass Curtains & Roofs. Call

for quotation or visit our showroom, Calle Rio

Benamargosa 7, Opposite the BP Garage on

Camino de Coin, Mijas Costa Call : 951 775



•Rich Shine Homecare - Total care for your

home! Home and window cleaning, Gardens

& pools. Environmentally friendly products.

For a professional & reliable service contact

us : 634 436 532 Email : richshinespain@ website :

•General Cleaning - gardening and petcare

services in Alhaurin / Coin area from 8€ per

hour. Call Robert on 608 041 447.


•Master Locksmith - 24/7 Emergency Callout,

Safe Engineer, Key Cutting, Car Keys, Remotes,

High Security Cylinders, Rejas, Grills,

Patio Windows Locks, Alarms.... Security of

Spain 952 660 233 / 636 770 865.


•Anna’s Laundry - Service Wash, Dried &

Folded, Ironing Service, Dry Cleaning Service.

Down the ramp in Plaza Ibensa Benalmadena.

Mon - Fri 9.30 - 16.30 no siesta. Tel : 952 560



•De Cotta Law - Spanish & English Lawyers,

specialising in Business Law, Debt Recovery,

Company Start ups and more. Multilingual. Mijas

Costa/Calahonda. Tel : 952 931 781 mijas@


•Emergency/Appointment - Doors opened

without destruction, Locks changed, Patio

Doors & Windows Secured, 24/7 Call Paul : 657

466 803


•Port Mini Market - Best wholesale prices.

Freshly baked bread, Fresh cuts of meat, Fresh

fruit and veg. Call 952 479 176. Located Fuengirola



•Working on the Costa 11 years - I will beat

any genuine quote. Professional service. Call

Steve : 653 303 698.


•Paragliding gift vouchers. Give a dream to

your loved ones or fulfil your dream. Fly with an

instructor with 30 years exp. without risk, over

some incredible landscapes in the mountains

and the sea, landing gently in front of a beach


To Advertise in the Sentiyella Pages



Or call : 696 116 552


To advertise in The Sentinella Malaga call 696 116 552

A - Z Directory


•PC & Laptop repairs - ipads, tablets, broken

screens, phones, motherboards, water damage.

Starting from 35€. Call : 952 591 071. Electronbox

& PC Doctor.


•Webb & Sons Plant Hire -Suppliers of river

stone, sand, gravel, turf & top soil. Call : 649

526 922 / 647 880 816 based near Alhaurin el



•Papeleria Cristina - Large selection of cards,

newspapers, magazines and stationary. Offex

postal service, PO Boxes, internet & mobile top

ups. Tel/Fax : 952 594 108 Email : papcristina@


•Owners - Thinking of renting out your property?

Clients - Looking for long term, lengthy or

holiday rentals? Contact or

phone 952 930 459.


•Psychic Services - Psychic & Spiritual Work

by Gary Williams. My readings give comfort and

predict the future. My Guides come in every

reading and give you details about your future.

TEL: 952 93 2600


•All Types of Roofing & Guttering Work

Undertaken - in all aspects of the job. For a no

obligation quote please call : 607 441 959 / 654

184 424.


•Perfect Alarm SL - High quality security

systems, video surveillance, alarm systems,

perimetric protection, home automation. Worldwide

surveillance for your property. We speak

English and German. Call Mr Martin : 608 517


To Advertise in the Sentiyella Pages for only 69€ per year!

Email :

Or call : 696 116 552


•Roy Trevor Removals - The professional

worldwide movers, weekly services between

UK, Spain & Portugal. Call : 951 311 118 Mijas



•Fetajo Rent a Car - Your quality local company

in the Costa del Sol - Free delivery &

collection at Malaga Airport without any queue

or Courtesy Minibus and we don’t charge for

fuel. Bookings on : 952 939 738 or 952 934



•Sign D Sign - Specialising in, Shop signs,

Window signs , Vehicle signs, A boards and

large format printing. Tel : 603 464 582 info@

Get Quizzical Answers - Wine - Edible seaweed - Apples - Pimento - Green -

Orange - Jugged hare - True - 75,000 flowers - Chocopologie

FOOD Quiz Answers - The Philippines - Narnia

Grover Cleveland - Russian - Milan - The Bee Gees - Sloth

To advertise in The Sentinella Malaga call 696 116 552

A - Z Directory





pool survey TEL: 696116552


•Television Repairs - Specialists in Plasma,

LCD, LED TV’s, can collect. Call : John 600 706



•La Cala Travel - Your local travel specialist for

short and long haul holidays, worldwide flights,

short stays and city breaks. Tel : 952 492 047

webpage :


•Global UKTV - The latest and easiest way

to watch British TV anywhere in the world. No

satellite dish - only broadband needed. Easy to

set up, no contract. info@


•Rosanna’s Soft Furnishings - Everything

you need for a complete makeover. Upholstery,

Curtain Making, Blinds, Cushions and more.



CURTAINS. Tilt & Turn / Bi-Folding / pation

Doors. Security Doors & Windows - Tel: 952

66 75 59 Mijas Costa Malaga (beside El Corte

Ingles) Fuengirola


•Window Tinting Solscreen - Your Local

Coastal Window Film Company - Installing

Window Films along the coast since 1999, Solar

Control, Privacy, UV Protection, All Professional

Grade Window Films.

670 765 742




•Mobile Service - ITV legal Solar reflective tint

for glass curtains, balconies, yachts stop fading,

heat glare, save money on cooling, make

living in the sun comfortable. 958 496 571 / 644

546 176


•Website hosting - for as little as 5€ a month.

Full website designs and applications for as

little as 50€ per month. Call : 952 591 071

•Wedding Wheels Andalucia - Tel : 650 193

777 webpage :

•Television Repairs - Specialists in Plasma,

LCD, LED TV’s, can collect. Call : John 600 706


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