Bequia this Week - 17th April - 23rd April 2020

A handy calendar of events, aptly entitled "Bequia This Week", is published in print and on-line for this small Caribbean island every Friday, giving information about what's on where and when. A handy calendar of events, aptly entitled "Bequia This Week", is published in print and on-line for this small Caribbean island every Friday, giving information about what's on where and when.


NO. 901April 17th -April 23rdwhat * Where * When?BEQUIA2020Update 1THIS WEEKimportant noticeFollowing developments in SVG relating to COVID-19, and the World Health Organisation’s adviceon the need for social distancing, we made the very difficult decision to suspendour regular format with individual advertisers' listings, until the situation became clearer.Two weeks have now passed without further restrictions being introduced. As a result, we arenow including basic information for all those Bequia businesses that are remaining open and/orproviding takeaway services under safe and socially responsible conditions. See page 2.We are also continuing to publish all Government COVID-19 Press Releases / Advisories as soonas they are issued, along with general information that is useful and relevant to Bequia.We will update daily. The most recent Press Release / Advisory will always be found on page 3.Be responsible, be sensible and stay safe. We will all get through this together! Serving the Bequia Community for over 21 Years Tel: 457 3649 / 532 9554As of Friday April 17Bequia Express requires that masksmust be worn at all timesAdmiral Ferries SVG asks youto please wear a maskShare yourLove for Bequia……send a postcard!See back page

NO. 901

April 17th -

April 23rd

what * Where * When?



Update 1


important notice

Following developments in SVG relating to COVID-19, and the World Health Organisation’s advice

on the need for social distancing, we made the very difficult decision to suspend

our regular format with individual advertisers' listings, until the situation became clearer.

Two weeks have now passed without further restrictions being introduced. As a result, we are

now including basic information for all those Bequia businesses that are remaining open and/or

providing takeaway services under safe and socially responsible conditions. See page 2.

We are also continuing to publish all Government COVID-19 Press Releases / Advisories as soon

as they are issued, along with general information that is useful and relevant to Bequia.

We will update daily. The most recent Press Release / Advisory will always be found on page 3.

Be responsible, be sensible and stay safe. We will all get through this together! Serving the Bequia Community for over 21 Years Tel: 457 3649 / 532 9554

As of Friday April 17

Bequia Express requires that masks

must be worn at all times

Admiral Ferries SVG asks you

to please wear a mask

Share your

Love for Bequia…

…send a postcard!

See back page

As of Publishing time

The following Bequia Businesses are offering DINING

and/or Takeaway + Delivery - Call for MORE Information

Bequia Plantation Hotel VHF 68 / 534 8677

Eat In & Takeaways - Delivery service for yachts only

Open daily 7am - 9.30pm

Black Label 433 9054

Takeaways & delivery only - 11am - 8.30pm

Call or WhatsApp for menu details

Coco’s Place 528 6863 / 458 3463

Call by Noon for Dinner/Takeaways

Doris Fresh Food Call for more info: +1 784 458 3625

Orders only WHATSAPP : +1 784 528 8568

Frangipani Hotel 458 3255

Eat In & Takeaways 8am - 4pm Closed on Sundays

Keegan's Beachside 458 3530

Eat In & Takeaways Open from 10.30am daily

La Plage 458 3278 / 457 3995

Eat In & Takeaways - 24 hours notice please!

Laura's 457 3779

Eat In & Takeaways

Open Wednesday - Saturday 6.00 - 9.30pm

Maranne's Ice Cream 593 7264

Orders for collection only:

Order by 6pm Mondays, pick up Wednesdays at the

Shop from 11-11.30am

Papa's VHF 68 / 457 3443

Eat In & Takeaways

Open Daily from 4pm, Sundays from 5pm

Petra's 526 4486

Eat In & Takeaways - please call for details!

Tantie Pearl's VHF 68 / 457 3160 / 527 1628

Eat In & Takeaways 11.30am - 8.00pm

Virginie’s Home Cooking 458 8829 / 493 0696

French cuisine freshly cooked to order

or frozen selection. Please call for details!

Please encourage everyone around you to practice responsible social distancing

and to adhere to all the current SVG Government guidelines on health & safety!

Yacht Garbage Disposal

Ashore, there is only one place to dispose of yacht garbage – the skips located off the Fish Market Jetty

next to the Vegetable Market. These are reserved exclusively for yachties’ use.

Alternatively, yacht garbage may be delivered “at sea” to Daffodil Marine or other reliable water taxis;

charge usually $3.00 to $5.00 per bag. Dumping in unauthorized places is a prosecutable offence.

Help keep Bequia Safe, Clean and Green!

Bequia Hospital (24 hrs) 458 3294

Bequia Clinic 457 3328

Dr. Lugo (private appts/visits) 534 0376

Paget Farm Clinic 458 3302

Dr. Chevailler

497 1722 / 458 8829 (H)

Imperial Pharmacy 458 3373, after hours 458 3025


Bequia Police Station 458 3350

VHF 16 “ZedQS Bequia”

Coastguard 457 4578

VHF 16 “Juliet8Bravo”

Post Office

Mon - Fri: 9am-12 noon, 1pm-3pm

Cruisers’ Net: VHF 68 Mon-Sat 8am Weather & Local Info

Customs & Immigration: Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 6pm (closed 12-1pm), Sat: 8.30am - 12 noon, 3pm - 6pm, Sun: 9am - 12 noon; 3pm - 6pm

Overtime fees may be charged - Clearing in and out outside office hours and on Public Holidays is normally possible by arrangement.

24/7 SVG COVID-19 HOTLINE: 1 (784) 534-4325





Tel: 784-456-2975, Fax: 784-457-1691, Email: or




Thursday April 9, 2020



The Caribbean Public Health Agency today reported on the 30 pending samples. Twenty-six of the samples

were negative and four were positive for COVID-19. This result brings the total number of positive cases

of COVID-19 in St. Vincent and the Grenadines to 12. These are all imported cases. One of the patients

has already made a full recovery. Thus, there are currently 11 active cases.

The patients, who have been informed, are all Vincentian nationals and have been in isolation since the

samples were taken for testing. Monitoring of these patients is ongoing and all close contacts have been

identified. All additional public health measures will continue including the implementation of additional

quarantine where necessary.

The public is reminded to continue to practice the basic but highly effective public health measures of hand

hygiene, cough etiquette, physical distancing and strict adherence to quarantine to keep us all safe from

COVID-19. The Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines will continue to keep the public informed

as we manage this public health challenge together.


Ref No: AB 027/01

In replying the date and number

above of this letter should be quoted

Tel. No: 1 (784) 457-1104 or 457-2676

Fax No: 1 (784) 457-1114



Halifax Street, Kingstown

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

April 7, 2020


The Ministry of Education, National Reconciliation and Information wishes to

inform all parents, guardians, teachers, students and other stakeholders that

schools will remain closed for an additional two (2) weeks in the first instance,

beyond the scheduled opening date of Tuesday, April 14, 2020.

The Ministry of Education will continue to be guided by the Ministry of Health,

Wellness and the Environment regarding the reopening of schools. All efforts are

being made to ensure that students are able to continue their academic journey

through the use of different modalities of learning.

Let us all continue to work harmoniously to combat the challenges presented by the

COVID-19 pandemic.

Please be guided accordingly.

St. Clair Prince (Honourable)

Minister of Education, National Reconciliation and Information




Permanent Secretary:

Chief Education Officer:



Curriculum Unit:

Adult and Continuing Education Unit




Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Contact: Permanent Secretary

Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Additional COVID-19 Results for SVG: Three Negative and One


The Caribbean Public Health Agency has reported results on an

additional 4 samples that were sent for testing – three were negative

for COVID-19 and one was positive for COVID-19. These results bring

the total number of positive cases of COVID-19 in St. Vincent and the

Grenadines to 8. They are all imported cases. One of the patients has

already made a full recovery. Thus, there are currently 7 active cases.

The patient who tested positive is a Vincentian national and has been

in isolation since the sample was taken for testing. The patient is

being monitored and all close contacts have been identifed. All

additional public health measures including the implementation of

additional quarantine will be applied where required.

The public is reminded to continue to practise the basic but highly

effective public health measures of hand hygiene, cough etiquette,

physical distancing and strict adherence to quarantine to keep us all

safe from COVID-19. The Government of St. Vincent and the



Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Contact: Permanent Secretary

Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines


Further to a press release issued Sunday (April 5, 2020) on the suspension of outpatient services

at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH) and the Modern Medical and Diagnostic Centre

(MMDC), patients are asked to note they will be contacted by the Stewards Offices of the

MCMH and the MMDC individually. Please note there is no need for you to visit district health

centres unless for emergency care.

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the

Environment continues to promote physical distancing. Please do not leave your homes unless

necessary. When out in public, maintain 3-feet distance from other persons. Avoid crowded

places and mass gatherings. Do not attend district clinics unless necessary. Please call your local

health centre for information on repeating prescriptions.

For more information, please call 456-1185 extension 154, 110 or 158.





Telephone: (784) 456-1703

Administrative Centre

Facsimile: (784) 457-2152

Bay Street

E-mail: Kingstown


The Office of the Prime Minister wishes to remind the general public and bus

operators that, on the advice of the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the

Environment with respect to the protocols for social and physical distancing, the

number of persons on 18-seater buses should be limited to 8 passengers plus the

conductor and driver, and on 26-seater buses, the limit should be 13 passengers

plus the conductor and driver.

Office of the Prime Minister

April 06, 2020

April 5, 2020




St. Vincent and the Grenadines is predominantly a Christian society. The upcoming Easter

weekend therefore is a very important time for our Christian brothers and sisters. It is also a

time of major socializing activities including boat rides, picnics and parties, as well as other

forms of mass gatherings. The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment recognizes the

vital importance of spiritual and psychological health and wellbeing to overall wellness.

However, in keeping with the Ministry’s Physical (Social) Distancing and Mass Gathering

Advisory issued on March 22, 2020, and recommended hygiene practices, the HEOC/COVID-19

Task Force issues the following recommendations for the Easter weekend beginning Friday,

April 10, 2020 to Monday, April 13, 2020.

1. Church Services – Good Friday and Easter Sunday:

a. Consider not having any physical gatherings, rather:

i. Consider a National Day of Prayer on Good Friday lead by Religious

Leaders broadcasting from various media houses.

ii. Consider broadcasting by radio and on social media platforms a National

Ecumenical Easter Sunday Service conducted by a limited number of

representative Ministers and Pastors, from a single place of worship

capable of safely accommodating these officials.

b. If physical gatherings must continue, then there must be strict enforcement of

physical distancing in places of worship to ensure that persons are at least 3 feet

apart from each other.

2. Social Gatherings:

a. Follow the “STAY SAFE! STAY AT HOME!” practice:

i. There should be no:

1. Boat rides

2. Picnics

3. Goat cooks

4. Beach outings

5. River outings

6. Parties

7. Any other social gatherings whether private or public.

Easter Advisory …continued from previous page


ii. Van Drivers are asked to protect themselves and their families by

supporting this “STAY SAFE! STAY AT HOME!” guidance by staying off the

roads for this period.

3. Hygiene Precautions:

a. If traveling in public vehicles and standing in crowded places, the correct use of

cloth masks (with a pouch to hold a surgical mask or flannel piece to provide

additional protection) by the public is an acknowledged option. The correct and

safe use of masks requires that the front of the mask is not touched, and they

are washed regularly. (Please visit SVG HEALTH for further information on the

correct use.)

b. If caring for someone at home, use a surgical mask.

c. Hand washing and the use of hand sanitizers are encouraged.

These recommendations for limiting non-essential contact are guided by scientific evidence and

will go a long way to reduce the spread of COVID-19. St Vincent and the Grenadines now has

seven (7) confirmed cases of COVID-19 on record. The support and corporation of all citizens

are needed at this time, if we are to minimize any further spread of COVID-19.

Dr. Simone Keizer-Beache

Chief Medical Officer



Health Emergency Operating Centre (HEOC) & COVID-19 Taskforce




For Immediate Release

April 5, 2020

Subject: Adjustments to outpatient hospital services

The following adjustments to the outpatient services offered by

the local Hospital Services will be implemented effective

Monday April 6, 2020.

• Patients with appointments to clinics at the Milton Cato

Memorial Hospital (MCMH) and Modern Medical and

Diagnostic Center (MMDC) are asked to note that ALL

outpatient clinics including physiotherapy are

suspended, until further notice.

• Patients are asked to return to their primary physicians

for review and information regarding their care.

• All elective surgeries have been suspended.

• Patients with scheduled dates for surgical procedures at

MCMH or MMDC are also advised to return to their

primary physician for instructions and information

regarding their care.

• Arrangements will be made with primary physicians and

the appropriate clinical teams of Hospital Services for

persons requiring urgent care.

All are asked to kindly take note of these new and urgent




Friday April 3, 2020

Contact: Permanent Secretary

Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Subject: Four More Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in SVG

The Caribbean Public Health Agency just reported 4 additional confirmed cases of

COVID-19 in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. These are all imported cases from either

Canada or the United States of America all arriving on March 25, 2020. The number of

confirmed cases reported in St. Vincent and the Grenadines to date now stands at 7. One

of the patients has already made a full recovery. Thus, there are currently 6 active cases.

The patients are Vincentian nationals and have been in isolation since their samples were

taken for testing. They are being monitored by health officials. The process of informing

the patients and any possible earlier contacts has commenced. All additional public health

measures will continue including the implementation of additional quarantine where


The public is reminded to continue to practice the basic but highly effective public health

measures of hand hygiene, cough etiquette, physical distancing and strict adherence to

quarantine to keep us all safe from COVID-19. The Government of St. Vincent and the

Grenadines will continue to keep the public informed as we manage this public health

challenge together. Thank you.




Friday April 3, 2020

Contact: Permanent Secretary

Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Subject: Third Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in SVG

Last night (at 9:46 p.m.), St. Vincent and the Grenadines registered its third confirmed

case of COVID-19. It is also another imported case. The positive result was one of two

results returned. The other result was negative.

The sample which tested positive was taken from a male patient who had travelled to

SVG from Barbados on March 18, 2020. The patient had placed himself under voluntary

quarantine from the time of his arrival in SVG. He developed symptoms on March 29 and

informed healthcare workers about them on March 31, at which time a sample for

COVID-19 testing was taken from him.

The patient, who is a Vincentian national, has been in isolation under close monitoring by

health officials since the sample was taken. The process of informing the patient and any

possible earlier contacts has commenced. All additional public health measures will

continue including the implementation of additional quarantine where necessary.

The public is reminded to continue to practice the basic but highly effective public health

measures of hand hygiene, cough etiquette, physical distancing and strict adherence to

quarantine to keep us all safe from COVID-19. The Government of St. Vincent and the

Grenadines will continue to keep the public informed as we manage this public health

challenge together.




Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Contact: Permanent Secretary

Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Subject: Medical Clearance for Original Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in SVG

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment just announced a second

confirmed case of COVID-19 in St. Vincent and the Grenadines on the basis of

laboratory results received from the Caribbean Public Health Agency.

The Ministry would now like to take this opportunity to inform the public the initial

confirmed case of COVID-19 in SVG has received medical clearance. In order for

medical clearance to be issued, 2 successive negative test results had to be received in

relation to that patient. These 2 successive negative results have been attained.

Thus, there is now one active case of COVID-19 in SVG.

Further to the original release of today’s date, the Ministry would like to clarify that the

four (4) samples which were rejected by CARPHA were so rejected because they were

drawn from patients without symptoms who therefore did not fit CARPHA’s definition of

a case requiring testing for COVID-19.

The Ministry and the government would continue to take all actions necessary to protect

the health of Vincentians during the course of the coronavirus pandemic and at all times.


MARCH 28TH, 2020




The Cabinet of St. Vincent and the Grenadines issued a revised list effective March 19th, 2020,

of quarantine requirement for passengers arriving from the following countries:

1. China

2. European Union (including Italy, the Overseas Departments of France (Guadeloupe,

Martinique, St. Martin, French Guiana)

3. Iran

4. South Korea

5. United States of America (including USVI and Puerto Rico)

6. Canada

7. United Kingdom

Individuals entering St. Vincent and Grenadines from the above listed countries will be subject

to a mandatory quarantine for 14 days after leaving their port of departure. The quarantine will

be actively monitored by Public Health Officials and members of the Royal St. Vincent and the

Grenadines Police Force and Coast Guard, and will remain in effect whether the individual

travels to or from the Grenadines.

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment will not hesitate to seek court orders to

enforce this quarantine requirement as evidenced by the court orders secured and served on the

entire group of passengers who arrived on AA 1427 on Saturday, March 28, 2020.

Additionally, effective March 28, 2020, all arriving passengers who meet the quarantine

requirement will be required to sign an Undertaking to Quarantine form issued by the Ministry of

National Security, Air and Seaport Development. Any breach of this undertaking will result in

appropriate action under the Laws of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

All persons previously instructed to be under quarantine are reminded that the instruction is

mandatory and any breach may result in imprisonment and or a fine.

While in quarantine, the following steps should be taken:

1. Do not leave home. Do not go to work, school, other publics areas.

2. Do not use public transportation.

3. Arrange to have groceries and other necessities delivered.

March 25, 2020



The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment wishes to advise that the Cabinet of

Ministers has informed that all travellers who arrive in St. Vincent and the Grenadines having

been in Canada within the last 14 days, will be required to be quarantined for a period of 14


Therefore, all travellers from the following countries will be quarantined for 14 days:

1. China

2. Iran

3. South Korea

4. United States of America including the USVI and Puerto Rico

5. United Kingdom

6. European Union including Italy and the Overseas Departments of France

(Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Martin, French Guiana)

7. Canada.

The general public is reminded that the requirement for quarantine is not optional. Individuals

meeting the quarantine requirement must remain in their homes/accommodation at all times

for the 14 day quarantine period.

Dr. Simone Keizer-Beache

Chief Medical Officer




Monday, March 23rd, 2020

Contact: Permanent Secretary

Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines


The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment wishes to inform the

general public that one of the isolation transport chambers was utilized earlier

today to safely transfer a patient from a private health care facility to the

Kingstown District Flu Clinic for further assessment and management. While the

patient does not meet all of the criteria of the case defnition a COVID-19 suspect

case, out of an abundance of caution, further investigations are being carried out

including the specifc COVID-19 test.

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment will continue to provide

the public with additional information as it becomes available.

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment thanks the Vincentian

public for their continued support and cooperation


March 22, 2020



The COVID-19 disease has spread around the globe to the Caribbean, including St Vincent and

the Grenadines where there is still only one confirmed case. In order to reduce the likelihood of

further spread within St. Vincent and the Grenadines, WHO has recommended “social

distancing”. Social distancing is a non-medical tactic used to keep people physically apart from

each other, as close contact helps to spread the virus. Social distancing is particularly important

to prevent the spread of COVID-19 because there is no vaccine to protect against the virus

which causes this disease. Therefore, the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment

issues the following advisory to Faith Leaders, Event Organizers and the general public:

1. Faith leaders are asked to be socially, culturally and spiritually flexible at this time and

be proactive to protect themselves and their congregation. The following measures are


a. As far as is possible reduce the number of church services and conduct services

virtually if possible.

b. Limit those attending church functions to a number that allows between 3 and 6

feet of space between persons in a seated group (typically 25 or less).

c. Keep already planned weddings to a limited gathering of a maximum of 10

persons for the ceremony. The reception could be postponed.

d. Postpone or cancel all non-essential social and cultural gatherings.

e. Avoid visiting the house bound members especially the elderly. In this regard it

is suggested that phone contact would be most appropriate. This will reduce the

risk of infecting the vulnerable, sick and elderly.

f. Limit those attending funerals to immediate family members (between 10 and

25 persons). An attendance by invitation only approach can be utilized.

g. Keep members informed consistently with official, accurate and up-to-date


2. Event Organizers and the general public:

a. Ensure no overcrowding at events and maintain at least three feet (six feet if

possible) between people.

b. Hygiene and physical distancing must be combined. Shaking hands, kissing and

hugging as forms of greeting should be avoided. Consider smiling, waving or

bumping elbows.

c. Keep patrons informed consistently and constantly.


Share your love for Bequia by sending this card to your friends

and loved ones. Say hello and tell them how you are doing -

it will mean a lot to them to be reminded of our beautiful island.

There’ll be a new one every week or so, so keep checking back!

Get this latest card to share here:

Get earlier cards to share here:

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