CTPG News Summer 2002


CARDIFF BUS CLOCKS 55 YEARS m PRESERVATIONIn the firstedition of "CTPGsubmittedNews"bytheGlyneditorBowenincluded a list of surviving vehiclefi-om themaroon and cream era. The list reveals that, as far as is known, theCardiff Corporation motorbus still in, existence is- the 1949 Crossley DD42/7registered EBO 900, fleet number 46. With this the Cardiff centenary year, itseems appropriate to put on record some details concerning the preservation ofbus that has now clocked up 17 years in service and 35 years in preservation!In 1966 four local bus enthusiasts - Robert Milfbrd^ Lyndon Rees, John Woodwaand myself - formed the "Cardiff 46 Group" with the aim of acquiring the last ofCardiff Crossleys for preservation. Bu& preservation was still quite a new hobbyespecially in South Wales ahhough a number of commercial vehicles were preservein the area and their owners provided some much welcomed advice and assist^The City Council were asked to donate the vehicle and, ahhough this was declinoffered to sell 46 at the average price obtained for the other fivevehicles in. the baAs some had been stripped for spares before sale, the average worked out at £60£12 for the slave tyres. Not a bad deal as the bus was serviced at Slopec Road dits last few days in service and somehow had a full tank of fiiel.46's first new home was alongside a bam an a farm in Cowbridge covered withlarge tarpaulin and much of the early restoration work was carried out ihere. I wremember many hours on an hot aluminium roof chipping off many layers of vehard paint! Over the years 46 had many temporary homes - with caravans in anhanger at RAF St. Athaiv surrounded by toilet rolls in a hanger at Llandow comemind. Work continued steadily, starting with the inside as we knew it would b£difficult to move on to the inside if the exterior restoration, was completed &istravelled to Stockport and collected a pair of brand new front wings - I believe wpaid £5 each. I had an Austin 1100 and the wings weretiedonthe roof rack!Cardiff Corporation Transport alowed us the use of the paint shop at Roath Depover a couple of weekends and Robert made a superb job of the repaint fbliowiagadvice readily given by the coachpainters at Roath, one of whom helped with thblack lining. During and afler resboratioiL.46 appeared at various ralles includiog thHCVS 10* Birthday Rally at Bealieu, the Bus of Yearyear Rally at Stratford, severavisits to the Weymouth and Bristol events and various, local rallies and carnivals.Problems over garaging and the changed circumstances of the owners led, in 1977the decision to pass ownership to the National Museum oLWales for. display atWelsh Industrial and Maritime Museum in Cardiff. It was initially housed in theVehicle Shed along with Cardiff trolleybus 215 and opentop Guy Arab 434 but,later years, was parked outside with little or no protection. When the museum closthe three ex Cardiff vehicles were transferred to the former Western Welsh depotBarry and left to suffer the ravages of time.

Cardiff Corporation 1949 Crossley DD42/7 EBO 900, fleet number 46.

Cardiff Corporation 1949 Crossley DD42/7 EBO 900, fleet number 46.

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