CTPG News Summer 2002


CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGEFor a number of reasons our planned regular "CTPG News" has not proved as regular asintended and this is the third Chairman's Message I have written for this edition such isthe way things keep changing at present.Publication of this edition is planned to coincide with "Bus & Coach Wales 2002" inCardiff on the 7* July so by the time you read this it will probably all be over! The eventthis year was, of course, dominated by the Cardiff Bus Centenary and we are particularlypleased to be associated with Cardiff Bus during this period.The safe storage of the vehicles remains our major problem. In the last edition I indicatedthat removal of the vehicles fromthe former Western Welsh Barry Depot was imminentbut, in the event, this did not happen although later in the year the vehicles belonging tothe Trolleybus Project were relocated to a site at Wentloog just outside Cardiff. Ameeting was held in December that seemed to lay the basis of an agreement with the Valeof Glamorgan Council for the rental of part of the building for the storage of vehicles.Over six months later we have only just received a draft of the proposed licence to usethe premises. During the interim period we have not been allowed to access the premisesand vandals have caused damage to the vehicles stored there. Even if agreement iseventually reached, we still need a site where work can be carried out on the buses.At the time of writing (21"* June) we still occupy the warehouse at Newport but we areunder notice to vacate the premises as work has now commenced on the new roadscheme. , ,Until adequate premises can be obtained, progress on the restoration of our vehicles ispainfully slow. Mention was made in the last edition that Cardiff Bus was to carry outwork on AEC Swift 512. Unfortunately, Cardiff Bus was unable to complete the job butthe engine has been fiiUy overhauled and rebuilt and now awaits reinstallation. Anypractical suggestions on how this can be accomplished are welcome. It was a greatdisappointment that this bus was not available for the centenary celebrations.Although not a CTPG vehicle, we are pleased that Cardiff Bus carried out some work onthe Cardiff Regent V Group's vehicle (fleet no. 408) including a full repaint andrestoration of the original destination display layout. This vehicle is a fine example ofwhat this Group should be achieving.On a more positive note, we have now held monthly meetings for over a year andattendances average around 25 to 30 members and friends with even more at certainmeetings. The £1 collected from each person attending is a welcome boost to ourfinances. One difficulty, however, is finding ten speakers each year without too muchrepetition - any volunteers?A notable achievement has been the production and pubUshing of our first book detailingthe story of Air Dispatch Ltd and Bruce Coach Works Ltd of Cardiff. As this was

completely iiinded by the Heritage Lottery Fund through the "Awards for All Wales"scheme, every copy sold yields a 100% profit for the Group. Other sales items alsofunded by the same source are imder preparation. The launch of the book at our Junemeeting was a particularly successfiil event attended by 40 members and guests includingCarey Chapman who gave a short talk on the life of Mrs Mildred Bruce, John Horn(Sales Manager of East Lancashire Coachbuilders Ltd) who spoke briefly about EastLanes and Ken Bowring a former Bruce Coach Works employee. Sales of the book, araffle, room fees and sale of photographs donated by Denis Chick boosted Group fimdsby over £270.It is our intention that extra copies of this edition will be printed for sale at the Rally sohopefully many of our readers will be non-members who we hope will eventually decideto join us. Please feel fi-ee to come along to our next meeting at the Cardiff County Hall,Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff at 7.30pm on Wednesday 17* July 2002. This meeting willreview the Rally and discuss the future of the Group and its vehicles. Following that, ournext meetings are on 21** August and 18* September. At the September meeting ourspeaker will be David Smith, former General Manager of City of Cardiff Transport.At the request of members, 1 append below a list of the current membership. It isparticularly pleasing to note that a number of former Cardiff Transport employees have >joined us during the last few months and a warm welcome is extended to them and allnew members._Glyn BowenChairman2002 Members*Glyn Bowen*Lewis Burrell*Martin Doe*Brian Francis•Frank Hart*Richard Johnson•John KirkGordon Mills•Desmond O'SullivanClive Sampson•Chris Taylor•Andrew WiltsliireTony BrewerDenis Chick•Alun Emlyn-Jones•John GriffithsBarry HodgesBob Jones•Ken R Leonard•Stephen Morgan•William Price•Peter Smith•Mike Taylor•Tim Wore!•JuUan BrinkworthRoger Davies•Martyn Evans•Paul Hamley•Malcohn Howitt•Trevor Jones•Ken G Leonard•AUan Morse•Phil Rixon•Mike StreetPhilip VineMembers marked • are resident in Cardiff or South East Wales.


For a number of reasons our planned regular "CTPG News" has not proved as regular as

intended and this is the third Chairman's Message I have written for this edition such is

the way things keep changing at present.

Publication of this edition is planned to coincide with "Bus & Coach Wales 2002" in

Cardiff on the 7* July so by the time you read this it will probably all be over! The event

this year was, of course, dominated by the Cardiff Bus Centenary and we are particularly

pleased to be associated with Cardiff Bus during this period.

The safe storage of the vehicles remains our major problem. In the last edition I indicated

that removal of the vehicles fromthe former Western Welsh Barry Depot was imminent

but, in the event, this did not happen although later in the year the vehicles belonging to

the Trolleybus Project were relocated to a site at Wentloog just outside Cardiff. A

meeting was held in December that seemed to lay the basis of an agreement with the Vale

of Glamorgan Council for the rental of part of the building for the storage of vehicles.

Over six months later we have only just received a draft of the proposed licence to use

the premises. During the interim period we have not been allowed to access the premises

and vandals have caused damage to the vehicles stored there. Even if agreement is

eventually reached, we still need a site where work can be carried out on the buses.

At the time of writing (21"* June) we still occupy the warehouse at Newport but we are

under notice to vacate the premises as work has now commenced on the new road

scheme. , ,

Until adequate premises can be obtained, progress on the restoration of our vehicles is

painfully slow. Mention was made in the last edition that Cardiff Bus was to carry out

work on AEC Swift 512. Unfortunately, Cardiff Bus was unable to complete the job but

the engine has been fiiUy overhauled and rebuilt and now awaits reinstallation. Any

practical suggestions on how this can be accomplished are welcome. It was a great

disappointment that this bus was not available for the centenary celebrations.

Although not a CTPG vehicle, we are pleased that Cardiff Bus carried out some work on

the Cardiff Regent V Group's vehicle (fleet no. 408) including a full repaint and

restoration of the original destination display layout. This vehicle is a fine example of

what this Group should be achieving.

On a more positive note, we have now held monthly meetings for over a year and

attendances average around 25 to 30 members and friends with even more at certain

meetings. The £1 collected from each person attending is a welcome boost to our

finances. One difficulty, however, is finding ten speakers each year without too much

repetition - any volunteers?

A notable achievement has been the production and pubUshing of our first book detailing

the story of Air Dispatch Ltd and Bruce Coach Works Ltd of Cardiff. As this was

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