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KARS KarsProvince(Turkish:Karsili,Armenian: Կարսի նահանգ) is a province of Turkey, located in the northeasternpartofthecountry.Itsharespartofits closed border with Armenia. The provincial capital isthecityofKars. In ancient times, Kars was part of the province of AraratintheKingdomofArmenia.Thefirstknown peoplewerethefollowersofVanand(Վանանդ),for whom Kars was their main settlement and fortress. In928,KarsbecamethecapitalofBagratidArmenia. In968,thecapitalofArmeniawasmovedtoAni,but Kars remained the capital of the feudal principality of Vanand. As a result of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877to1878,theprovinceofKarswasincorporated into the Russian Empire as part of the militarily administered Kars Oblast and remained so until 1918. Forashorttime(928-961)Karswasthecapitalofthe Armenian Bagratid kingdom and it was during this timethattheCathedral,nowknownastheChurchof the Apostles, was built. Shortly after the Bagratid capitalwastransferredtoAni,Karsbecame(in963) aseparateindependentkingdomknownasVannadthe Armenian name for the Kars region. This kingdomwastooutlivethatofAni. After the Seljuk Turks captured Ani, the last Armenian king of Kars ceded his city to the Byzantine Empire in 1064, getting in return the city of Amasya and lands in northern Cilicia. The Byzantines were no more successful in defending KarsthantheywerewithAni,andsoonlostittothe Turks (in 1071). In 1236 the Mongols occupied the region. As with other places, they probably gave a great deal of autonomy to the majority Armenian population: an Armenian prince is known to have beengoverningKarsin1284. ThegradualRussianconquestoftheCaucasusinthe 18 th century, led to an influx of Muslim migrants, especially Circassians. Kars became a strategic and heavily fortified border town protecting the Turkish Empire's eastern frontier and the road to Erzurum. The Russians occupied Kars in 1828, in 1855 and againin1877. AsubstantialpartoftheMuslimpopulationleftafter 1877, choosing not to live under Russian rule. The Armenians gradually moved into a new district of European-style buildings built on a grid plan to the south of the old medieval city, and most of the old city walls were demolished. There was a large influx ofArmeniansfromotherpartsofRussiancontrolled Armenia, as well as Armenians fleeing the oppressionandmassacresoftheOttomanEmpire. By 1918 the Turkish army was cutting a swathe of destruction across the newly declared Republic of Armenia,capturingKarsinApril1918andreaching BakuontheCaspianSea. In November 1920 the Bolsheviks annexed the little that was left of the Armenian republic. With Armenia now under Soviet "protection" the Turks ceased their advance and even withdrew from some captured territory, including Alexandropol. The Bolsheviks wanted good relations with Turkey, and in 1921 they signed the "Treaty of Kars" ceding the townofKarstoTurkey.

KARS<br />

KarsProvince(Turkish:Karsili,Armenian: Կարսի<br />

նահանգ) is a province of Turkey, located in the<br />

northeasternpartofthecountry.Itsharespartofits<br />

closed border with Armenia. The provincial capital<br />

isthecityofKars.<br />

In ancient times, Kars was part of the province of<br />

AraratintheKingdomofArmenia.Thefirstknown<br />

peoplewerethefollowersofVanand(Վանանդ),for<br />

whom Kars was their main settlement and fortress.<br />

In928,KarsbecamethecapitalofBagratidArmenia.<br />

In968,thecapitalofArmeniawasmovedtoAni,but<br />

Kars remained the capital of the feudal principality<br />

of Vanand. As a result of the Russo-Turkish War of<br />

1877to1878,theprovinceofKarswasincorporated<br />

into the Russian Empire as part of the militarily<br />

administered Kars Oblast and remained so until<br />

1918.<br />

Forashorttime(928-961)Karswasthecapitalofthe<br />

Armenian Bagratid kingdom and it was during this<br />

timethattheCathedral,nowknownastheChurchof<br />

the Apostles, was built. Shortly after the Bagratid<br />

capitalwastransferredtoAni,Karsbecame(in963)<br />

aseparateindependentkingdomknownasVannadthe<br />

Armenian name for the Kars region. This<br />

kingdomwastooutlivethatofAni.<br />

After the Seljuk Turks captured Ani, the last<br />

Armenian king of Kars ceded his city to the<br />

Byzantine Empire in 1064, getting in return the city<br />

of Amasya and lands in northern Cilicia. The<br />

Byzantines were no more successful in defending<br />

KarsthantheywerewithAni,andsoonlostittothe<br />

Turks (in 1071). In 1236 the Mongols occupied the<br />

region. As with other places, they probably gave a<br />

great deal of autonomy to the majority Armenian<br />

population: an Armenian prince is known to have<br />

beengoverningKarsin1284.<br />

ThegradualRussianconquestoftheCaucasusinthe<br />

18 th century, led to an influx of Muslim migrants,<br />

especially Circassians. Kars became a strategic and<br />

heavily fortified border town protecting the Turkish<br />

Empire's eastern frontier and the road to Erzurum.<br />

The Russians occupied Kars in 1828, in 1855 and<br />

againin1877.<br />

AsubstantialpartoftheMuslimpopulationleftafter<br />

1877, choosing not to live under Russian rule. The<br />

Armenians gradually moved into a new district of<br />

European-style buildings built on a grid plan to the<br />

south of the old medieval city, and most of the old<br />

city walls were demolished. There was a large influx<br />

ofArmeniansfromotherpartsofRussiancontrolled<br />

Armenia, as well as Armenians fleeing the<br />

oppressionandmassacresoftheOttomanEmpire.<br />

By 1918 the Turkish army was cutting a swathe of<br />

destruction across the newly declared Republic of<br />

Armenia,capturingKarsinApril1918andreaching<br />

BakuontheCaspianSea.<br />

In November 1920 the Bolsheviks annexed the little<br />

that was left of the Armenian republic. With<br />

Armenia now under Soviet "protection" the Turks<br />

ceased their advance and even withdrew from some<br />

captured territory, including Alexandropol. The<br />

Bolsheviks wanted good relations with Turkey, and<br />

in 1921 they signed the "Treaty of Kars" ceding the<br />


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