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Doğubayazıt is the easternmost district of Turkey,<br />

bordering with Iran, at an elevation of 1625 m. The<br />

town is a settlement with a long history and lies<br />

15kmsouthwestofMountArarat.<br />

The area has had a rich history with monuments<br />

dating back to the time of the Kingdom of Urartu<br />

(over 2700 years ago). The Kingdom of Urartu was<br />

centered in modern-day eastern Turkey, southwest<br />

Armenia, and northwestern Iran. Urartu enjoyed<br />

considerable political power in the region in the 9 th<br />

and 8 th centuries BCE. Similar to Assyrian in<br />

language and culture, their capital was Tushpa<br />

(modern-day Van, Turkey). Before the Ottoman<br />

Empire the site was referred to by its Armenian<br />

name Daruynk. In the 4 th century the Sasanians<br />

failedtocapturetheArmenianstrongholdandroyal<br />

treasury at Daruynk. Princes of the Bagratid<br />

dynasty of Armenia resided at Daruynk and rebuilt<br />

the fortress into its present configuration with<br />

multiplebaileysandtowerscarefullyintegratedinto<br />

the ascending rock outcrop. When King Gagik<br />

Arcruni reoccupied the fortress in 922 A.D. it<br />

became the seat of a bishop. It was subsequently<br />

conquered and reconquered by Persians,<br />

Armenians, Byzantines, and Seljuks, all of whom<br />

wouldhaveusedtheplaintorestandrecoupduring<br />

their passages across the mountains. The castle of<br />

Daruynk was repaired many times throughout this<br />

history, although it is now named after the Turkish<br />

warlord Celayırlı Şehzade Bayazıt Han who ordered<br />

oneoftherebuildings(in1374).Ultimately,thetown<br />

was renamed Beyazit itself in the 16 th century.The<br />

widelydispersedvillageofBayazit,wasoriginallyan<br />

Armenian settlement and populated by Kurds in<br />

1930andYazidisfromtheSerhatregion.Butin1930<br />

the Turkish army destroyed it in response to the<br />

AraratRebellion.Anewtownwasbuiltintheplain<br />

below the old site in the 1930s (hence the new name<br />

"Doğubayazıt",whichliterallymeans"EastBeyazıt").<br />


Ishak Pasha Palace, on the Silk Route near the<br />

Iranian frontier, is situated on a high and vast<br />

platform of strategic importance on an area of 7600<br />

squaremeters.<br />

Built over an entire century by generations of the<br />

Pashafamily,theMiddleEastern-inspiredarchesand<br />

domesofthesprawlingpalacehavesurvivedforover<br />

400 years. Sitting near the Iranian border, the<br />

architectural design of the palace is heavily<br />

influencedbyitsneighboringArmenianandIranian<br />

cultures. The palace was outfitted with a dizzying<br />

arrayoffacilitiesandamenitiesincludingabakery,a<br />

mosque, dungeons, and even a harem, all with a<br />

central heating system. It has been decorated with<br />

white and black stones and consists of 366 rooms,<br />

twocourtyards,mosque,tombsandharem.<br />

The landscape around Ishak Pasha Palace is<br />

hauntingly beautiful located in this majestic<br />

mountainous region. This area boasts of several<br />

mountains: Ararat, Little Ararat, Tendürek Dagi,<br />

Kaletepe,Agridagi,andGöllertepe.<br />

AftertheTopkapıPalace,itisthemostfamouspalace<br />

in Turkey and was depicted on the reverse of the<br />


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