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APHRODISIAS–CARIA,TURKEY AphrodisiasislocatedinsouthwesternTurkey,inthe fertile valley formed by the Morsynus River, in the ancient region of Caria and was founded as a citystate in the early 2 nd century BC. Because the city sharedacloseinterestinthegoddessAphroditewith Sulla, Julius Caesar and the emperor Augustus, Aphrodisias came to have a close relationship with Rome. It obtained a privileged ‘tax-free’ political status from the Roman senate, and developed a strong artistic, sculptural tradition during the ImperialPeriod. The sanctuary at Aphrodisias had a distinctive cult statueofAphroditewhichdefinedthecity’sidentity. TheAphroditeofAphrodisiascombinedaspectsofa local Anatolian, archaic fertility goddess with those oftheHellenicAphrodite,goddessofloveand beauty. The proximity of the marble quarries to the city was a major reason that Aphrodisias became an outstanding high-quality production centre for marble sculpture. Sculptors from the city were famousthroughouttheRomanEmpire.Theywere well-known for virtuoso portrait sculpture and Hellenistic-style statues of gods and Dionysian figures. In late antiquity (4 th -6 th centuries AD), Aphrodisian sculptors were in great demand for marble portrait busts and statues of emperors, governors and philosophers in the major centers oftheempire–forexample,atSardis, Stratonikeia, Laodikeia, Constantinople and Rome. In this period they were the best carvers of marblestatuesoftheirday. THESTATUEOF NEROWITHARMENIA Nero supports the slumping figure of Armenia between his wide-striding legs, holding her by her upper arms. She collapses, sitting back on her left heel, her right leg stretched out in front, the foot bracedagainst,itwouldhaveseemed,thesideofthe columnframingthepanel Nerowearsashortcloakfastenedwitharound broochandabaldriccarryinganemptyscabbard. Armenia wears short, plain boots with ribbon-like ties shown on the left boot, a cloak fastened on the rightshoulder,andsoft'Phrygian'capwithsoft,freestanding peak, modelled carefully in the round. She has long, wavy hair, untied and reaching over her shoulders. Her body is naked and well realized in a compact design. The quiver and bow, normal for Armenia iconography, are shown in lower relief on thebackground,leaningagainstthesideofthepanel. Iconographically, the evocation is clearly of Achilles and Penthesilea: the striding hero with cloak and baldricsupportingtheeastern/Amazonqueen. The statue symbolizes the support of the Roman Emperor Nero to the King Tiridates the III of Armenia. In 63 AD after many defeats with the Parthians, King Tigranes resigned and the throne passed on to the Prince of Tiridates, the founder of the Arsacides dynasty of Armenia. His coronation took place in Rome by Nero himself. Returning to Armenia and having considerable help from the Romans,herebuiltthedestroyedcapitalofArmenia andnameditNeroniatohonortheRomanEmperor.

APHRODISIAS–CARIA,<strong>TURKEY</strong><br />

AphrodisiasislocatedinsouthwesternTurkey,inthe<br />

fertile valley formed by the Morsynus River, in the<br />

ancient region of Caria and was founded as a citystate<br />

in the early 2 nd century BC. Because the city<br />

sharedacloseinterestinthegoddessAphroditewith<br />

Sulla, Julius Caesar and the emperor Augustus,<br />

Aphrodisias came to have a close relationship with<br />

Rome. It obtained a privileged ‘tax-free’ political<br />

status from the Roman senate, and developed a<br />

strong artistic, sculptural tradition during the<br />

ImperialPeriod.<br />

The sanctuary at Aphrodisias had a distinctive cult<br />

statueofAphroditewhichdefinedthecity’sidentity.<br />

TheAphroditeofAphrodisiascombinedaspectsofa<br />

local Anatolian, archaic fertility goddess with those<br />

oftheHellenicAphrodite,goddessofloveand<br />

beauty.<br />

The proximity of the marble quarries to the city<br />

was a major reason that Aphrodisias became an<br />

outstanding high-quality production centre for<br />

marble sculpture. Sculptors from the city were<br />

famousthroughouttheRomanEmpire.Theywere<br />

well-known for virtuoso portrait sculpture and<br />

Hellenistic-style statues of gods and Dionysian<br />

figures. In late antiquity (4 th -6 th centuries AD),<br />

Aphrodisian sculptors were in great demand for<br />

marble portrait busts and statues of emperors,<br />

governors and philosophers in the major centers<br />

oftheempire–forexample,atSardis,<br />

Stratonikeia, Laodikeia, Constantinople and<br />

Rome. In this period they were the best carvers of<br />

marblestatuesoftheirday.<br />



Nero supports the slumping figure of Armenia<br />

between his wide-striding legs, holding her by her<br />

upper arms. She collapses, sitting back on her left<br />

heel, her right leg stretched out in front, the foot<br />

bracedagainst,itwouldhaveseemed,thesideofthe<br />

columnframingthepanel<br />

Nerowearsashortcloakfastenedwitharound<br />

broochandabaldriccarryinganemptyscabbard.<br />

Armenia wears short, plain boots with ribbon-like<br />

ties shown on the left boot, a cloak fastened on the<br />

rightshoulder,andsoft'Phrygian'capwithsoft,freestanding<br />

peak, modelled carefully in the round. She<br />

has long, wavy hair, untied and reaching over her<br />

shoulders. Her body is naked and well realized in a<br />

compact design. The quiver and bow, normal for<br />

Armenia iconography, are shown in lower relief on<br />

thebackground,leaningagainstthesideofthepanel.<br />

Iconographically, the evocation is clearly of Achilles<br />

and Penthesilea: the striding hero with cloak and<br />

baldricsupportingtheeastern/Amazonqueen.<br />

The statue symbolizes the support of the Roman<br />

Emperor Nero to the King Tiridates the III of<br />

Armenia. In 63 AD after many defeats with the<br />

Parthians, King Tigranes resigned and the throne<br />

passed on to the Prince of Tiridates, the founder of<br />

the Arsacides dynasty of Armenia. His coronation<br />

took place in Rome by Nero himself. Returning to<br />

Armenia and having considerable help from the<br />

Romans,herebuiltthedestroyedcapitalofArmenia<br />


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