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Nemrut or Nemrud (Turkish: Nemrut Dağı;<br />

Kurdish: Çiyayê Nemrûdê‎; Armenian: Նեմրութ<br />

լեռ) is a 2,134 m-high mountain in southeastern<br />

Turkey, notable for the summit where a number of<br />

large statues are erected around what is assumed to<br />

bearoyaltombfromthe1 st c.BC.<br />

Antiochus I Theos Dikaios Epiphanes<br />

Philorhomaios Philhellen (Ancient Greek: Ἀντίοχος<br />

ὁ Θεὸς Δίκαιος Ἐπιφανὴς Φιλορωμαῖος Φιλέλλην,<br />

meaning"Antiochos,thejust,eminentgod,friendof<br />

Romans and friend of Greeks", c. 86 BC – 31 BC,<br />

ruled70BC–31BC)wasKingoftheGreco-Iranian<br />

KingdomofCommageneandthemostfamousking<br />

of that kingdom. In 1987, Mount Nemrut was<br />

declaredaWorldHeritageSitebyUNESCO .<br />

When the Seleucid Empire was defeated by the<br />

Romansin190BCattheBattleofMagnesiaitbegan<br />

to fall apart and new kingdoms were established on<br />

itsterritorybylocalauthorities.Commagene,oneof<br />

the Seleucid successor states, occupied a land<br />

between the Taurus mountains and the Euphrates.<br />

ThestateofCommagenehadawiderangeof<br />

cultureswhichleftitsleaderfrom62BC–38BC<br />

Antiochus I Theos to carry on a peculiar dynastic<br />

religious program, which included not only Greek<br />

and Iranian deities but Antiochus and his family as<br />

well. This religious program was very possibly an<br />

attempt by Antiochus to unify his multiethnic<br />

kingdom and secure his dynasty's authority.<br />

Antiochussupportedthecultasapropagatorof<br />

happinessandsalvation.<br />


In Nemrut Dagi, opposite the statues of Gods there<br />

arealongrowofpedestals,onwhichstoodthesteles<br />

oftheGreekancestorsofAntiochos.Atarightangle<br />

tothisrowstoodanotherrowofsteles,depictinghis<br />

Orontid and Achaemenid ancestors. From these<br />

steles the ones of Darius and Xerxes are well<br />

preserved.Antiochosexpendedgreatefforttoensure<br />

that everyone was aware that he was related to the<br />

dynasty of the King of Kings, Darius I, by the<br />

marriage of princess Rhodogune to his ancestor<br />

Orontes. The father of Rhodogune was the Persian<br />

king, Artaxerxes. In 401 BC Artaxerxes defeated his<br />

youngerbrother,whotriedtodeposehim.Becauseof<br />

the help Artaxerxes received from Orontes—his<br />

military commander and satrap of Armenia—he<br />

gavehisdaughterinmarriagetohim.<br />

The Orontid dynasty, also known by their native<br />

nameEruandidorYervanduni(Armenian: Երվանդ<br />

ունի), was a hereditary Armeniandynasty and the<br />

rulersofthesuccessorstatetotheIronAgekingdom<br />

of Urartu (Ararat). The Orontids established their<br />

supremacy over Armenia around the time of<br />

the Scythian and Median invasion in the 6 th century<br />

BC.MembersoftheOrontiddynastyruledArmenia<br />

intermittently during the period spanning the 6 th<br />

centuryBCtoatleastthe2 nd century BC, first as<br />

client kings or satraps of<br />

the Median and Achaemenid empires who<br />

established an independent kingdom after the<br />

collapseoftheAchaemenidempire,andlateraskings<br />

of Sophene and Commagene who eventually<br />


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