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This church was completed shortly after the year<br />

1035. It had a unique design: 19-sided externally, 8-<br />

apsed internally, with a huge central dome set upon<br />

a tall drum. It was built by Prince Ablgharib<br />

PahlavidtohouseafragmentoftheTrueCross.The<br />

churchwaslargelyintactuntil1955,whentheentire<br />

easternhalfcollapsedduringastorm<br />



Thissmallbuildingprobablydatesfromthelate10 th<br />

century. It was built as a private chapel for the<br />

Pahlavuni family. Their mausoleum, built in 1040<br />

andnowreducedtoitsfoundations,wasconstructed<br />

against the northern side of the church. The church<br />

hasacentralizedplan,withadomeoveradrum,and<br />

theinteriorhassixexedras.<br />

K<strong>IN</strong>GGAGIK'S<br />


Also known as the Gagikashen, this church was<br />

constructed between the years 1001 and 1005 and<br />

intended to be a recreation of the celebrated<br />

cathedral of Zvartnots at Vagharshapat. Nikolai<br />

Marr uncovered the foundations of this remarkable<br />

building in 1905 and 1906. Before that, all that was<br />

visible on the site was a huge earthen mound. The<br />

designer of the church was the architect Trdat. The<br />

church is known to have collapsed a relatively short<br />

time after its construction and houses were later<br />

constructedontopofitsruins.Trdat'sdesignclosely<br />

followsthatofZvartnotzinitssizeandinitsplan(a<br />

quatrefoil core surrounded by a circular<br />

ambulatory).<br />



The date of its construction is not known, but the<br />

earliestdatedinscriptiononitswallsisfrom1031.It<br />

was founded by the Pahlavuni family and was used<br />

by the archbishops of Ani (many of whom belonged<br />

tothatdynasty).Ithasaplanofatypecalledan<br />

inscribed quatrefoil with corner chambers. Only<br />

fragments remain of the church, but a narthex with<br />

spectacularstonework,builtagainstthesouthsideof<br />

the church, is still partially intact. It dates from the<br />

early 13 th century. A number of other halls, chapels,<br />

and shrines once surrounded this church: Nicholas<br />

Marr excavated their foundations in 1909, but they<br />

arenowmostlydestroyed.<br />


The mosque is named after its presumed founder,<br />

Manuchihr, the first member of the Shaddadid<br />

dynasty that ruled Ani after 1072. The oldest<br />

surviving part of the mosque is its still intact<br />

minaret. It has the Arabic word Bismillah ("In the<br />

nameofGod")inKuficletteringhighonitsnorthern<br />

face. The prayer hall, half of which survives, dates<br />

fromalaterperiod(the12 th or13 th century).In1906<br />

the mosque was partially repaired in order for it to<br />

house a public museum containing objects found<br />

duringNicholasMarr'sexcavations.<br />


At the southern end of Ani is a flat-topped hill once<br />

knownasMidjnaberd(theInnerFortress). Ithasits<br />

own defensive walls that date back to the period<br />

whentheKamsarakandynastyruledAni(7 th century<br />

AD).NicholasMarrexcavatedthecitadelhillin1908<br />

and 1909. He uncovered the extensive ruins of the<br />

palaceoftheBagratidkingsofAnithatoccupiedthe<br />

highestpartofthehill.Alsoinsidethecitadelarethe<br />

visible ruins of three churches and several<br />

unidentified buildings. One of the churches, the<br />

"churchofthepalace"istheoldestsurvivingchurch<br />

in Ani, dating from the 6th or 7th century. Marr<br />

undertook emergency repairs to this church, but<br />

most of it has now collapsed – probably during an<br />

earthquakein1966 .<br />


Alineofwallsthatencircledtheentirecitydefended<br />

Ani. The most powerful defences were along the<br />

northernsideofthecity,theonlypartofthesitenot<br />

protected by rivers or ravines. Here the city was<br />

protectedbyadoublelineofwalls,themuchtaller<br />

inner wall studded by numerous large and closely<br />

spaced semicircular towers. Contemporary<br />

chroniclers wrote that King Smbat (977–989) built<br />

these walls. Later rulers strengthened Smbat's walls<br />

bymakingthemsubstantiallyhigherandthicker,and<br />

byaddingmoretowers.Armenianinscriptionsfrom<br />

the 12 th and 13 th century show that private<br />

individualspaidforsomeofthesenewertowers.The<br />

northern walls had three gateways, known as the<br />

LionGate,theKarsGate,andtheDvinGate(also<br />

knownastheChequer-BoardGatebecauseofapanel<br />

ofredandblackstonesquaresoveritsentrance)<br />


There are many other minor monuments at Ani.<br />

These include a convent known as the Virgins'<br />

chapel; a church used by Chalcedonian Armenians;<br />

the remains of a single-arched bridge over the Arpa<br />

river; the ruins of numerous oil-presses and several<br />

bath houses; the remains of a second mosque with a<br />

collapsedminaret;apalacethatprobablydatesfrom<br />

the 13 th century; the foundations of several other<br />

palaces and smaller residences; the recently<br />

excavatedremainsofseveralstreetslinedwithshops;<br />

etc.<br />


Directly outside of Ani, there was a settlement-zone<br />

carved into the cliffs. It may have served as "urban<br />

sprawl" when Ani grew too large for its city walls.<br />

Today, goats and sheep take advantage of the caves'<br />

cool interiors. One highlight of this part of Ani is a<br />

cave church with frescos on its surviving walls and<br />

ceiling.<br />

AniislistedinUNESCO’sWorldHeritageSites.<br />


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