Dopamine Positivity Magazine Issue 3

We hope this home of warm poetry and inspiring articles flutters fireflies of comfort in your heart. Don’t forget to share these with your friends, family, colleagues, even strangers and make their day!

We hope this home of warm poetry and inspiring articles flutters fireflies of comfort in your heart. Don’t forget to share these with your friends, family, colleagues, even strangers and make their day!


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issue #3 July 14, 2019


let positivity engulf you

Illustrated by Khushboo Agarwal

Bouquet Canyon




Self Love: The Key To

a Happy Life


Drink More Water &

Other Ways to Say I

Love You

Brandon Duong

Book Review: A Man

Called Ove

Indresh Paliwal




Working Towards a

Better Future

The Happy Company

The Hidden Flower

Avianna Lemonier

Happiness List

Coastal Fog

Riya Adlakha

Bhavya Goswami

Ajay Singh Peelwa

Ishaan Kumar

Himanshu Saini

Payal Lulla

Protiti Sengupta








Your Best Friend You Know From A Week

Because Self Love is All You Need

Art For Wildlife

Music Reviews

Whenever You Feel Down

Live Life in Colors


Acrylic Paintings by

David Stowe

Easter Bloom


Artwork by Manvi Khandelwal




To A




How many times has the thought of you

feeling worthless popped up in your

minds? Do you remember how many

times you have dozed off feeling like a

failure, a sense of burden and being

unproductive engulfing you? Have you

gone through the feeling of rejection by the

person you love the most? Getting up from

your beds seems a task uphill , impossible

to be tackled off for a moment, ever


You are depressed but not actually

depressed. You smile, but not from your

heart, you are alive but not living, you are

acting to be ecstatic but honestly, your soul

is shackled in invisible barriers. You pass

your days as if it’s a duty, and you have

been so used to your sufferings that it

doesn’t bother you anymore, you are

tuned to live with all that pressure in your


4 | Dopamine • July’19

Stop for a moment, pause, take a look,

inhale, is that what you were born for? No

darling, you were born for some great

missions. You were born to be happy , not

to master sufferings. And happiness is not

an external thing that will be bestowed

upon you by somebody else. You have to

create that happiness. Joy starts within

you. Its got nothing to do with outside, the

materialistic world. It starts from you. Pain is

inevitable, that’s a part and parcel of life

but suffering, its optional. You can have

pain, but you don’t have to suffer


So often, you align your happiness with

other persons that you lose yourself in the

process of making them happy in order to

be happy yourself. Honestly, it’s a hard pill

to swallow but everybody doesn’t have the

same heart as you. No matter what you

do, something will not be upto the mark, so

STOP looking for happiness outside of you,

stop seeking love, validation and

happiness from others. First love yourself,

love yourself to an extent that giving love to

others wouldn’t empty your box of self love

, it isn’t vanity, it’s pure sanity. Be grateful for

your existence because you, you have a

mission, which is yours and yours alone

and you may not know it at this present

moment, but it will eventually unfold to you

in the best ways.

Loving your own self, accepting even the

darkest secrets and crevices about you

which no one else has the right to know

and embracing that with all your heart,

that’s the first step towards a happy life.

The more love you give to yourself, the

better you will attract in return. Try

validating yourself without any opinion

clouding you, try not to seek love outside

and see, how empowering that is. Believe

in yourself, work on yourself, work for

yourself, believe in magic and miracles

and see how magic blooms in your lives.

Wake up every day, feeling grateful that

you have been bestowed with an

opportunity to live this day. Try your utmost

and give your 200 percent wholeheartedly

in everything you do, even the smallest act

you take up. Its okay to not succeed, every

winner starts out as a learner, be proud of

yourself for trying, pat your shoulders and

say well done, and work hard the next day

and repeat this till you climb that ladder of

success. Believe that you deserve all that

you wish and give so unselfishly to others.

Have faith that you matter and

affirmatively tell yourself, today is my day

every morning. But most importantly, love

yourself everyday. Only you know your

battle and how hard you are fighting it, so

embrace yourself and you will achieve the

milestones bit by bit. Cultivate the art of

self-love and see, how mystically

happiness will be nurtured and developed

in your life’s garden.

So are we all ready to love ourselves in the

most amazing ways and take a step

towards a happy, positive and a blissful

and beautiful life?

July’19 July’19 • • Dopamine | 21 | 5

Drink More Water & Other

Ways to Say I Love You

my parents didn’t start telling me

that they Loved me until I left for


a foreign place where the scent of

pho could not kiss my senses

and where the steam of my

mother’s fried rice could not

embrace me,

they figured these three words

could keep me warm until reunion

in third grade, a picture book told


Love is ‘I Love you’. It is




crafting gifts

It told me that my family must not

be loving enough.

my parents did not hug me much

as a child.

they just worked until their hands

went numb.

they just woke up earlier than the

sun to prepare the day’s

meals…every day,

6| Dopamine • July’19

Artwork by Alisha Poonawala

arms too stiff to wrap around their

son from polishing the floors every

week, folding the laundry every


hands aching from kneading the

dough and tenderizing chicken at 4

am each day.

how they played soldier 24/7,

constantly on watch because

Death had an affection for their sick

son and

tried too many times to adopt him

Love in my family is like Asian

people in American media, never

really broadcasted but have always



Always existed.

Always thrived.

Love was going away at night to

work overtime.

going weeks without seeing their

children so that they could feed


Love was every, “Did you eat your


every, “Don’t run around with

chopsticks or you’ll impale yourself!”

every, “You’re gonna get kidnapped if

you don’t hold my hand!”

so Ba, Mẹ, how do I show you Love


what can a tree do to thank the

Earth for the nutrients it gave?

our people speak through actions,

so I want to raise mountains under

your feet so that the world can

know who you are.

Mẹ, I want to take pages from the

Vietnamese book you gave me

years ago and plant them in my


so I can hear every beautiful syllable

your artist's tongue creates and


I want to take the letters and cook

them into a bowl of ban canh so

that I can taste every accent mark.

the metal of every dấu sắc, and feel

the Riverbend in every dấu hỏi

so let me thank you in your native


drink more water

is your pee clear?

eat more apples

I’ll be home soon.

Brandon Duong

July’19 • Dopamine | 7

A Man

Called Ove

by Fredrik Backman

A man called Ove is a book about a

lot of things, none of which looks

superficial in the context in which it is

presented in the book.

The book revolves around Ove, a person of

59, just out of a proper job, who finds it

difficult to deal with people around him

because they don’t seem to live life ideally,

according to him.

He finds himself at constant disagreement

with people about their choices, their

incompetence in doing things which

according to Ove every man should be able

to do.

It’s a story about

how constant

interaction, a bit of

empathy and care, and

the power of sheer

parlance, can move a

person. Imagine a strict old

aged man hell-bent on

committing suicide and failing at it, due to

hilarious hurdles posed by his neighbours.

to being a loving grandparent who tries

buying an iPad for his neighbour’s little girl

who calls him granddad. It’s a very loving

story of the protagonist, which gives us a

glimpse of the thought process, and just

the observably strict nature and the

struggles or conviction which shaped them

into what they are, of curmudgeons around

us, and how they come off to be as they

are. Moreover, this book gives us a reason

to understand such people in our own


R ev

B ook

8 | Dopamine • July’19




The story moves in flashback with a kind

of anecdotal account of his life from his

birth to his teenage and beyond. That’s just

a fraction of the literary genius of this book.

The author juggles between a variety of

emotions he wants to convey in a

single chapter, and he does that

by constantly moving to and fro

from one incident in his life to

another, where on one hand

he names one of his

neighbours Blonde Weed and

on other admires his father for

the man he was and how he

wanted to be very less unlike his

father. I have never come across a

book which is able to

move from emotion to

another with such


In a unique yet subtle way, the author

throws light on the topic of love. And time.

How it blooms, and ages. How badly it is

missed when lost. How even grumpy

men can soften when the right hands

hold theirs. To quote Fredrik Backman,

“She laughed and laughed and laughed

until the vowels were rolling across the

walls and floors as if they meant to do

away with the laws of time and space.”

A lot seems to be working for this book and

all of its credit goes to the incredibly talented

author we have here. It’s undeniably

relatable. Most of us either have encountered

someone like this around us and sometimes

even in our own families.

This book is one among those which excel

at giving you a glimpse of a long era, of a

person or a situation or a life, in some 300

pages. It’s a fantastic read, this book. One

should definitely try reading this

one because first of all it is

hilarious, and secondly, it’s very

warm when thought about in retrospect.

Indresh Paliwal

July’19 • Dopamine | 9

Life is much busier now, people are more

stressed, and be it the schools or the

workplace, the amount of mental work has

increased exponentially.

Working Towards a

Happier Future

In this day and

age of

technology and

everything new,

we seem to still

be stuck on the old

idea of mental


A study conducted by the World Health

Organization in 2015 shows that one in five

Indians may suffer from depression in their

lifetime, equivalent to 200 million people.

Now due to various factors like stigma, lack

of awareness and limited professional help,

only a fraction of these people are being


The majority of the populace when asked

what mental health according to them is,

stated terms like ‘retard’, ‘stupid’, ‘mad’. Now,

it is not their fault that they think like this,

the older part of the

population grew up

in a time where

stress was low

and life was slow


But our brains can work at such a

pace only for so long before tiring,

and rest isn’t an option. There are

deadlines to reach, projects to complete

and tests to study for and therefore,

our lives have become so hectic that we

often forget to take a break.

The world changed, our mentality didn’t.

Take a minute and think of the following


You were playing with your friends one day

and ended up bruising your knee, you hid it

as fast as you could, what if someone saw

it? You rushed home, hiding your wound

from everyone, you don’t want to be

judged. You try to bandage it yourself, try

to hide the pain because you know that

this pain is much better than the one you’d

get if the society knew of your injury.

Seems weird, right? Why would anyone be

so paranoid because of a simple physical

injury? Well, now replace that with

depression, anxiety or any other mental

disorder. Get it? This is the society we live

in today. One where you have to

hide your pain because it’s

better than being judged.

10 | Dopamine • July’19

This mentality is what needs to be

changed, everyone at some point in their

lives feels stressed or anxious and while

it is okay to feel so, what elevates these

feelings is repressing them.

Communicating with others is a crucial

part of mental health, it is healthy to vent

out from time to time as this helps in

getting rid of the emotional baggage we

carry around.

Now as I mentioned before, not everyone

is fortunate enough to have a safe space

to vent out how they feel and here is

where we come in, The Happy

Company. What we do is simply give

others a safe space where they can vent

out their feelings anonymously without

the fear of being judged.

A very famous argument I’ve heard is

‘show me where it hurts’, people won’t

believe mental illness because they can’t

see it. Here is where awareness comes into

play. Once something is shared enough,

people start to talk about their own

experiences with it and through this mutual

connection that thing or topic is


A study on people’s attitudes towards

those affected showed that 41% of people

agreed that talking to a mentally unhealthy

person could deteriorate the mental health

of a healthy person.

All you need to do is send in a hi to our

page (@to.a.happier.world) and the

admin will assign you a volunteer. To put

it in simple words, they are like your

friends, always ready to lend an ear. Even

after you’re done venting, they check up

on you every week to make sure you are


It’s a cruel world out there, and we have

but each other to get through it. Everyone

has problems and no one should have to

go through them alone. Remember that

there is always someone out there who

is willing to be there for you, it is only a

matter of reaching out to them.

Let’s all work towards a happier world!

The Happy Company

July’19 • Dopamine | 11





She is the flower that bloomed in the

middle of a winter storm;

Petals forming in the frigid cold, roots

sprinkled with chilled water.

Energized by a shy sun,

Solemnly peeking through a thick,

smothering fog.

12 | Dopamine • July’19

Photographed by

Arya Sarbadhikari

A flower unrecognized, sitting unplucked,

among a bed of roses.

Beautiful but foreign to the untrained eye,

Left untouched and treated with shallow


She is a flower that bloomed in spite of the

winter around her.

Reaching up toward the still, blue sky,

She stretches her leaves, bending and

moving and shapeshifting.

Forced into growth by her circumstances,

She chooses to reach rather than wither

and die.

This vibrant flower grows in gardens within

us all;

Hidden away behind unforgiving shrubs

and overgrown branches.

This flower sits lonely, hoping for a chance

to survive,

Setting her intentions toward life and not


Hoping that the heart that she lives in will

choose her,

Wishing to be acknowledged and brought

out into clear daylight.

This flower knows her worth, knows that

she is worth more than what she is given.

But she struggles to obtain what she

knowingly deserves.

So she bends her petals upward, reaching


Hoping that, as she reaches, the sun will be

kind and shine on her.

Up and up and up, she goes,

Persistently pushing past the sharp, harsh

surroundings she knows of.

And then, like magic, the fog above her


Lowering beneath her, covering the shrubs

and the sharpness of broken stems.

Finally, she can breathe clean air and stretch

her leaves in delight,

As the sun bounces upon her petals,

appearing as a welcome to this new world.

As she continues to rise, the sounds of her

old world fade,

And the fresh feelings of a new life cover

her petals with dew.

Finally feeling content, she stands upright,

Solid in her petals and her leaves and her


This flower has overcome a cold winter,

Risen above an unforgiving fog and

conquered suffocating surroundings.

This flower is content with where she has

brought herself to be.

This flower is not going anywhere as she is

free to bloom within me.

Avianna Lemonier

July’19 • Dopamine | 13


Akagra Gupta


Arya Sarbadhikari


Atul Gupta

Street Lights

Arya Sarbadhikari

Window Seats

Arya Sarbadhikari


Kaavya Sahu

By the Sea

Harshita Nagpal


Saumya Nagpal


Prerak Mathur


Atul Gupta

July’19 • Dopamine | 15









16 | Dopamine • July’19

Do we need people to survive

at a new place?

Probably not.

For once you part,

you won't remember their faces after two years

And so won't they

And you'll talk twice a year

To wish them on their birthday

And they will reciprocate,


Or to ask them for a favour

If you ever visit their city.

Your best friend you know from a week,

With whom you have been exploring new places,

You will never mention their name again in your conversations

You won't call them at 4 in the morning the way you do now

All of this will fade away

Once you part.

But maybe,

You'll make a friend for life

Who might cross cities to see you.

With whom you'll still talk twice a year

But for three long hours

You'll tell them stories from all round the year

And sure they'll hear


Your best friend you know for a week,

You'll meet them once again,

Stuck in the same place

You won't need no more people to survive then.

So maybe,

It would be better to go have cupcakes

With your best friend next door

Than to have them on your own

For you don't know if they'll remember you after a year or not

But they sure do now.

Riya Adlakha

Because self Love

Is All You Need

Sometimes being quietude is all you

need, sit, relax and make yourself


Embrace your pristine and stop

chasing the pleasures that are


Coz you might miss the fun of

being in the stillness of the


So just revere the joy,

peacefulness and frivolity of

your unexpected voyage.

Stop all the grappling and

exemplification and make

time for your very own


Do things that make you laugh,

love and live more. Keep up the

audacity to explore the

unexplored venture and go on

new adventures.

Pour yourself with selflessness,

serenity and cheerfulness.

Because at the end of the day what

all you need is your own self.

Bhavya Goswami

Artwork by Sakshi Jain

Art For Wildlife

Ajay Singh Peelwa

Mr. Ajay Singh Peelwa has a secret superpower –

the ability to create art that connects people with

nature. He started painting at the tender age of

three, taking inspiration from wildlife. His

determination to paint only animals which he has

observed in their natural habitats has lead him into

a remarkable and unique series of journeys. This

close contact with the creatures is reflected in the

realism and vitality of his work. He says, “ It's

experiences like these that inspire me to show that

the eyes of an animal are no different to ours; that

they feel emotions, are a part of loving families and

are sentient beings just like us. ”

Here’s his story in his own words:

I pursued this interest as my hobby and took this

professionally only to raise awareness for the cause

of saving the magnificent national animal, the tiger.

I feel so blessed to express myself through my

wildlife art, with an opportunity to reach others

through the beauty and innocence that shines from

an animal’s eyes. Before I start a piece the eyes are

what I notice first, they completely mesmerise me.

These beautiful creatures are calling me to express

that they are not just mere commodities; to be

exploited, used or forgotten.

18 | Dopamine • July’19

Time and again, I’ve found peace and

solace in nature, like so many artists

who came before me. Nature has the

power to heal and a simple walk in

nature can help us feel rejuvenated. The

more I have observed of the natural

world, the more I have wondered at the

beauty of it.

It is my dream to inspire people to re-engage with the

natural world, to discover the spiritual enrichment this

brings to our modern lifestyles, and to be a part of

something bigger than ourselves. I hope to help make

others aware of the importance of conserving wildlife

and natural habitats and to remind us that as

custodians of this planet it is our birthright to protect it.

India is blessed with plentiful biodiversity, but we must

all work hard to preserve it.

July’19 • Dopamine | 19

by Ishaan Kumar

Dancing Away with my Heart


Are you an old school romantic? Do words like ‘love’ and ‘romance’ still brings

a smile on your face? If yes, then this beautiful song by Lady Antebellum is

for you. ‘Dancing Away With My Heart’ is a song which will always have a

spot on my playlist.

Lady Antebellum is a country trio, and one of my favourites. Their surreal

music surely finds a place in your heart somewhere, and no matter what,

you always turn back to these songs. As for me, I am an old school romantic

and I have a special kind of attachment to songs like this.

The song describes college love; the proms and ball dances one; the one

where it ends in some years after life happens. This song is very

overwhelming, and might bring you a few happy tears.

20 | Dopamine • July’19

Cant Stop the Feeling


Justin Timberlake is a gem in the music industry and ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’

is yet another song that proves it! Another upbeat song that makes up to our

Happy Playlist, and might find a place in your playlist too. The song

beautifully shows that being happy and dancing till your feet gives away is

the best way to live life.

The song gets better with its video. The video is filled with positive vibes; you

can see people dancing around with wide smiles on their faces! It will surely

bring a smile on your face too. Whenever your mood is a bit down, make

sure you can’t stop the feeling of happiness with this song!

Fix You


If you are a Coldplay fan, you have probably heard this masterpiece. If you

have not, you probably should and add it up to your playlist! Coldplay never

disappoints us with their pieces and ‘Fix You’ is one such piece you will find

yourself humming often.

Coldplay gives a very serene touch to this song, and end it with a very

energetic feel. And the lyrics you ask? Every line in this song will warm every

inch of your heart. You might even cry if you are high. Chris Martin’s soothing

voice fits well over those lines and you might find yourself staring into oblivion.

A few words can not describe Coldplay’s Magnum Opus, that is Fix You.

July’19 • Dopamine | 21





Hey, look up and listen to me, darling.

I know what it feels like to be shattered

enough to think that all the art and beauty

in the world is not going to save you.

But I want you to know, it’s Okay.

It's entirely okay to be feeling anything like

this or even just nothing at all.

It is human to be that way, and it doesn't

make you any weak.

I know that you spread your heart bare

naked in front of him and he walked all

over it.

22 | Dopamine • July’19

But both, you and I know that weaving a

person into words is not easy.

Walking over them is.

So, tell me who is more powerful now? You

or him? Writer or the muse?

He exists because your pen does and not

the other way round.

He was a soul you loved and adored with all

your heart.

He was so beautiful to you that you just

couldn't let him go.

I do not deny his beauty,

But wait,

Take a look at yourself and look into those


They hold the hurricanes that he's afraid.

You are made up of stars and galaxies

which he won't ever be able to fathom into


We are all broken, and we have all felt as if

it is the end of our worlds.

But it isn't.

It never really is.

A pain so deep, just demands to be felt.

Don't hide, don't run away.

Pain has no escape.

Nothing exists which can't be healed.

Be it you or me or even that drunk girl you

saw crying last night at the club.

We will all heal someday.

Remember, that self-love heals the deepest

of pains.

You are a museum where his eyes could

only see empty hallways.

You possess all the magic in the universe,

lying right on your fingertips.

The world needs you to complete itself, and

you're irreplaceable.

Let no one ever make you believe otherwise.

Even after everything, happy endings still


You just got a step closer to finding yours.

Relax, breathe and let it go.

You'll be okay, I promise!

Yours truly,

Someone who's exactly been there where

you are right now.

Himanshu Saini

You need to feel it and let every inch of it go

right through your heart.

Fall, and break,

Because once you scrape your knee and

probably even crack open your skull, that's

only when you'll ultimately heal yourself

and stand up once again.

July’19 • Dopamine | 23

Live Life in

As a young adult, making my transition into

the real world, I set my sights on architecture.

It seemed to be the perfect blend of art and

science and quickly became an obsession

for me. For me, it’s simply art on a much

larger, more technical scale.

After the busy schedules at the office, I got

this idea to start painting. I loved gliding long

brush strokes on my canvas to keep my

mind fresh and relaxed. During that time, I

maintained a collection of my artwork

which eventually came under the spotlight

when I had my first individual art exhibition.

So today, I am an architect by profession

and an artist by passion. I’ve lived my life

drawing, painting, and creating. Colours

make my imagination dance and paintings

help me express oxygen to my creative

lungs. Colours for me, are powerful symbols

to communicate emotions & moods.

Today, it is solely my unconditional love for

art that encourages me to pursue my

interests. Art always brings a positive vibe

and energy to me. Colours have helped me

to come out of the times I was tensed. They

are my best companion. Without them, I

can’t imagine a day. Art is the medium to

know ourselves deeply.

The more time you spend with art, the more

it improves your focus. There's no doubt

about it. Looking at art is a form of

meditation and the more you perform it, the

longer you can focus. I can sit for long hours

without a break by simply painting and

focusing on the task at hand with that, my

mind clears out completely.

Recently, I have come up with my studio

which is a blend of design and creativity,

Concept Art Studio, where art workshops

and classes also take place. I’ve finally

found a place where I fit in, where I belong.

Art has made my life worthwhile, and now

I'm helping others find meaning through art.

I spend my time helping others realize how

art can affect our mood in a positive way,

making us feel happier, calmer and inspired.

24 | Dopamine • July’19

Payal Lulla

Art has a way to reach deep inside our

souls and connect directly with our

thoughts, feelings, and perceptions.

With outer realities, our own

experiences, feelings, and emotions

are painted on the white canvas.

Art helps us cope with

anxiety and the stress of

daily life, and gives a purpose in what

can, too often, feel like a

nihilistic world. It is also a

source of relaxation and


July’19 • Dopamine | 25

I watched her fall asleep,

The book lying face down on her chest,

Heaving as peace spread across her face -

Gentle snores departing with no rest.

On other days I pray my words

Will make her understand

That the sun does come out,

And that the mornings when the light

Can't sneak till the cramped bedside table

Are also mornings that won't happen everyday.

On days like today,

I hope she can hold the happiness

Close to heart, but also

Keep her other palm wide open

For all the pain to fall on

And feel the ecstasy of healing.

I don't take the book away.

In the daybreak that is yet to arrive,

Its pages will be her sunshine.







Protiti Sengupta

26 | Dopamine • July’19

Abstract Art by

Saurav Ajmera

A word from the

Thank you for taking out the time to read our third

edition! We hope this home of warm poetry and

inspiring articles fluttered fireflies of comfort in your

heart. Don’t forget to share these with your friends, family,colleagues and

strangers and make their day.

Mashu Ajmera

A huge shout out to Ishaan Kumar, who put in his artistic genius to help us

produce the beautiful designs in this issue! We couldn’t have pulled it off

without him.

We hope that the book review took you back to memories of books and

stories that have made you smile, the music review found you tapping

your feet in delightful rhythm, the happiness list reminded you of moments

brimming with positivity and encouraged you to look forward to those in

your future and lastly, we hope that you’ve gathered some lessons to take

home on self love to lead a more satisfying life.

Please let us know what you thought of this edition and how we can

improve. Feedbacks are essential and we'd be thrilled to hear from you!

Our brain is hard coded to focus on the negatives, but the next time you're

struggling, remember that it takes patience. Turn your attention to other

positive things to find peace. The most important thing though is to not

give up hope.

Optimism is an important skill to find opportunities and solutions, not some

kind of emotional rose-tinted glasses.The ability to abandon

all apathy creates space for positivity. So, compliment

someone. Express your unconventional interests and you’ll

find yourself making friends in the strangest places.

Afra Khan

Harshita Nagpal

We would love to feature your original joyful

thoughts! Submit them here:


“Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it will evade you, but if

you notice the other things around you, it will gently come and sit on your shoulder.”

- Henry David Thoreau

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