SPM E-Book "Facebook Ads Made Easy For Busy Business Owners"

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Reviews & Social ProofTo further add to the social proofing. It is important tohave your entire online presence up top scratch& uniform!If your Facebook Business page has 50 likes and yourcompetitors page has 5,000 or even 50,000 likes.... who is thecustomer likely to choose to do business with?If your competitors Facebook page has new content beingposted to it twice a day and its been 6 months since you lastposted on your Facebook Business Page...who is the customerlikely to choose to do business with?If your competitor is spending €500/month on targetedFacebook ads & getting seen by hundreds of thousands ofpeople within YOUR target demographic each month and youare only "boosting" the odd post for €20 here and there"....whois the customer likely to choose to do business with?If your competitors have a super fast, fully mobile optimisedwebsite for their business and they have their social mediaplatforms linked, but your website is slow to load (or nonexistent) & looks like it was build back in 1999....who is thecustomer likely to choose to do business with?www.SPMonlinemarketing.comT H EB E I R U TR E S I D E N C E S

Reviews & Social ProofHow to make attractive reviews images to use ascontent on your social media platforms!1. Get customer to leave a review on your FacebookPage.2. Go to www.canva.com and create an attractivelooking image template for your review images (justlike the ones you see above the title page for eachsection of this E-Book (for more examples check outmy own Facebook page SPM Online Marketing)3. Copy & paste the text of the review that yourcustomer left into your new review image template.Make sure to add their name and location for furthersocial proofing.4. Download the image as a PNG file and upload to yourSocial Media platforms.5. Repeat the process with each new customer review.But Shane.....this will take so much time and effortThe first time you do it, it will take maybe30 mins. Once you have the template created, it'sjust a quick 5 minute "copy & paste" job.www.SPMonlinemarketing.comT H EB E I R U TR E S I D E N C E S

Reviews & Social Proof

How to make attractive reviews images to use as

content on your social media platforms!

1. Get customer to leave a review on your Facebook


2. Go to www.canva.com and create an attractive

looking image template for your review images (just

like the ones you see above the title page for each

section of this E-Book (for more examples check out

my own Facebook page SPM Online Marketing)

3. Copy & paste the text of the review that your

customer left into your new review image template.

Make sure to add their name and location for further

social proofing.

4. Download the image as a PNG file and upload to your

Social Media platforms.

5. Repeat the process with each new customer review.

But Shane.....

this will take so much time and effort

The first time you do it, it will take maybe

30 mins. Once you have the template created, it's

just a quick 5 minute "copy & paste" job.





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