TEST DRAFT 3 With LLaregub footnotes The Boy Who Shot Flimzy Bubbletrumpett- macbook 2

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factories that make guns, bombs, missiles, tanks – all that stuff. I am going to do it. And I

want all guns and weapons destroyed. That is what I called you here to tell you.

Your Majesty is trying to do something truly marvellous and truly good. But as your advisor,

your Psychopomp, I have to point out some problems. Otherwise I would not be doing the job

I was appointed to do.

What problems?

Well, firstly think about all the people you will be putting out of work. The arms industry

employs millions of people around the world. Then there are all those who supply the arms

industry, the steel works, the uniform makers, the computer companies, shipyards. There are

actually tens of millions of people involved. If you just stop making arms you are going to hit

all those people, and their families too. If they don’t have work what will they do?

But guns kill people! They kill millions of people a year.

You are absolutely right. But please let me go on.

As well as putting people out of work, if you stop manufacturing weapons so people will try

to make them secretly and that will put them in a very powerful position in an unarmed world.

You want to destroy all weapons. Does that include those used by the police to defend us

against dangerous criminals? And farmers whose have to destroy the vermin that attack their

crops? What happens if there is an uprising against you? How would you defend yourself?

It is a very complicated issue. You should think very carefully before making any

announcement. Before you became Empress these things would have to be approved by

parliament and the law, the legal system, and that usually stopped some of the damaging

aspects of legislation.

If you push this through it will also affect the stock market, prices will fall, people may go

bankrupt or lose their saving. It could cause an enormous amount to misery.

So, what do you advise? That I do nothing?

James heard the irritation in the Empress’s voice and the stubbornness that lay behind it, and

thought, she is not going to as be easy to deal with as Artemesia thinks. But he was used to

handling and winning over difficult people. That was his great skill, his opus. He foresaw no

difficulties he could not overcome.

Oh no! What you want to do is absolutely right. Right and good. But I would advise you to do

it gradually.


Yes, little by little so any damage to the economy or people’s lives is spread out over the

years. For example, you could start by outlawing certain chemical weapons. The other thing

to remember is that disease kills far more people than any wars. Perhaps you should start with

something health related.

The Empress was clearly annoyed by this advice.

Diseases are terrible but they don’t destroy cities, schools, hospitals and they don’t litter the

land with unexploded bombs and mines that take forever to remove. People want an end to

these stupid wars. And they want it now. Isn’t that why they put me here? They don’t want

‘little by little’. Neither do I!

Time to back off a step, thought James.

But remember people do not always understand the consequences of what they ask for. I will

leave you to think about this for a while and come back later. We are expected to make some

kind of announcement this afternoon. So you only have an hour or two. I’ve given you my

advice, which is do things gradually. Please give it some thought before you make any


He gave a small formal bow to The Empress and left her to think.

As soon as James had left the room The Empress said,

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