We are an International Beauty/Fashion/Glamour print Magazine. Redline is open to artists from all over the world. Photographer, Makeup artist, Hair stylist, Model, Fashion designer... We focus on creative minds worldwide. We are in constant search of new talents.

We are an International Beauty/Fashion/Glamour print Magazine. Redline is open to artists from all over the world. Photographer, Makeup artist, Hair stylist, Model, Fashion designer... We focus on creative minds worldwide. We are in constant search of new talents.


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Coronavirus has been nominated Sars-

Cov-2 and it is one of the few viruses created

in a lab. Was this on

purpose? I wouldn’t

e x c l u d e t h e

possibility. Some

viruses come about

a n d o t h e r s a r e

d e v e l o p e d b y

modifi cations due to

Francesca Riga research a n d o t h e r

factors. How this virus

generates is not very important from a

healthcare point of view. The importance of

its genesis is merely for investigation

purposes. It is important to understand that

modifying a virus is a very simple procedure

and there are patents that actually protect

these methods, this is of interest to us right

now when working on the Coronavirus.

Researchers are aware of various strains,

some that may provoke diseases from a

simple flu to pneumonias. The new virus

shares multiple characteristics with the

previous ones. Is it deadly? there is no data

that indicates a mortality rate significantly

different from that of a simple flu. It is

important to point out that those who thus

far have died, did so “with” Coronavirus not

from Coronavirus. This is a big difference.

These people were advanced in age with

severe health complications. A simple cold

could have led to their death. Blaming

coronavirus for their death is exaggerated

and strange. Let’s define this a health care

satire and let us not go further thus not

involving a certain level of ignorance and


Quite an expensive satire and this is one of

the aspects where I ask myself a number of

questions. There are many types of

pneumonias going around that do not seem

to respond to medicines and a certain level of

homeostasis that we all process to some

degree. The patients who have been cured

become case studies. Another question is

why is it that a few months ago there were

simulations of a theoretical epidemic

deriving from coronavirus that would have

causes 60 million deaths in the world? Why

were thousands of Americans in Wuhan right

before the epidemic started? And why is it

that passengers of that city’s airport were

sprayed with an aerosol whose nature is

unknow? All of this right before the virus


The regression of the virus is a long way away

and it is possible only by limiting social

contact this is the only way to sow down the

virus and to avid not only death but the

collapse of hospitals. Cases in Italy are

estimated to double every 2.6 days a very


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