The Vegas Voice 4-20

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Winner of11 Awards!2O20AprilFor your Health, Wealth,and Good Times!NEVADA’S MOST POWERFUL SENIOR MEDIA RESOURCECORONAVIRUSStay Safe, Be Smart!& Don’t be afraid to... SMILE!Put your home to work foryou and achieve yourretirement dreams.SEE HOW ON PAGE 7!

Winner of

11 Awards!



For your Health, Wealth,

and Good Times!



Stay Safe, Be Smart!

& Don’t be afraid to... SMILE!

Put your home to work for

you and achieve your

retirement dreams.



April 2020



April 2020














Pat Alexander

Adrea Barrera

John Bielun

Yvonne Cloutier

Dianne Davis

Sandi Davis

Chuck Dean

Jan Fair

Howard Galin

Susan Goldfein

Volume 17, Issue 2




Linda Gomez

Ali Guggenheim

Morris Heldt

Dan Hyde

Mike Landry

Heather Latimer

Joey Kantor

BJ Killeen

Kathy Manney

Kyo Mitchell

Dan Roberts

Ray Sarbacker

Debbie Landry

Rana Goodman

Evan Davis

Sam Wagmeister

Stu Cooper

Rich Natole / Jon Lindquist

Michael Roberts

Ross Roberts

Matthew Moore

Success City Online

Bill Caserta

Aaron Phillips

Judy Polumbaum

Mary Richard

Renee Riendeau

Crystal Sarbacker

Jim Valkenburg

Beverly Washburn

Vicki Wentz

Kate Wind

About The Vegas Voice

In 2019, The Vegas Voice received 11 national awards from the

North American Mature Publishers Association. The awards were for our

guardianship special efforts, editorial and columns, front page graphics,

overall design and “General Excellence.”

The judges found (and we humbly

agree) that The Vegas Voice puts

a premium on well-informed

columnists who cover a lot of bases.

Serious issues are thoughtfully

discussed, but there’s enough fun

to lighten the mix.

We’re All (Not) Going to Die

By: Dan Roberts / Publisher

How do you write about the “new sudden

normal life” in a monthly publication –

especially when the facts are changing

daily if not hourly? That’s was our Vegas Voice question in

putting together this April edition.

President Ray Sarbacker wanted to include a “Do’s and Don’ts”

section but if you don’t know what to

do now in combating the coronavirus

outbreak, the odds are excellent you

never will follow the proposed guidelines

- or you already have the illness.

It didn’t make sense to ignore it

either. Like that elephant in the room,

the outbreak is sucking the air out of

everything else and to write about the

latest scam or anything else strikes us as

being clueless and irrelevant.

Compounding our dilemma, our

writers were also affected by COVID-19. A number of our columnists

requested to write about their take on this pandemic. As one example,

Our View’s Judy Polumbaum writes about (page 11) being involuntarily

separated from her family during this crisis.

Travel editor Stu Cooper does a great job in his column (page 36)

explaining that “This Too Will Pass” while our Hollywood Memories

columnist Beverly Washburn discusses (page 12) how “The Show

Vegas Voice Editorial

Mustn’t Go On” and that her eagerly anticipated one-woman show

had to been postponed.

She’s not the only performer to live with such abrupt change of

plans. The Vegas Voice had to postpone

(not cancel) our two events at Sun

City MacDonald Ranch – our Spring

Home Show (to the consternation

and incredible hard work of our

Vice-President Debbie Landry) and

entertainment editor Evan Davis

likewise had no choice but to putoff

Mark OToole’s “From Sinatra to

Manilow” fantastic performance.

Believe me, we realize these

“sacrifices” are minuscule to those directly affected by the outbreak but

it still does hurt.

So now what? Hopefully the worst will be behind us and we can soon

leave our homes, be with our friends and neighbors and once again,

resume our lives and enjoy our remaining years.

Until then, we tried our best in putting together this edition that can

hopefully provide some reading enjoyment. From all of us at The Vegas

Voice - stay safe, be smart and, don’t be afraid to smile.

And So We Begin

Temma Hammond, CEO of Golden Network TV addresses

The Vegas Voice columnists at our Anniversary Celebration last

month. She explained how you can find Golden Network TV on the

Roku platform. And the best news – The Vegas Voice placed its first two

broadcasts (Celebrity Corner hosted by entertainment editor Evan

Davis and Scams, Schemes & Senior Safety hosted by Publisher

Dan) on this new streaming service.



Understanding the Threat

By: Kyo Mitchell / A Healthier You

Why is the coronavirus such a threat? To

understand this question, you need to

better understand how the body deals with foreign

pathogens such as viri (the plural of virus) or bacteria.

First we need to start with the virus itself. The coronavirus is an RNA

virus. The way it survives and prospers is that it enters your cells and

makes copies of itself. Along the way it tends to destroy the cells its

enters, hence harming you.

The body tries to defend against this invasion by means of the

immune system. Most people have heard of antibodies. The immune

system will develop antibodies and immune cells to seek out and

destroy the coronavirus.

The problem with this process is that it takes time. If the immune

system has never encountered a pathogen before like this coronavirus,

it takes at least 4-7 days to develop the necessary antibodies and

immune cells to fight off this invader.

This 4-7 day timeline is for someone young and healthy. For someone

who is older or who has health conditions, it may take a longer period

of time.

If you have been watching the news, they refer to this as a NOVEL

coronavirus. No human body has ever seen this virus before which

means EVERYONE has to go through this two week process of

developing an immune response to it.

To help you further understand, let’s use an analogy. Think of two

armies in a race to build themselves up with as many as soldiers as


If your immune system can build up “soldiers” faster than the virus

can build soldiers, you will recover. If, however, the virus can build up

its army of soldiers faster than the immune system, the prognosis may

be terminal.

What is also a threat is the body’s response. Inflammation is the

body’s natural response to a foreign invader.

When inflammation happens, extra fluid which contains immune

cells is vented into the affected tissue to fight the virus. If this happens in

the deep part of your lungs (called the alveoli) this extra fluid decreases

the ability of the body to absorb oxygen and vent carbon dioxide. This

can be life threatening and why people are put on ventilators.

Be safe. Be smart. We will get through this.

Dr. Kyo Mitchell served as faculty at Bastyr University in Seattle

and Wongu University in Las Vegas for over a decade. Dr. Mitchell

practices in Summerlin and can be reached at 702-481-6216 or

April 2020

My Quarantine Diary

By: Bill Caserta / Bill’s Blurbs

Day 1: I have stocked up on enough nonperishable

food and supplies so that I can

remain in isolation for as long as it takes to ride

out this pandemic.

Day 1 + 45 minutes: I am in the supermarket

because I wanted a Twix.

Day 2 (and no sports on TV): Found a beautiful lady sitting on my

couch yesterday. Apparently she’s my wife. She seems nice.

Our Bill Blurb’s thoughts about this pandemic:

1. Not to brag, but I used hand soap before it was trending.

2. My cleaning lady just called and told me she will be now working

from home and will send me instructions on what to do.

3. Until further notice, no one can stop by my house unannounced.

I’m not sick. I just don’t trust anyone around my toilet paper.

4. Who would have believed this? Mexico is now asking President

Trump to hurry up with the wall.

5. I asked a Walmart worker where I could find the nuts. He told me

that they’re in the toilet paper aisle.

6. And how come the liquor stores don’t have empty shelves? Are

people not realizing that they are going to be quarantined with their

spouses and kids?

Bill Caserta is the Project Director for The Vegas Voice and

has a very “unique” sense of humor. He welcomes all funny

submissions at:

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As we sit home and

wonder what to do in

the coming weeks, with

many shows, sports events

and parties being cancelled or put on hold,

The Vegas Voice advances into an era of


Streaming means listening to music

or watching video in “real time”,

instead of downloading a file to

your computer and watching it

later. With internet videos and

webcasts of live events, there is

no file to download.

You will be seeing this logo more and more,

as we forge ahead with interviews from “The Vegas

Voice Celebrity Corner” hosted by yours truly. I’ll be discussing


The Shows Will Go On!

By: Evan Davis / Entertainment Editor

Game On

By: Sam Wagmeister / People & Places

For Mark Richards, it’s been “game on” since

1954 when, as a 12-year old, he appeared as a

contestant on the TV’s Break the Bank with

Bert Parks. That was the first of five game show


Such appearances include To Tell the Truth with Gary Moore, Wheel of

Fortune with Chuck Woolery and the losing Bachelor #3 on The Dating

Game. It led to decades of work in the game show industry, as a radio

program director and as the DJ voice of 50s, 60s and 70s rock and roll.

Now a longtime Las Vegas wedding videographer, Richards is working

on reviving a successful casino table game that first premiered at Harrah’s.

His east-to-west coast career journey led to announcing jobs, voiceovers

and an oldies radio DJ stint in San Diego. Looking to add variety to his

broadcasts, Richards began developing radio games for his listeners.

Three years later, he began a school coaching people to become game

show contestants; his fee was 20% of their winnings. A LA Times story

featuring his unique school led to television appearances on Sally Jessy

Raphael, Phil Donahue, Oprah, Larry King and others.

With his “instant credibility”, Richards was offered the job as

Contestant Coordinator on Jeopardy. “I’d work that job during the

week and then spend my weekends in the library,” digesting TV Guide,

Seventeen Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Dear Abby, Ann Landers and other

current publications. For Richards, those library hours were research,

constructing questions for Hollywood Squares.

With the Jeopardy job, Richards conducted rehearsal games for

contestants designed to acclimate them for the broadcast. After viewing a

taping of one of those rehearsals, television pioneer Ted Turner prevailed

April 2020

the latest shows and events with local entertainers, musicians, comedians

and producers.

We will be streaming parts of our shows as well. You can view these

shows and interviews on our YouTube page, the internet and on ROKU

steaming through GoldenNetwork.TV. I’m pleased to announce that The

Vegas Voice has joined Golden Network TV (GNTV) and will provide

original programming to this new streaming service.

GNTV is backed by Vimeo, delivered

through ROKU and the Internet. It

recently launched its new subscription

streaming service dedicated to

meet the needs and interests

of seniors. And by the way, it’s

a FREE service.

As all the madness passes,

and it will, The Vegas Voice has

plans for future monthly shows and

celebrations for all the major holidays. And a huge

back to business extravaganza featuring many performers

welcoming back the shows to Vegas.

on Richards to audition for a new game show, Starcade. Richards landed

the hosting job, beating out a relative broadcast newcomer, Alex Trebeck.

After relocating to Las Vegas in 1990, Richards hosted three game

shows, the first karaoke on the Strip and The Radio Game Show on 970


In addition to his videography business, Videos by Mark and Beverly,

today Richards’ busy schedule includes developing games for cruise lines.

“I live and breathe games. There’s really no difference between TV, radio

and board games.”

Sam Wagmeister is The Vegas Voice Nightlife Editor. He loves to

hear from our readers. Please feel free to contact him via email:



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6 99




3 pancakes, 3 eggs, 3 pieces bacon or sausage,

hash browns


8 99




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April 2020

Easter Parade

By: Yvonne Cloutier / Musical Moments

The 1948 musical, Easter Parade (its title

taken from the song) was not only the most

financially successful musical for Irving Berlin,

Judy Garland and Fred Astaire, but also one of Berlin’s most successful


Easter Parade won Best Original Music Score and Best Written

American Musical. It earned $4,144,000 in the U.S., Canada and

$1,659,000 abroad, unlikely sums for those times.

As with many

musicals, it was

a danceable,

complicated love

story that ends

happily. Berlin

originally wrote

the melody in

1917, calling it

Smile and Show

Your Dimple, a

cheer-up song for

a girl whose man

had left for World War I.

In 1918, Sam Ash, a vaudeville singer recorded it having moderate

success. In 1933, Berlin resurrected it, modifying it with new lyrics and

title for a musical revue called As Thousands Cheer.

Films such as Alexander’s Ragtime Band and Holiday Inn,

starring Bing Crosby followed. Only then was it used with Judy Garland

and Fred Astaire calling it Easter Parade.

Easter Parades are festive. On Easter Sunday, people walk in

processions in their finest, decorative finery (including creative hats)

to show their respect for their religions and for good luck.

These parades started in the Dark Ages of Eastern Europe. In the

1880s, on 5th Avenue, New Yorkers became famous for their Easter

Parades and bonnet festivals.

Participants still wear their finest clothes and decorative hats. As

Berlin’s song states, “Easter bonnets with all the frills upon them.”

Some side notes about the movie:

1. Gene Kelly, who was to play Don cancelled due to a broken leg. He

suggested Fred Astaire who then came out of retirement.

2. Cyd Charisse was to play Nadine, but her pregnancy forced her out.

She was replaced by Ann Miller, who while recovering from a broken

back danced Shakin’ the Blues Away.

3. Vincente Minnelli was scheduled to direct it, but Judy’s psychiatrist

advised against her working with Minnelli. Charles Walters did.

4. Judy had never met Astaire and was afraid to speak to him until

properly introduced.

Yvonne Cloutier, a former teacher/principal, with a music

background, specializes in ragtime piano. She researches and

reports about music on Alive! You can

contact her at


By: Judy Polumbaum / Our View

In 1960, ahead of the Sun Belt shift, my

maternal grandparents moved from

Brooklyn to Tucson. My grandfather was in dry

goods; lugging heavy boxes had taken a toll on his back.

The desert heat offered relief. He switched to managing apartments.

They were immigrants (he from Rumania, she from Belarus) and

Depression people who pinched pennies. When I visited as a kid, I was

amused by the stash of toilet paper always at the ready on a high closet


Now that we have Sam’s Club and Costco, anyone can stock up. Now

that the coronavirus has come to our shores, everyone is checking off a

list: TP, tissues, paper towels, bleach, hand sanitizer.

Pasta, rice, canned goods. Essentials for uncertain times.

Colleges switch to online teaching. Schools close. Employees who

can work from home. Meetings, conventions, and other gatherings are

cancelled. No NBA or March Madness.

State and local authorities muster resources and information as we

wait for a coordinated national response.

Things slow down, and we ask ourselves: What do we really need in

this life? Do we need to be so busy?

My husband and elder son, whose work takes them to China, have

been marooned in the Middle Kingdom for months as flights to the US

get suspended. They are far from the epicenter of the virus outbreak and

remarkably Zen about being in limbo.

My younger son, meanwhile, is helping emergency rooms gear up on

the East Coast. He’ll be on the job come what may.

Retirees have a bit of a luxury: Although many of us are insanely

busy, many also have the choice not to do things.

It’s a Friday morning in mid-March as I write this. I’ve put off a trip

to Boston for my mother’s 96 th birthday, not wanting to bring weird

airport bugs into her home. I’m listening to a George Benson CD. I will

write, read and walk the dogs.

I’m trying to convince myself that over 65 is getting up there. In my

mind, I’m still 12 years old and invincible. For everyone’s sake, we need

to pay attention: Anyone can be an inadvertent carrier.

I’m missing family. But we’re fine. We’ll get through this.

Judy is a professor emerita of journalism and a transplant to

Las Vegas from New England via China, the West Coast and the



The Show Musn’t Go On

By: Beverly Washburn / Hollywood Memories

What? Isn’t that saying supposed to be “The

Show MUST go on”?

Well, typically yes, that would be the usual

thing, however with this sad uncertainty we are facing, we must do

what’s right. We need to think not only of ourselves but of other’s safety

and well-being too.

Yes, it’s disappointing that things all around us are being cancelled,

but we must bear in mind that this is for everyone’s safety and protection.

So of course, I understand why I had to postpone my show (see below).

I also believe that this is a time for us to reach out and be kind to

others. I was not only appalled but saddened as well to hear of a fight

that actually broke out at a grocery store over water!

Although we can’t “reach out” in terms of hugging, shaking hands

or being with a lot of our friends, it is still so important to at least

“check” on each other. I had several people call me just to see if I was

OK, or if I needed anything. I can’t begin to tell you how much that

touched me.

We are all in this together, and we need to be united and at least “call”

each other. There are so many of us who live alone and a mere phone

call can mean the world and make someone’s day a little brighter, just

knowing they are cared and thought about.

Now, more than ever we must be kind to one another. Yes, we must

abide by the rules and be cautious, but it takes so little to simply check

on one another - even if it’s just a phone call, a text or an email.

Our Beverly being interviewed by entertainment editor Evan

Davis at our Vegas Voice Anniversary Celebration.

This is a time of uncertainty, of fear for some of us, sadness and

despair, but we must also concentrate on faith, hope and positivity.

We WILL get through this and one day we will also be able to hug one

another again. And what a wonderful day that will be!

Until next time, remember to try and be the rainbow in someone

else’s cloud.

Beverly Washburn graced the silver screen as a child actress and

is the author of Reel Tears. You can contact Beverly at: bjradell@

How to Watch Golden Network TV


1. Purchase your Roku from most any store that sells TVs.

2. Install per instructions.

3. Once Roku installed and showing on TV screen, look for

image with plus sign to add a channel

4. Search for Goldennetworktv

5. Once selected, click on image and start watching (starting

with classic movies, and shows)

II. Via Website -

1. Enter into your browser to bring up

the website

2. Click on “Watch” at the top of the screen

3. Start watching (starting with classic movies and shows)

And to watch our Vegas Voice television shows

1. Enter into your browser to bring up

the website

2. Click on “Our TV” tab at top of the website.

3. Click on Celebrity Corner, People & Places and/or Senior


4. Enjoy.

Still cannot get on? Call The Vegas Voice at 702/251-4441

or ask your grandchild.


April 2020



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Memorial Day Golf


By: Carol Chapman

The Foundation Assisting Seniors is excited

to announce that their 17 th annual charity

golf tournament is taking place on Monday, May

25, at 7:30 a.m. at Revere Golf Club in Henderson.

Desert Willow Golf

By: Mike Landry / Golf Fore Ever

y wife always says: “Wouldn’t it be nice

Mif the weather was like this year round?”

I have to remind her that if it was, 12 million

folks would live in this valley and it would be

impossible to get around.

All kidding aside this time of year the golf courses in the valley are

getting into great shape. It’s fun to play in an environment where trees

are neatly trimmed and sprouting new growth.

The grass is growing all over the golf course and flowers are popping

out everywhere. What beauty! I trust that while on the course you do

take in the wonderful landscape that surround each hole.

This year’s Memorial Day event promises a day of fun for all

participants. The cost is $100 per player, and includes green fees, cart

and range balls, lunch, refreshments on the course, contests and holein-one

and raffle prizes. There are flights for men, women and couples

and play will be a scramble format.

Sponsorship packages are available. All event proceeds further the

mission of The Foundation Assisting Seniors, which is to assist seniors

in times of illness, recovery, confinement at home, coping with loss

of a loved one and other challenges. Since 2002, The Foundation’s

volunteers have responded to more than 260,000 requests for assistance

services in the Las Vegas Valley.

For more information, or to register to play, please call 725-244-4200

or visit us at


April 2020

The one thing that makes golf fun for me is the challenge of the

game and the comradery of the people I’m paired with. Sometimes it’s

the foursome that I play with once a week or the group that I am paired

with at golf tournaments. And sometimes it’s the strangers that I meet

on the first tee.

If you’re a senior like me who is no longer hitting long drives, please

give the Desert Willow’s Golf Club a chance and see if this Par 60 golf

course offers everything you’d want in golf. The course is in immaculate

shape as our superintendent is doing a magnificent job with the course.

Don’t believe however that the course is easy. It’s not and you will see

what I mean when you hit the 130 yard par 4 and take a bogie because

you 3 putted. Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.

So do come out and if you see an old guy on the putting green or in

the chipping area smoking a cigar, that’s probably me, so stop by and

say hello.

Next month I will bring you my take on a great Jack Nicholas

designed golf course – Coyote Springs.

Mike Landry resides in Sun City MacDonald Ranch and is a

member of Winterwood Men’s Golf Association.. He can be reached



By: Renee Riendeau / Movie Revelations

Parasite. Aren’t you intrigued by that title?

It’s a 2019 foreign film from South Korea.

Parasite is brilliantly written as a comedy farce

and the cast has embodied their roles in perfecting

an elegantly plotted nightmare. Bong Joon Ho, the director did a

magnificent job in showcasing a satire of a poor family at war with a

rich family, the suppressed horror of the upper class of its underlings,

status, envy, aspiration, materialism, and the patriarchal family unit.

It’s about the class struggle between the “haves” and “have nots.”

The movie never leaves its momentum with each segment raising the


The Parasites are an unemployed family living together in a horrible

basement flat. The father is a laid-back loafer married to a former track

star. They have a shiftless son who flunked his university exams. Their

daughter, Ki-Jung, is smart, cool, and has an artistic gift for web-based


The son gets a chance to tutor a rich teenage girl who falls for him.

He soon discovers the girl’s “younger problem brother” who draws

incessantly but needs help since has no talent. So he passes his sister off

as an “art critic” and friend to work with this boy.

Then the brother and sister get the chauffeur replaced with their dad,

and the cook dislodged with their mum. All the while pretending they

are random people not giving the rich family a clue as to their identity.

The climatic ending of this film turns into an emergency catastrophe.

A real surprise ending!

The subtitles keep you focused, since the words were carefully chosen

allowing your imagination to fill in the details. It made the movie


Parasite delights in ping-ponging from one genre to another, defying

expectations along the way. The director displays an offbeat sense of

humor, and the story’s twists are unpredictable.

I was fascinated by Parasites and give it a Cinema score of A+.

Renee Riendeau is the movie critic for “Renee’s Revelations”

on Anthem Alive SCA-TV. As a dog sitter she operates “ Renee’s

Roommates” out of her home and can be reached at


By: Jerry Creed / Trust Jerry

Are you ready to die? More importantly, have

you planned for the challenges you will face

between now and that date? Many people think

they are ready but in truth are woefully unprepared.

Ignorance is not bliss; ignorance is expensive. Often it can cost you

your entire life savings.

When you did your estate planning, how much time did the attorney

spend helping you plan for long term care, memory care or assisted

living? Did you know the average cost of care in Nevada is $8,228 per

month? What would that monthly bill do to your finances and your life


Are You Prepared?

Getting to Know Jerry Creed

Elder specialist Jerry Creed was our guest on our monthly Vegas

Voice Family podcast

April 2020


Did your attorney discuss planning strategies such as Irrevocable

Trusts along with Revocable Living Trusts? If you’re married, did your

attorney spend any time talking about the government loophole for

married couples using Testamentary Instruments?

Did your attorney take the time to explain how important your Power

of Attorney for Finances is and how you need to insure you have the

ability to do advanced planning - even if your spouse losses capacity?

Or if you’re widowed or single, does your power of attorney allow your

loved ones to really care for you if you lose capacity?

Truth is most powers of attorney are inadequate or completed

incorrectly; resulting in families having to seek guardianship to care

and protect their loved one if capacity is lost.

Failing to do proper planning, is planning to fail. I often hear

people I meet at my seminar say, “I’ve never heard this …” or “I didn’t

know…” or “When did this change…?”

With proper planning you can protect yourself and loved ones from

becoming impoverished. With proper planning you keep your money,

which means you keep your options open.

Don’t like the care, or the food or the neighbor? With your nest egg,

you have options to make adjustments without your life savings. If

you’re forced to become impoverished you’ll be trapped with no way

to recover.

Don’t be an ostrich sticking your head into the ground. Get

information, get informed. Knowledge is power to make changes, to

prepare for what is ahead.

Come to a seminar. As a reward for you beating procrastination

you’ll get a 30 minutes one-on- one meeting with yours truly, an Elder

Law Attorney.

Licensed in Nevada, I am one of only seven Estate Planning Law

Specialists, certified by the State Bar of Nevada. During that meeting

you can ask your questions about your specific situation or you can

have me review your estate plan.

Remember when it comes to Elder Law and Estate Planning you can

“Trust Jerry.”


Elder Law and Estate Planning Specialist

Law Office of Jerry Creed

As an essential financial and estate planning service, we will

remain open and fully operational ready to assist you with

your estate planning needs.

During this time, in accordance with the state mandate to

help combat the spread of COVID-19 , all appointments with

clients, except for signings, will be conducted via Facetime,

Skype, or telephone.

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Bathroom Hazards

By: Heather Latimer / Heather’s Self-Help Tips

The bathroom is a dangerous place!

According to the Center for Disease

Control more deaths and injuries happen there

than anywhere else in the house.

A common mishap occurs because racks for holding lightweight

towels are mistaken for grab bars

designed to support your weight. Grab

bars are shaped like a tube, usually 5”

around, and 18” long.

If you do not have them already, buy

them now. And never use grab bars with suction cups.

Clutching a sliding glass door to gain support as you step in and out

of the shower is a cause of fatalities according to Safety Circus Report.

They suggest replacing with a shower curtain.

Changing position in the shower or standing up in the bathtub can

be disastrous. First check where the soap is because it often falls in the


If it is difficult to obtain a firm grip on the edge of the bathtub when

trying to get out, drape a damp towel over the edge of the tub and you’ll

find it easier to hold onto.

Physical Therapist Don Howard says “Wherever water, soap and bare

skin are combined in any situation there’s risk of injury. Any floor can

become slippery when wet. A residue of soap can be present somewhere,

especially on the soles of your feet.”

Spring is in the Air

By: Aaron Phillips / Healthy Voice

Is there anything better than the smell of

freshly cut grass in the morning? How

about the aroma of some kind of meat being


These are the smells that remind us

that warmer weather is right around

the corner. It’s time to set aside the

long sleeve shirts and pants to make

way for t-shirts, shorts and even the elusive bathing suit.

DON’T PANIC! With the warmer weather right around the corner,

now is the time to get moving. If you have used any of the tips I

previously shared, congratulations!

If you haven’t, now is the time to start fresh. Get moving. It’s as

simple as putting on comfortable shoes and walk.

Walk to get your mail. Park your car a little further from the entrance

to your favorite store.

Better yet: simply walk around your community. Benefits of walking

have long been shared in articles, by doctors and even friends.

So, don’t miss out on the very easy way to get ready for the warmer

weather coming our way.

Aaron Phillips is a member of The LV Entertainers Hall of Fame,

podcaster, producer, author, emcee, broadcaster, and talk show host

on Vegas The Network. Feel free to contact him Aaronphillipslv2018@

ADA Compatibility

Grab Bars + Ramps

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April 2020

Purpose = Longevity

By: Samantha Noelle Rivero / New Heights

Perhaps the ticket to longevity steams from

a lifestyle check. Just as your doctor lets

you know about how your body is functioning,

taking the time to review your own lifestyle history may shed some

clues you’ve been searching for to find your potential.

Coronado Heights lifestyle pyramid focuses on the key components

to senior health, including physical, social, mental, emotional and

spiritual. Practicing these five can enhance function and cognitive

longevity when you’re actively participating in life, rather than

becoming a recluse.

Our human need to manifest our desires, achievement and be

remembered changes with each decade and can decline as we age,

feeling like we’ve somehow been misplaced in the monopoly of life.

Still no matter your age, you have purpose and it’s never too late to start

finding your influential rhythm.

You may have setbacks and challenges along the way, but no matter

your journey, living under the umbrella of Senior Care can provide

limitless amounts of options, services and access to things you otherwise

might not have had the chance to experience.

With many years working in this industry, I’ve recognized that

although healthcare helps stabilize or increase one’s functions, what

would be a great additional component of care would be for continued

lifestyle services to keep people motivated.

I once knew a lady who resisted moving from her bed. She was

basically bed ridden and could barely move any part of her body.

Tirelessly the caregiver tried to assist her onto a Hoyer lift so she

could attend activities. To no surprise, she wouldn’t budge.

It wasn’t until I played some lively music and increased the tone

in my voice, encouraging her to come dance along, that we finally

saw her maneuver into an upright position. That impact of sound and

music motivated her deep desire - not just the act of maneuvering her


I’ve seen this scenario prove time and time again, that when

assisting the elderly, we need to heal while fueling purpose. And maybe,

just maybe, that human life will live years longer with more energy and

joy in their heart.

Samantha Rivero is the Community Lifestyle Director at Coronado

Heights Senior Living. You can contact Samantha at 725/200-3300


It’s Sunblock Time

By: Linda Bateman-Gomez / Timeless Beauty

Being fortunate to live in a state with almost

endless sunshine, we should have some

type of sunblock on year-round. We tend to not

stress about this as much in the winter, but with warmer days right

around the corner and more outdoor activities ahead of us, it’s time!

I’m always looking for the next best foundation or cream, especially

with one containing a sunblock. When I see women with beautifully

finished faces, I ask what they are wearing.

What’s Your Fashion

Focal Point

By: Sandi Davis / Fashion “Cents”

In my previous article, I recommended

having a basic black tee and camisole.

Expanding on that, with a black tee and a pair of jeans you’re ready to

go casual comfortable. A bit longer black tunic and leggings may even

be your go-to uniform.

Take that tee, top it with a colorful jacket and pants or a skirt. Add

a necklace or two, pearls or even a scarf, and the tee shirt became a

canvas for your additions. It disappears as “just a tee” and you have a

comfortable top that doesn’t clash or interfere with necklines.

You’ve heard the phrase “Fashion makes the man”, and it may be

true. But I believe women make the fashion for themselves.

The definition of fashion is “a popular trend, especially in styles of

dress and a manner of doing something.” Your manner of dressing is

your fashion style.

The fashion “focal point” for me is starting with a great jacket (of

which I must admit I have many) and making that the focal point for

my outfit. Everything else is the canvas.

Now I do love the runway shows, and Project Runway is my favorite.

I look there for inspiration. Recently, there was a dress by a designer

with wonderful buttons scattered over the front.

During a recent girls night out in Vegas, a friend of mine had a

fantastic, flawless finish and she shared that she was using her favorite

called Cle De Peau: The Foundation. She purchased it at Nordstrom

for $240. Yikes! She said she loves it though because it has both a

serum and a sunblock.

I love that it was full coverage, but still had a light touch. It didn’t

look thick like a mask as some do, which can also leave a cake-like

appearance. It also didn’t look dry but had a moist finish.

When I expressed the price seemed high, she shared that for her

normal daily routine she uses their tinted sunblock which has an SPF

50 and loves it just as much. It does not have the serum, so the price is

much less at $85.

I have yet to purchase this but did try a sample in the light ivory

color and liked it very much.

If you are curious about it, I suggest going in person to color test it

and get a sample. And while it’s certainly not a drugstore price, I do

find that sometimes you get what you pay for.

In addition, there are some sites selling it online for much less, but

again buyer beware. When the price is too good to be true, even sites

that seem reputable may be selling counterfeit products. Retail stores

and the company’s main website are always the safest when buying

cosmetics, especially high-end ones!

Linda Bateman-Gomez has an international beauty company

based in Las Vegas that specializes in cosmetics and other beauty

products. Contact Linda at or

through her website


April 2020

I realized I should do the same thing on one of my solid color

jackets. Buying and applying some different colored and sized buttons

completely changed the look of the jacket. And made it a new fashion

for not too many cents.

What’s your fashion focal point? Your favorite type or piece of

clothing may be dresses or skirts and that can be used to build upon.

Look in your closet and choose what draws your eye, and what you

tend to wear when going out. Now, what can we add to create your

fashion, and even more importantly what can we add to make it an

entirely different outfit?

Everything you have may already be there without spending money,

or maybe spending a little on a new flair. Have fun and let me know

what you’ve discovered about your fashion focal point.

Sandi Davis is the Fashion Style columnist and Behind-the-Scenes

Research Analyst for The Vegas Voice. She welcomes all questions

and opinions. You can contact her at



Bathing Suit Blues

By: Susan Goldfein / Susan’s Unfiltered Wit

Now that I live in Florida, I face April

with both anticipation and dread. The

anticipation - the visit from my grandkids during

spring break. The dread - the visit from my

grandkids during spring break.

They love to swim, and spending quality time with them requires I

wear a bathing suit.

I own one suit which I find tolerable. Purchased years ago, it’s a

black, one-piece “miracle suit,” designed to create the illusion of a

Weight Watchers success story. It embraces my boobs so I don’t look

like I require milking and covers enough pelvis to avoid a Brazilian


While not particularly sexy, neither is it dowdy. Somewhere between

Victoria’s Secret and Talbot’s, leaning heavily towards Talbot’s.

Unburying the garment from the bottom-most drawer, I note with

alarm that it has developed a noticeable hole. The meaning of this

does not escape me. I need a new bathing suit. One has to be female

of at least middle age to fully comprehend the trauma inherent in this


To successfully obtain a flattering garment, I must patronize a shop

that employs a good “fitter.” In swimwear-speak, she’s a woman who’s

experienced in minimizing muffin tops, and other indignities.

Navigating past the bikinis, she halts at the garments with

When Saturn and Aquarius Meet

By: Kate Wind / Kate’s Insight

On March 21st Saturn moved into the sign

of Aquarius! It will only be making a small

debut at first, as it will retrograde back into the

sign of Capricorn from July 1- December 16, 2020.

Pay close attention to significant events between March-June 2020,

because first impressions matter! When Saturn makes its appearance in

Aquarius, we will get a preview of what is to come later in the year! On

December 17, 2020, Saturn will re-enter the sign of Aquarius where it

will spend the next 2.5 years.

For reference, review 1991-1994; as this was the last time Saturn and

Aquarius met. What happened during this time? As an Aquarius myself,

I can recount these years being hard work but it provided an amazing

foundation to my education.

Saturn rules structure, limits and boundaries. It creates action and


Saturn feels quite at home in Aquarius, as Saturn was the original

ruler before Uranus. Aquarians are humanitarians, ruled by air and are

out of the box thinkers, while Saturn shifts the rules and puts things

into action.

When the two meet up, it will create change! To speculate, Saturn in

Aquarius may bring the below changes.

1. Real estate in the air may become more valuable. The idea of

April 2020

magical concealing properties. She

understands you’re done with sassy

and sexy. You just need one that fits!

Facing racks where no teenager

would be caught dead, I heed her

suggestions about necklines, pleats,

solids, and prints. I reject the flowery

pattern reminiscent of a tablecloth

I once purchased at Bed, Bath &

Beyond. I also decide to forgo the

animal print, which I fear would

make me look like a pregnant


Armed only with suits in basic black, I begin the rejection process.

Finally, I try one that passes the boobs and pelvis test. Takes me a

second to realize it’s my old suit, adorned with new flourishes and a

serious new price tag. No matter. I’ll take it.

At the beach with my darlings, I shed my robe, as confident as Bo

Derek, until I notice my daughter staring at me. “Mom,” she says

“you’ve had that suit for years. Isn’t it time for a new one?”

Susan Goldfein’s newest book, How to Complain When There’s

Nothing to Complain About, is available at,,

Read her blog at: Email Susan:

drones making deliveries, maybe Uber for the air, or high rises rising


We have seen some of these trends start but Saturn could amplify this

energy. Also, with coastal living prices rising, it may force cities to start

building up, instead of out.

2. The discovery or confirmation of aliens or other life. Many people

associate Aquarians with aliens so this doesn’t seem too far off for me!

3. Since Aquarians are humanitarians, this shift may produce a

partnership with an unsuspecting country or enemy.

It’s always fun to speculate but we will shortly know how this energy

will play out between December 2020-March 2023.

Kate Wind is second-generation Astrologer and Feng Shui

Consultant. She speaks on an array of topics, from astrological

influences, Chinese New Year, Feng Shui and Tarot. You can contact

her at: the




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Points to Ponder

By: Rana Goodman / On My Soapbox

As the months tick by, I become more and

more astonished that Maryanne Chiang

(Blaha) still has no resolution in the fight against

her son’s guardianship of her.

In early January, Maryanne’s

attorney filed a motion to dissolve

that guardianship and make

Maryann a free person. In response,

her son requested the court to

relocate her to an assisted living

facility in California.

I believe moving someone to a

different state, when she has a very

active life of social events, charity

work and dates with her many

friends in Sun City Anthem would be

nothing short of a death sentence. It

has been almost three long months

and Judge Linda Marquis has yet to render a decision on dissolving

the guardianship or anything else.

The legal fees from the son’s attorney are now up to $250,000 - with

no end in sight. And now the trustee of Maryanne’s trust, (who was

appointed by her son and his attorney) are claiming they must sell

off Maryanne’s rental properties in order to care for her… WHAT


Does anybody believe this is “justice”?

Moving on to an interesting HOA issue: Located in a Sun City

community, one of the residents became frustrated with a notice he

received regarding a violation of the HOA rules and requirements. In

response, he expressed his frustration to the front of his home.

They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words. What do you think?

I’m sure he didn’t think or care about the consequences to his

neighbors. Unfortunately a widow living on the same street had placed

her home for sale. In anticipation in selling her home, she reserved a

spot in an assisted living facility to spend her final days.

As the closing of the sale approached, the potential new buyers drove

by to look again at their new “forever home.” When they drove past the

man’s home, stopping to stare in amazement, they realized that was

not the street for them.

They apologized to the widow telling her that they could not

complete the sale with “that other house” as a neighbor. Sadly, in a

domino effect, not only did the sale fall though, she also lost her spot in

the assisted living facility.

You might be thinking that the HOA could fix this issue but think

about this. Would they be trespassing if they attempted to clean up the

mess? Would the man just create his masterpiece over again?

It is a “sticky wicket” at best.

You can contact Rana by email: Also

check out her blog about life in Sun City Anthem at:

Scary Scam of the Month

Here’s a more clever email scam received

last month. It sure looks good at first glance.

It even has the correct Chase Bank

logo to give it some legitimacy. But here’s

where it fails. Notice exactly “who” sent

it. Definitely not from Chase Bank. Another

giveaway – the recipient does not have a

Chase bank account.

As always, think before you click on those

attachments. If in doubt, don’t!

What Do You Think?

Do you agree with our columnists?

Did anyone get you angry, make you

think or simply put a smile on your

face? Please tell us by forwarding

your comments, thoughts or

suggestions to Publisher Dan at:


April 2020


What is a Reverse Mortgage?

By: Nick Flores / Loan Educator

reverse mortgage is a mortgage loan for

A homeowners 62 or older that enables them

to access their home equity. This type of loan does

not require a monthly mortgage payment.

This benefits the borrower to continue to live in their home without

this cost. The loan is repaid when either of the following occurs:

borrower sells a home, finds another primary residence to live in, or

passes away.

The legal term for a reverse mortgage is Home Equity Conversion

Mortgage (HECM). Could you benefit from a reverse mortgage?

A reverse mortgage lets you:

1. Access to your property equity to do home improvements, take an

extended vacation, reinvest or save for the future.

2. Gain access to non-taxable cash without affecting your Social

Security or Medicare eligibility.

3. Live in your property without monthly payments and without

losing the title to your home.

4. Finance your loan with minimum out-of-pocket expenses.

5. Choose your loan proceeds in the form of a lump sum, monthly

installments, a line of credit, or opt to combine these forms.

6. Reverse as a purchase loan:

Buy a new primary property

without a mortgage payment.

Are You Qualified? The

requirements are:

1. The borrower needs to be 62

or older (spouses could be younger

than 62) and must be the titleholder of the equity.

2. The borrower must be able to repay their current obligations,

such as homeowners’ insurance and property taxes with no serious late

payments within the past 24 months.

3. All existing loans/liens must be paid off with reverse mortgage

proceeds, or with some other funds during closing.

4. Your home must be a single-family home, 1-4-unit home, a

condominium, a planned unit development, or modular home. A

manufactured home is in some cases eligible.

5. The Federal Housing Administration wants you to understand

the process and receive a certificate upon counseling completion with

third-party counseling; then you can bring the certificate to the lender

and start the process.

Find out if a reverse mortgage is right for you by attending our free

educational seminar. Details below.


April 2020

Insurance Commercials

Part I

By: Jim Valkenburg / Insurance Insight

don’t know about you, but commercials,

I tend to tick me off. But then, that is the

nature of marketing.

The ideal marketing tactic is to get the consumer to buy something

he/she doesn’t need or even knew existed. Another tactic is to deceive by

inuendo or omission or some other gimmick.

And they aren’t limited to insurance. But let’s discuss insurance


Here’s something I encountered on the internet:



Notice that

the headline

includes the

state I’m located

in… it would

read Oregon or

Kentucky or any

state because the

website “knows”

the zip code my

computer is in.

But that’s beside the point.

Here is the point - There is no “new rule” in Nevada or anywhere

else! It is just a “play on words” to get you to read and start clicking on

other interesting looking buttons or phrases.

The only thing this article wants is to get some personal information

from you so you fall prey to insurance companies that will try and sell

you their policy. Not a “new rule” but rather just an old gimmick that

is constantly used.

Want proof it’s a gimmick? Just scroll to the very bottom of the page

(a very long way) and you get to read this:

Clarification of the advertising headline “New Rule in.” -

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines the word “rule” as “a piece

of advice about the best way to do something.” This article aims to

advise the public that comparing rates is one of the best ways that

you can save money on car insurance. No matter what city, state

or zip code you live in you can compare rates and get free quotes.

They even admit that there is no “new rule” but use that phraseology

to entice the reader to start clicking on ads. The whole purpose of

the gimmick is to get you to compare insurance rates with THEIR


I have been telling you to compare insurance premiums in this

column for years. Here’s the bottom line - Find an insurance agent

you can trust and then trust him or her.

Jim Valkenburg is a retired military officer and insurance executive.

He and his wife owned and operated their own insurance agency for

over 16 years. His primary purpose is to give out real information

that can be used to make intelligent insurance decisions.


I’m Sucking Out Your Brains!

By: Vicki Wentz / Vicki’s Voice

We have all heard sentences that have

words that just shouldn’t be within a

hundred yards of each other in normal life. Like,

“Harry, use the meatloaf to move that elephant

away from my underwear.”

Or, “Norma, hurl the cat into the refrigerator until the fire is out.”

There may be a perfectly logical reason for this combination of words,

but at some point I don’t even want to know what that is.

Being a mother, however, I myself have uttered sentences no one

could possibly imagine. For example, let me share with you something

insane that I said on one of those busy, stressed-out, motherhood days

years ago.

I was doing errands not only with my own children in the car, but a

couple of nephews as well.

Eventually, 10-year-old nephew Will began harassing his little

brother, Luke, by placing the palm of one hand against Luke’s head,

and telling him he was sucking out his brains, making disgusting,

slurping sounds for added effect.

My children thought this was hilarious, but 3-year-old Luke would

repeatedly hit his brother and scream, “Aunt Vicki, Will is sucking my

brains out AGAIN! Make him stooooop!”

And I would reply, “Will, stop sucking Luke’s brains out right now!”

Well, this happened once or twice (or eight thousand times) until

Will saw the vein bulging above my left eye and got the message. But,

errands being what they are, he soon became bored again, and began

telling Luke he would take off his arm and keep it, and Luke would

scream accordingly.

When I told Will to reattach Luke’s arm, he did, but then whispered

to Luke that he had reattached a fake arm, and he still had the real

one. More screaming, more hitting, until we stopped at a light, and I,

with all the windows down on a sweet Spring day, turned around and

bellowed: “Will, stop sucking out Luke’s brains, and put his arm

back on this minute, and I don’t mean the fake one!”

Settling back down in my seat, I looked out the window: people in

cars all around us, staring at me, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. I was

the center of attention, and not in a good way, but I did notice a couple

of faces - all mothers filled with recognition… and sympathy.

Vicki Wentz is a writer, teacher and speaker living in North

Carolina. Readers may contact her - and order her new children’s

book! - by visiting her website at



Ray Sarbacker, President of The Vegas

Voice, receiving congratulations for his

service in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

as Flotilla Publications Staff Officer. The

award was presented by Flotilla Commander

Andrew Nelson, (at left, and followed by) Vice

Commanders Dixon Keller and Joe Fisher.


April 2020

Meet The Authors Day

By: Morris Heldt / A Senior’s P.O.V.

Once upon a time, in 1969, a young man

stepped off the Greyhound bus on Vine

Street in Hollywood, California. This young man

had visions of becoming a star, like his screen idol, Steve McQueen.

However, through a series of events he found he had more of a talent

for writing and producing than acting.

With a lot of luck (and many years later) he and his wife ended up

with a nice beach house. They had befriended many working actors

and writers and after having a couple of novels published they thought

it would be a good idea to have a Meet `N Greet the Authors Afternoon

at their house.

They invited several local published authors and asked them to bring

copies of their book to sign and sell. In addition, they also invited some

working actor friends.

He and his wife purchased plenty of beverages and appetizers

and set the scene to act out between 1-5pm. They even arranged for

announcements to appear in the local beach newspapers.

As the day progressed many guests stood on the deck, with cocktail

in hand, and watched the beautiful Pacific Ocean occasionally splash

up some stunning rocks. This accompanied by background music of

Sinatra, Dino and Barbara created an environment for conversation.

What it did not create however was an atmosphere for selling

books. Very few books were sold, but a good time was had by all, with

Hollywood stories flowing (along with the drinks) into the wee hours

of the morning.

As the host of that party I learned a valuable lesson. Like the ocean

washing ashore beautiful rocks after a storm, sometimes a failed event

(in regard to books sales) might create some wonderful memories that

will be cherished for a lifetime. Especially after some of those people

have passed away.

I have a vivid memory of that occasion and shall always remember it

with a smile. And, like the adage we seem to appreciate as we get older,

lemons do make lemonade.

Morris Heldt is a retired award winning film and television

producer and published author. He and his wife moved to the Las

Vegas valley from the beach in 2004.


Would You Buy a Car

From Amazon?

By: BJ Killeen / Down the Road

Amazon is nothing short of a phenomenon.

Some love it because of the convenience,

while others hate it because it’s taking over the world and putting

small stores out of business.

Love it or hate it, Amazon is successful because it’s giving the people

what they want, when they want it and does it in the easiest way possible.

So what does this have to do with buying a car? For many, buying a

car ranks right up there with root canal and tax preparation.

People hate negotiating because they don’t understand a lot of the

legalese and the financing double talk. Buying a car has become such

an ordeal that many dealerships have restaurants as part of the store

because they know car buying can be an all-day event, and hungry

people make terrible buyers.

Right now, it’s against automotive franchise laws to purchase a new

vehicle directly from the manufacturer. A site like Carvana works

because it deals in used cars, and not new ones, so it gets around

franchise laws.

There is a bill being sent to a vote in Colorado brought on by a

new EV truck startup company call Rivian. They wants to sell its

vehicles directly to the customer, bypassing the dealership altogether.

Part of this bill also includes allowing any manufacturer with existing

franchises to sell its own EVs directly to customers.

What does this mean for you?

As a senior, we always have to watch out for someone taking

advantage of us. It’s exhausting to be on guard all the time, and car

dealerships are famous for talking elderly customers into spending

more on features and services they don’t need.

If you could buy any car directly from a dealer or even from a third

party like Amazon, would you do it? Think of the time and money you

might save, not to mention the hassle.

Someday soon, buying a car might be as easy as clicking the “buy

it now” button on a website. The Colorado battle is just the beginning.

BJ Killeen has been an automotive journalist for over 30 years.

She welcomes all questions and inquiries, and can be reached at


April 2020

Don’t Let Smoke Get in

Your Eyes

By: Chuck Dean / Vet 2 Vet

Since cannabis is forbidden by the VA Medical

system, it’s time for a conversation about it.

Every day cannabis is proving to be a great remedy for many ailments,

including PTSD in veterans, and is rapidly gaining much credibility.

Even AARP is getting on the band wagon with excerpts like this: “An

enthusiastic thank you for your article on the medicinal benefits of

CBD and cannabis. Statistics show that states with access to cannabis

continue to have substantially lower rates of opioid addiction and

related deaths compared to those that do not. Putting AARP’s weight

and credibility behind destigmatizing its use is not only timely, it

may also be lifesaving.”

So, with such positive input, maybe things will change, and the Feds

(VA) will get a life. Perhaps cannabis will become a sane alternative to

the destructive drug therapy the VA has used for decades.

Sadly, as of now, a veteran cannot even have a significant conversation

with their primary care provider concerning the usage of cannabis. It’s

a big no-no.

Since this is not a federally regulated column, I’m free to say whatever

I want to about it, so here goes: Veterans - the first thing to remember

if you use cannabis to ease your day, is that smoking or vaping can be

injurious. Choose some other way to enjoy or medicate yourself.

Try some stand-in methods of consumption so as not to risk your

health. Edibles are good, but from what I hear, gummy bears or hard

candy infused with THC can blast you out of this universe and be pretty

unpredictable in dosage.

What do I recommend? Kin Slips. If you have seen, or used those

little breath slips that dissolve on your tongue…this is the same thing,

except when you put it there its infused with THC or CBD. You have

absolute control over the dosage. Pretty cool, eh?

Now, the only catch. As legal as Nevada is, we do not have Kin Slips

available in local cannabis stores. Hopefully they’ll get here in short


Kin Slips are manufactured and sold only in California and I’m glad

California is such a close neighbor.

Chuck Dean served as an Army paratrooper in Vietnam and

through that experience was led to address the many transitional

issues veterans struggle with. He is the author of several important

books for veterans. All can be found on Amazon at: http://www.

We’re now handling



Do You Feel Off-Balance Sometimes?

By: Mary Richard / Health Fitness

Balance - and I don’t mean it the way you

think! Yes, we need balance in our lives and

we start losing our sense of balance beginning in

our middle ages. If we don’t do any balance exercises, we can lose our

balance and take falls.

Have you ever taken a fall? Older adults 60 or older who have not

done any balance exercises have a greater risk of falling. Make it a

habit to do some balance exercises at least 3-4 times a week.

Some easy exercises is to stand at a counter or a steady chair. With

both feet about shoulder width, lift one foot forward at least one inch

and hold as long as you can - 10 seconds or more. Bring that foot down

and then shift to the other foot.

You can also try this by bending the knee and bringing the foot

backward (similar to a flamingo stance). Try holding this for as long

as you can - 10 seconds or more. Repeat for the other foot. Eventually

you should be able to do it without any added object.

Another is to stand behind a chair and start by holding the chair with

both hands for support. To challenge yourself further, try holding onto

the chair with one hand only.

As you feel steady, try using one finger to balance you. Then try

balancing without holding on. When you are steady on your feet, try

doing the exercises with your eyes closed.

With a little more balance exercises each day, you can help

strengthening your core to help prevent falls. The more you do balance

exercises, the less chance of injuring yourself.

I’m in my 72nd year and believe me - I want to prevent falling and

injuring myself as much as I can.


Mary Richard is a long term supporter of senior fitness. She

teaches Zumba, toning and dance classes throughout the Las Vegas

Valley. She can be reached at


The Bible Code

By: Ali Guggenheim / Psychic Phenomenon

Isaac Newton, who likened the Bible to a

“cryptogram set by the Almighty” died while

still searching for the hidden code that he believed

was encrypted in the Bible. Unfortunately, Newton

had no inkling that it would take

more than a human lifetime to

process all the numbers just to read

the code.

Professors Rips and Witztum

began exploring the Torah (Bible)

in the 1980’s. Their studies were

published in Statistical Science,

1994, summarizing that, “the Torah

Code Phenomenon was unlikely to

have occurred by chance.”

Eventually, Dr. Rips utilized the

computer in a way that allowed

him to develop a sophisticated

mathematical model. It’s called “Equidistant Letter Sequences in the

Book of Genesis” which proved Newton’s theory to be 100% correct.

Ultimately, thanks goes to Dr. Eliyahu Rips, a Hebrew University

quantum physics mathematician and his computer. The Bible Code

has been verified by Yale, Harvard, Hebrew University and replicated by

a senior code-breaker at the U.S. Department of Defense.

April 2020

Since its unlocking by the computer, the proven Bible code accurately

described certain major world events that would and did occur -

including some predictions that were thousands of years before their

happening, such as man’s landing on the moon, the rise of Hitler, the

Kennedy assassinations, the Gulf War, etc.

For example: For the Gulf

War, the computer was asked to

search for Saddam Hussein. The

mathematically significant related

words that appeared were scuds with

Russian missiles, the date the war

would begin, and it was encoded

with the name Hussein.

“Although it is true that the Bible

has predicted various historical

events that have come to pass,” Rips

still disagrees with Drosnin, (author

Bible Code book) about predicting

future events.

Drosnin, on the other hand, goes further and suggests that “perhaps

it was deliberately coded in such a way that it wouldn’t be possible to

crack until the dawn of the computer age. Almost like a coded time lock

that couldn’t be opened until modern technology and the advent of the

computer provided the key.”

To contact Ali or for spiritual consultations, coaching, workshops

and readings, email:


Water-wise for a Beautiful Garden

By: Howard Galin / Happy Gardening

The most important factor affecting your

garden is the manner in which you provide

water to your landscape. Improper irrigation can

lead to water waste, higher water costs and even the loss of plants.

In order to have a beautiful garden, it is important to be water-wise.

When adding, updating or modifying your irrigation system, you

should create “hydro zones” based upon the water needs of your

plants, rather than grouping by plant names. Group all plants needing

the same type of irrigation together.

They can be categorized as “moderate water need” like roses or

lavender and be placed on one set of irrigation valves and scheduling,

while desert plants such as cactus, yucca and agave can be grouped

together on a different set of valves and timing. If you are growing

fruits and vegetables, they too should have their own setups.

You should adhere to the Water Authority schedule for watering (1

day a week in winter, 3 days in fall and spring, and 6 days in summer).

This schedule reflects irrigation for moderate water needs plants.

Succulents and native plants should follow a more limited watering

schedule of one day a week in fall and spring; summer should be twice

a week and no irrigation at all during the winter. Keep in mind that it

is not how long you irrigate; it is how often that affects your

plants’ well-being.

Throughout all four seasons the amount of time that you water

should not vary. In my garden I water for 30 minutes each time that I

irrigate regardless of the frequency of days.

Use drip rather than spray irrigation. This prevents run-offs and

waste. Water deep rather than watering frequently is a good rule of

“green” thumb to follow.

As your landscaping matures, it is important to expand the drip areas

because the root systems have spread further away from the plants as

well. You will also need to add additional drips to your system.

Remember that the best time to water is just before dawn so that

there will be minimal evaporation. During the summer months you

may need to water twice a day. This should be done right after sunset.

Have a question? Contact me:

Howard Galin, a/k/a: “The Plant Whisperer” is a retired NYC

school administrator, transplanted in Las Vegas who devotes his

time to communicating with and lecturing about our native



April 2020

Coronavirus, The Pope &

The Hokey Pokey

By: Crystal Merryman-Sarbacker /

Out & About

You may not be old enough to recall this little ditty, but the Hokey

Pokey was a popular song and dance way back in the Fifties. Now

that the age of Aquarius is just a distant memory, and the year of the

Coronavirus has captured everyone’s attention, this old song should

find a new niche.

After all, there is no need for touching anyone or requiring a partner

and it even has the dance steps in the lyrics. “You put your right foot

in, you put your right foot out…and you shake it all about.”

This admittedly is not very clever wording. But in a world that is

currently focused on intimidating facts and figures, and a disease

which is especially dangerous to seniors, the Hokey Pokey offers some

welcome relief. So “do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself around.”

In the meantime, as if things weren’t bad enough, many businesses

and industries that deal directly with the public are having to reduce

their activities or temporarily shut down. The travel industry, for

example, has been thunderstruck.

Giant cruise ships, initially intended to be seagoing amusement

parks are having to deal with countless ill and disgruntled passengers

who may have been confined to their staterooms during a recent

cruise, or perhaps forced to abandon future reservations. Much like the

biblical, overly ambitious builders of the Tower of Babel, ship owners

and engineers are wondering if their goals to launch the biggest ships

on the seas was a good idea.

While on land, Italy, consistently everyone’s number one travel

destination, is shuttered, silent, and devoid of tourists. Even the eightythree

year old Pope, who recently confessed to be suffering from a bad

“cold” has abandoned his regular schedule of personal appearances

and asked for privacy and understanding as he takes to his bed.

But, remember this too, will pass. So, take good care of yourself

and your loved ones. Listen to the TV, radio, or internet for helpful


And when you feel you need a break, just “do the Hokey Pokey, and

turn yourself around. That’s what it’s all about!”

Travel professional, Crystal Merryman-Sarbacker, has visited all

50 U.S. states and over 40 countries. She was awarded 1st Place for

her 2019 Travel Writing by the North American Mature Publishers

Association. She can be reached at

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By: Stu Cooper / Happy Adventures

As I write these words our country, our world

is gripped in the coronavirus pandemic. It

has changed our daily way of life like no other

event in my lifetime.

9/11 was truly horrible for those of us living in New York. And, as an

owner of a travel agency we shuttered our business essentially for three


People didn’t have the confidence in traveling through the balance

of 2001. It wasn’t until January 2002 that people began to travel again.

But everything else pretty much stayed the same. Restaurants were

open; malls were a refuge to visit and shop. Baseball season was in full

swing and we looked forward to the new football season.

This coronavirus outbreak is different. Pretty much everything is shut

down. When the casinos shut down it’s not good. Casinos NEVER close.

I could go on, but we are all living this reality. By now, we all know

the rules. Make sure we practice social distance. Wash your hands! Stay

at home if you don’t have to go out. If you’re over 65 and/or have a

compromised immune system take extra care.

But as I said, THIS TOO SHALL PASS. We might not see the end of the

tunnel today, but I am confident that this crisis shall pass.

We will travel again. We will visit our out of town family and friends.

We will reestablish our Vegas Voyagers Bus to the Boat trips.

We will hold Vegas Voyager Travel Club meetings. We are already

working on trips for the end of 2020 and 2021.

I am an optimistic person by nature. As many of you know, I went

through an open heart surgery procedure back in June. It was scary; I

was scared; but I was also confident that I would come through and be

back 100%. And I feel great.

That’s how I feel about this coronavirus attack. I am confident we

will beat this scourge. We Americans have the capacity to beat any foe

and we will. Let’s face this task together and certainly by the summer

we will defeat this enemy.

Happy adventures to all and most importantly, be well and healthy.


This Too Shall Pass

April 2020

Hualapai Tribe Skywalk

By: Kathy Manney / Around Our World

Stupendous. Spectacular. Adjectives come

easy; however they seem inadequate in

describing Grand Canyon National Park and

Grand Canyon West.

Belonging to the Hualapai Tribe, “The People of the Tall Green

Pines,” are known for living along the rim of the Grand Canyon.

More than two-billion-years in creation, with the Colorado River

establishing its course through the canyon more than 17-millionyears-ago,

the river continues to erode and form the canyon. It is one of

the seven natural wonders of the world.

Hourly the

canyon’s appearance

is ever changing as

shadows deepen to

reds and take on the

color of orange and

wine, slashing side

canyons, pinnacles,

mesas and buttes.

The Hualapai Tribe

is distant cousins

and once neighbors

of the Hopi. Wanting

the Hualapai Tribe

removed from the

Grand Canyon, the

United States Army

harassed the tribe during the late 1800s, ultimately relocating them

in 1874 by a forced march to a reservation called Topaz on the lower

Colorado River.

Many of the Hualapai Tribe who made the cruel hundred mile desert

crossing died. Then in 1883, the surviving Hualapai were given back

their lands along the canyon’s southwestern rim and the huge Hualapai

Indian Reservation was created.

Today, millions of tourists visit the Hualapai Indian Reservation

resort area outside Grand Canyon National Park. One of the attractions

include the popular glass-bottomed Skywalk viewing platform. Built in

2007 its views include the Colorado River as it flows southward.

Rising tourist numbers and development have increasingly

encroached upon the park’s landscape, all of which managed by

complex and fragmented administrators from federal, state and tribal

landownership that complicate conservancy efforts.

During his visit in 1903, Teddy Roosevelt implored: “Leave it as it is.

You cannot improve on it. The ages have been at work on it and man

can only mar it.”

Nonetheless, the Hualapai Tribe’s Skywalk is well worth the visit to

see a different rim of the Grand Canyon.

Kathy Manney enjoys visiting interesting places and being an

Adventure Diva. Her “Must See” travel journeys continue - always

with enthusiasm.

Shelter in Place

By: Dan Roberts / Roberts Rules

You expect me to cook?” my Rana

exclaimed. She was “shocked, shocked” by

such statement.

No getting around it. At least for the time being, our world has

changed. Something unimaginable has swept my PILL’s (partner in

love & life) daily activities – no more restaurants.

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, whether we like it or not, our “set

ways” will change. And with the latest information warning those over

65, or diabetic or with health issues (“Congratulations Rana” I told

her. “You hit the trifecta.”) she, and by extension yours truly, have no

choice but to shelter in place.

As we were getting ready to self-quarantine for the next two weeks, we

did what apparently other crazy people were doing, rushing to Costco.

It wasn’t for water or even toilet paper but for items that according to

her were equally, if not more important – dog treats for her canines.

While customers were reaching for those large TP packages or cases

of water, there was Rana gleefully and happily grabbing 4 bags of doggie

treats. “Look at this” she joyfully proclaimed as if she hit the lottery.

“Different flavors - just in case Muffin wants something different.”

“And there’s no minimum. How lucky did we get!”

Now please don’t misunderstand. If I have to be locked up with

anyone it would be with my Rana.

So as I sat in my recliner hitting the TV remote every five seconds

screaming, “there’s no sports!” Rana was (almost) speechless when

she heard the Governor announce that all “non-essential” businesses

– including her nail and hair salons, would be immediately closed.

“Are you kidding me? If that’s NOT essential, I don’t know what


Anyway as I reached for those never used pots and pans, my Rana

asked, “What are you doing?”

When I explained that under this new normal, either she cooks or we

starve, once again and (as always) my Rana had the last word.

“You can put those things away” she said with a smile. Reaching

into that kitchen drawer, my PILL pulled out a handful of take-out

menus. “Chinese or Italian?” Rana inquired.

Make no mistake – the coronavirus is no match for my Ladylove.



April 2020

A Reminder to All

Vegas Voice Digital Media Manager and Publisher Dan’s Number 4 son

Ross reminding all our readers and everyone to stay safe, be smart and

prepared and... don’t be afraid to smile.


Speaking to and for Las Vegas

Valley Seniors since 2003

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